C__fitsfile | |
Ccom_elliptical_kerns_omega | Kernel for azimuth angle integration of elliptical models |
Ccom_elliptical_kerns_rho | Kernel for rho angle integration of elliptical models |
Ccom_radial_kerns_omega | Kernel for azimuth angle integration of radial models |
Ccom_radial_kerns_rho | Kernel for rho angle integration of radial models |
Ccta_irf_diffuse_kern_phi | Kernel for IRF azimuth angle integration of the diffuse source model |
Ccta_irf_diffuse_kern_theta | Kernel for IRF offest angle integration of the diffuse source model |
Ccta_irf_elliptical_kern_omega | Kernel for ellitpical model azimuth angle IRF integration |
Ccta_irf_elliptical_kern_rho | Kernel for elliptical model zenith angle integration of IRF |
Ccta_irf_radial_kern_omega | Kernel for radial model azimuth angle IRF integration |
Ccta_irf_radial_kern_rho | Kernel for radial model zenith angle integration of IRF |
Ccta_nedisp_kern | Integration kernel for nedisp() method |
Ccta_npsf_kern_rad_azsym | Integration kernel for npsf() method |
Ccta_nroi_diffuse_kern_phi | Kernel for Nroi azimuth angle integration of diffuse model |
Ccta_nroi_diffuse_kern_theta | Kernel for Nroi offest angle integration of diffuse model |
Ccta_nroi_elliptical_kern_omega | Kernel for azimuth angle Nroi integration of elliptical model |
Ccta_nroi_elliptical_kern_rho | Kernel for zenith angle Nroi integration of elliptical model |
Ccta_nroi_kern | |
Ccta_nroi_radial_kern_omega | |
Ccta_nroi_radial_kern_rho | Kernel for zenith angle Nroi integration of radial model |
Ccta_psf_diffuse_kern_delta | Kernel for Psf delta angle integration used for stacked analysis |
Ccta_psf_diffuse_kern_phi | Kernel for Psf phi angle integration used for stacked analysis |
Ccta_psf_elliptical_kern_omega | |
Ccta_psf_elliptical_kern_rho | |
Ccta_psf_radial_kern_delta | Kernel for Psf delta angle integration used for stacked analysis |
Ccta_psf_radial_kern_omega | Kernel for radial model azimuth angle integration |
Ccta_psf_radial_kern_phi | Kernel for Psf phi angle integration used for stacked analysis |
Ccta_psf_radial_kern_rho | |
Ccta_psf_radial_kerns_delta | Kernel for radial spatial model PSF delta angle integration |
Ccta_psf_radial_kerns_phi | Kernel for radial spatial model PSF phi angle integration |
Ccta_roi_radial_kern_omega | Kernel for azimuth angle Nroi integration of radial model |
CGApplication | GammaLib application interface definition |
CGApplicationPar | Application parameter class |
CGApplicationPars | Application parameter container class |
CGArf | Auxiliary Response File class |
CGBase | Interface class for all GammaLib classes |
CGBilinear | Bilinear interpolator class |
CGCaldb | Calibration database class |
CGCOMBvc | COMPTEL Solar System Barycentre Data class |
CGCOMBvcs | COMPTEL Solar System Barycentre Data container class |
CGCOMD1Response | Interface for the COMPTEL D1 module response class |
►CGCOMD2Response | Interface for the COMPTEL D2 module response class |
CGCOMDri | COMPTEL Data Space class |
►CGCOMDris | COMPTEL Data Space container class |
CGCOMEventAtom | COMPTEL event atom class |
CGCOMEventBin | COMPTEL event bin class |
CGCOMEventCube | COMPTEL event bin container class |
CGCOMEventList | COMPTEL event list class |
CGCOMHkd | COMPTEL Housekeeping Data container class |
CGCOMHkds | COMPTEL Housekeeping Data collection class |
►CGCOMIaq | Interface for the COMPTEL instrument response representation class |
CGCOMInstChars | Interface for the COMPTEL Instrument Characteristics class |
CGCOMInstDir | Interface for the COMPTEL instrument direction class |
CGCOMModelDRBPhibarBins | COMPTEL DRB model Phibar bin fitting class |
CGCOMModelDRBPhibarNodes | COMPTEL DRB Phibar nodes model fitting class |
CGCOMModelDRM | COMPTEL DRM model class |
CGCOMOad | COMPTEL Orbit Aspect Data class |
CGCOMOads | COMPTEL Orbit Aspect Data container class |
