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GCTAEventCube Class Reference

CTA event bin container class. More...

#include <GCTAEventCube.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for GCTAEventCube:
GEventCube GEvents GBase

Public Member Functions

 GCTAEventCube (void)
 Void constructor.
 GCTAEventCube (const GFilename &filename)
 File name constructor.
 GCTAEventCube (const GSkyMap &map, const GEbounds &ebds, const GGti &gti)
 GCTAEventCube (const GSkyMap &map, const GSkyMap &weights, const GEbounds &ebds, const GGti &gti)
 GCTAEventCube (const GCTAEventCube &cube)
 Copy constructor.
virtual ~GCTAEventCube (void)
virtual GCTAEventCubeoperator= (const GCTAEventCube &cube)
 Assignment operator.
virtual GCTAEventBinoperator[] (const int &index)
 Event bin access operator.
virtual const GCTAEventBinoperator[] (const int &index) const
 Event bin access operator (const version)
virtual void clear (void)
 Clear CTA event cube.
virtual GCTAEventCubeclone (void) const
 Clone CTA event cube.
virtual std::string classname (void) const
 Return class name.
virtual int size (void) const
 Return number of bins in event cube.
virtual int dim (void) const
 Return dimension of event cube.
virtual int naxis (const int &axis) const
 Return number of bins in axis.
virtual void load (const GFilename &filename)
 Load CTA event cube from FITS file.
virtual void save (const GFilename &filename, const bool &clobber=false) const
 Save CTA event cube into FITS file.
virtual void read (const GFits &file)
 Read CTA event cube from FITS file.
virtual void write (GFits &file) const
 Write CTA event cube into FITS file.
virtual double number (void) const
 Return number of events in cube.
virtual std::string print (const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const
 Print event cube information.
const GTimetime (void) const
 Return event cube mean time.
const GEnergyenergy (const int &index) const
 Return energy of cube layer.
void counts (const GSkyMap &counts)
 Set event cube counts from sky map.
const GSkyMapcounts (void) const
 Return event cube counts as sky map.
void weights (const GSkyMap &weights)
 Set event cube weights from sky map.
const GSkyMapweights (void) const
 Return event cube weights as sky map.
int nx (void) const
 Return number of bins in X direction.
int ny (void) const
 Return number of bins in Y direction.
int npix (void) const
 Return number of pixels in one energy bins of the event cube.
int ebins (void) const
 Return number of energy bins in the event cube.
- Public Member Functions inherited from GEventCube
 GEventCube (void)
 Void constructor.
 GEventCube (const GEventCube &cube)
 Copy constructor.
virtual ~GEventCube (void)
virtual GEventCubeoperator= (const GEventCube &cube)
 Assignment operator.
- Public Member Functions inherited from GEvents
 GEvents (void)
 Void constructor.
 GEvents (const GEvents &events)
 Copy constructor.
virtual ~GEvents (void)
virtual GEventsoperator= (const GEvents &events)
 Assignment operator.
void ebounds (const GEbounds &ebounds)
 Set energy boundaries.
void gti (const GGti &gti)
 Set Good Time Intervals.
const GEboundsebounds (void) const
 Return energy boundaries.
const GGtigti (void) const
 Return Good Time Intervals.
const GTimetstart (void) const
 Return start time.
const GTimetstop (void) const
 Return stop time.
const GEnergyemin (void) const
 Return minimum energy.
const GEnergyemax (void) const
 Return maximum energy.
- Public Member Functions inherited from GBase
virtual ~GBase (void)

Protected Member Functions

void init_members (void)
 Initialise class members.
void copy_members (const GCTAEventCube &cube)
 Copy class members.
void free_members (void)
 Delete class members.
void read_cntmap (const GFitsImage &hdu)
 Read CTA counts map from HDU.
void read_ebds (const GFitsTable &hdu)
 Read energy boundaries from HDU.
void read_gti (const GFitsTable &hdu)
 Read GTIs from HDU.
void set_directions (void)
 Set sky directions and solid angles of events cube.
void set_detxy (const GCTAPointing &pnt)
 Set DETX and DETY coordinates.
virtual void set_energies (void)
 Set log mean energies and energy widths of event cube.
virtual void set_times (void)
 Set mean event time and ontime of event cube.
void init_bin (void)
 Initialise event bin.
void set_bin (const int &index)
 Set event bin.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GEventCube
void init_members (void)
 Initialise class members.
void copy_members (const GEventCube &cube)
 Copy class members.
void free_members (void)
 Delete class members.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GEvents
void init_members (void)
 Initialise class members.
void copy_members (const GEvents &events)
 Copy class members.
void free_members (void)
 Delete class members.

