No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Ccom_elliptical_kerns_omegaKernel for azimuth angle integration of elliptical models
 Ccom_elliptical_kerns_rhoKernel for rho angle integration of elliptical models
 Ccom_radial_kerns_omegaKernel for azimuth angle integration of radial models
 Ccom_radial_kerns_rhoKernel for rho angle integration of radial models
 Ccta_irf_diffuse_kern_phiKernel for IRF azimuth angle integration of the diffuse source model
 Ccta_irf_diffuse_kern_thetaKernel for IRF offest angle integration of the diffuse source model
 Ccta_irf_elliptical_kern_omegaKernel for ellitpical model azimuth angle IRF integration
 Ccta_irf_elliptical_kern_rhoKernel for elliptical model zenith angle integration of IRF
 Ccta_irf_radial_kern_omegaKernel for radial model azimuth angle IRF integration
 Ccta_irf_radial_kern_rhoKernel for radial model zenith angle integration of IRF
 Ccta_nedisp_kernIntegration kernel for nedisp() method
 Ccta_npsf_kern_rad_azsymIntegration kernel for npsf() method
 Ccta_nroi_diffuse_kern_phiKernel for Nroi azimuth angle integration of diffuse model
 Ccta_nroi_diffuse_kern_thetaKernel for Nroi offest angle integration of diffuse model
 Ccta_nroi_elliptical_kern_omegaKernel for azimuth angle Nroi integration of elliptical model
 Ccta_nroi_elliptical_kern_rhoKernel for zenith angle Nroi integration of elliptical model
 Ccta_nroi_radial_kern_rhoKernel for zenith angle Nroi integration of radial model
 Ccta_psf_diffuse_kern_deltaKernel for Psf delta angle integration used for stacked analysis
 Ccta_psf_diffuse_kern_phiKernel for Psf phi angle integration used for stacked analysis
 Ccta_psf_radial_kern_deltaKernel for Psf delta angle integration used for stacked analysis
 Ccta_psf_radial_kern_omegaKernel for radial model azimuth angle integration
 Ccta_psf_radial_kern_phiKernel for Psf phi angle integration used for stacked analysis
 Ccta_psf_radial_kerns_deltaKernel for radial spatial model PSF delta angle integration
 Ccta_psf_radial_kerns_phiKernel for radial spatial model PSF phi angle integration
 Ccta_roi_radial_kern_omegaKernel for azimuth angle Nroi integration of radial model
 CGApplicationGammaLib application interface definition
 CGApplicationParApplication parameter class
 CGApplicationParsApplication parameter container class
 CGArfAuxiliary Response File class
 CGBaseInterface class for all GammaLib classes
 CGBilinearBilinear interpolator class
 CGCaldbCalibration database class
 CGCOMBvcCOMPTEL Solar System Barycentre Data class
 CGCOMBvcsCOMPTEL Solar System Barycentre Data container class
 CGCOMD1ResponseInterface for the COMPTEL D1 module response class
 CGCOMD2ResponseInterface for the COMPTEL D2 module response class
 CGCOMDriCOMPTEL Data Space class
 CGCOMDrisCOMPTEL Data Space container class
 CGCOMEventAtomCOMPTEL event atom class
 CGCOMEventBinCOMPTEL event bin class
 CGCOMEventCubeCOMPTEL event bin container class
 CGCOMEventListCOMPTEL event list class
 CGCOMHkdCOMPTEL Housekeeping Data container class
 CGCOMHkdsCOMPTEL Housekeeping Data collection class
 CGCOMIaqInterface for the COMPTEL instrument response representation class
 CGCOMInstCharsInterface for the COMPTEL Instrument Characteristics class
 CGCOMInstDirInterface for the COMPTEL instrument direction class
 CGCOMModelDRBPhibarBinsCOMPTEL DRB model Phibar bin fitting class
 CGCOMModelDRBPhibarNodesCOMPTEL DRB Phibar nodes model fitting class
 CGCOMOadCOMPTEL Orbit Aspect Data class
 CGCOMOadsCOMPTEL Orbit Aspect Data container class
 CGCOMObservationInterface class for COMPTEL observations
 CGCOMResponseInterface for the COMPTEL instrument response function
 CGCOMRoiCOMPTEL region of interest class
 CGCOMSelectionCOMPTEL selection set class
 CGCOMStatusCOMPTEL instrument status class
 CGCOMTimCOMPTEL Good Time Intervals class
 CGContainerInterface class for container classes
 CGCsvComma-separated values table class
 CGCTAAeffAbstract base class for the CTA effective area
 CGCTAAeff2DCTA 2D effective area class
 CGCTAAeffArfCTA ARF effective area class
 CGCTAAeffPerfTableCTA performance table effective area class
 CGCTABackgroundAbstract base class for the CTA background model
 CGCTABackground2DCTA 2D background class
 CGCTABackground3DCTA 3D background class
 CGCTABackgroundPerfTableCTA performance table background class
 CGCTACubeBackgroundCTA cube background class
