This section shows some of the wrinkles that could ease your life when running IACT analyses.
A very common task is to inspect the observation container and visualise several quantities.
The tool ctskymap allows to create a single map of counts contained inside an observation container. In contrast to ctbin, ctskymap takes into account all events that fall into the skymap energy range and spatial range. Since ctbin is intended for stacked analysis, it respects energy thresholds, RoI selections, etc. In contrast, ctskymap may be used for a simple visualisation of the counts.
$ ctskymap debug=yes
Input event list or observation definition XML file [events.fits] obs.xml
Lower energy limit (TeV) [0.1]
Upper energy limit (TeV) [100.0]
First coordinate of image center in degrees (RA or galactic l) (0-360) [83.63]
Second coordinate of image center in degrees (DEC or galactic b) (-90-90) [22.01]
Projection method (AIT|AZP|CAR|MER|MOL|STG|TAN) [CAR]
Coordinate system (CEL - celestial, GAL - galactic) (CEL|GAL) [CEL]
Image scale (in degrees/pixel) [0.02]
Size of the X axis in pixels [200]
Size of the Y axis in pixels [200]
Output skymap file [skymap.fits]
Alternatively, you may start from a counts cube and collapse the maps into one single map via Python:
>>> import gammalib
>>> map = gammalib.GSkyMap("myCountCube.fits") # Load counts cube
>>> map.stack_maps() # Stack all cube maps into a single map
>>>"myCountMap.fits") # Save map to file
You may want to know how the pointings of the observation container distribute across the sky. For this purpose, csobsinfo provides the hidden parameter ds9file which instructs the script produce a region file that contains the pointing information:
$ csobsinfo ds9file=pointings.reg debug=yes
Event list, counts cube, or observation definition file [obs.xml]
Together with the previously produced skymap, you can plot the pointings using for example ds9:
$ ds9 skymap.fits -regions pointings.reg
The script csobsinfo logs information about an observation container into a log file. You may access the information through dedicated class methods and plot the information using for example matplotlib:
>>> # Run script
>>> import cscripts
>>> info = cscripts.csobsinfo()
>>> info["inobs"] = "selected_obs.xml"
>>> # Plot data
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.hist(info.zeniths(), bins=10, range=[0,90])
This example will plot a histogram showing the zenith angle distribution of the observation container. In addition there are more methods to access information in Python:
>>> info.azimuths() # list of azimuth values
>>> info.offsets() # list of offset values (only computed if hidden parameter offset=yes was specified)
>>> info.ebounds() # gammalib.GEbounds object of energy ranges
>>> info.gti() # gammalib.GGti object containing good time intervals
There is also an example script to plot information about an observation container which might be useful for a quick visualisation:
$ python $CTOOLS/examples/ selected_obs.xml
Similar to csobsinfo, there is the csmodelinfo script to find out more about the content of a model XML file. In order to show the position and sizes of the model on top of a skymap, this tool has the hidden parameter ds9file, too.
$ csmodelinfo ds9file=models.reg debug=yes
Input model XML file [$CTOOLS/share/models/crab.xml]
There are several options regarding the color, text and other attributes of the region file. To see a full list, visit the reference page. Analogous to the pointings of the observation container, the models can be visualised using for example ds9:
$ ds9 skymap.fits -regions models.reg
This example will give you some guidance on how to work with model XML files in Python and how to manipulate their content:
>>> import gammalib
>>> # Open model file
>>> models = gammalib.GModels("$CTOOLS/share/models/crab.xml")
>>> # Access a model component
>>> src = models["Crab"]
>>> print(src)
>>> # Retrieve the spectral or spatial component
>>> print(src.spectral())
>>> print(src.spatial())
>>> # Print the spectral parameter "Prefactor"
>>> prefactor = src.spectral()["Prefactor"]
>>> print("Prefactor: "+str(prefactor.value())+" +- "+str(prefactor.error()))
>>> # Set the prefactor value
>>> prefactor.value(3.5e-17)
>>> # Loop over models and fix all parameters
>>> for model in models:
>>> for par in model: # Loop over model parameters
>>> par.fix() # Fix parameter
>>> # Release one specific parameter
>>> models["Crab"]["Prefactor"].free()
>>> # Set the parameter range
>>> models["Crab"]["Prefactor"].min(1e-18)
>>> models["Crab"]["Prefactor"].max(1e-16)
>>> # ... or in one step:
>>> models["Crab"]["Prefactor"].range(1e-18, 1e-16)
>>> # Remove model from container
>>> models.remove("Crab")
>>> # Save model to another XML file
For some purposes, it might be useful to retrieve the fitted likelihood value and other results of the fit with ctlike.
