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GLATEventCube Class Reference

Fermi/LAT event cube class. More...

#include <GLATEventCube.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for GLATEventCube:
GEventCube GEvents GBase

Public Member Functions

 GLATEventCube (void)
 Void constructor.
 GLATEventCube (const GFilename &filename)
 File name constructor.
 GLATEventCube (const GLATEventCube &cube)
 Copy constructor.
virtual ~GLATEventCube (void)
virtual GLATEventCubeoperator= (const GLATEventCube &cube)
 Assignment operator.
virtual GLATEventBinoperator[] (const int &index)
 Event bin access operator.
virtual const GLATEventBinoperator[] (const int &index) const
 Event bin access operator (const version)
virtual void clear (void)
 Clear instance.
virtual GLATEventCubeclone (void) const
 Clone instance.
virtual std::string classname (void) const
 Return class name.
virtual int size (void) const
 Return number of bins in event cube.
virtual int dim (void) const
 Return dimension of event cube.
virtual int naxis (const int &axis) const
 Return number of bins in axis.
virtual void load (const GFilename &filename)
 Load LAT event cube from FITS file.
virtual void save (const GFilename &filename, const bool &clobber=false) const
 Save LAT event cube into FITS file.
virtual void read (const GFits &file)
 Read LAT event cube from FITS file.
virtual void write (GFits &file) const
 Write LAT event cube into FITS file.
virtual double number (void) const
 Return number of events in cube.
virtual std::string print (const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const
 Print event cube information.
void time (const GTime &time)
 Set event cube mean time.
void map (const GSkyMap &map)
 Set event cube from sky map.
void enodes (const GNodeArray &enodes)
 Set event cube energy nodes.
void ontime (const double &ontime)
 Set event cube ontime.
const GTimetime (void) const
 Return event cube mean time.
const GSkyMapmap (void) const
 Return event cube sky map.
const GNodeArrayenodes (void) const
 Return event cube energy nodes.
const double & ontime (void) const
 Return event cube ontime.
int nx (void) const
 Return number of bins in X direction.
int ny (void) const
 Return number of bins in Y direction.
int npix (void) const
 Return number of pixels in event cube sky map.
int ebins (void) const
 Return number of energy bins in event cube.
int ndiffrsp (void) const
 Return number of diffuse model components.
std::string diffname (const int &index) const
 Return name of diffuse model.
GSkyMapdiffrsp (const int &index) const
 Return diffuse response map.
double maxrad (const GSkyDir &dir) const
 Computes the maximum radius (in degrees) around a given source direction that fits spatially into the event cube.
- Public Member Functions inherited from GEventCube
 GEventCube (void)
 Void constructor.
 GEventCube (const GEventCube &cube)
 Copy constructor.
virtual ~GEventCube (void)
virtual GEventCubeoperator= (const GEventCube &cube)
 Assignment operator.
- Public Member Functions inherited from GEvents
 GEvents (void)
 Void constructor.
 GEvents (const GEvents &events)
 Copy constructor.
virtual ~GEvents (void)
virtual GEventsoperator= (const GEvents &events)
 Assignment operator.
void ebounds (const GEbounds &ebounds)
 Set energy boundaries.
void gti (const GGti &gti)
 Set Good Time Intervals.
const GEboundsebounds (void) const
 Return energy boundaries.
const GGtigti (void) const
 Return Good Time Intervals.
const GTimetstart (void) const
 Return start time.
const GTimetstop (void) const
 Return stop time.
const GEnergyemin (void) const
 Return minimum energy.
const GEnergyemax (void) const
 Return maximum energy.
- Public Member Functions inherited from GBase
virtual ~GBase (void)

