__fitsfile | |
GFits::cdouble | |
GFits::cfloat | |
GVOHub::client | |
cta_nedisp_kern | Integration kernel for nedisp() method |
cta_roi_radial_kern_omega | Kernel for azimuth angle Nroi integration of radial model |
std::exception | STL class |
GExceptionHandler | Interface for exception handler |
GException | Interface for exceptions |
GException::feature_not_implemented | |
GException::file_error | |
GException::fits_error | |
GException::invalid_argument | |
GException::invalid_return_value | |
GException::invalid_value | |
GException::out_of_range | |
GException::runtime_error | |
GException::test_error | |
GException::test_failure | |
GException::test_nested_try_error | |
GBase | Interface class for all GammaLib classes |
GApplication | GammaLib application interface definition |
GApplicationPar | Application parameter class |
GArf | Auxiliary Response File class |
GBilinear | Bilinear interpolator class |
GCaldb | Calibration database class |
GCOMBvc | COMPTEL Solar System Barycentre Data class |
GCOMD1Response | Interface for the COMPTEL D1 module response class |
GCOMD2Response | Interface for the COMPTEL D2 module response class |
GCOMDri | COMPTEL Data Space class |
GCOMIaq | Interface for the COMPTEL instrument response representation class |
GCOMInstChars | Interface for the COMPTEL Instrument Characteristics class |
GCOMOad | COMPTEL Orbit Aspect Data class |
GCOMSelection | COMPTEL selection set class |
GCOMStatus | COMPTEL instrument status class |
GCOMTim | COMPTEL Good Time Intervals class |
GContainer | Interface class for container classes |
GApplicationPars | Application parameter container class |
GCOMBvcs | COMPTEL Solar System Barycentre Data container class |
GCOMDris | COMPTEL Data Space container class |
GCOMHkd | COMPTEL Housekeeping Data container class |
GCOMHkds | COMPTEL Housekeeping Data collection class |
GCOMOads | COMPTEL Orbit Aspect Data container class |
GEbounds | Energy boundaries container class |
GEnergies | Energy container class |
GFits | FITS file class |
GFitsHeader | Interface for FITS header class |
GGti | Good Time Interval class |
GModelAssociations | Model associations container class |
GModels | Model container class |
GModelSpectralTablePars | Spectral table model parameter container class |
GNodeArray | Node array class |
GObservations | Observation container class |
GOptimizerPars | Optimizer parameter container class |
GPhases | Phase Intervals class |
GPhotons | Photon container class |
GSkyDirs | Sky directions container class |
GSkyRegions | Sky region container class |
GTestSuites | Test suite container class |
GTimes | Time container class |
GXml | XML class |
GXmlNode | Abstract XML node base class |
GXmlComment | XML comment node class |
GXmlDocument | XML document node class |
GXmlElement | XML element node class |
GXmlPI | XML Processing Instruction node class |
GXmlText | XML text node class |
GCsv | Comma-separated values table class |
GCTAAeff | Abstract base class for the CTA effective area |
GCTAAeff2D | CTA 2D effective area class |
GCTAAeffArf | CTA ARF effective area class |
GCTAAeffPerfTable | CTA performance table effective area class |
GCTABackground | Abstract base class for the CTA background model |
GCTABackground2D | CTA 2D background class |
GCTABackground3D | CTA 3D background class |
GCTABackgroundPerfTable | CTA performance table background class |
GCTACubeBackground | CTA cube background class |
GCTACubeEdisp | CTA energy dispersion for stacked analysis |
GCTACubeExposure | CTA exposure cube class |
GCTACubePsf | CTA point spread function for cube analysis |
GCTACubeSource | CTA source cube base class |
GCTAEdisp | Abstract base class for the CTA energy dispersion |
GCTAEdisp2D | CTA 2D energy dispersion class |
GCTAEdispPerfTable | CTA performance table energy dispersion class |
GCTAEdispRmf | CTA Redistribution Matrix File (RMF) energy dispersion class |
GCTAModelSpatial | Abstract spatial model class |
GCTAModelRadial | Abstract radial acceptance model class |
GCTAModelRadialGauss | Radial Gaussian CTA model class |
GCTAModelRadialPolynom | Radial Polynom CTA model class |
GCTAModelRadialProfile | Radial Profile CTA model class |