Protected Attributes

GSkyMap m_map
 Counts cube stored as sky map.
GSkyMap m_weights
 Cube weights stored as sky map.
GCTAEventBin m_bin
 Actual event bin.
GTime m_time
 Event cube mean time.
GCTAPointing m_pnt
 Event cube pointing.
bool m_has_pnt
 Event cube has pointing.
std::vector< GCTAInstDirm_dirs
 Array of event directions.
std::vector< double > m_solidangle
 Array of solid angles (sr)
std::vector< GEnergym_energies
 Array of log mean energies.
std::vector< GEnergym_ewidth
 Array of energy bin widths.
double m_ontime
 Event cube ontime (sec)
- Protected Attributes inherited from GEvents
GEbounds m_ebounds
 Energy boundaries covered by events.
GGti m_gti
 Good time intervals covered by events.

Detailed Description

CTA event bin container class.

This class is a container class for CTA event bins.

Definition at line 62 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GCTAEventCube() [1/5]

GCTAEventCube::GCTAEventCube ( void )

Void constructor.

Definition at line 62 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References init_members().

Referenced by clone().

◆ GCTAEventCube() [2/5]

GCTAEventCube::GCTAEventCube ( const GFilename & filename)

File name constructor.

[in]filenameCounts cube filename.

Constructs instance of events cube from a counts cube file.

Definition at line 79 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References init_members(), and load().

◆ GCTAEventCube() [3/5]

GCTAEventCube::GCTAEventCube ( const GSkyMap & map,
const GEbounds & ebds,
const GGti & gti )


[in]mapSky map.
[in]ebdsEnergy boundaries.
[in]gtiGood Time intervals.

Constructs instance of events cube from a sky map, energy boundaries and Good Time Intervals. All event cube weights are set to unity.

Definition at line 102 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References GEvents::ebounds(), GEvents::gti(), init_members(), m_map, m_weights, set_directions(), set_energies(), and set_times().

◆ GCTAEventCube() [4/5]

GCTAEventCube::GCTAEventCube ( const GSkyMap & map,
const GSkyMap & weights,
const GEbounds & ebds,
const GGti & gti )


[in]mapSky map.
[in]weightsEvent cube weights.
[in]ebdsEnergy boundaries.
[in]gtiGood Time intervals.

Constructs instance of events cube from a sky map, a map of weights, energy boundaries and Good Time Intervals.

Definition at line 143 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References GEvents::ebounds(), GEvents::gti(), init_members(), m_map, m_weights, set_directions(), set_energies(), set_times(), and weights().

◆ GCTAEventCube() [5/5]

GCTAEventCube::GCTAEventCube ( const GCTAEventCube & cube)

Copy constructor.

[in]cubeEvent cube.

Definition at line 178 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References copy_members(), and init_members().

◆ ~GCTAEventCube()

GCTAEventCube::~GCTAEventCube ( void )


Definition at line 194 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References free_members().

Member Function Documentation

◆ classname()

std::string GCTAEventCube::classname ( void ) const

Return class name.

String containing the class name ("GCTAEventCube").

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 142 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

◆ clear()

void GCTAEventCube::clear ( void )

Clear CTA event cube.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 283 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References free_members(), GEventCube::free_members(), GEvents::free_members(), init_members(), GEventCube::init_members(), and GEvents::init_members().

Referenced by load(), and read().

◆ clone()

GCTAEventCube * GCTAEventCube::clone ( void ) const

Clone CTA event cube.

Pointer to deep copy of CTA event cube.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 305 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References GCTAEventCube().