CGCOMObservation | Interface class for COMPTEL observations |
CGCOMResponse | Interface for the COMPTEL instrument response function |
CGCOMRoi | COMPTEL region of interest class |
CGCOMSelection | COMPTEL selection set class |
CGCOMStatus | COMPTEL instrument status class |
CGCOMTim | COMPTEL Good Time Intervals class |
CGContainer | Interface class for container classes |
CGCsv | Comma-separated values table class |
CGCTAAeff | Abstract base class for the CTA effective area |
CGCTAAeff2D | CTA 2D effective area class |
CGCTAAeffArf | CTA ARF effective area class |
CGCTAAeffPerfTable | CTA performance table effective area class |
CGCTABackground | Abstract base class for the CTA background model |
CGCTABackground2D | CTA 2D background class |
CGCTABackground3D | CTA 3D background class |
►CGCTABackgroundPerfTable | CTA performance table background class |
CGCTACubeBackground | CTA cube background class |
CGCTACubeEdisp | CTA energy dispersion for stacked analysis |
CGCTACubeExposure | CTA exposure cube class |
CGCTACubePsf | CTA point spread function for cube analysis |
CGCTACubeSource | CTA source cube base class |
CGCTAEdisp | Abstract base class for the CTA energy dispersion |
►CGCTAEdisp2D | CTA 2D energy dispersion class |
CGCTAEdispPerfTable | CTA performance table energy dispersion class |
CGCTAEdispRmf | CTA Redistribution Matrix File (RMF) energy dispersion class |
CGCTAEventAtom | CTA event atom class |
CGCTAEventBin | GCTAEventBin class interface definition |
CGCTAEventCube | CTA event bin container class |
CGCTAEventList | CTA event list class |
CGCTAInstDir | CTA instrument direction class |
►CGCTAModelAeffBackground | |
CGCTAModelBackground | Background model class |
CGCTAModelCubeBackground | CTA cube background model class |
►CGCTAModelIrfBackground | CTA IRF background model class |
CGCTAModelRadial | Abstract radial acceptance model class |
►CGCTAModelRadialAcceptance | Radial acceptance model class |
►CGCTAModelRadialGauss | Radial Gaussian CTA model class |
►CGCTAModelRadialPolynom | Radial Polynom CTA model class |
►CGCTAModelRadialProfile | Radial Profile CTA model class |
CGCTAModelRadialRegistry | Interface definition for the CTA radial model registry class |
CGCTAModelSkyCube | CTA sky cube model class |
►CGCTAModelSpatial | Abstract spatial model class |
CGCTAModelSpatialGaussSpectrum | Spatial energy dependent Gaussian model class |
CGCTAModelSpatialGradient | Spatial gradient CTA model class |
CGCTAModelSpatialLookup | Spatial lookup table model class |
CGCTAModelSpatialMultiplicative | Multiplicative spatial model class |
CGCTAModelSpatialRegistry | Interface definition for the spatial model registry class |
CGCTAObservation | CTA observation class |
CGCTAOnOffObservation | CTA On/Off observation class |
CGCTAPointing | CTA pointing class |
CGCTAPsf | Abstract base class for the CTA point spread function |
CGCTAPsf2D | CTA 2D point spread function class |
CGCTAPsfKing | CTA point spread function class with a King profile |
CGCTAPsfPerfTable | CTA performance table point spread function class |
CGCTAPsfTable | CTA point spread function table class |
CGCTAPsfVector | CTA vector point spread function class |
CGCTAResponse | CTA instrument response function class |
CGCTAResponseCube | CTA cube-style response function class |
CGCTAResponseIrf | CTA instrument response function class |
CGCTAResponseTable | CTA response table class |
CGCTARoi | Interface for the CTA region of interest class |
CGDaemon | Daemon class |
►CGDerivative | Numerical derivatives class |
CGEbounds | Energy boundaries container class |
CGEnergies | Energy container class |
CGEnergy | Class that handles energies in a unit independent way |
CGEphemerides | Ephemerides class |
CGEvent | Abstract interface for the event classes |
CGEventAtom | Abstract interface for the event atom class |
