
Computes spectrum for a given source.


This script computes the source spectrum by fitting a model in a given set of spectral bins. The model fit per spectral bin is performed using ctlike and the script provides the possibility to fix sources other than the source of interest (hidden parameter fix_srcs) or to fix the background model component(s) (hidden parameter fix_bkg). The script computes the source flux and its uncertainty in each spectral bin, as well as the significance of the source detection. Optionally, it also computes an upper flux limit that is particularly useful in case that the source is not significantly detected within a spectral bin (hidden parameter calc_ulim).

There are three fundamental methods to run the script depending on the value of the method parameter, SLICE, BINS and NODES.

If method=SLICE the energy interval defined by the emin and emax parameters is divided into a number of energy bins and an independent maximum likelihood fit is performed in each of the energy bins. In order to cope with all kinds of spectral models, including composite spectra, input spectrum will be converted into a file function, with the normalisation of the file function being the fit parameter for each energy bin. This implies that spectral components are merged into a single function using the model parameters that are specified in the input model.

If method=BINS the spectral model will be replaced by a bin function that will be fit to all data, with method=NODES the spectral model will be replaced by a node function. The advantage of BINS over NODES is that with BINS the spectral flux points are statistically independent, while with NODES the underlying spectral model connects spectral flux points using a piecewise power law. Both methods are particularly useful if non-CTA data should be fitted such as data from Fermi/LAT, CGRO/COMPTEL or INTEGRAL/SPI.

By default, method is set to AUTO which will automatically select the method based on the input data. For CTA-only observations SLICE will be used, otherwise NODES will be used.

The spectral binning is either defined by a FITS file containing the energy boundaries of each bin (option ebinalg=FILE) or as enumbins bins spread linearly (option ebinalg=LIN) or logarithmically (option ebinalg=LOG) from a minimum energy, given by emin, to a maximum energy, given by emax.

For binned, stacked or On/Off CTA data, all energy bins that overlap with the energy range spanned by emin and emax are considered. The number of spectral bins is only approximately determined by the enumbins parameter. Naturally, csspec cannot create more spectral bins than the number of energy bins that are available in the data. In case that there are more energy bins in the data than the number of spectral bins that are requested, csspec will fit the data in all energy bins that overlap with a given spectral bin simultaneously.

csspec supports multiprocessing for method=SLICE. By default the analysis in each energy bin will be performed in parallel over as many processes as the number of CPUs available on your machine. The maximum number of parallel processes can be set by the user through the nthreads hidden parameter.

On output, the script will provide a FITS file with the fitted source spectrum in form of a binary table. Each row corresponds to a spectral bin. The columns are the mean as well as the boundaries of the spectral bin, the fitted flux and flux error, the Test Statistics value (option calc_ts=yes), the upper flux limit (option calc_ulim=yes) and the predicted number of events (only for unbinned data).

General parameters

inobs [file]

Input event list, counts cube or observation definition XML file.

inmodel [file]

Input model XML file.

srcname [string]

Name of the source in the source model XML file which should be used for spectrum generation.

expcube [file]

Input exposure cube file.

psfcube [file]

Input PSF cube file.

edispcube [file]

Input energy dispersion cube file.

bkgcube [file]

Input background cube file.

caldb [string]

Calibration database.

irf [string]

Instrumental response function.

(edisp = no) [boolean]

Apply energy dispersion to response computation?

outfile [file]

Output spectrum FITS file.

method <SLICE|NODES|BINS|AUTO> [string]

Spectrum generation method. SLICE will slice the energy interval into enumbins independent bins, NODES will replace the spectral model by a node function with enumbins nodes, BINS will replace the spectral model by a bin function with enumbins nodes, and AUTO will automatically select the method based on the input data. If AUTO is selected and there are only CTA observations then SLICE will be used, otherwise NODES will be used.

ebinalg <FILE|LIN|LOG|POW> [string]

Algorithm for defining energy bins. For FILE, the energy bins are defined in a FITS file that is specified by the ebinfile parameter, for LIN LOG and POW there will be enumbins energy bins spaced linearly, logarithmically, or following a power law between emin and emax, respectively. For POW, the parameter ebingamma specifies the slope of the power law.

emin [real]

Lower energy value for first energy bin (in TeV) if LIN or LOG energy binning algorithms are used.

emax [real]

Upper energy value for last energy bin (in TeV) if LIN or LOG energy binning algorithms are used.

enumbins [integer]

Number of energy bins if LIN or LOG energy binning algorithms are used.

ebinfile [file]

Name of the file containing the energy binning definition if ebinalg=FILE. You may use csebins to generate a file with appropriate energy binning.

ebingamma [real]

Exponent of the power law for POW energy binning. An exponent of 1.0 corresponds to a logarithmic energy binning.

(statistic = DEFAULT) <DEFAULT|CSTAT|WSTAT|CHI2> [string]

Optimization statistic. DEFAULT uses the default statistic for all observations, which is CSTAT or the statistic specified in the observation definition XML file. CSTAT uses the C statistic for all observations, WSTAT uses the W statistic for all On/Off observations, and CHI2 uses the Chi squared statistic for all binned or stacked observations.

(calc_ts = yes) [boolean]

Compute TS for each spectral point?

(calc_ulim = yes) [boolean]

Compute upper limit for each spectral point?

(confidence = 0.95) [real]

Confidence level for upper limit computation.

(fix_srcs = yes) [boolean]

Fix other sky model parameters?

(fix_bkg = no) [boolean]

Fix background model parameters?

(bingamma = -2.0) [real]

Spectral index for BINS method. Within each spectral bin a power law will be assumed with the specified spectral index.

(dll_sigstep = 0) [real]

Step size in standard deviations for log-like profiles. Note this value determines the number of steps to use.

(dll_sigmax = 5.0) [real]

Maximum number of standard deviations for log-like profiles. The final number of bins generated in the likelihood profile will be: 2*(dll_sigmax/dll_sigstep) + 1 ensuring that the central flux will always be evaluated.

(dll_freenodes = no) [boolean]

Free nodes not being fit when computing log-like profiles. This parameter only has an effect if ‘method=NODES’ is set.

Standard parameters

(nthreads = 0) [integer]

Number of parallel processes (0=use all available CPUs).

(publish = no) [boolean]

Specifies whether the spectrum should be published on VO Hub.

(chatter = 2) [integer]
Verbosity of the executable:

chatter = 0: no information will be logged

chatter = 1: only errors will be logged

chatter = 2: errors and actions will be logged

chatter = 3: report about the task execution

chatter = 4: detailed report about the task execution

(clobber = yes) [boolean]

Specifies whether an existing source spectrum output file should be overwritten.

(debug = no) [boolean]

Enables debug mode. In debug mode the executable will dump any log file output to the console.

(mode = ql) [string]

Mode of automatic parameters (default is ql, i.e. “query and learn”).

(logfile = csspec.log) [filename]

Log filename.