Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- s -
- save() : GApplicationPars, GArf, GCOMDri, GCOMEventCube, GCOMEventList, GCOMIaq, GCOMTim, GCsv, GCTAAeff2D, GCTABackground2D, GCTABackground3D, GCTACubeBackground, GCTACubeEdisp, GCTACubeExposure, GCTACubePsf, GCTAEdisp2D, GCTAEventCube, GCTAEventList, GCTAModelSpatialLookup, GCTAObservation, GCTAPsf2D, GCTAPsfKing, GCTAPsfTable, GEbounds, GEnergies, GEventCube, GEventList, GEvents, GFits, GFitsHDU, GFitsHeader, GFitsTableBoolCol, GFitsTableCol, GFitsTableStringCol, GGti, GLATAeff, GLATEdisp, GLATEventCube, GLATEventList, GLATLtCube, GLATPsf, GLATResponse, GModels, GModelSpatialDiffuseCube, GModelSpectralFunc, GModelSpectralTable, GMWLSpectrum, GNodeArray, GObservations::likelihood, GObservations, GPha, GResponseVectorCache, GRmf, GSkyMap, GSkyRegions, GSPIEventCube, GSPIResponse, GTestSuites, GXml
- save_cache() : GCOMResponse
- save_column() : GFitsTableBitCol, GFitsTableCol
- save_column_fixed() : GFitsTableCol
- save_column_variable() : GFitsTableCol
- save_csv() : GObservations::likelihood
- save_fits() : GObservations::likelihood
- save_image() : GFitsImage
- saveto() : GFits
- scale() : GCTAAeffArf, GCTAResponseTable, GModel, GModelSpatialComposite, GOptimizerPar
- scale_density() : GModelSpatialRadialProfileDMBurkert, GModelSpatialRadialProfileDMEinasto, GModelSpatialRadialProfileDMZhao
- scale_elements() : GMatrixBase
- scale_energy() : GModelSpectralTable
- scale_factor() : GLATPsfBase
- scale_index() : GLATPsfBase
- scale_par1() : GLATPsfBase
- scale_par2() : GLATPsfBase
- scale_radius() : GModelSpatialRadialProfileDMBurkert, GModelSpatialRadialProfileDMEinasto, GModelSpatialRadialProfileDMZhao
- scales() : GModel
- scanf() : GUrl, GUrlFile, GUrlString
- secs() : GTime
- seed() : GRan
- select_non_zero() : GMatrixBase
- semimajor() : GModelSpatialElliptical
- semiminor() : GModelSpatialElliptical
- send_metadata() : GVOClient
- set() : GCOMHkds, GCOMIaq, GCTACubeEdisp, GCTACubeExposure, GCTACubePsf, GCTACubeSource, GCTAOnOffObservation, GEbounds, GEnergies, GFits, GFitsTable, GLATMeanPsf, GLATResponseTable, GModels, GModelSpectralTablePars, GObservations::likelihood, GObservations, GOptimizerPars, GResponseCache, GResponseVectorCache, GSkyDir, GSkyRegions, GSPIResponse, GTestSuite, GTestSuites, GTime, GTimeReference, GWcs, GXml, GXmlNode
- set_all_elements() : GMatrixBase
- set_attributes() : GEbounds, GGti
- set_bin() : GCOMEventCube, GCTAEventCube, GLATEventCube, GSPIEventCube
- set_boundaries() : GCTAAeff2D, GCTAAeffPerfTable, GCTAEdisp2D
- set_cache() : GCOMModelDRBPhibarNodes, GCTAEdispRmf, GModelSpectralBins, GModelSpectralFunc, GModelSpectralNodes, GSPIResponse
- set_data() : GFft
- set_delta_axis() : GCTACubePsf
- set_detids() : GSPIResponse
- set_detxy() : GCTAEventCube
- set_directions() : GCTAEventCube, GLATEventCube
- set_dtype() : GFitsHeaderCard
- set_ebounds() : GMWLSpectrum
- set_energies() : GCOMEventCube, GCOMEventList, GCTAEventCube, GCTAEventList, GEventCube, GEventList, GEvents, GLATEventCube, GLATEventList, GSPIEventCube
- set_energy_boundaries() : GModelSpatialDiffuseCube
- set_energy_nodes() : GModelSpectralTable
- set_eng_axis() : GCTACubeBackground, GCTACubeEdisp, GCTACubeExposure, GCTACubePsf
- set_eval_cache() : GModelSpectralNodes
- set_exposure() : GCTAOnOffObservation
- set_factors() : GFftWavetable
- set_filename() : GFilename
- set_flux_cache() : GModelSpectralNodes