◆ copy_members()

void GCTAEventCube::copy_members ( const GCTAEventCube & cube)

Copy class members.

[in]cubeEvent cube.

This method copies the class members from another event cube in the actual object. It also prepares the event bin member that will be returned in case of an operator access to the class.

Definition at line 747 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References init_bin(), m_dirs, m_energies, m_ewidth, GEvents::m_gti, m_has_pnt, m_map, m_ontime, m_pnt, m_solidangle, m_time, and m_weights.

Referenced by GCTAEventCube(), and operator=().

◆ counts() [1/2]

void GCTAEventCube::counts ( const GSkyMap & counts)

Set event cube counts from sky map.

[in]countsEvent cube counts sky map.

Sets event cube counts from sky map. The methods also sets all weights to unity.

Definition at line 575 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References counts(), m_has_pnt, m_map, m_pnt, m_weights, set_detxy(), and set_directions().

Referenced by GCTACubeBackground::fill(), and GCTAResponseCube::irf_radial().

◆ counts() [2/2]

const GSkyMap & GCTAEventCube::counts ( void ) const

Return event cube counts as sky map.

Event cube counts.

Returns the event cube counts as sky map.

Definition at line 169 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

References m_map.

Referenced by counts().

◆ dim()

int GCTAEventCube::dim ( void ) const

Return dimension of event cube.

Dimension of event cube.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 154 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

References m_map, and GSkyMap::nmaps().

Referenced by naxis().

◆ ebins()

int GCTAEventCube::ebins ( void ) const

Return number of energy bins in the event cube.

Number of energy bins in the event cube.

Definition at line 246 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

References m_map, and GSkyMap::nmaps().

Referenced by energy(), GCTAResponseCube::irf_radial(), GCTAResponseCube::irf_spatial(), print(), set_bin(), and set_energies().

◆ energy()

const GEnergy & GCTAEventCube::energy ( const int & index) const

Return energy of cube layer.

[in]indexEvent cube layer index [0,...,ebins()-1]
Energy of event cube layer
GException::out_of_rangeLayer index is out of range.

Returns the energy of the event cube layer specified by index.

Definition at line 609 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References ebins(), G_ENERGY, and m_energies.

Referenced by GCTAResponseCube::irf_radial().

◆ free_members()

void GCTAEventCube::free_members ( void )

Delete class members.

Definition at line 778 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

Referenced by clear(), operator=(), and ~GCTAEventCube().

◆ init_bin()

void GCTAEventCube::init_bin ( void )

Initialise event bin.

This method initialises the event bin. The event bin is cleared and all fixed pointers are set.

Definition at line 1027 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References GCTAEventBin::free_members(), m_bin, GCTAEventBin::m_ontime, m_ontime, GCTAEventBin::m_time, and m_time.

Referenced by copy_members(), and init_members().

◆ init_members()

◆ load()

void GCTAEventCube::load ( const GFilename & filename)

Load CTA event cube from FITS file.

[in]filenameFITS filename.

Loads the event cube from a FITS file. See the read() method for more information about the structure of the FITS file.

The method clears the object before loading, thus any events residing in the object before loading will be lost.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 374 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References clear(), GFits::close(), and read().

Referenced by GCTAEventCube().

◆ naxis()

int GCTAEventCube::naxis ( const int & axis) const

Return number of bins in axis.

[in]axisAxis [0,...,dim()-1]
Number of bins in specified axis
GException::out_of_rangeAxis is out of range.

Returns the number of bins along a given event cube axis.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 335 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References dim(), G_NAXIS, m_map, naxis(), GSkyMap::nmaps(), GSkyMap::nx(), and GSkyMap::ny().

Referenced by naxis().

◆ npix()

int GCTAEventCube::npix ( void ) const

Return number of pixels in one energy bins of the event cube.

Number of pixels in one energy bins of the event cube.

Definition at line 234 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

References m_map, and GSkyMap::npix().

Referenced by GCTACubeBackground::fill(), GCTAResponseCube::irf_radial(), print(), set_bin(), and set_directions().

◆ number()

double GCTAEventCube::number ( void ) const

Return number of events in cube.

Number of events in cube, rounded to nearest integer value.