Protected Member Functions

void init_members (void)
 Initialise class members.
void copy_members (const GLATEventCube &cube)
 Copy class members.
void free_members (void)
 Delete class members.
void read_cntmap (const GFitsImage &hdu)
 Read Fermi/LAT counts map from HDU.
void read_srcmap (const GFitsImage &hdu)
 Read LAT source map from HDU.
void read_ebds (const GFitsTable &hdu)
 Read energy boundaries from HDU.
void read_gti (const GFitsTable &hdu)
 Read GTIs from HDU.
void set_directions (void)
 Set sky directions and solid angles of events cube.
virtual void set_energies (void)
 Set log mean energies and energy widths of event cube.
virtual void set_times (void)
 Set mean event time and ontime of event cube.
void set_bin (const int &index)
 Set event bin.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GEventCube
void init_members (void)
 Initialise class members.
void copy_members (const GEventCube &cube)
 Copy class members.
void free_members (void)
 Delete class members.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GEvents
void init_members (void)
 Initialise class members.
void copy_members (const GEvents &events)
 Copy class members.
void free_members (void)
 Delete class members.

Protected Attributes

GLATEventBin m_bin
 Actual energy bin.
GSkyMap m_map
 Counts map stored as sky map.
GTime m_time
 Event cube mean time.
double m_ontime
 Event cube ontime (sec)
std::vector< GLATInstDirm_dirs
 Array of event directions.
std::vector< double > m_solidangle
 Array of solid angles (sr)
std::vector< GEnergym_energies
 Array of log mean energies.
std::vector< GEnergym_ewidth
 Array of energy bin widths.
std::vector< GSkyMap * > m_srcmap
 Pointers to source maps.
std::vector< std::string > m_srcmap_names
 Source map names.
GNodeArray m_enodes
 Energy nodes.
- Protected Attributes inherited from GEvents
GEbounds m_ebounds
 Energy boundaries covered by events.
GGti m_gti
 Good time intervals covered by events.

Detailed Description

Fermi/LAT event cube class.

Definition at line 53 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GLATEventCube() [1/3]

GLATEventCube::GLATEventCube ( void )

Void constructor.

Definition at line 65 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References init_members().

Referenced by clone().

◆ GLATEventCube() [2/3]

GLATEventCube::GLATEventCube ( const GFilename & filename)

File name constructor.

[in]filenameCounts cube filename.

Construct event cube object by loading the events from a FITS file.

Definition at line 82 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References init_members(), and load().

◆ GLATEventCube() [3/3]

GLATEventCube::GLATEventCube ( const GLATEventCube & cube)

Copy constructor.

[in]cubeLAT event cube.

Definition at line 100 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References copy_members(), and init_members().

◆ ~GLATEventCube()

GLATEventCube::~GLATEventCube ( void )


Definition at line 116 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References free_members().

Member Function Documentation

◆ classname()

std::string GLATEventCube::classname ( void ) const

Return class name.

String containing the class name ("GLATEventCube").

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 135 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

◆ clear()

void GLATEventCube::clear ( void )

Clear instance.

This method properly resets the object to an initial state.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 209 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References GEventCube::free_members(), GEvents::free_members(), free_members(), GEventCube::init_members(), GEvents::init_members(), and init_members().

Referenced by read().

◆ clone()

GLATEventCube * GLATEventCube::clone ( void ) const

Clone instance.

Deep copy of LAT event cube.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 231 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References GLATEventCube().

◆ copy_members()

void GLATEventCube::copy_members ( const GLATEventCube & cube)

Copy class members.

[in]cubeFermi/LAT event cube.

Definition at line 721 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References m_bin, m_dirs, m_energies, m_enodes, m_ewidth, m_map, m_ontime, m_solidangle, m_srcmap, m_srcmap_names, and m_time.

Referenced by GLATEventCube(), and operator=().

◆ diffname()

std::string GLATEventCube::diffname ( const int & index) const

Return name of diffuse model.

[in]indexDiffuse model index [0,...,ndiffrsp()-1].
Name of diffuse model.
GException::out_of_rangeModel index out of valid range.

Returns name of diffuse model.

Definition at line 577 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References G_DIFFNAME, m_srcmap_names, and ndiffrsp().

Referenced by GLATResponse::irf_spatial_bin().