CGEventBin | Abstract interface for the event bin class |
CGEventCube | Abstract event bin container class |
CGEventList | Abstract event atom container class |
CGEvents | Abstract event container class |
►CGException | Interface for exceptions |
CGExceptionHandler | Interface for exception handler |
CGFft | Fast Fourier Transformation class |
CGFftWavetable | Lookup table class for Fast Fourier Transformation |
CGFilename | Filename class |
►CGFits | FITS file class |
CGFitsAsciiTable | FITS ASCII table class |
CGFitsBinTable | FITS binary table class |
CGFitsHDU | Abstract FITS extension base class |
CGFitsHeader | Interface for FITS header class |
CGFitsHeaderCard | Implements FITS header card interface |
CGFitsImage | Abstract FITS image base class |
CGFitsImageByte | FITS Byte image class |
CGFitsImageDouble | Double precision FITS image class |
CGFitsImageFloat | Single precision FITS image class |
CGFitsImageLong | Long integer FITS image class |
CGFitsImageLongLong | Long long integer FITS image class |
CGFitsImageSByte | Signed Byte FITS image class |
CGFitsImageShort | Short integer FITS image class |
CGFitsImageULong | Unsigned long image FITS class |
CGFitsImageUShort | Unsigned short FITS image class |
CGFitsTable | Abstract interface for FITS table |
CGFitsTableBitCol | FITS table Bit column |
CGFitsTableBoolCol | FITS table Boolean column |
CGFitsTableByteCol | FITS table Byte column |
CGFitsTableCDoubleCol | FITS table double complex column |
CGFitsTableCFloatCol | FITS table float complex column |
CGFitsTableCol | Abstract interface for FITS table column |
CGFitsTableDoubleCol | FITS table double column |
CGFitsTableFloatCol | FITS table float column |
CGFitsTableLongCol | FITS table long integer column |
CGFitsTableLongLongCol | FITS table long long integer column |
CGFitsTableShortCol | FITS table short integer column |
CGFitsTableStringCol | FITS table string column |
CGFitsTableULongCol | FITS table unsigned long integer column |
CGFitsTableUShortCol | FITS table unsigned short integer column |
CGFunction | Single parameter function abstract base class |
CGFunctions | Single parameter functions abstract base class |
CGGti | Good Time Interval class |
CGHealpix | HealPix projection class interface definition |
CGHorizDir | Horizontal (Alt/Az) direction class |
CGInstDir | Abstract instrument direction base class |
CGIntegral | GIntegral class interface definition |
CGIntegrals | Integration class for set of functions |
CGLATAeff | Interface for the Fermi/LAT effective area |
CGLATEdisp | Interface for the Fermi LAT energy dispersion |
CGLATEfficiency | Interface for the Fermi/LAT efficiency factor functor |
CGLATEventAtom | Fermi/LAT event atom class |
CGLATEventBin | Fermi/LAT event bin class |
CGLATEventCube | Fermi/LAT event cube class |
CGLATEventList | Fermi/LAT event list class |
CGLATInstDir | Fermi/LAT instrument direction class |
CGLATLtCube | Interface for the Fermi LAT livetime cube |
CGLATLtCubeMap | Fermi LAT livetime cube map class |
CGLATMeanPsf | Fermi/LAT mean PSF class |
CGLATObservation | Fermi/LAT observation class |
CGLATPsf | Interface for the Fermi LAT point spread function |
CGLATPsfBase | Abstract Fermi/LAT point spread function base class |
►CGLATPsfV1 | Fermi/LAT point spread function version 1 class |
►CGLATPsfV3 | Fermi/LAT point spread function version 3 class |
CGLATResponse | Fermi/LAT Response class |
CGLATResponseTable | Interface for the Fermi LAT Response table class |
CGLATRoi | Fermi/LAT region of interest class |
CGLog | Information logger interface definition |
CGMatrix | Generic matrix class definition |
CGMatrixBase | Abstract matrix base class interface definition |
CGMatrixSparse | Sparse matrix class interface definition |
CGMatrixSymmetric | Symmetric matrix class interface definition |
CGModel | Abstract model class |