Returns the total number of events in the cube. All cube bins with a negative content will be excluded from the sum.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 545 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References m_map, number(), GSkyMap::pixels(), and size().

Referenced by number(), and print().

◆ nx()

int GCTAEventCube::nx ( void ) const

Return number of bins in X direction.

Number of bins in X direction.

Definition at line 210 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

References m_map, and GSkyMap::nx().

Referenced by GCTAResponseCube::irf_spatial(), and set_directions().

◆ ny()

int GCTAEventCube::ny ( void ) const

Return number of bins in Y direction.

Number of bins in Y direction.

Definition at line 222 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

References m_map, and GSkyMap::ny().

Referenced by GCTAResponseCube::irf_spatial(), and set_directions().

◆ operator=()

GCTAEventCube & GCTAEventCube::operator= ( const GCTAEventCube & cube)

Assignment operator.

[in]cubeEvent cube.
Event cube

Definition at line 216 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References copy_members(), free_members(), init_members(), and GEventCube::operator=().

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

GCTAEventBin * GCTAEventCube::operator[] ( const int & index)

Event bin access operator.

[in]indexEvent index [0,...,size()-1].

Returns pointer to an event bin.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 247 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References m_bin, and set_bin().

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

const GCTAEventBin * GCTAEventCube::operator[] ( const int & index) const

Event bin access operator (const version)

[in]indexEvent index [0,...,size()-1].

Returns pointer to an event bin.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 264 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References m_bin.

◆ print()

std::string GCTAEventCube::print ( const GChatter & chatter = NORMAL) const

Print event cube information.

String containing event cube information.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 630 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References GCTAPointing::dir(), ebins(), GEvents::ebounds(), GEvents::emax(), GEvents::emin(), GEvents::gti(), m_has_pnt, m_map, m_pnt, npix(), number(), gammalib::parformat(), print(), GSkyDir::print(), GSkyMap::print(), gammalib::reduce(), SILENT, size(), gammalib::str(), GEvents::tstart(), and GEvents::tstop().

Referenced by print().

◆ read()

void GCTAEventCube::read ( const GFits & fits)

Read CTA event cube from FITS file.

[in]fitsFITS file.

Read an event cube from a FITS file. The following HDUs will be read

 COUNTS - Counts cube (or primary extension if COUNTS does not exist)
 WEIGHTS - Weights for each counts cube bin (optional)
 EBOUNDS - Energy boundaries
 GTI - Good Time Intervals

The method clears the event cube before reading, thus any events residing in the event cube will be lost.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 434 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References clear(), GFits::contains(), gammalib::extname_cta_counts, gammalib::extname_cta_weights, gammalib::extname_ebounds, gammalib::extname_gti, GFits::image(), m_map, m_weights, GSkyMap::read(), read_cntmap(), read_ebds(), read_gti(), and GFits::table().

Referenced by load().

◆ read_cntmap()

void GCTAEventCube::read_cntmap ( const GFitsImage & hdu)

Read CTA counts map from HDU.

[in]hduImage HDU.

This method reads a CTA counts map from a FITS HDU. The counts map is stored in a GSkyMap object.

Definition at line 793 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References GCTAPointing::dir(), GFitsHDU::has_card(), m_has_pnt, m_map, m_pnt, GSkyDir::radec_deg(), GSkyMap::read(), GFitsHDU::real(), set_detxy(), and set_directions().

Referenced by read().

◆ read_ebds()

void GCTAEventCube::read_ebds ( const GFitsTable & hdu)

Read energy boundaries from HDU.

[in]hduEnergy boundaries table.

Read the energy boundaries from the HDU.

Definition at line 830 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References GEvents::m_ebounds, GEbounds::read(), and set_energies().

Referenced by read().

◆ read_gti()

void GCTAEventCube::read_gti ( const GFitsTable & hdu)

Read GTIs from HDU.

[in]hduGTI table.

Reads the Good Time Intervals from the HDU.

Definition at line 850 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References GEvents::m_gti, GGti::read(), and set_times().

Referenced by read().

◆ save()

void GCTAEventCube::save ( const GFilename & filename,
const bool & clobber = false ) const

Save CTA event cube into FITS file.