◆ diffrsp()

GSkyMap * GLATEventCube::diffrsp ( const int & index) const

Return diffuse response map.

[in]indexDiffuse model index [0,...,ndiffrsp()-1].
Pointer to diffuse response map.
GException::out_of_rangeModel index out of valid range.

Returns pointer to diffuse model sky map.

Definition at line 603 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References G_DIFFRSP, m_srcmap, and ndiffrsp().

Referenced by GLATResponse::irf_spatial_bin().

◆ dim()

int GLATEventCube::dim ( void ) const

Return dimension of event cube.

Number of dimensions in event cube (either 2 or 3).

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 257 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References dim(), m_map, and GSkyMap::nmaps().

Referenced by dim(), and naxis().

◆ ebins()

int GLATEventCube::ebins ( void ) const

Return number of energy bins in event cube.

Number of energy bins in event cube.

Definition at line 270 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

References m_map, and GSkyMap::nmaps().

Referenced by print(), set_bin(), and set_energies().

◆ enodes() [1/2]

void GLATEventCube::enodes ( const GNodeArray & enodes)

Set event cube energy nodes.

[in]enodesEnergy nodes.

Definition at line 160 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

References enodes(), and m_enodes.

Referenced by GLATResponse::irf_spatial_bin().

◆ enodes() [2/2]

const GNodeArray & GLATEventCube::enodes ( void ) const

Return event cube energy nodes.

Energy nodes.

Definition at line 210 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

References m_enodes.

Referenced by enodes().

◆ free_members()

void GLATEventCube::free_members ( void )

Delete class members.

Definition at line 749 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References m_srcmap, and m_srcmap_names.

Referenced by clear(), operator=(), and ~GLATEventCube().

◆ init_members()

void GLATEventCube::init_members ( void )

◆ load()

void GLATEventCube::load ( const GFilename & filename)

Load LAT event cube from FITS file.

[in]filenameFITS file name.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 312 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References GFits::close(), and read().

Referenced by GLATEventCube().

◆ map() [1/2]

void GLATEventCube::map ( const GSkyMap & map)

Set event cube from sky map.

Definition at line 474 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References m_map, map(), and set_directions().

Referenced by GLATMeanPsf::set_map_corrections().

◆ map() [2/2]

const GSkyMap & GLATEventCube::map ( void ) const

Return event cube sky map.

Sky map.

Definition at line 198 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

References m_map.

Referenced by map(), and read_srcmap().

◆ maxrad()

double GLATEventCube::maxrad ( const GSkyDir & srcDir) const

Computes the maximum radius (in degrees) around a given source direction that fits spatially into the event cube.

[in]srcDirSource direction.
Maximum radius in degrees that fully fits into event cube.

By computing the sky directions of the event cube boundaries, the maximum radius is computed that fits fully within the event cube. This method is used for PSF normalization.

Definition at line 629 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References GSkyMap::contains(), GSkyDir::dist_deg(), m_map, nx(), ny(), and GSkyMap::pix2dir().

Referenced by GLATMeanPsf::set_map_corrections().

◆ naxis()

int GLATEventCube::naxis ( const int & axis) const

Return number of bins in axis.

[in]axisAxis [0,...,dim()-1]
Number of bins in specified axis
GException::out_of_rangeAxis is out of range.

Returns the number of bins along a given event cube axis.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 278 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References dim(), G_NAXIS, m_map, naxis(), GSkyMap::npix(), GSkyMap::nx(), and GSkyMap::ny().

Referenced by naxis().

◆ ndiffrsp()

int GLATEventCube::ndiffrsp ( void ) const

Return number of diffuse model components.

Number of diffuse model components.

Definition at line 282 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

References m_srcmap.

Referenced by diffname(), diffrsp(), and GLATResponse::irf_spatial_bin().

◆ npix()

int GLATEventCube::npix ( void ) const

Return number of pixels in event cube sky map.

Number of pixels in event cube sky map.

Definition at line 258 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

References m_map, and GSkyMap::npix().

Referenced by set_bin(), and set_directions().