>>> import gammalib
>>> import ctools
>>> # Create and run ctlike
>>> like = ctools.ctlike()
>>> like["inobs"] = "selected_obs.xml"
>>> like["inmodel"] = "mymodels.xml"
>>> # Get optimizer from ctlike
>>> opt = like.opt()
>>> print(opt)
>>> # Get likelihood value from optimizer
>>> print(opt.value())
>>> # Get fit status:
>>> print(opt.status())
>>> # 0: converged
>>> # 1: stalled
>>> # 2: singular curvature matrix encountered
>>> # 3: curvature matrix not positive definite
>>> # 4: errors are inaccurate
In some cases it may occur that the analysis takes very long. There are several reasons that can slow down the analysis quite severly. Not all issues can be tackled. Nevertheless, here is a list of actions that have proven to speed up the fit.
A very important means to visualise images of sources are excess maps. The script csresmap can also be used to create such a map. The user, however, has to manually remove the source(s) of interest from the input model XML file.
>>> import gammalib
>>> models = gammalib.GModels("crab_models.xml")
>>> models.remove("Crab")
Of course, this can also be done by editing the XML file with an editor.
Subsequently, csresmap can be executed using the algorithm=SUB parameter:
$ csresmap
Input event list, counts cube, or observation definition XML file [selected_obs.xml]
Input model XML file [models_without_crab.xml]
First coordinate of image center in degrees (RA or galactic l) (0-360) [83.63]
Second coordinate of image center in degrees (DEC or galactic b) (-90-90) [22.01]
Coordinate System (CEL|GAL) [CEL]
Projection method (AIT|AZP|CAR|MER|MOL|STG|TAN) [CAR]
Size of the X axis in pixels [100]
Size of the Y axis in pixels [100]
Pixel size (deg/pixel) [0.02]
Residual map computation algorithm (SUB|SUBDIV|SUBDIVSQRT) [SUB]
Output residual map file [excessmap.fits]
The creation of a flux map is much more expensive in terms of computing than an excess map. In the section about high level analysis tools, the usage of cttsmap was demonstrated. This tool can also be used to generate flux maps. For this, the user has to incorporate a test source in the XML model file. This source should consist of a spectral component using a PowerLawPhotonFlux model:
<source name="TestSource" type="PointSource">
<spectrum type="PowerLawPhotonFlux">
<parameter scale="1e-07" name="PhotonFlux" min="1e-07" max="1000.0" value="1.0" free="1"/>
<parameter scale="1.0" name="Index" min="-5.0" max="+5.0" value="-2.0" free="1"/>
<parameter scale="1.0" name="LowerLimit" min="10.0" max="1000000.0" value="100.0" free="0"/>
<parameter scale="1.0" name="UpperLimit" min="10.0" max="1000000.0" value="500000.0" free="0"/>
<spatialModel type="PointSource">
<parameter free="0" max="360" min="-360" name="RA" scale="1" value="83.6331" />
<parameter free="0" max="90" min="-90" name="DEC" scale="1" value="22.0145" />
The further content of the rest of the XML model file depends on the user requirements:
The tool cttsmap will create one skymap per free spectral parameter in the model. In the result FITS file, there will be an extension called Integral that contains the flux map. For the above XML example, the source name TestSource should be specified to cttsmap.
Since the computation of a TS map can be extremely time consuming, the option of splitting the computation into several jobs is supported. This might be of particular interest if the user has access to a batch farm.
For the purpose of job splitting, the hidden parameter binmin and binmax were included in the tool. These are integer parameter that specify which bins should be computed. For instance, if the map should consist of 30x30(=900) pixels, the user could for example execute
$ cttsmap binmin=0 binmax=299 outmap=tsmap_0_299.fits
$ cttsmap binmin=300 binmax=599 outmap=tsmap_300_599.fits
$ cttsmap binmin=600 binmax=899 outmap=tsmap_600_899.fits
Each command could run on a different machine.
The output file name of individual jobs should be different. Otherwise files could overwrite each other. The naming of the individual slices is up to the user.
The script cstsmapsplit will take care of this bookkeeping. It creates an ASCII file containing all the commands according to the user input. The following example will create split the computation of a TS map into 2000 separate task. Each task will only compute 5 bins on its own. This is very useful if the observation container is large or the fit simply takes a long time.
$ cstsmapsplit
Input event list, counts cube or observation definition XML file [selected_obs.xml]
Input model definition XML file [$CTOOLS/share/models/crab.xml]
First coordinate of image center in degrees (RA or galactic l) (0-360) [83.63]
Second coordinate of image center in degrees (DEC or galactic b) (-90-90) [22.01]
Projection method (AIT|AZP|CAR|MER|MOL|STG|TAN) [CAR]
Coordinate system (CEL - celestial, GAL - galactic) (CEL|GAL) [CEL]
Image scale (in degrees/pixel) [0.02]
Size of the X axis in pixels [100]
Size of the Y axis in pixels [100]
Test source name [Crab]
Output Test Statistic map file [tsmap.fits]
Number of TS map bins per task [5]
Compute null hypothesis first? [yes]
ASCII file containing all commands [commands.dat]
One can decide if we want to compute the null hypothesis first. This way, a parameter optimisation will be performed without the test source. The obtained likelihood value will then be passed to each individual task of cttsmap. If compute_null=no, each task has to compute the null hypothesis itself.