[in]filenameFITS filename.
[in]clobberOverwrite existing FITS file.

Save the CTA event cube into FITS file. See the write() method for more information about the structure of the FITS file.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 402 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References GFits::saveto(), and write().

◆ set_bin()

void GCTAEventCube::set_bin ( const int & index)

Set event bin.

[in]indexEvent index [0,...,size()-1].
GException::out_of_rangeEvent index is outside valid range.
GException::invalid_valueEnergy vectors have not been set up. Sky directions and solid angles vectors have not been set up.

This method provides the event attributes to the event bin. The event bin is in fact physically stored in the event cube, and only a single event bin is indeed allocated. This method sets up the pointers in the event bin so that a client can easily access the information of individual bins as if they were stored in an array.

Definition at line 1058 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References ebins(), G_SET_BIN, m_bin, GCTAEventBin::m_counts, GCTAEventBin::m_dir, m_dirs, m_energies, GCTAEventBin::m_energy, GCTAEventBin::m_ewidth, m_ewidth, GCTAEventBin::m_ieng, GCTAEventBin::m_ipix, m_map, GCTAEventBin::m_solidangle, m_solidangle, GCTAEventBin::m_weight, m_weights, npix(), GSkyMap::pixels(), size(), and gammalib::str().

Referenced by operator[]().

◆ set_detxy()

void GCTAEventCube::set_detxy ( const GCTAPointing & pnt)

Set DETX and DETY coordinates.

[in]pntCTA pointing.

Computes DETX and DETY coordinates for a given pointing direction.

Definition at line 924 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References GCTAPointing::instdir(), m_dirs, and size().

Referenced by counts(), and read_cntmap().

◆ set_directions()

void GCTAEventCube::set_directions ( void )

Set sky directions and solid angles of events cube.

GException::invalid_valueNo sky pixels found in event cube.

This method computes the sky directions and solid angles for all event cube pixels. Sky directions are stored in an array of GCTAInstDir objects while solid angles are stored in units of sr in an array of double precision variables.

A kluge has been introduced that handles invalid pixels. Invalid pixels may occur if a Hammer-Aitoff projection is used. In this case, pixels may lie outside the valid sky region. As invalid pixels lead to exceptions in the WCS classes, we simply need to catch the exceptions here. Invalid pixels are signaled by setting the solid angle of the pixel to 0.

Definition at line 880 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References G_SET_DIRECTIONS, m_dirs, m_map, m_solidangle, npix(), nx(), ny(), GSkyMap::pix2dir(), and GSkyMap::solidangle().

Referenced by counts(), GCTAEventCube(), GCTAEventCube(), and read_cntmap().

◆ set_energies()

void GCTAEventCube::set_energies ( void )

Set log mean energies and energy widths of event cube.

GException::invalid_valueNo energy boundaries found in event cube.

This method computes the log mean energies and the energy widths of the event cube. The log mean energies and energy widths are stored unit independent in arrays of GEnergy objects.

Reimplemented from GEventCube.

Definition at line 955 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References ebins(), GEvents::ebounds(), GEvents::emax(), GEvents::emin(), G_SET_ENERGIES, m_energies, m_ewidth, and GEbounds::size().

Referenced by GCTAEventCube(), GCTAEventCube(), and read_ebds().

◆ set_times()

void GCTAEventCube::set_times ( void )

Set mean event time and ontime of event cube.

GException::invalid_valueNo Good Time Intervals found.

Computes the mean time of the event cube by taking the mean between start and stop time. Computes also the ontime by summing up of all good time intervals.

Could add a more sophisticated mean event time computation that weights by the length of the GTIs, yet so far we do not really use the mean event time, hence there is no rush to implement this.

Reimplemented from GEventCube.

Definition at line 1000 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References G_SET_TIMES, GEvents::m_gti, m_ontime, m_time, GGti::ontime(), GGti::size(), GGti::tstart(), and GGti::tstop().

Referenced by GCTAEventCube(), GCTAEventCube(), and read_gti().

