No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * CTA helper classes for stacked vector response *
3 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *
4 * copyright (C) 2020-2022 by Juergen Knoedlseder *
5 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *
6 * *
7 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
8 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
9 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
10 * (at your option) any later version. *
11 * *
12 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
15 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
16 * *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
18 * along with this program. If not, see <>. *
19 * *
20 ***************************************************************************/
22 * @file cta_helpers_response_stacked_vector.hpp
23 * @brief Implementation of CTA helper classes for stacked vector response
24 * @author Juergen Knoedlseder
25 */
27/* __ Includes ___________________________________________________________ */
28#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
29#include <config.h>
31#include <cmath>
34#include "GModelPar.hpp"
36#include "GCTAResponseCube.hpp"
37#include "GIntegrals.hpp"
39/* __ Method name definitions ____________________________________________ */
40#define G_PSF_RADIAL_KERNS_PHI "cta_psf_radial_kerns_phi::eval(double&)"
42/* __ Macros _____________________________________________________________ */
44/* __ Coding definitions _________________________________________________ */
46/* __ Debug definitions __________________________________________________ */
48/* __ Constants __________________________________________________________ */
52 = =
53 = Helper methods =
54 = =
55 ==========================================================================*/
58 * @brief Return size of vector kernel for PSF integration of radial model
59 *
60 * @return Size of vector kernel.
61 *
62 * The size of the vector kernel depends on whether gradient computation is
63 * requested or not. With gradient computation, the size is given by the
64 * product of the number of true energies and the number of model parameters
65 * plus one, without gradient computation the size is simply the number of
66 * true energies.
67 ***************************************************************************/
70 // Set size
71 int nengs = m_srcEngs.size();
72 int npars = m_model->size();
73 int size = (m_grad) ? nengs * (npars+1) : nengs;
75 // Return size
76 return size;
81 * @brief Kernel constructor for PSF integration of radial model
82 *
83 * @param[in] rsp Pointer to CTA response cube.
84 * @param[in] model Pointer to radial spatial model.
85 * @param[in] obsDir Observed sky direction.
86 * @param[in] srcEngs True energies.
87 * @param[in] zeta Angular distance between event direction of model centre (radians).
88 * @param[in] theta_max Maximum model radius (radians).
89 * @param[in] iter Number of iterations for azimuth integration.
90 * @param[in] grad Compute parameter gradients?
91 ***************************************************************************/
93 const GModelSpatialRadial* model,
94 const GSkyDir& obsDir,
95 const GEnergies& srcEngs,
96 const double& zeta,
97 const double& theta_max,
98 const int& iter,
99 const bool& grad)
101 // Store constructor arguments
102 m_rsp = rsp;
103 m_model = model;
104 m_obsDir = obsDir;
105 m_srcEngs = srcEngs;
106 m_zeta = zeta;
107 m_theta_max = theta_max;
108 m_iter = iter;
109 m_grad = grad;
111 // Pre-compute trigonometric functions
112 m_cos_zeta = std::cos(zeta);