 CGCTACubeEdispCTA energy dispersion for stacked analysis
 CGCTACubeExposureCTA exposure cube class
 CGCTACubePsfCTA point spread function for cube analysis
 CGCTACubeSourceCTA source cube base class
 CGCTAEdispAbstract base class for the CTA energy dispersion
 CGCTAEdisp2DCTA 2D energy dispersion class
 CGCTAEdispPerfTableCTA performance table energy dispersion class
 CGCTAEdispRmfCTA Redistribution Matrix File (RMF) energy dispersion class
 CGCTAEventAtomCTA event atom class
 CGCTAEventBinGCTAEventBin class interface definition
 CGCTAEventCubeCTA event bin container class
 CGCTAEventListCTA event list class
 CGCTAInstDirCTA instrument direction class
 CGCTAModelBackgroundBackground model class
 CGCTAModelCubeBackgroundCTA cube background model class
 CGCTAModelIrfBackgroundCTA IRF background model class
 CGCTAModelRadialAbstract radial acceptance model class
 CGCTAModelRadialAcceptanceRadial acceptance model class
 CGCTAModelRadialGaussRadial Gaussian CTA model class
 CGCTAModelRadialPolynomRadial Polynom CTA model class
 CGCTAModelRadialProfileRadial Profile CTA model class
 CGCTAModelRadialRegistryInterface definition for the CTA radial model registry class
 CGCTAModelSkyCubeCTA sky cube model class
 CGCTAModelSpatialAbstract spatial model class
 CGCTAModelSpatialGaussSpectrumSpatial energy dependent Gaussian model class
 CGCTAModelSpatialGradientSpatial gradient CTA model class
 CGCTAModelSpatialLookupSpatial lookup table model class
 CGCTAModelSpatialMultiplicativeMultiplicative spatial model class
 CGCTAModelSpatialRegistryInterface definition for the spatial model registry class
 CGCTAObservationCTA observation class
 CGCTAOnOffObservationCTA On/Off observation class
 CGCTAPointingCTA pointing class
 CGCTAPsfAbstract base class for the CTA point spread function
 CGCTAPsf2DCTA 2D point spread function class
 CGCTAPsfKingCTA point spread function class with a King profile
 CGCTAPsfPerfTableCTA performance table point spread function class
 CGCTAPsfTableCTA point spread function table class
 CGCTAPsfVectorCTA vector point spread function class
 CGCTAResponseCTA instrument response function class
 CGCTAResponseCubeCTA cube-style response function class
 CGCTAResponseIrfCTA instrument response function class
 CGCTAResponseTableCTA response table class
 CGCTARoiInterface for the CTA region of interest class
 CGDaemonDaemon class
 CGDerivativeNumerical derivatives class
 CGEboundsEnergy boundaries container class
 CGEnergiesEnergy container class
 CGEnergyClass that handles energies in a unit independent way
 CGEphemeridesEphemerides class
 CGEventAbstract interface for the event classes
 CGEventAtomAbstract interface for the event atom class
 CGEventBinAbstract interface for the event bin class
 CGEventCubeAbstract event bin container class
 CGEventListAbstract event atom container class
 CGEventsAbstract event container class
 CGExceptionInterface for exceptions
 CGExceptionHandlerInterface for exception handler
 CGFftFast Fourier Transformation class
 CGFftWavetableLookup table class for Fast Fourier Transformation
 CGFilenameFilename class
 CGFitsFITS file class
 CGFitsAsciiTableFITS ASCII table class
 CGFitsBinTableFITS binary table class
 CGFitsHDUAbstract FITS extension base class
 CGFitsHeaderInterface for FITS header class
 CGFitsHeaderCardImplements FITS header card interface
 CGFitsImageAbstract FITS image base class
 CGFitsImageByteFITS Byte image class
 CGFitsImageDoubleDouble precision FITS image class
 CGFitsImageFloatSingle precision FITS image class
 CGFitsImageLongLong integer FITS image class
 CGFitsImageLongLongLong long integer FITS image class
 CGFitsImageSByteSigned Byte FITS image class
 CGFitsImageShortShort integer FITS image class
 CGFitsImageULongUnsigned long image FITS class
 CGFitsImageUShortUnsigned short FITS image class
 CGFitsTableAbstract interface for FITS table
 CGFitsTableBitColFITS table Bit column
 CGFitsTableBoolColFITS table Boolean column
 CGFitsTableByteColFITS table Byte column
 CGFitsTableCDoubleColFITS table double complex column
 CGFitsTableCFloatColFITS table float complex column
 CGFitsTableColAbstract interface for FITS table column
 CGFitsTableDoubleColFITS table double column
 CGFitsTableFloatColFITS table float column
 CGFitsTableLongColFITS table long integer column