GCTAModelSpatialGaussSpectrum | Spatial energy dependent Gaussian model class |
GCTAModelSpatialGradient | Spatial gradient CTA model class |
GCTAModelSpatialLookup | Spatial lookup table model class |
GCTAModelSpatialMultiplicative | Multiplicative spatial model class |
GCTAPointing | CTA pointing class |
GCTAPsf | Abstract base class for the CTA point spread function |
GCTAPsf2D | CTA 2D point spread function class |
GCTAPsfKing | CTA point spread function class with a King profile |
GCTAPsfPerfTable | CTA performance table point spread function class |
GCTAPsfTable | CTA point spread function table class |
GCTAPsfVector | CTA vector point spread function class |
GCTAResponseTable | CTA response table class |
GDaemon | Daemon class |
GDerivative | Numerical derivatives class |
GEnergy | Class that handles energies in a unit independent way |
GEphemerides | Ephemerides class |
GEvent | Abstract interface for the event classes |
GEventAtom | Abstract interface for the event atom class |
GCOMEventAtom | COMPTEL event atom class |
GCTAEventAtom | CTA event atom class |
GLATEventAtom | Fermi/LAT event atom class |
GEventBin | Abstract interface for the event bin class |
GCOMEventBin | COMPTEL event bin class |
GCTAEventBin | GCTAEventBin class interface definition |
GLATEventBin | Fermi/LAT event bin class |
GMWLDatum | Multi-wavelength spectral point class |
GSPIEventBin | INTEGRAL/SPI event bin class |
GEvents | Abstract event container class |
GEventCube | Abstract event bin container class |
GCOMEventCube | COMPTEL event bin container class |
GCTAEventCube | CTA event bin container class |
GLATEventCube | Fermi/LAT event cube class |
GMWLSpectrum | Multi-wavelength spectrum class interface |
GSPIEventCube | INTEGRAL/SPI event bin container class |
GEventList | Abstract event atom container class |
GCOMEventList | COMPTEL event list class |
GCTAEventList | CTA event list class |
GLATEventList | Fermi/LAT event list class |
GFft | Fast Fourier Transformation class |
GFftWavetable | Lookup table class for Fast Fourier Transformation |
GFilename | Filename class |
GFitsHDU | Abstract FITS extension base class |
GFitsImage | Abstract FITS image base class |
GFitsImageByte | FITS Byte image class |
GFitsImageDouble | Double precision FITS image class |
GFitsImageFloat | Single precision FITS image class |
GFitsImageLong | Long integer FITS image class |
GFitsImageLongLong | Long long integer FITS image class |
GFitsImageSByte | Signed Byte FITS image class |
GFitsImageShort | Short integer FITS image class |
GFitsImageULong | Unsigned long image FITS class |
GFitsImageUShort | Unsigned short FITS image class |
GFitsTable | Abstract interface for FITS table |
GFitsAsciiTable | FITS ASCII table class |
GFitsBinTable | FITS binary table class |
GFitsHeaderCard | Implements FITS header card interface |
GFitsTableCol | Abstract interface for FITS table column |
GFitsTableBitCol | FITS table Bit column |
GFitsTableBoolCol | FITS table Boolean column |
GFitsTableByteCol | FITS table Byte column |
GFitsTableCDoubleCol | FITS table double complex column |
GFitsTableCFloatCol | FITS table float complex column |
GFitsTableDoubleCol | FITS table double column |
GFitsTableFloatCol | FITS table float column |
GFitsTableLongCol | FITS table long integer column |
GFitsTableLongLongCol | FITS table long long integer column |
GFitsTableShortCol | FITS table short integer column |
GFitsTableStringCol | FITS table string column |
GFitsTableULongCol | FITS table unsigned long integer column |
GFitsTableUShortCol | FITS table unsigned short integer column |
GHorizDir | Horizontal (Alt/Az) direction class |
GInstDir | Abstract instrument direction base class |
GCOMInstDir | Interface for the COMPTEL instrument direction class |
GCTAInstDir | CTA instrument direction class |
GLATInstDir | Fermi/LAT instrument direction class |
GMWLInstDir | Interface for the Multi-wavelength instrument direction class |
GSPIInstDir | INTEGRAL/SPI instrument direction class |
GIntegral | GIntegral class interface definition |
GIntegrals | Integration class for set of functions |
GLATAeff | Interface for the Fermi/LAT effective area |
