129 return (
bool ping_hub(void) const
Ping VO Hub.
Abstract XML node base class.
void connect_to_hub(void) const
Connect to SAMP Hub.
std::string m_name
Client name.
GXml execute(const std::string &request) const
Execute function on server.
void clear(void)
Clear object.
GVOClient * clone(void) const
Clone object.
void publish(const GFitsHDU &hdu)
Publish FITS HDU.
Abstract FITS extension base class.
std::string receive_string(void) const
Receive string content from Hub.
Definition of interface for all GammaLib classes.
std::string get_response_value(const GXml &xml, const std::string &name) const
Returns value for a SAMP Hub response parameter.
void shutdown_hub(void) const
Shutdown VO Hub.
std::string m_version
The version of the SAMP Standard Profile implemented by the hub.
void disconnect(void)
Unregister client from VO Hub.
std::string m_hub_url
The XML-RPC endpoint for communication with the hub.
std::string m_hub_path
Hub path (extracted from XML-RPC endpoint)
std::string print(const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const
Print VO client information.
bool find_hub(void)
Find VO Hub.
std::string m_secret
Secret Hub key.
void unregister_from_hub(void)
Unregister client from SAMP Hub.
virtual ~GVOClient(void)
bool require_hub(void)
Require VO Hub.
std::string m_hub_host
Hub host (extracted from XML-RPC endpoint)
std::string m_client_id
Client identifier.
Interface class for all GammaLib classes.
std::string m_client_key
Private client key.
bool is_connected(void) const
Signals if client is connected to VO Hub.
std::string classname(void) const
Return class name.
int response_error_code(const GXml &xml) const
Return response error code.
bool response_is_valid(const GXml &xml) const
Checks if response is valid.
bool has_hub(void) const
Signals if client has VO Hub information.
std::string m_hub_port
Hub port (extracted from XML-RPC endpoint)
void copy_members(const GVOClient &client)
Copy class members.
std::string get_hub_lockfile(void) const
Returns SAMP Hub lockfile URL.
void send_metadata(void) const
Send client metadata to SAMP Hub.
Void constructor.
void connect(void)
Register client at VO Hub.
GVOClient & operator=(const GVOClient &client)
Assignment operator.
std::string response_error_message(const GXml &xml) const
Return response error message.
void init_members(void)
Initialise class members.
void free_members(void)
Delete class members.
void register_to_hub(void)
Register client at SAMP Hub.
void post_string(const std::string &string) const
Post string content to Hub.
std::string m_hub_id
Hub identifier.