◆ number()

double GLATEventCube::number ( void ) const

Return number of events in cube.

Total number of events in event cube.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 451 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References m_map, number(), GSkyMap::pixels(), and size().

Referenced by number(), and print().

◆ nx()

int GLATEventCube::nx ( void ) const

Return number of bins in X direction.

Number of bins in X direction.

Definition at line 234 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

References m_map, and GSkyMap::nx().

Referenced by maxrad(), print(), set_directions(), and GLATMeanPsf::set_map_corrections().

◆ ny()

int GLATEventCube::ny ( void ) const

Return number of bins in Y direction.

Number of bins in Y direction.

Definition at line 246 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

References m_map, and GSkyMap::ny().

Referenced by maxrad(), print(), set_directions(), and GLATMeanPsf::set_map_corrections().

◆ ontime() [1/2]

void GLATEventCube::ontime ( const double & ontime)

Set event cube ontime.


Definition at line 173 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

References m_ontime, and ontime().

◆ ontime() [2/2]

const double & GLATEventCube::ontime ( void ) const

Return event cube ontime.


Definition at line 222 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

References m_ontime.

Referenced by ontime().

◆ operator=()

GLATEventCube & GLATEventCube::operator= ( const GLATEventCube & cube)

Assignment operator.

[in]cubeLAT event cube.
LAT event cube.

Definition at line 138 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References copy_members(), free_members(), init_members(), and GEventCube::operator=().

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

GLATEventBin * GLATEventCube::operator[] ( const int & index)

Event bin access operator.

[in]indexEvent index [0,...,size()-1].
Pointer to event bin.

Returns pointer to an event bin.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 170 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References m_bin, and set_bin().

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

const GLATEventBin * GLATEventCube::operator[] ( const int & index) const

Event bin access operator (const version)

[in]indexEvent index [0,...,size()-1].
Pointer to event bin.

Returns pointer to an event bin.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 188 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References m_bin, and set_bin().

◆ print()

std::string GLATEventCube::print ( const GChatter & chatter = NORMAL) const

Print event cube information.

String containing event cube information.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 493 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References ebins(), GEvents::ebounds(), GEvents::emax(), GEvents::emin(), GEvents::gti(), m_map, m_srcmap, m_srcmap_names, number(), nx(), GSkyMap::nx(), ny(), GSkyMap::ny(), gammalib::parformat(), print(), GSkyProjection::print(), GSkyMap::projection(), gammalib::reduce(), SILENT, size(), gammalib::str(), GEvents::tstart(), and GEvents::tstop().

Referenced by print().

◆ read()

void GLATEventCube::read ( const GFits & fits)

Read LAT event cube from FITS file.

[in]fitsFITS file.

It is assumed that the counts map resides in the primary extension of the FITS file, the energy boundaries reside in the EBOUNDS extension and the Good Time Intervals reside in the GTI extension. The method clears the object before loading, thus any events residing in the object before loading will be lost.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 364 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References GFits::at(), GFitsHDU::card(), clear(), gammalib::extname_ebounds, gammalib::extname_gti, GFitsHDU::exttype(), GFitsHDU::has_card(), GFitsHDU::HT_IMAGE, GFits::image(), read_cntmap(), read_ebds(), read_gti(), read_srcmap(), GFits::size(), and GFits::table().

Referenced by load().

◆ read_cntmap()

void GLATEventCube::read_cntmap ( const GFitsImage & hdu)

Read Fermi/LAT counts map from HDU.

[in]hduImage HDU.

This method reads a Fermi/LAT counts map from a FITS image. The counts map is stored in a GSkyMap object, and a pointer is set up to access the pixels individually. Recall that skymap pixels are stored in the order (ix,iy,ebin).

Definition at line 774 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References m_map, GSkyMap::read(), and set_directions().

Referenced by read().

◆ read_ebds()

void GLATEventCube::read_ebds ( const GFitsTable & hdu)

Read energy boundaries from HDU.

[in]hduEnergy boundaries table.

Read the energy boundaries from the HDU.