113 m_sin_zeta = std::sin(zeta);
114 m_cos_theta_max = std::cos(theta_max);
116 // Set coordinate system
117 m_par_cel = (model->coordsys() == "CEL");
119 // Store references to longitude and latitude parameters
120 if (m_par_cel) {
121 m_par_lon = &((*(const_cast<GModelSpatialRadial*>(model)))["RA"]);
122 m_par_lat = &((*(const_cast<GModelSpatialRadial*>(model)))["DEC"]);
123 }
124 else {
125 m_par_lon = &((*(const_cast<GModelSpatialRadial*>(model)))["GLON"]);
126 m_par_lat = &((*(const_cast<GModelSpatialRadial*>(model)))["GLAT"]);
127 }
129 // Pre-compute constants needed for gradient computation. The following
130 // exceptions need to be handled
131 // * beta_0 = +/-90 deg
132 // * m_sin_zeta = 0
133 // * denom = 0
134 if (grad) {
135 double alpha_0 = m_par_cel ? model->dir().ra() : model->dir().l();
136 double beta_0 = m_par_cel ? model->dir().dec() : model->dir().b();
137 double alpha_reco = m_par_cel ? obsDir.ra() : obsDir.l();
138 double beta_reco = m_par_cel ? obsDir.dec() : obsDir.b();
139 double sin_beta_0 = std::sin(beta_0);
140 double cos_beta_0 = std::cos(beta_0);
141 double tan_beta_0 = std::tan(beta_0); // Exception: beta_0 = 90 deg
142 double sin_beta_reco = std::sin(beta_reco);
143 double cos_beta_reco = std::cos(beta_reco);
144 double sin_dalpha = std::sin(alpha_0 - alpha_reco);
145 double cos_dalpha = std::cos(alpha_0 - alpha_reco);
146 double arg = cos_beta_reco * tan_beta_0 -
147 sin_beta_reco * cos_dalpha;
148 double denom = sin_dalpha * sin_dalpha + arg * arg;
149 if (m_sin_zeta != 0.0) {
150 m_dzeta_dalpha_0 = cos_beta_0 * cos_beta_reco * sin_dalpha / m_sin_zeta;
151 m_dzeta_dbeta_0 = (sin_beta_0 * cos_beta_reco * cos_dalpha -
152 cos_beta_0 * sin_beta_reco) / m_sin_zeta;
153 }
154 else {
155 m_dzeta_dalpha_0 = cos_beta_0 * cos_beta_reco;
156 m_dzeta_dbeta_0 = 1.0;
157 }
158 if (denom != 0.0) {
159 m_dphi_dalpha_0 = (sin_beta_reco - cos_dalpha * cos_beta_reco * tan_beta_0) /
160 denom;
161 m_dphi_dbeta_0 = (sin_dalpha * cos_beta_reco * (1.0 + tan_beta_0 * tan_beta_0)) /
162 denom;
163 }
164 else {
165 m_dphi_dalpha_0 = 0.0;
166 m_dphi_dbeta_0 = 0.0;
167 }
168 }
169 else {
170 m_dzeta_dalpha_0 = 0.0;
171 m_dzeta_dbeta_0 = 0.0;
172 m_dphi_dalpha_0 = 0.0;
173 m_dphi_dbeta_0 = 0.0;
174 }
176 // Return
177 return;
182 * @brief Kernel for PSF integration of radial model
183 *
184 * @param[in] delta PSF offset angle (radians).
185 * @return Azimuthally integrated product between PSF and radial model
186 * values for all energies.
187 *
188 * Computes the azimuthally integrated product of point spread function and
189 * the radial model intensity. As the PSF is azimuthally symmetric, it is
190 * not included in the azimuthally integration, but just multiplied on the
191 * azimuthally integrated model. The method returns thus
192 *
193 * \f[
194 * {\rm PSF}(\delta) \times
195 * \int_0^{2\pi} {\rm M}(\delta, \phi) \sin \delta {\rm d}\phi
196 * \f]
197 *
198 * where \f${\rm M}(\delta, \phi)\f$ is the radial model in the coordinate
199 * system of the point spread function, defined by the angle \f$\delta\f$
200 * between the true and the measured photon direction and the azimuth angle
201 * \f$\phi\f$ around the measured photon direction.
202 ***************************************************************************/
205 // Determine size of the result vector
206 int npars = m_model->size();
207 int nengs = m_srcEngs.size();
209 // Initialise result vector
210 GVector values(size());
212 // If we're at the Psf peak the model is zero (due to the sin(delta)
213 // term. We thus only integrate for positive deltas.