GLATEdisp | Interface for the Fermi LAT energy dispersion |
GLATEfficiency | Interface for the Fermi/LAT efficiency factor functor |
GLATLtCube | Interface for the Fermi LAT livetime cube |
GLATLtCubeMap | Fermi LAT livetime cube map class |
GLATMeanPsf | Fermi/LAT mean PSF class |
GLATPsf | Interface for the Fermi LAT point spread function |
GLATPsfBase | Abstract Fermi/LAT point spread function base class |
GLATPsfV1 | Fermi/LAT point spread function version 1 class |
GLATPsfV3 | Fermi/LAT point spread function version 3 class |
GLATResponseTable | Interface for the Fermi LAT Response table class |
GMatrixBase | Abstract matrix base class interface definition |
GMatrix | Generic matrix class definition |
GMatrixSparse | Sparse matrix class interface definition |
GMatrixSymmetric | Symmetric matrix class interface definition |
GModel | Abstract model class |
GModelData | Abstract data model class |
GCOMModelDRBPhibarBins | COMPTEL DRB model Phibar bin fitting class |
GCOMModelDRBPhibarNodes | COMPTEL DRB Phibar nodes model fitting class |
GCOMModelDRM | COMPTEL DRM model class |
GCTAModelAeffBackground | |
GCTAModelBackground | Background model class |
GCTAModelCubeBackground | CTA cube background model class |
GCTAModelIrfBackground | CTA IRF background model class |
GCTAModelRadialAcceptance | Radial acceptance model class |
GCTAModelSkyCube | CTA sky cube model class |
GSPIModelDataSpace | INTEGRAL/SPI data space model |
GModelSky | Sky model class |
GModelAssociation | Model association class |
GModelSpatial | Abstract spatial model base class |
GModelSpatialComposite | Spatial composite model |
GModelSpatialDiffuse | Abstract diffuse spatial model base class |
GModelSpatialDiffuseConst | Isotropic spatial model |
GModelSpatialDiffuseCube | Spatial map cube model |
GModelSpatialDiffuseMap | Spatial map model |
GModelSpatialElliptical | Abstract elliptical spatial model base class |
GModelSpatialEllipticalDisk | |
GModelSpatialEllipticalGauss | |
GModelSpatialEllipticalGeneralGauss | |
GModelSpatialPointSource | Point source spatial model |
GModelSpatialRadial | Abstract radial spatial model base class |
GModelSpatialRadialDisk | |
GModelSpatialRadialGauss | Radial Gaussian model class |
GModelSpatialRadialGeneralGauss | Generalized radial Gaussian model class |
GModelSpatialRadialProfile | |
GModelSpatialRadialProfileDMBurkert | |
GModelSpatialRadialProfileDMEinasto | |
GModelSpatialRadialProfileDMZhao | |
GModelSpatialRadialProfileGauss | |
GModelSpatialRadialRing | |
GModelSpatialRadialShell | |
GModelSpectral | Abstract spectral model base class |
GModelSpectralBins | Spectral bins model class |
GModelSpectralBrokenPlaw | Broken power law spectral model class |
GModelSpectralComposite | Composite spectral model class |
GModelSpectralConst | Constant spectral model class |
GModelSpectralExpInvPlaw | Exponential cut off power law spectral class |
GModelSpectralExponential | Exponential spectral model class |
GModelSpectralExpPlaw | Exponential cut off power law spectral class |
GModelSpectralFunc | Spectral function model class |
GModelSpectralGauss | Gaussian spectral model class |
GModelSpectralLogParabola | LogParabola spectral model class |
GModelSpectralMultiplicative | Multiplicative spectral model class |
GModelSpectralNodes | Spectral nodes model class |
GModelSpectralPlaw | Power law spectral model class |
GModelSpectralPlawEnergyFlux | Energy flux normalized power law spectral model class |
GModelSpectralPlawPhotonFlux | Photon flux normalized power law spectral model class |
GModelSpectralSmoothBrokenPlaw | Smoothly broken power law spectral model class |
GModelSpectralSuperExpPlaw | Super exponential cut off power law spectral class |
GModelSpectralTable | Spectral table model class |
GModelSpectralTablePar | Spectral table model parameter class |
GModelTemporal | Abstract temporal model base class |
GModelTemporalConst | Constant temporal model class |
GModelTemporalLightCurve | Light curve model class |
GModelTemporalPhaseCurve | Temporal phase curve model class |
GNdarray | N-dimensional array class |
GObservation | Abstract observation base class |
GCOMObservation | Interface class for COMPTEL observations |