CGModelAssociation | Model association class |
CGModelAssociations | Model associations container class |
CGModelData | Abstract data model class |
CGModelDataMultiplicative | Multiplicative data model class |
CGModelPar | Model parameter class |
CGModelRegistry | Interface definition for the model registry class |
CGModels | Model container class |
►CGModelSky | Sky model class |
►CGModelSpatial | Abstract spatial model base class |
CGModelSpatialComposite | Spatial composite model |
CGModelSpatialDiffuse | Abstract diffuse spatial model base class |
CGModelSpatialDiffuseConst | Isotropic spatial model |
CGModelSpatialDiffuseCube | Spatial map cube model |
CGModelSpatialDiffuseMap | Spatial map model |
CGModelSpatialElliptical | Abstract elliptical spatial model base class |
CGModelSpatialEllipticalDisk | |
CGModelSpatialEllipticalGauss | |
CGModelSpatialEllipticalGeneralGauss | |
CGModelSpatialPointSource | Point source spatial model |
CGModelSpatialRadial | Abstract radial spatial model base class |
CGModelSpatialRadialDisk | |
CGModelSpatialRadialGauss | Radial Gaussian model class |
CGModelSpatialRadialGeneralGauss | Generalized radial Gaussian model class |
►CGModelSpatialRadialProfile | |
►CGModelSpatialRadialProfileDMBurkert | |
►CGModelSpatialRadialProfileDMEinasto | |
►CGModelSpatialRadialProfileDMZhao | |
CGModelSpatialRadialProfileGauss | |
CGModelSpatialRadialRing | |
CGModelSpatialRadialShell | |
CGModelSpatialRegistry | Interface definition for the spatial model registry class |
CGModelSpectral | Abstract spectral model base class |
CGModelSpectralBins | Spectral bins model class |
CGModelSpectralBrokenPlaw | Broken power law spectral model class |
CGModelSpectralComposite | Composite spectral model class |
CGModelSpectralConst | Constant spectral model class |
►CGModelSpectralExpInvPlaw | Exponential cut off power law spectral class |
►CGModelSpectralExponential | Exponential spectral model class |
►CGModelSpectralExpPlaw | Exponential cut off power law spectral class |
CGModelSpectralFunc | Spectral function model class |
►CGModelSpectralGauss | Gaussian spectral model class |
►CGModelSpectralLogParabola | LogParabola spectral model class |
►CGModelSpectralMultiplicative | Multiplicative spectral model class |
CGModelSpectralNodes | Spectral nodes model class |
CGModelSpectralPlaw | Power law spectral model class |
CGModelSpectralPlawEnergyFlux | Energy flux normalized power law spectral model class |
CGModelSpectralPlawPhotonFlux | Photon flux normalized power law spectral model class |
CGModelSpectralRegistry | Interface definition for the spectral model registry class |
►CGModelSpectralSmoothBrokenPlaw | Smoothly broken power law spectral model class |
►CGModelSpectralSuperExpPlaw | Super exponential cut off power law spectral class |
CGModelSpectralTable | Spectral table model class |
CGModelSpectralTablePar | Spectral table model parameter class |
CGModelSpectralTablePars | Spectral table model parameter container class |
CGModelTemporal | Abstract temporal model base class |
CGModelTemporalConst | Constant temporal model class |
CGModelTemporalLightCurve | Light curve model class |
CGModelTemporalPhaseCurve | Temporal phase curve model class |
CGModelTemporalRegistry | Interface definition for the temporal model registry class |
CGMWLDatum | Multi-wavelength spectral point class |
CGMWLInstDir | Interface for the Multi-wavelength instrument direction class |
CGMWLObservation | Interface class for multi-wavelength observations |
CGMWLResponse | Multi-wavelength response class |
CGMWLSpectrum | Multi-wavelength spectrum class interface |
CGNdarray | N-dimensional array class |
CGNodeArray | Node array class |
►CGObservation | Abstract observation base class |
CGObservationRegistry | Interface definition for the observation registry class |
►CGObservations | Observation container class |