214 if (delta > 0.0) {
216 // Compute half length of the arc (in radians) from a circle with
217 // radius delta that intersects with the model, defined as a circle
218 // with maximum radius m_theta_max
219 double dphi = 0.5 * gammalib::roi_arclength(delta,
220 m_zeta,
226 // Continue only if arc length is positive
227 if (dphi > 0.0) {
229 // Compute phi integration range
230 double phi_min = -dphi;
231 double phi_max = +dphi;
233 // Precompute cosine and sine terms for azimuthal integration
234 double sin_delta = std::sin(delta);
235 double cos_delta = std::cos(delta);
236 double sin_delta_sin_zeta = sin_delta * m_sin_zeta;
237 double sin_delta_cos_zeta = sin_delta * m_cos_zeta;
239 // If gradients are requested then use vector integrator
240 if (m_grad) {
242 // Precompute terms for gradient computation
243 double cos_delta_sin_zeta = cos_delta * m_sin_zeta;
244 double cos_delta_cos_zeta = cos_delta * m_cos_zeta;
246 // Setup kernel for azimuthal integration of the spatial model
247 cta_psf_radial_kerns_phi integrand(this,
248 sin_delta_sin_zeta,
249 sin_delta_cos_zeta,
250 cos_delta_sin_zeta,
251 cos_delta_cos_zeta);
253 // Setup integrator
254 GIntegrals integral(&integrand);
255 integral.fixed_iter(m_iter);
257 // Integrate over azimuth
258 GVector irf = integral.romberg(phi_min, phi_max, m_iter) * sin_delta;
260 // Extract value and gradients
261 double value = irf[0];
263 // Multiply in energy dependent PSF
264 for (int i = 0; i < nengs; ++i) {
266 // Get Psf for this energy. We approximate here the true sky
267 // direction by the reconstructed sky direction.
268 double psf = m_rsp->psf()(m_obsDir, delta, m_srcEngs[i]);
270 // Continue only if PSF is positive
271 if (psf > 0.0) {
273 // Compute value
274 values[i] = value * psf;
276 // If gradient computation is requested the multiply also
277 // all factor gradients with the Psf value
278 if (m_grad) {
279 for (int k = 1, ig = i+nengs; k <= npars; ++k, ig += nengs) {
280 values[ig] = irf[k] * psf;
281 }
282 }
284 } // endif: PSF was positive
286 } // endfor: looped over energies
288 } // endif: gradient computation was requested
290 // ... otherwise use scalar integration
291 else {
293 // Allocate dummy energy and time to satisfy interface
294 static const GEnergy srcEng;
295 static const GTime srcTime;
297 // Setup kernel for azimuthal integration of the spatial model
299 srcEng,
300 srcTime,
301 sin_delta_sin_zeta,
302 sin_delta_cos_zeta);
304 // Setup integrator
305 GIntegral integral(&integrand);
306 integral.fixed_iter(m_iter);
308 // Integrate over azimuth
309 double value = integral.romberg(phi_min, phi_max, m_iter) * sin_delta;
311 // Multiply in energy dependent PSF
312 for (int i = 0; i < nengs; ++i) {
314 // Get Psf for this energy. We approximate here the true sky
315 // direction by the reconstructed sky direction.
316 double psf = m_rsp->psf()(m_obsDir, delta, m_srcEngs[i]);
318 // If PSF is positive then compute corresponding value
319 if (psf > 0.0) {
320 values[i] = value * psf;
321 }
323 } // endfor: looped over energies
325 } // endelse: scalar integration requested
327 } // endif: arc length was positive
329 } // endif: delta was positive
331 // Return kernel values
332 return values;
337 * @brief Kernel for azimuthal radial model integration
338 *
339 * @param[in] phi Azimuth angle (radians).
340 * @return Vector of radial model value and parameter factor gradients.
341 *
342 * Computes the value and parameter factor gradients of the radial model at
343 * the position \f$(\delta,\phi)\f$ given in point spread function
344 * coordinates.