- set_from_buffer() : GCTAModelSpatialLookup
- set_indices() : GCTAAeff2D
- set_inx() : GMatrixSymmetric
- set_lin() : GEnergies
- set_lock() : GWcs
- set_log() : GEnergies
- set_log_chatter() : GApplication
- set_log_filename() : GApplication
- set_logetrue() : GArf
- set_map_corrections() : GLATMeanPsf
- set_matrix() : GCTAEdispRmf
- set_max_edisp() : GCTAEdisp2D, GCTAEdispRmf
- set_mc_id_names() : GCTAEventList
- set_mem_block() : GMatrixSparse
- set_members() : GCTABackground2D, GCTABackground3D, GFftWavetable, GFitsHeaderCard, GWcs
- set_migras() : GCTACubeEdisp
- set_nonzero_indices() : GSkyRegionMap
- set_offsets() : GLATMeanPsf
- set_par_pointers() : GModelSpectralTable
- set_pending() : GFitsTableBitCol
- set_pointers() : GCOMModelDRBPhibarBins, GCOMModelDRBPhibarNodes, GCTAModelAeffBackground, GCTAModelBackground, GCTAModelCubeBackground, GCTAModelIrfBackground, GCTAModelRadialAcceptance, GCTAModelSkyCube, GCTAModelSpatialGaussSpectrum, GModelSky, GSPIModelDataSpace
- set_pow() : GEnergies
- set_region() : GModelSpatial, GModelSpatialComposite, GModelSpatialDiffuse, GModelSpatialDiffuseConst, GModelSpatialDiffuseCube, GModelSpatialDiffuseMap, GModelSpatialElliptical, GModelSpatialEllipticalDisk, GModelSpatialEllipticalGauss, GModelSpatialEllipticalGeneralGauss, GModelSpatialPointSource, GModelSpatialRadial, GModelSpatialRadialDisk, GModelSpatialRadialGauss, GModelSpatialRadialGeneralGauss, GModelSpatialRadialProfile, GModelSpatialRadialRing, GModelSpatialRadialShell
- set_region_circle() : GSkyRegionMap
- set_region_rectangle() : GSkyRegionMap
- set_scatter_angles() : GCOMEventCube
- set_scatter_directions() : GCOMEventCube
- set_statistics() : GApplication
- set_status() : GApplicationPar
- set_table() : GCTAEdisp2D
- set_times() : GCOMEventCube, GCOMEventList, GCTAEventCube, GCTAEventList, GEventCube, GEventList, GEvents, GLATEventCube, GLATEventList, GSPIEventCube
- set_tiny() : GDerivative
- set_to_smooth() : GCTACubePsf
- set_type() : GModelSky
- set_value() : GApplicationPar, GNodeArray
- set_wcs() : GSkyMap, GSPIResponse
- set_z_phi() : GHealpix
- setup() : GModel, GModels, GNodeArray, GSPIModelDataSpace
- setup_date() : GSPIModelDataSpace
- setup_dete() : GSPIModelDataSpace
- setup_detector_indices() : GSPIModelDataSpace
- setup_ebin() : GSPIModelDataSpace
- setup_energy_indices() : GSPIModelDataSpace
- setup_evtclass() : GSPIModelDataSpace
- setup_orbit() : GSPIModelDataSpace
- setup_pars() : GSPIModelDataSpace
- setup_point() : GSPIModelDataSpace
- setup_pointing_indices() : GSPIModelDataSpace
- shape() : GFft, GNdarray, GSkyMap
- shutdown_hub() : GVOClient
- sigma() : GCOMD1Response, GCOMD2Response, GCTAAeffArf, GCTAAeffPerfTable, GCTABackgroundPerfTable, GCTAModelRadialGauss, GCTAModelSpatialGaussSpectrum, GModelSpatialRadialGauss, GModelSpatialRadialProfileGauss, GModelSpectralGauss
- signal_analytical_gradients() : GModelSky
- silent() : GDerivative, GIntegral, GIntegrals
- size() : com_elliptical_kerns_omega, com_elliptical_kerns_rho, com_radial_kerns_omega, com_radial_kerns_rho, cta_psf_radial_kerns_delta, cta_psf_radial_kerns_phi, GApplicationPars, GArf, GCaldb, GCOMBvcs, GCOMDri, GCOMDris, GCOMEventBin, GCOMEventCube, GCOMEventList, GCOMHkd, GCOMHkds, GCOMOads, GContainer, GCsv, GCTAAeffArf, GCTAAeffPerfTable, GCTABackgroundPerfTable, GCTAEventBin, GCTAEventCube, GCTAEventList, GCTAModelRadialRegistry, GCTAModelSpatial, GCTAModelSpatialRegistry, GEbounds, GEnergies, GEphemerides, GEvent