Energy bounds read method should take const GFitsTable* as argument

Definition at line 857 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References GEvents::m_ebounds, GEbounds::read(), and set_energies().

Referenced by read().

◆ read_gti()

void GLATEventCube::read_gti ( const GFitsTable & hdu)

Read GTIs from HDU.

[in]hduGTI table.

Reads the Good Time Intervals from the GTI extension. Since the Fermi LAT Science Tools do not set corrently the time reference for source maps, the method automatically adds this missing information so that the time reference is set correctly. The time reference that is assumed for Fermi LAT is

 MJDREFI 51910
 MJDREFF 0.00074287037037037

Definition at line 885 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References GFitsHDU::card(), GFitsTable::clone(), GFitsHDU::has_card(), GFitsHDU::header(), GEvents::m_gti, GGti::read(), set_times(), GFitsHDU::string(), and gammalib::strip_whitespace().

Referenced by read().

◆ read_srcmap()

void GLATEventCube::read_srcmap ( const GFitsImage & hdu)

Read LAT source map from HDU.

[in]hduImage HDU.
GException::invalid_argumentSource map in hdu is not compatible with event cube.

This method reads a LAT source map from a FITS image. The source map is stored in a GSkyMap object and is given in units of counts/pixel/MeV.

Definition at line 798 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References GFitsHDU::extname(), G_READ_SRCMAP, m_map, m_srcmap, m_srcmap_names, map(), GSkyMap::nmaps(), GSkyMap::nx(), GSkyMap::ny(), GSkyMap::projection(), GSkyMap::read(), and gammalib::str().

Referenced by read().

◆ save()

void GLATEventCube::save ( const GFilename & filename,
const bool & clobber = false ) const

Save LAT event cube into FITS file.

[in]filenameFITS file name.
[in]clobberOverwrite existing FITS file? (default: false)

Save the LAT event cube into FITS file.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 336 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References GFits::saveto(), and write().

◆ set_bin()

void GLATEventCube::set_bin ( const int & index)

Set event bin.

[in]indexEvent index [0,...,size()-1].
GException::out_of_rangeEvent index is outside valid range.
GException::invalid_valueEnergy vectors have not been set up. Sky directions and solid angles vectors have not been set up.

This method provides the event attributes to the event bin. The event bin is in fact physically stored in the event cube, and only a single event bin is indeed allocated. This method sets up the pointers in the event bin so that a client can easily access the information of individual bins as if they were stored in an array.

Definition at line 1049 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References ebins(), G_SET_BIN, m_bin, GLATEventBin::m_counts, GLATEventBin::m_cube, GLATEventBin::m_dir, m_dirs, m_energies, GLATEventBin::m_energy, GLATEventBin::m_ewidth, m_ewidth, GLATEventBin::m_ieng, GLATEventBin::m_index, GLATEventBin::m_ipix, m_map, GLATEventBin::m_ontime, m_ontime, GLATEventBin::m_solidangle, m_solidangle, GLATEventBin::m_time, m_time, npix(), GSkyMap::pixels(), size(), and gammalib::str().

Referenced by operator[](), and operator[]().

◆ set_directions()

void GLATEventCube::set_directions ( void )

Set sky directions and solid angles of events cube.

GException::invalid_valueNo sky pixels found in event cube.

This method computes the sky directions and solid angles for all event cube pixels. Sky directions are stored in an array of GLATInstDir objects while solid angles are stored in units of sr in a double precision array.

Definition at line 925 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References G_SET_DIRECTIONS, m_dirs, m_map, m_solidangle, npix(), nx(), ny(), GSkyMap::pix2dir(), and GSkyMap::solidangle().

Referenced by map(), and read_cntmap().

◆ set_energies()

void GLATEventCube::set_energies ( void )

Set log mean energies and energy widths of event cube.

GException::invalid_valueNo energy boundaries found in event cube.

This method computes the log mean energies and the energy widths of the event cube. The log mean energies and energy widths are stored unit independent in arrays of GEnergy objects.