345 *
346 * The angle \f$\theta\f$ of the radial model is computed using
347 *
348 * \f[
349 * \theta = \arccos \left( \cos \delta \cos \zeta +
350 * \sin \delta \sin \zeta \cos \phi \right)
351 * \f]
352 *
353 * where \f$\delta\f$ is the angle between true and measured photon
354 * direction, \f$\zeta\f$ is the angle between model centre and measured
355 * photon direction, and \f$\phi\f$ is the azimuth angle with respect to the
356 * measured photon direction, where \f$\phi=0\f$ corresponds to the
357 * connecting line between model centre and measured photon direction.
358 *
359 * If gradient computation is requested, the method also returns the gradients
360 *
361 * \f[
362 * \frac{\partial f}{\partial \alpha_0}
363 * \f]
364 *
365 * and
366 *
367 * \f[
368 * \frac{\partial f}{\partial \beta_0}
369 * \f]
370 *
371 * in the second and third slot of the returned vector. The following slots
372 * contains gradients with respect to other model parameters.
373 ***************************************************************************/
376 // Allocate dummy energy and time to satisfy interface
377 static const GEnergy srcEng;
378 static const GTime srcTime;
380 // Compute sin(phi) and cos(phi). The following code allows usage of the
381 // sincos() method in case that gradients are requested.
382 double sin_phi;
383 double cos_phi;
384 if (m_outer->m_grad) {
385 sin_phi = std::sin(phi);
386 cos_phi = std::cos(phi);
387 }
388 else {
389 cos_phi = std::cos(phi);
390 }
392 // Compute radial model theta angle
393 double cos_theta = m_cos_delta_cos_zeta + m_sin_delta_sin_zeta * cos_phi;
394 double theta = std::acos(cos_theta);
396 // Reduce theta by an infinite amount to avoid rounding errors at the
397 // boundary of a sharp edged model
398 double theta_kluge = theta - 1.0e-12;
399 if (theta_kluge < 0.0) {
400 theta_kluge = 0.0;
401 }
403 // If gradients are requested then compute partial derivatives of theta
404 // and phi with respect to Right Ascension and Declination and store them
405 // into the respective factor gradients so that the
406 // GModelSpatialRadial::eval() method can use the information.
407 if (m_outer->m_grad) {
408 double g_lon = 0.0;
409 double g_lat = 0.0;
410 if (theta > 0.0) {
412 // Compute sin(theta) by avoiding to use a call to sine
413 double sin_theta2 = 1.0 - cos_theta * cos_theta;
414 double sin_theta = (sin_theta2 > 0.0) ? std::sqrt(sin_theta2) : 0.0;
416 // Continue only if sine is non-zero
417 if (sin_theta != 0.0) {
418 double norm = 1.0 / sin_theta;
419 double dtheta_dzeta = (m_cos_delta_sin_zeta -
420 m_sin_delta_cos_zeta * cos_phi) *
421 norm;
422 double dtheta_dphi = (m_sin_delta_sin_zeta * sin_phi) *
423 norm;
424 if (m_outer->m_zeta != 0.0) {
425 g_lon = dtheta_dzeta * m_outer->m_dzeta_dalpha_0 +
426 dtheta_dphi * m_outer->m_dphi_dalpha_0;
427 g_lat = dtheta_dzeta * m_outer->m_dzeta_dbeta_0 +
428 dtheta_dphi * m_outer->m_dphi_dbeta_0;
429 }
430 else {
431 g_lon = 0.0; //TODO: Set correct value
432 g_lat = -cos_phi;
433 }
434 }
435 }
438 }
440 // Compute model value and optionally model parameter gradients
441 m_values[0] = m_outer->m_model->eval(theta_kluge, srcEng, srcTime,
442 m_outer->m_grad);
444 // If gradients are requested, extract now the fully computed model
445 // parameter gradients into the kernel values vector
446 if (m_outer->m_grad) {
447 for (int i = 1, k = 0; i < m_size; ++i, ++k) {
448 m_values[i] = (*(m_outer->m_model))[k].factor_gradient();
449 }
450 }
452 // Debug: Check for NaN
453 #if defined(G_NAN_CHECK)
456 std::string msg = "NaN/Inf encountered for phi="+gammalib::str(phi);
458 }
459 #endif
461 // Return kernel values
462 return m_values;
CTA cube-style response function class definition.