GCTAObservation | CTA observation class |
GCTAOnOffObservation | CTA On/Off observation class |
GLATObservation | Fermi/LAT observation class |
GMWLObservation | Interface class for multi-wavelength observations |
GSPIObservation | INTEGRAL/SPI observation class |
GOptimizer | Abstract optimizer abstract base class |
GOptimizerLM | Levenberg Marquardt optimizer class |
GOptimizerPar | Optimizer parameter class |
GModelPar | Model parameter class |
GPha | Pulse Height Analyzer class |
GPhoton | Class that handles photons |
GPulsar | Pulsar class |
GPulsarEphemeris | Pulsar ephemeris class |
GRan | Random number generator class |
GResponse | Abstract instrument response base class |
GCOMResponse | Interface for the COMPTEL instrument response function |
GCTAResponse | CTA instrument response function class |
GCTAResponseCube | CTA cube-style response function class |
GCTAResponseIrf | CTA instrument response function class |
GLATResponse | Fermi/LAT Response class |
GMWLResponse | Multi-wavelength response class |
GSPIResponse | INTEGRAL/SPI instrument response function class |
GResponseCache | Response cache class |
GResponseVectorCache | Response vector cache class |
GRmf | Redistribution Matrix File class |
GRoi | Interface for the region of interest classes |
GCOMRoi | COMPTEL region of interest class |
GCTARoi | Interface for the CTA region of interest class |
GLATRoi | Fermi/LAT region of interest class |
GSkyDir | Sky direction class |
GSkyMap | Sky map class |
GSkyPixel | Sky map pixel class |
GSkyProjection | Abstract sky projection base class |
GHealpix | HealPix projection class interface definition |
GWcs | Abstract world coordinate system base class |
GWcsAIT | Aitoff (AIT) projection class definition |
GWcsARC | Zenithal/azimuthal equidistant (ARC) projection class definition |
GWcsAZP | Zenithal/azimuthal perspective (AZP) projection class definition |
GWcsCAR | Plate carree (CAR) projection class definition |
GWcsMER | Mercator's (MER) projection class definition |
GWcsMOL | Mollweide's projection class definition |
GWcsSFL | Sanson-Flamsteed (SFL) projection class definition |
GWcsGLS | Global Sinusoidal (GLS) projection class definition |
GWcsSIN | Orthographic/synthesis (SIN) projection class definition |
GWcsSTG | Stereographic (STG) projection class definition |
GWcsTAN | Gnomonic (TAN) projection class definition |
GSkyRegion | Abstract interface for the sky region class |
GSkyRegionCircle | Interface for the circular sky region class |
GSkyRegionMap | Interface for a sky region map |
GSkyRegionRectangle | Interface for the rectangular sky region class |
GSource | Class that handles gamma-ray sources |
GTestCase | Test class |
GTestSuite | Abstract test suite class for unit testing on GammaLib fixtures |
GTime | Time class |
GTimeReference | Implements a time reference |
GUrl | Abstract URL base class |
GUrlFile | File URL class |
GUrlString | String URL class |
GVector | Vector class |
GVOClient | VO client class |
GVOHub | VO SAMP Hub class |
GVOTable | VOTable class |
GXmlAttribute | XML attribute class |
GFunction | Single parameter function abstract base class |
cta_irf_diffuse_kern_phi | Kernel for IRF azimuth angle integration of the diffuse source model |
cta_irf_diffuse_kern_theta | Kernel for IRF offest angle integration of the diffuse source model |
cta_irf_elliptical_kern_omega | Kernel for ellitpical model azimuth angle IRF integration |
cta_irf_elliptical_kern_rho | Kernel for elliptical model zenith angle integration of IRF |
cta_irf_radial_kern_omega | Kernel for radial model azimuth angle IRF integration |
cta_irf_radial_kern_rho | Kernel for radial model zenith angle integration of IRF |
cta_npsf_kern_rad_azsym | Integration kernel for npsf() method |
cta_nroi_diffuse_kern_phi | Kernel for Nroi azimuth angle integration of diffuse model |
cta_nroi_diffuse_kern_theta | Kernel for Nroi offest angle integration of diffuse model |
cta_nroi_elliptical_kern_omega | Kernel for azimuth angle Nroi integration of elliptical model |
cta_nroi_elliptical_kern_rho | Kernel for zenith angle Nroi integration of elliptical model |
cta_nroi_kern | |
cta_nroi_radial_kern_omega | |