, GEventAtom, GEventBin, GEventCube, GEventList, GEvents, GFft, GFftWavetable, GFits, GFitsHeader, GFunctions, GGti, GHealpix, GLATAeff, GLATEdisp, GLATEventBin, GLATEventCube, GLATEventList, GLATMeanPsf, GLATPsf, GLATPsfBase, GLATResponse, GLATResponseTable, GLog, GMatrixBase, GModel, GModelAssociation, GModelAssociations, GModelRegistry, GModels, GModelSpatial, GModelSpatialRegistry, GModelSpectral, GModelSpectralRegistry, GModelSpectralTablePar, GModelSpectralTablePars, GModelTemporal, GModelTemporalRegistry, GMWLDatum, GMWLSpectrum, GNdarray, GNodeArray, GObservationRegistry, GObservations, GOptimizerPars, GPha, GPhases, GPhotons, GPulsar, GRegistry, GResponse::edisp_kerns, GResponseCache, GResponseVectorCache, GRmf, GSkyDirs, GSkyPixel, GSkyProjection, GSkyRegions, GSPIEventBin, GSPIEventCube, GTestSuite, GTestSuites, GTimes, GVector, GVectorSparse, GWcs, GWcsRegistry, GXml, GXmlNode, spi_elliptical_kerns_omega, spi_elliptical_kerns_rho, spi_radial_kerns_omega, spi_radial_kerns_rho
- size_edisp_vector() : GResponse
- skydir() : GCTAPointing
- slice() : GVector
- smearing_kernel() : GCOMIaq::smearing_kernel
- smooth() : GSkyMap
- smooth_array() : GCTAEdisp2D
- smooth_robust() : GDerivative
- smooth_table() : GCTAEdisp2D
- smoothed_array_value() : GCTAEdisp2D
- solid_angle() : GCTABackground2D, GCTABackground3D
- solidangle() : GCOMEventBin, GCTABackgroundPerfTable, GCTAEventBin, GHealpix, GLATEventBin, GSkyMap, GSkyProjection, GSkyRegion, GWcs
- solve() : GMatrix, GMatrixSparse, GMatrixSymmetric
- spatial() : GCTAModelBackground, GModelSky
- spc_ini() : GWcs
- spectral() : GCTAModelAeffBackground, GCTAModelBackground, GCTAModelCubeBackground, GCTAModelIrfBackground, GCTAModelRadialAcceptance, GCTAModelSkyCube, GModelSky
- spectrum() : GCTABackground2D, GCTABackground3D, GCTABackground, GCTABackgroundPerfTable, GModelSpatialDiffuseCube
- sph_s2x() : GWcs
- sph_x2s() : GWcs
- spi_elliptical_kerns_omega() : spi_elliptical_kerns_omega
- spi_elliptical_kerns_rho() : spi_elliptical_kerns_rho
- spi_radial_kerns_omega() : spi_radial_kerns_omega
- spi_radial_kerns_rho() : spi_radial_kerns_rho
- spi_x() : GSPIEventCube
- spi_z() : GSPIEventCube
- split_pointing_indices() : GSPIModelDataSpace
- spread_bits() : GHealpix
- ssb() : GCOMBvc
- stack_destroy() : GMatrixSparse
- stack_flush() : GMatrixSparse
- stack_init() : GMatrixSparse
- stack_maps() : GSkyMap
- stack_push_column() : GMatrixSparse
- stamp() : GApplication
- standalone() : GXmlDocument
- start() : GDaemon, GVOHub
- start_hub() : GVOHub
- statistic() : GObservation
- statistics() : GApplication
- statistics_filename() : GDaemon
- status() : GOptimizer, GOptimizerLM
- status_string() : GOptimizerLM
- step_frac() : GDerivative
- step_size() : GOptimizerLM
- stop_query() : GApplicationPar
- strides() : GFft, GNdarray
- string() : GApplicationPar, GCsv, GFitsHDU, GFitsHeader, GFitsHeaderCard, GFitsTableBitCol, GFitsTableBoolCol, GFitsTableByteCol, GFitsTableCDoubleCol, GFitsTableCFloatCol, GFitsTableCol, GFitsTableDoubleCol, GFitsTableFloatCol, GFitsTableLongCol, GFitsTableLongLongCol, GFitsTableShortCol, GFitsTableStringCol, GFitsTableULongCol, GFitsTableUShortCol, GUrlString, GXmlElement
- success() : GTestSuite
- sum() : GMatrix, GMatrixBase, GMatrixSparse, GMatrixSymmetric
- sum_of_scales() : GModelSpatialComposite
- sun() : GSkyDir
- synchronise() : GApplicationPars
- syspfiles() : GApplicationPars
- syspfiles_path() : GApplicationPars