Reimplemented from GEventCube.

Definition at line 966 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References GNodeArray::append(), GNodeArray::clear(), ebins(), GEvents::ebounds(), GEbounds::elogmean(), GEbounds::emax(), GEvents::emax(), GEbounds::emin(), GEvents::emin(), G_SET_ENERGIES, log10(), m_energies, m_enodes, and m_ewidth.

Referenced by read_ebds().

◆ set_times()

void GLATEventCube::set_times ( void )

Set mean event time and ontime of event cube.

GException::invalid_valueNo Good Time Intervals found.

Computes the mean time of the event cube by taking the mean between start and stop time. Computes also the ontime by summing up of all good time intervals.

Could add a more sophisticated mean event time computation that weights by the length of the GTIs, yet so far we do not really use the mean event time, hence there is no rush to implement this.

Reimplemented from GEventCube.

Definition at line 1011 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References G_SET_TIMES, GEvents::m_gti, m_ontime, m_time, GGti::ontime(), GGti::size(), GGti::tstart(), and GGti::tstop().

Referenced by read_gti().

◆ size()

int GLATEventCube::size ( void ) const

Return number of bins in event cube.

Number of bins in event cube.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 242 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References m_map, GSkyMap::nmaps(), and GSkyMap::npix().

Referenced by number(), print(), and set_bin().

◆ time() [1/2]

void GLATEventCube::time ( const GTime & time)

Set event cube mean time.

[in]timeEvent cube mean time.

Definition at line 147 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

References m_time, and time().

◆ time() [2/2]

const GTime & GLATEventCube::time ( void ) const

Return event cube mean time.

Event cube mean time.

Definition at line 186 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

References m_time.

Referenced by time().

◆ write()

void GLATEventCube::write ( GFits & fits) const

Write LAT event cube into FITS file.

[in]fitsFITS file.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 425 of file GLATEventCube.cpp.

References GEvents::ebounds(), GEvents::gti(), m_map, m_srcmap, GEbounds::write(), GGti::write(), and GSkyMap::write().

Referenced by save().

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_bin

GLATEventBin GLATEventCube::m_bin

Actual energy bin.

Definition at line 115 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), init_members(), operator[](), operator[](), and set_bin().

◆ m_dirs

std::vector<GLATInstDir> GLATEventCube::m_dirs

Array of event directions.

Definition at line 119 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), init_members(), set_bin(), and set_directions().

◆ m_energies

std::vector<GEnergy> GLATEventCube::m_energies

Array of log mean energies.

Definition at line 121 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), init_members(), set_bin(), and set_energies().

◆ m_enodes

GNodeArray GLATEventCube::m_enodes

Energy nodes.

Definition at line 125 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), enodes(), enodes(), init_members(), and set_energies().

◆ m_ewidth

std::vector<GEnergy> GLATEventCube::m_ewidth

Array of energy bin widths.

Definition at line 122 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), init_members(), set_bin(), and set_energies().

◆ m_map

GSkyMap GLATEventCube::m_map

◆ m_ontime

double GLATEventCube::m_ontime

Event cube ontime (sec)

Definition at line 118 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), init_members(), ontime(), ontime(), set_bin(), and set_times().

◆ m_solidangle

std::vector<double> GLATEventCube::m_solidangle

Array of solid angles (sr)

Definition at line 120 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), init_members(), set_bin(), and set_directions().

◆ m_srcmap

std::vector<GSkyMap*> GLATEventCube::m_srcmap

Pointers to source maps.

Definition at line 123 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), diffrsp(), free_members(), init_members(), ndiffrsp(), print(), read_srcmap(), and write().

◆ m_srcmap_names

std::vector<std::string> GLATEventCube::m_srcmap_names

Source map names.

Definition at line 124 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), diffname(), free_members(), init_members(), print(), and read_srcmap().

◆ m_time

GTime GLATEventCube::m_time

Event cube mean time.

Definition at line 117 of file GLATEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), init_members(), set_bin(), set_times(), time(), and time().

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