cta_nroi_radial_kern_rho | Kernel for zenith angle Nroi integration of radial model |
cta_psf_diffuse_kern_delta | Kernel for Psf delta angle integration used for stacked analysis |
cta_psf_diffuse_kern_phi | Kernel for Psf phi angle integration used for stacked analysis |
cta_psf_elliptical_kern_omega | |
cta_psf_elliptical_kern_rho | |
cta_psf_radial_kern_delta | Kernel for Psf delta angle integration used for stacked analysis |
cta_psf_radial_kern_omega | Kernel for radial model azimuth angle integration |
cta_psf_radial_kern_phi | Kernel for Psf phi angle integration used for stacked analysis |
cta_psf_radial_kern_rho | |
GCOMD2Response::bkg_gauss_kernel | |
GCOMD2Response::kn_gauss_kernel | |
GCOMIaq::response_kernel | |
GCOMIaq::smearing_kernel | |
GCTABackgroundPerfTable::integrand | |
GCTAEdisp2D::edisp_ereco_kern | |
GCTAModelAeffBackground::npred_roi_kern_phi | |
GCTAModelAeffBackground::npred_roi_kern_theta | |
GCTAModelIrfBackground::npred_roi_kern_phi | |
GCTAModelIrfBackground::npred_roi_kern_theta | |
GCTAModelRadialAcceptance::roi_kern | |
GCTAModelRadialGauss::integrand | |
GCTAModelRadialPolynom::integrand | |
GCTAModelRadialProfile::integrand | |
GCTAModelSpatial::npred_roi_kern_phi | |
GCTAModelSpatial::npred_roi_kern_theta | |
GLATPsfV1::base_integrand | |
GLATPsfV3::base_integrand | |
GModelSky::eflux_kern | |
GModelSky::flux_kern | |
GModelSpatial::circle_int_kern_omega | |
GModelSpatial::circle_int_kern_rho | |
GModelSpatialRadialProfileDMBurkert::halo_kernel_los | |
GModelSpatialRadialProfileDMEinasto::halo_kernel_los | |
GModelSpatialRadialProfileDMZhao::halo_kernel_los | |
GModelSpectralExpInvPlaw::eflux_kernel | |
GModelSpectralExpInvPlaw::flux_kernel | |
GModelSpectralExponential::flux_kern | |
GModelSpectralExponential::eflux_kern | |
GModelSpectralExpPlaw::eflux_kernel | |
GModelSpectralExpPlaw::flux_kernel | |
GModelSpectralGauss::eflux_kernel | |
GModelSpectralLogParabola::flux_kern | |
GModelSpectralLogParabola::eflux_kern | |
GModelSpectralMultiplicative::flux_kern | |
GModelSpectralMultiplicative::eflux_kern | |
GModelSpectralSmoothBrokenPlaw::flux_kern | |
GModelSpectralSmoothBrokenPlaw::eflux_kern | |
GModelSpectralSuperExpPlaw::eflux_kernel | |
GModelSpectralSuperExpPlaw::flux_kernel | |
GObservation::model_func | |
GObservation::npred_func | |
GObservation::npred_kern | |
GObservation::npred_spec_kern | |
GResponse::irf_elliptical_kern_phi | |
GResponse::irf_elliptical_kern_theta | |
GResponse::irf_radial_kern_phi | |
GResponse::irf_radial_kern_theta | |
GFunctions | Single parameter functions abstract base class |
com_elliptical_kerns_omega | Kernel for azimuth angle integration of elliptical models |
com_elliptical_kerns_rho | Kernel for rho angle integration of elliptical models |
com_radial_kerns_omega | Kernel for azimuth angle integration of radial models |
com_radial_kerns_rho | Kernel for rho angle integration of radial models |
cta_psf_radial_kerns_delta | Kernel for radial spatial model PSF delta angle integration |
cta_psf_radial_kerns_phi | Kernel for radial spatial model PSF phi angle integration |
GResponse::edisp_kerns | |
GLog | Information logger interface definition |
GOptimizerFunction | Optimizer function abstract base class |
GCOMDris::likelihood | |
GObservations::likelihood | |
GRegistry | Interface class for registries |
GCTAModelRadialRegistry | Interface definition for the CTA radial model registry class |
GCTAModelSpatialRegistry | Interface definition for the spatial model registry class |
GModelRegistry | Interface definition for the model registry class |
GModelSpatialRegistry | Interface definition for the spatial model registry class |
GModelSpectralRegistry | Interface definition for the spectral model registry class |
GModelTemporalRegistry | Interface definition for the temporal model registry class |
GObservationRegistry | Interface definition for the observation registry class |
GWcsRegistry | Interface definition for the WCS registry class |
GRegistryPointer< T > | Smart pointer for registry classes |
GSparseNumeric | Sparse matrix numeric analysis class |
GSparseSymbolic | Sparse matrix symbolic analysis class |
GModelSpatialRadialProfile::profile | |
GDerivative::tiny |