This section describes and explains how to create high level output. The following scripts and tools are explained:
After having created an observation definition file, the user might want to know a summary of its content. Important quantities usually are the number of observations, the total livetime, or the mean zenith angle. For this purpose, csobsinfo inspects an observation XML container for its content.
$ csobsinfo
Event list, counts cube, or observation definition file [obs.xml] selected_obs.xml
This dumps general information of the observation container in a logfile csobsinfo.log. For a direct output on the screen, pass the hidden parameter debug=yes on the command line:
$ csobsinfo debug=yes
Event list, counts cube, or observation definition file [obs.xml] selected_obs.xml
2016-02-19T15:43:08: +=========+
2016-02-19T15:43:08: | Summary |
2016-02-19T15:43:08: +=========+
2016-02-19T15:43:08: Unbinned observations .....: 4
2016-02-19T15:43:08: Number of events ..........: 6085
2016-02-19T15:43:08: Binned observations .......: 0
2016-02-19T15:43:08: Number of bins ............: 0
2016-02-19T15:43:08: === Pointings ===
2016-02-19T15:43:08: Mean zenith angle .........: 46.89
2016-02-19T15:43:08: Mean azimuth angle ........: 13.63
2016-02-19T15:43:08: === Energy range ===
2016-02-19T15:43:08: Emin ......................: 461.48 GeV
2016-02-19T15:43:08: Emax ......................: 37.8832 TeV
2016-02-19T15:43:08: === Time range ===
2016-02-19T15:43:08: Start [MJD] ...............: 53343.9212153
2016-02-19T15:43:08: Stop [MJD] ................: 53347.9321065
2016-02-19T15:43:08: Total ontime ..............: 6877.00 s = 114.62 min = 1.91 h
2016-02-19T15:43:08: Total livetime ............: 6427.52 s = 107.13 min = 1.79 h
Further options are described on the reference page csobsinfo.
Similar to the observation containers, model XML file can be inspected, too. The tool csmodelinfo gives a summary of the model container. In particular, the number of free parameters, number of sky and background models and also number of parameters that are at their limits might be of interest.
$ csmodelinfo debug=yes
Input model definiton file XML file [$CTOOLS/share/models/crab.xml]
Output DS9 region file [ds9.reg]
2016-02-19T15:50:40: +=========+
2016-02-19T15:50:40: | Summary |
2016-02-19T15:50:40: +=========+
2016-02-19T15:50:40: === Instrument specific models ===
2016-02-19T15:50:40: All .......................: 1
2016-02-19T15:50:40: CTA .......................: 1
2016-02-19T15:50:40: === Model types ===
2016-02-19T15:50:40: PointSource ...............: 1
2016-02-19T15:50:40: CTAIrfBackground ..........: 1
2016-02-19T15:50:40: +=======================+
2016-02-19T15:50:40: | Parameter information |
2016-02-19T15:50:40: +=======================+
2016-02-19T15:50:40: All parameters ............: 10
2016-02-19T15:50:40: Fixed parameters ..........: 6
2016-02-19T15:50:40: Free parameters (total) ...: 4
2016-02-19T15:50:40: Free background parameters : 2
2016-02-19T15:50:40: Free source parameters ....: 2
2016-02-19T15:50:40: Free spectral parameters ..: 2
2016-02-19T15:50:40: Parameters at limit .......: 0
Similar to csobsinfo, the script also generates a ds9 region file including the positions of all the sky model components.
Very often in gamma-ray astronomy sources are at the verge of detection or even not detectable. In such cases, it is useful to derive an upper limit using ctulimit.
$ ctulimit
Input event list, counts cube or observation definition XML file [selected_obs.xml]
Input model XML file [crab_models.xml]
Source of interest [Crab]
The upper limit will be stored in the log file. To get the limit printed on screen, use the hidden parameter debug=yes.
When an analysis approaches its final state, it makes sense to have asymmetric errors on the parameters of the source of interest. For this purpose, the tool cterror can be used:
$ cterror debug=yes
Input event list, counts cube or observation definition XML file [selected_obs.xml]
Input model XML file [crab_models.xml]
Source of interest [Crab]
Output model XML file [cterror_results.xml]
The output model does not contain asymmetric errors yet. The positive and negative uncertainties can be read from the logfile (or from screen if debug=yes was specified).
A very common task in astronomy is to compute spectral data points. To determine a spectral data point, a small energy range is considered and the model prefactor and its uncertainty is evaluated. The tool csspec works on both, binned and unbinned data. The hidden parameter edisp=yes can be specified in both cases to consider the energy migration matrix in the fit.
The resulting spectral points are provided as a function of reconstructed energy.
$ csspec debug=yes
Input event list, counts cube, or observation definition XML file [events.fits] selected_obs.xml
Input model XML file [$CTOOLS/share/models/crab.xml] crab_models.xml
Source name [Crab]
Algorithm for defining energy bins (FILE|LIN|LOG) [LOG]
Lower energy limit for spectral points (TeV) [0.1] 0.5
Upper energy limit for spectral points (TeV) [100.0] 50.0
Number of spectral points (1-10000) [20] 10
Output spectrum file [spectrum.fits]
$ csspec debug=yes
Input event list, counts cube, or observation definition XML file [cntcube.fits]
Input exposure cube file (only needed for stacked analysis) [expcube.fits]
Input PSF cube file (only needed for stacked analysis) [psfcube.fits]
Input background cube file (only needed for stacked analysis) [bkgcube.fits]
Input model XML file [binned_models.xml]
Source name [Crab]
Number of spectral points (1-10000) [10]
Lower energy limit for spectral points (TeV) [0.5]
Upper energy limit for spectral points (TeV) [50.0]
Output spectrum file [spectrum.fits]
Instead of supporting a plotting library, simple example scripts are available to visualise data products. Have a look at $CTOOLS/examples/ how a spectrum can be plotted using matplotlib. To have first glance at the above computed spectrum one can use this script in the following way:
$ python $CTOOLS/examples/ spectrum.fits
Euqally common in astronomy are light curves from a time-series analysis. The tool cslightcrv takes as input only an unbinned observation container (or a single event list). Counts cube are not possible as inout since the time informstion is lost during the binning procedure. Nevertheless, in case of large time bins, it is possible to require a binned analysis in each time bin. The tool will accordingly slice the event list and create the data products for the stacked analysis in each time span.