 CGFitsTableLongLongColFITS table long long integer column
 CGFitsTableShortColFITS table short integer column
 CGFitsTableStringColFITS table string column
 CGFitsTableULongColFITS table unsigned long integer column
 CGFitsTableUShortColFITS table unsigned short integer column
 CGFunctionSingle parameter function abstract base class
 CGFunctionsSingle parameter functions abstract base class
 CGGtiGood Time Interval class
 CGHealpixHealPix projection class interface definition
 CGHorizDirHorizontal (Alt/Az) direction class
 CGInstDirAbstract instrument direction base class
 CGIntegralGIntegral class interface definition
 CGIntegralsIntegration class for set of functions
 CGLATAeffInterface for the Fermi/LAT effective area
 CGLATEdispInterface for the Fermi LAT energy dispersion
 CGLATEfficiencyInterface for the Fermi/LAT efficiency factor functor
 CGLATEventAtomFermi/LAT event atom class
 CGLATEventBinFermi/LAT event bin class
 CGLATEventCubeFermi/LAT event cube class
 CGLATEventListFermi/LAT event list class
 CGLATInstDirFermi/LAT instrument direction class
 CGLATLtCubeInterface for the Fermi LAT livetime cube
 CGLATLtCubeMapFermi LAT livetime cube map class
 CGLATMeanPsfFermi/LAT mean PSF class
 CGLATObservationFermi/LAT observation class
 CGLATPsfInterface for the Fermi LAT point spread function
 CGLATPsfBaseAbstract Fermi/LAT point spread function base class
 CGLATPsfV1Fermi/LAT point spread function version 1 class
 CGLATPsfV3Fermi/LAT point spread function version 3 class
 CGLATResponseFermi/LAT Response class
 CGLATResponseTableInterface for the Fermi LAT Response table class
 CGLATRoiFermi/LAT region of interest class
 CGLogInformation logger interface definition
 CGMatrixGeneric matrix class definition
 CGMatrixBaseAbstract matrix base class interface definition
 CGMatrixSparseSparse matrix class interface definition
 CGMatrixSymmetricSymmetric matrix class interface definition
 CGModelAbstract model class
 CGModelAssociationModel association class
 CGModelAssociationsModel associations container class
 CGModelDataAbstract data model class
 CGModelDataMultiplicativeMultiplicative data model class
 CGModelParModel parameter class
 CGModelRegistryInterface definition for the model registry class
 CGModelsModel container class
 CGModelSkySky model class
 CGModelSpatialAbstract spatial model base class
 CGModelSpatialCompositeSpatial composite model
 CGModelSpatialDiffuseAbstract diffuse spatial model base class
 CGModelSpatialDiffuseConstIsotropic spatial model
 CGModelSpatialDiffuseCubeSpatial map cube model
 CGModelSpatialDiffuseMapSpatial map model
 CGModelSpatialEllipticalAbstract elliptical spatial model base class
 CGModelSpatialPointSourcePoint source spatial model
 CGModelSpatialRadialAbstract radial spatial model base class
 CGModelSpatialRadialGaussRadial Gaussian model class
 CGModelSpatialRadialGeneralGaussGeneralized radial Gaussian model class
 CGModelSpatialRegistryInterface definition for the spatial model registry class
 CGModelSpectralAbstract spectral model base class
 CGModelSpectralBinsSpectral bins model class
 CGModelSpectralBrokenPlawBroken power law spectral model class
 CGModelSpectralCompositeComposite spectral model class
 CGModelSpectralConstConstant spectral model class
 CGModelSpectralExpInvPlawExponential cut off power law spectral class
 CGModelSpectralExponentialExponential spectral model class
 CGModelSpectralExpPlawExponential cut off power law spectral class
 CGModelSpectralFuncSpectral function model class
 CGModelSpectralGaussGaussian spectral model class
 CGModelSpectralLogParabolaLogParabola spectral model class
 CGModelSpectralMultiplicativeMultiplicative spectral model class
 CGModelSpectralNodesSpectral nodes model class
 CGModelSpectralPlawPower law spectral model class
 CGModelSpectralPlawEnergyFluxEnergy flux normalized power law spectral model class
 CGModelSpectralPlawPhotonFluxPhoton flux normalized power law spectral model class
 CGModelSpectralRegistryInterface definition for the spectral model registry class
 CGModelSpectralSmoothBrokenPlawSmoothly broken power law spectral model class
 CGModelSpectralSuperExpPlawSuper exponential cut off power law spectral class
 CGModelSpectralTableSpectral table model class
 CGModelSpectralTableParSpectral table model parameter class
 CGModelSpectralTableParsSpectral table model parameter container class