◆ size()

int GCTAEventCube::size ( void ) const

Return number of bins in event cube.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 314 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References m_map, GSkyMap::nmaps(), and GSkyMap::npix().

Referenced by GCTACubeBackground::fill(), number(), print(), set_bin(), and set_detxy().

◆ time()

const GTime & GCTAEventCube::time ( void ) const

Return event cube mean time.

Event cube mean time.

Definition at line 258 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

References m_time.

Referenced by GCTAResponseCube::irf_radial().

◆ weights() [1/2]

void GCTAEventCube::weights ( const GSkyMap & weights)

Set event cube weights from sky map.

[in]weightsEvent cube weights sky map.

Sets the event cube weights from sky map.

Definition at line 197 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

References m_weights, and weights().

◆ weights() [2/2]

const GSkyMap & GCTAEventCube::weights ( void ) const

Return event cube weights as sky map.

Event cube weights.

Returns the event cube weights as sky map.

Definition at line 183 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

References m_weights.

Referenced by GCTAEventCube(), and weights().

◆ write()

void GCTAEventCube::write ( GFits & fits) const

Write CTA event cube into FITS file.

[in]fitsFITS file.

Writes CTA event cube into a FITS file. The following HDUs will be written

 COUNTS - Counts cube
 WEIGHTS - Weights for each counts cube bin
 EBOUNDS - Energy boundaries
 GTI - Good Time Intervals

The counts cube will be written as a double precision sky map. The weighing cube contains the weight for each counts cube, computed as the fraction of the event bin that has been selected in filling the counts cube. This allows to account for proper stacking of observations with different energy thresholds, or different regions of interest. The energy boundaries for all counts cube layers are also written, as well as the Good Time Intervals that have been used in generating the counts cube.

Implements GEventCube.

Definition at line 501 of file GCTAEventCube.cpp.

References GFits::contains(), GEvents::ebounds(), gammalib::extname_cta_counts, gammalib::extname_cta_weights, gammalib::extname_ebounds, gammalib::extname_gti, GEvents::gti(), m_map, m_weights, GFits::remove(), GEbounds::write(), GGti::write(), and GSkyMap::write().

Referenced by save(), and GCTAObservation::write().

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_bin

GCTAEventBin GCTAEventCube::m_bin

Actual event bin.

Definition at line 124 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by init_bin(), init_members(), operator[](), operator[](), and set_bin().

◆ m_dirs

std::vector<GCTAInstDir> GCTAEventCube::m_dirs

Array of event directions.

Definition at line 128 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), init_members(), set_bin(), set_detxy(), and set_directions().

◆ m_energies

std::vector<GEnergy> GCTAEventCube::m_energies

Array of log mean energies.

Definition at line 130 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), energy(), init_members(), set_bin(), and set_energies().

◆ m_ewidth

std::vector<GEnergy> GCTAEventCube::m_ewidth

Array of energy bin widths.

Definition at line 131 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), init_members(), set_bin(), and set_energies().

◆ m_has_pnt

bool GCTAEventCube::m_has_pnt

Event cube has pointing.

Definition at line 127 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), counts(), init_members(), print(), and read_cntmap().

◆ m_map

GSkyMap GCTAEventCube::m_map

◆ m_ontime

double GCTAEventCube::m_ontime

Event cube ontime (sec)

Definition at line 132 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), init_bin(), init_members(), and set_times().

◆ m_pnt

GCTAPointing GCTAEventCube::m_pnt

Event cube pointing.

Definition at line 126 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), counts(), init_members(), print(), and read_cntmap().

◆ m_solidangle

std::vector<double> GCTAEventCube::m_solidangle

Array of solid angles (sr)

Definition at line 129 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), init_members(), set_bin(), and set_directions().

◆ m_time

GTime GCTAEventCube::m_time

Event cube mean time.

Definition at line 125 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), init_bin(), init_members(), set_times(), and time().

◆ m_weights

GSkyMap GCTAEventCube::m_weights

Cube weights stored as sky map.

Definition at line 123 of file GCTAEventCube.hpp.

Referenced by copy_members(), counts(), GCTAEventCube(), GCTAEventCube(), init_members(), read(), set_bin(), weights(), weights(), and write().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: