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GCTASupport.hpp File Reference

Definition of support function used by CTA classes. More...

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "GFunction.hpp"
#include "GEnergy.hpp"
#include "GTime.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  gammalib


GCTARoi gammalib::read_ds_roi (const GFitsHDU &hdu)
 Extract ROI from data sub-space keywords.
GEbounds gammalib::read_ds_ebounds (const GFitsHDU &hdu)
 Read energy boundary data sub-space keywords.
GPhases gammalib::read_ds_phase (const GFitsHDU &hdu)
 Read phase boundary data sub-space keywords.
std::string gammalib::read_ds_gti_extname (const GFitsHDU &hdu)
 Return Good Time Intervals extension name from data sub-space keywords.
std::string gammalib::gadf_hduclas4 (const GFits &fits, const std::string &hduclas4)
 Return extension name for GADF response table of given HDU class 4.
int gammalib::iter_rho (const double &rho_max, const double &resolution, const int &iter_min, const int &iter_max)
 Determine number of radial Romberg iterations.
int gammalib::iter_phi (const double &rho, const double &resolution, const int &iter_min, const int &iter_max)
 Determine number of azimuthal Romberg iterations.
const GCTAObservationgammalib::cta_obs (const std::string &origin, const GObservation &obs)
 Retrieve CTA observation from generic observation.
const GCTAPointinggammalib::cta_pnt (const std::string &origin, const GObservation &obs)
 Retrieve CTA pointing from generic observation.
const GCTAResponsegammalib::cta_rsp (const std::string &origin, const GResponse &rsp)
 Retrieve CTA response from generic observation.
const GCTAResponseIrfgammalib::cta_rsp_irf (const std::string &origin, const GObservation &obs)
 Retrieve CTA IRF response from generic observation.
const GCTAResponseCubegammalib::cta_rsp_cube (const std::string &origin, const GObservation &obs)
 Retrieve CTA cube response from generic observation.
const GCTAAeffgammalib::cta_rsp_aeff (const std::string &origin, const GObservation &obs)
 Retrieve CTA effective area response from generic observation.
const GCTABackgroundgammalib::cta_rsp_bkg (const std::string &origin, const GObservation &obs)
 Retrieve CTA background response from generic observation.
const GCTAEventListgammalib::cta_event_list (const std::string &origin, const GObservation &obs)
 Retrieve CTA event list from generic observation.
const GCTAEventCubegammalib::cta_event_cube (const std::string &origin, const GObservation &obs)
 Retrieve CTA event cube from generic observation.
const GCTAInstDirgammalib::cta_dir (const std::string &origin, const GEvent &event)
 Retrieve CTA instrument direction from generic event.
const GModelSpectralgammalib::cta_model_spectral (const GModelData &model)
 Retrieve spectral component from CTA background model.
const GModelTemporalgammalib::cta_model_temporal (const GModelData &model)
 Retrieve temporal component from CTA background model.

Detailed Description

Definition of support function used by CTA classes.

Juergen Knoedlseder

Definition in file GCTASupport.hpp.