 CGModelTemporalAbstract temporal model base class
 CGModelTemporalConstConstant temporal model class
 CGModelTemporalLightCurveLight curve model class
 CGModelTemporalPhaseCurveTemporal phase curve model class
 CGModelTemporalRegistryInterface definition for the temporal model registry class
 CGMWLDatumMulti-wavelength spectral point class
 CGMWLInstDirInterface for the Multi-wavelength instrument direction class
 CGMWLObservationInterface class for multi-wavelength observations
 CGMWLResponseMulti-wavelength response class
 CGMWLSpectrumMulti-wavelength spectrum class interface
 CGNdarrayN-dimensional array class
 CGNodeArrayNode array class
 CGObservationAbstract observation base class
 CGObservationRegistryInterface definition for the observation registry class
 CGObservationsObservation container class
 CGOptimizerAbstract optimizer abstract base class
 CGOptimizerFunctionOptimizer function abstract base class
 CGOptimizerLMLevenberg Marquardt optimizer class
 CGOptimizerParOptimizer parameter class
 CGOptimizerParsOptimizer parameter container class
 CGPhaPulse Height Analyzer class
 CGPhasesPhase Intervals class
 CGPhotonClass that handles photons
 CGPhotonsPhoton container class
 CGPulsarPulsar class
 CGPulsarEphemerisPulsar ephemeris class
 CGRanRandom number generator class
 CGRegistryInterface class for registries
 CGRegistryPointerSmart pointer for registry classes
 CGResponseAbstract instrument response base class
 CGResponseCacheResponse cache class
 CGResponseVectorCacheResponse vector cache class
 CGRmfRedistribution Matrix File class
 CGRoiInterface for the region of interest classes
 CGSkyDirSky direction class
 CGSkyDirsSky directions container class
 CGSkyMapSky map class
 CGSkyPixelSky map pixel class
 CGSkyProjectionAbstract sky projection base class
 CGSkyRegionAbstract interface for the sky region class
 CGSkyRegionCircleInterface for the circular sky region class
 CGSkyRegionMapInterface for a sky region map
 CGSkyRegionRectangleInterface for the rectangular sky region class
 CGSkyRegionsSky region container class
 CGSourceClass that handles gamma-ray sources
 CGSparseNumericSparse matrix numeric analysis class
 CGSparseSymbolicSparse matrix symbolic analysis class
 CGSPIEventBinINTEGRAL/SPI event bin class
 CGSPIEventCubeINTEGRAL/SPI event bin container class
 CGSPIInstDirINTEGRAL/SPI instrument direction class
 CGSPIModelDataSpaceINTEGRAL/SPI data space model
 CGSPIObservationINTEGRAL/SPI observation class
 CGSPIResponseINTEGRAL/SPI instrument response function class
 CGTestCaseTest class
 CGTestSuiteAbstract test suite class for unit testing on GammaLib fixtures
 CGTestSuitesTest suite container class
 CGTimeTime class
 CGTimeReferenceImplements a time reference
 CGTimesTime container class
 CGUrlAbstract URL base class
 CGUrlFileFile URL class
 CGUrlStringString URL class
 CGVectorVector class
 CGVectorSparseSparse vector class
 CGVOClientVO client class
 CGVOHubVO SAMP Hub class
 CGVOTableVOTable class
 CGWcsAbstract world coordinate system base class
 CGWcsAITAitoff (AIT) projection class definition
 CGWcsARCZenithal/azimuthal equidistant (ARC) projection class definition
 CGWcsAZPZenithal/azimuthal perspective (AZP) projection class definition
 CGWcsCARPlate carree (CAR) projection class definition
 CGWcsGLSGlobal Sinusoidal (GLS) projection class definition
 CGWcsMERMercator's (MER) projection class definition
 CGWcsMOLMollweide's projection class definition
 CGWcsRegistryInterface definition for the WCS registry class
 CGWcsSFLSanson-Flamsteed (SFL) projection class definition
 CGWcsSINOrthographic/synthesis (SIN) projection class definition
 CGWcsSTGStereographic (STG) projection class definition
 CGWcsTANGnomonic (TAN) projection class definition
 CGXmlXML class
 CGXmlAttributeXML attribute class
 CGXmlCommentXML comment node class
 CGXmlDocumentXML document node class
 CGXmlElementXML element node class
 CGXmlNodeAbstract XML node base class
 CGXmlPIXML Processing Instruction node class
 CGXmlTextXML text node class
 Cspi_elliptical_kerns_omegaKernel for azimuth angle integration of elliptical models
 Cspi_elliptical_kerns_rhoKernel for rho angle integration of elliptical models
 Cspi_radial_kerns_omegaKernel for azimuth angle integration of radial models
 Cspi_radial_kerns_rhoKernel for rho angle integration of radial models