$ cslightcrv
Input event list, counts cube, or observation definition XML file [selected_obs.xml]
Input model XML file [crab_models.xml]
Source name [Crab]
Algorithm for defining time bins (FILE|LIN|GTI) [GTI]
Number of energy bins per light curve bin (0=unbinned) [0]
Lower energy limit of events (TeV) [0.1] 0.5
Upper energy limit of events (TeV) [100.0] 50
Output light curve file [lightcurve.fits]
A frequent means to visually inspect the fitted model with respect to the input data is to create residual maps. Using csresmap such a map can easily be computed. The tool internally bins the data according to user parameters. (if data is not already provided in a binned state). Taking into account the corresponding IRFs, csresmap computes a model map (running ctmodel). Subsequently, there are several choices how data and model should be compared. There are three options:
$ csresmap
Input event list, counts cube, or observation definition XML file [selected_obs.xml]
Input model XML file [crab_results.xml]
First coordinate of image center in degrees (RA or galactic l) (0-360) [83.63]
Second coordinate of image center in degrees (DEC or galactic b) (-90-90) [22.01]
Coordinate System (CEL|GAL) [CEL]
Projection method (AIT|AZP|CAR|MER|MOL|STG|TAN) [CAR]
Size of the X axis in pixels [100]
Size of the Y axis in pixels [100]
Pixel size (deg/pixel) [0.02]
Residual map computation algorithm (SUB|SUBDIV|SUBDIVSQRT) [SUBDIV]
Output residual map file [resmap.fits]
The tool behaves differently if the input observation parameter is a count cube. It will query for the additional binned reponse components.
$ csresmap
Input event list, counts cube, or observation definition XML file [cntcube.fits]
Input model cube file (generated with ctmodel) [NONE]
Input exposure cube file (only needed for stacked analysis) [expcube.fits]
Input PSF cube file (only needed for stacked analysis) [psfcube.fits]
Input background cube file (only needed for stacked analysis) [bkgcube.fits]
Input model XML file [binned_results.xml]
Residual map computation algorithm (SUB|SUBDIV|SUBDIVSQRT) [SUBDIV]
Output residual map file [resmap.fits]
Note that the tool also queries for an input model cube file (which we set to NONE here). This is very convenient in case the model cube has already been precomputed using ctmodel.
In case a model cube can be provided, csresmap simply collapses both cube into one skymap and applies the specified algorithm.
$ csresmap
Input event list, counts cube, or observation definition XML file [cntcube.fits]
Input model cube file (generated with ctmodel) [modcube.fits]
Residual map computation algorithm (SUB|SUBDIV|SUBDIVSQRT) [SUB]
Output residual map file [resmap.fits]
The test statistics quantity is a more precise measurement of statistic than the SUBDIVSQRT option in csresmap. To get familiar with the concept of this procedure, read more about TS maps.
$ cttsmap
Input event list, counts cube or observation definition XML file [selected_obs.xml]
Input model XML file [crab_results.xml]
Test source name [Crab]
First coordinate of image center in degrees (RA or galactic l) (0-360) [83.63]
Second coordinate of image center in degrees (DEC or galactic b) (-90-90) [22.01]
Projection method (AIT|AZP|CAR|MER|MOL|STG|TAN) [CAR]
Coordinate system (CEL - celestial, GAL - galactic) (CEL|GAL) [CEL]
Image scale (in degrees/pixel) [0.05]
Size of the X axis in pixels [20]
Size of the Y axis in pixels [20]
Output Test Statistic map file [tsmap.fits]
The output file will contain a sky map holding the TS map. In complementary extensions, for each free parameter of the source model, a map displaying the parameter value is added to the output file. For instance a map of the prefactor can be visualised with DS9 as follows:
$ ds9 tsmap.fits[Prefactor]
Since cttsmap has to run a parameter optimisation in each skymap bin, it is very time comsuming to compute a fine-granulated TS sky map. Read here how to split up the computation into several jobs. Similar as many other tools cttsmap can also work on binned observation input:
$ cttsmap debug=yes
Input event list, counts cube or observation definition XML file [cntcube.fits]
Input exposure cube file (only needed for stacked analysis) [expcube.fits]
Input PSF cube file (only needed for stacked analysis) [psfcube.fits]
Input background cube file (only needed for stacked analysis) [bkgcube.fits]
Input model XML file [binned_results.xml]
Test source name [Crab]
First coordinate of image center in degrees (RA or galactic l) (0-360) [83.63]
Second coordinate of image center in degrees (DEC or galactic b) (-90-90) [22.01]
Projection method (AIT|AZP|CAR|MER|MOL|STG|TAN) [CAR]
Coordinate system (CEL - celestial, GAL - galactic) (CEL|GAL) [CEL]
Image scale (in degrees/pixel) [0.05]
Size of the X axis in pixels [20]
Size of the Y axis in pixels [20]
Output Test Statistic map file [tsmap.fits]