CGOptimizer | Abstract optimizer abstract base class |
CGOptimizerFunction | Optimizer function abstract base class |
CGOptimizerLM | Levenberg Marquardt optimizer class |
CGOptimizerPar | Optimizer parameter class |
CGOptimizerPars | Optimizer parameter container class |
CGPha | Pulse Height Analyzer class |
CGPhases | Phase Intervals class |
CGPhoton | Class that handles photons |
CGPhotons | Photon container class |
CGPulsar | Pulsar class |
CGPulsarEphemeris | Pulsar ephemeris class |
CGRan | Random number generator class |
CGRegistry | Interface class for registries |
CGRegistryPointer | Smart pointer for registry classes |
►CGResponse | Abstract instrument response base class |
CGResponseCache | Response cache class |
CGResponseVectorCache | Response vector cache class |
CGRmf | Redistribution Matrix File class |
CGRoi | Interface for the region of interest classes |
CGSkyDir | Sky direction class |
CGSkyDirs | Sky directions container class |
CGSkyMap | Sky map class |
CGSkyPixel | Sky map pixel class |
CGSkyProjection | Abstract sky projection base class |
CGSkyRegion | Abstract interface for the sky region class |
CGSkyRegionCircle | Interface for the circular sky region class |
CGSkyRegionMap | Interface for a sky region map |
CGSkyRegionRectangle | Interface for the rectangular sky region class |
CGSkyRegions | Sky region container class |
CGSource | Class that handles gamma-ray sources |
CGSparseNumeric | Sparse matrix numeric analysis class |
CGSparseSymbolic | Sparse matrix symbolic analysis class |
CGSPIEventBin | INTEGRAL/SPI event bin class |
CGSPIEventCube | INTEGRAL/SPI event bin container class |
CGSPIInstDir | INTEGRAL/SPI instrument direction class |
CGSPIModelDataSpace | INTEGRAL/SPI data space model |
CGSPIObservation | INTEGRAL/SPI observation class |
CGSPIResponse | INTEGRAL/SPI instrument response function class |
CGSPIResponseIrf | |
CGTestCase | Test class |
CGTestSuite | Abstract test suite class for unit testing on GammaLib fixtures |
CGTestSuites | Test suite container class |
CGTime | Time class |
CGTimeReference | Implements a time reference |
CGTimes | Time container class |
CGUrl | Abstract URL base class |
CGUrlFile | File URL class |
CGUrlString | String URL class |
CGVector | Vector class |
CGVectorSparse | Sparse vector class |
CGVOClient | VO client class |
►CGVOHub | VO SAMP Hub class |
CGVOTable | VOTable class |
CGWcs | Abstract world coordinate system base class |
CGWcsAIT | Aitoff (AIT) projection class definition |
CGWcsARC | Zenithal/azimuthal equidistant (ARC) projection class definition |
CGWcsAZP | Zenithal/azimuthal perspective (AZP) projection class definition |
CGWcsCAR | Plate carree (CAR) projection class definition |
CGWcsGLS | Global Sinusoidal (GLS) projection class definition |
CGWcsMER | Mercator's (MER) projection class definition |
CGWcsMOL | Mollweide's projection class definition |
CGWcsRegistry | Interface definition for the WCS registry class |
CGWcsSFL | Sanson-Flamsteed (SFL) projection class definition |
CGWcsSIN | Orthographic/synthesis (SIN) projection class definition |
CGWcsSTG | Stereographic (STG) projection class definition |
CGWcsTAN | Gnomonic (TAN) projection class definition |
CGXml | XML class |
CGXmlAttribute | XML attribute class |
CGXmlComment | XML comment node class |
CGXmlDocument | XML document node class |
CGXmlElement | XML element node class |
CGXmlNode | Abstract XML node base class |
CGXmlPI | XML Processing Instruction node class |
CGXmlText | XML text node class |
Cspi_elliptical_kerns_omega | Kernel for azimuth angle integration of elliptical models |
Cspi_elliptical_kerns_rho | Kernel for rho angle integration of elliptical models |
Cspi_radial_kerns_omega | Kernel for azimuth angle integration of radial models |
Cspi_radial_kerns_rho | Kernel for rho angle integration of radial models |