Getting Help

If you need help you should first check

In case that you do not find an answer to your question you may post your question on the mailing list. To subscribe to this list you simply need to send an e-mail to (content is irrelevant).

You can also use the Redmine system that we use for the ctools software development management to ask for support, report a bug, or request a new feature. To use the system you will first need to register.

Once registered, you can sign-in and ask for support by creating a support issue. Specify Support as Tracker, choose a short and meaningful subject, and add an exhaustive description of your request.

If you find a bug you should first check the list of bugs to see whether your bug is already known. If the bug is known, you may edit the issue and add some information (e.g. a log file, screen shot, etc.). If the bug is not yet known, please create a bug issue. Specify Bug as Tracker, provide a short and meaningful subject, and add an exhaustive description of the bug. Include the ctools software version, your operating system, and the conditions under which the bug occurred. Ideally you should provide all files and the command sequence (or a script) that will allow us to reproduce the bug.

If you would like to suggest some enhancements to ctools you should create a feature issue. Specify Feature as Tracker, choose a short and meaningful subject, and add an exhaustive description of your feature request. Also explain the motivation for your request and provide some hint on how urgently you need the new feature.

You may click on Watch in the top-right corner of the issue page to make sure that you will receive an e-mail notification when the issue is updated.