The script cstsmapmerge is intended to take care of merging the files that were produced while splitting the TS map computation. There are several options to pass the files to be merged as arguments:
In this example the ASCII file method is presented:
# Put slice files into an ascii file
$ ls tsmap_*.fits > tsmapfiles.txt
# Run cstsmapmerge
$ cstsmapmerge
Input TS map FITS files [@tsmapfiles.txt]
Output TS map FITS file [mytsmap.fits]
It is easily possible to build an own analysis workflow with a simple python script. The following source code example shows a python script running from gathering observations until fitting spectral points without storing intermediate data products on disk. It assumes that the environment variable $VHEFITS is set to the path where IACT FITS data is located.
>>> import gammalib
>>> import ctools
>>> import cscripts
>>> # Set debug flag
>>> debug = True
>>> # Set flag to use energy dispersion
>>> edisp = False
>>> # Set inmodel file name
>>> inmodel = "$GAMMALIB/test/data/model_point_plaw.xml"
>>> # Expand environment variable
>>> inmodel = gammalib.expand_env(inmodel)
>>> # Extract coordinates and model properties
>>> models = gammalib.GModels(inmodel)
>>> srcname = models[0].name()
>>> ra = models[0]["RA"].value()
>>> dec = models[0]["DEC"].value()
>>> # Find FITS production name
>>> iactdata = cscripts.csiactdata()
>>> iactdata["debug"] = debug
>>> # Use first available production
>>> prodname = iactdata.names()[0]
>>> # Run csfindobs
>>> findobs = cscripts.csfindobs()
>>> findobs["ra"] = ra
>>> findobs["dec"] = dec
>>> findobs["rad"] = 2.5
>>> findobs["prodname"] = prodname
>>> findobs["debug"] = debug
>>> findobs["outfile"] = "NONE"
>>> # Retrieve obervation IDs (runlist)
>>> obs_ids = findobs.obs_ids()
>>> # Build observation container
>>> iactobs = cscripts.csiactobs()
>>> iactobs["prodname"] = prodname
>>> iactobs["inmodel"] = inmodel
>>> iactobs["bkgpars"] = 1
>>> iactobs["outobs"] = "NONE"
>>> iactobs["outmodel"] = "NONE"
>>> iactobs["debug"] = debug
>>> iactobs.runlist(obs_ids)
>>> # Retrieve observation container and energy boundaries
>>> obs = iactobs.obs()
>>> ebounds = iactobs.ebounds()
>>> # Run ctselect
>>> select = ctools.ctselect(obs)
>>> select["usepnt"] = True
>>> select["rad"] = 2.5
>>> select["usethres"] = "DEFAULT"
>>> select["tmin"] = 0.0
>>> select["tmax"] = 0.0
>>> select["emin"] = 0.1
>>> select["emax"] = 100.0
>>> select["debug"] = debug
>>> # Pass selected observations to ctlike
>>> like = ctools.ctlike(select.obs())
>>> like["debug"] = debug
>>> like["edisp"] = edisp
>>> # Compute a spectrum and save
>>> spec = cscripts.csspec(like.obs())
>>> spec["srcname"] = srcname
>>> spec["emin"] = ebounds.emin().TeV()
>>> spec["emax"] = ebounds.emax().TeV()
>>> spec["enumbins"] = 10
>>> spec["edisp"] = edisp
>>> spec["ebinalg"] = "LOG"
>>> spec["debug"] = debug
>>> spec["outfile"] = "spectrum.fits"
>>> spec.execute()
>>> # Remove model for excess map computation
>>> like.obs().models().remove(srcname)
>>> # Compute an excess map
>>> resmap = cscripts.csresmap(like.obs())
>>> resmap["xref"] = ra
>>> resmap["yref"] = dec
>>> resmap["proj"] = "CAR"
>>> resmap["coordsys"] = "CEL"
>>> resmap["emin"] = ebounds.emin().TeV()
>>> resmap["emax"] = ebounds.emax().TeV()
>>> resmap["nxpix"] = 100
>>> resmap["nypix"] = 100
>>> resmap["binsz"] = 0.02
>>> resmap["outmap"] = "excessmap.fits"
>>> resmap.execute()
The results of this analysis workflow can be inspected using an example Python script and for example ds9:
$ python $CTOOLS/examples/ spectrum.fits
$ ds9 excessmap.fits