CTA response helper classes definition.
Integration class for set of functions interface definition.
Model parameter class interface definition.
Abstract radial spatial model base class interface definition.
double norm(const GVector &vector)
Computes vector norm.
Definition GVector.cpp:932
CTA cube-style response function class.
const GCTACubePsf & psf(void) const
Return cube analysis point spread function.
Energy container class.
Definition GEnergies.hpp:60
int size(void) const
Return number of energies in container.
Class that handles energies in a unit independent way.
Definition GEnergy.hpp:48
GIntegral class interface definition.
Definition GIntegral.hpp:46
double romberg(std::vector< double > bounds, const int &order=5)
Perform Romberg integration.
void fixed_iter(const int &iter)
Set fixed number of iterations.
Integration class for set of functions.
GVector romberg(std::vector< double > bounds, const int &order=5)
Perform Romberg integration.
void fixed_iter(const int &iter)
Set fixed number of iterations.
Abstract radial spatial model base class.
std::string coordsys(void) const
Return coordinate system.
virtual double eval(const double &theta, const GEnergy &energy, const GTime &time, const bool &gradients=false) const =0
const GSkyDir & dir(void) const
Return position of radial spatial model.
int size(void) const
Return number of parameters.
const double & factor_gradient(void) const
Return parameter factor gradient.
Sky direction class.
Definition GSkyDir.hpp:62
const double & dec(void) const
Return Declination in radians.
Definition GSkyDir.hpp:243
const double & l(void) const
Return galactic longitude in radians.
Definition GSkyDir.hpp:162
const double & ra(void) const
Return Right Ascension in radians.
Definition GSkyDir.hpp:216
const double & b(void) const
Return galactic latitude in radians.
Definition GSkyDir.hpp:189
Time class.
Definition GTime.hpp:55
Vector class.
Definition GVector.hpp:46
Kernel for Psf phi angle integration used for stacked analysis.
bool m_par_cel
Celestial or galactic coordinates.
cta_psf_radial_kerns_delta(const GCTAResponseCube *rsp, const GModelSpatialRadial *model, const GSkyDir &obsDir, const GEnergies &srcEngs, const double &zeta, const double &theta_max, const int &iter, const bool &grad)
Kernel constructor for PSF integration of radial model.
const GModelSpatialRadial * m_model
Radial model.
GSkyDir m_obsDir
Reconstructed event direction.
GVector eval(const double &delta)
Kernel for PSF integration of radial model.
int size(void) const
Return size of vector kernel for PSF integration of radial model.
const GCTAResponseCube * m_rsp
Response cube.
double m_zeta
Distance of model from Psf.
Kernel for radial spatial model PSF phi angle integration.
double m_sin_delta_sin_zeta
sin(delta) * sin(zeta)
cta_psf_radial_kerns_delta * m_outer
Pointer to outer integr.
double m_cos_delta_sin_zeta
cos(delta) * sin(zeta)
double m_cos_delta_cos_zeta
cos(delta) * cos(zeta)
GVector eval(const double &phi)
Kernel for azimuthal radial model integration.
double m_sin_delta_cos_zeta
sin(delta) * cos(zeta)
Implementation of CTA helper classes for stacked vector response.
bool is_infinite(const double &x)
Signal if argument is infinite.
Definition GTools.hpp:186
bool is_notanumber(const double &x)
Signal if argument is not a number.
Definition GTools.hpp:203
std::string str(const unsigned short int &value)
Convert unsigned short integer value into string.
Definition GTools.cpp:508
double roi_arclength(const double &rad, const double &dist, const double &cosdist, const double &sindist, const double &roi, const double &cosroi)
Returns length of circular arc within circular ROI.
Definition GTools.cpp:2126
void warning(const std::string &origin, const std::string &message)
Emits warning.
Definition GTools.cpp:1405