
Computes a light curve for a given source.


This script computes a light curve by performing a maximum likelihood fit using ctlike in a series of time bins. The time bins can be either specified in an ASCII file, as an interval divided into equally sized time bins, or can be taken from the Good Time Intervals of the observation(s). The format of the ASCII file is one row per time bin, each specifying the start of stop value of the bin, separated by a whitespace. The times are given in Modified Julian Days (MJD).

cslightcrv can perform the light curve fitting in unbinned, stacked or On/Off analysis mode; on input the script always requires unbinned data, i.e. event list(s), since only event data retain time information for light curve fitting. To select unbinned analysis, specify method=3D and enumbins=0; for stacked analysis specify method=3D and any positive number for enumbins. To perform the analysis in On/Off model, specify method=ONOFF.

For a stacked analysis, cslightcrv will query the parameters that define the counts cube (coordsys, proj, xref, yref, nxpix, nypix, binsz) while for an On/Off analysis the script will query the parameters that are necessary to run internally the csphagen script (inexclusion, coordsys, xref, yref, srcshape, rad, bkgmethod, bkgregmin, maxoffset, etruemin, etruemax, etruebins).

cslightcrv supports multiprocessing. By default the analysis in each time bin will be performed in parallel over as many processes as the number of CPUs available on your machine. The maximum number of parallel processes can be set by the user through the nthreads hidden parameter.

cslightcrv writes the fitted model parameters and their statistical errors in a FITS file. In addition, it computes for each time bin the statistical significance of the detection, expressed by the Test Statistics, and the upper flux limit.

General parameters

inobs [file]

Input event list or observation definition XML file.

inmodel [file]

Input model XML file.

srcname [string]

Name of the source in the source model XML file which should be used for sensitivity computation.

caldb [string]

Calibration database.

irf [string]

Instrumental response function.

(inexclusion = NONE) [file]

Optional FITS file containing a WCS map that defines sky regions not to be used for background estimation (where map value != 0). If the file contains multiple extensions the user may specify which one to use. Otherwise, the extention EXCLUSION will be used if available, or else the primary extension will be used.

(edisp = no) [boolean]

Applies energy dispersion to response computation (for 3D analysis only, energy dispersion is always taken into account in On/Off analysis).

outfile [file]

Name of the light curve output file.

tbinalg <FILE|LIN|GTI> [string]

Algorithm for defining time bins.

tmin [time]

Lightcurve start time (UTC string, JD, MJD or MET in seconds).

tmax [time]

Lightcurve stop time (UTC string, JD, MJD or MET in seconds).

(mjdref = 51544.5) [real]

Reference Modified Julian Day (MJD) for Mission Elapsed Time (MET).

tbins [integer]

Number of time bins.

tbinfile [file]

File defining the time binning.

method  <3D|ONOFF> [string]

Selects between 3D analysis (3D spatial/energy likelihood) and ONOFF analysis (1D likelihood with background from Off regions).

emin [real]

Lower energy limit of events (in TeV).

emax [real]

Upper energy limit of events (in TeV).

enumbins [integer]

Number of energy bins per light curve bin (0=unbinned for 3D analysis only).

coordsys <CEL|GAL> [string]

Coordinate system (CEL - celestial, GAL - galactic).


Projection method.

xref [real]

Right Ascension / Galactic longitude of image centre for 3D analysis or source region centre for On/Off analysis (J2000, in degrees).

yref [real]

Declination / Galactic latitude of image centre for 3D analysis or source region centre for On/Off analysis (J2000, in degrees).

nxpix [integer]

Size of the Right Ascension / Galactic longitude axis for 3D analysis (in pixels).

nypix [integer]

Size of the Declination / Galactic latitude axis for 3D analysis (in pixels).

binsz [real]

Pixel size for 3D analysis (in degrees/pixel).

srcshape <CIRCLE|RECT> [string]

Shape of the source region. CIRCLE defines a circular region around given position, RECT defines a rectangle centred on a given position.

rad [real]

Radius of source region circle for On/Off analysis (deg)

width [real]

Width of source region rectangle for On/Off analysis (deg).

height [real]

Height of source region rectangle for On/Off analysis (deg).

posang [real]

Position angle of source region rectangle for On/Off analysis, counted counterclockwise from celestial North (deg).

(bkgmethod = REFLECTED) [string]

Method for background estimation in On/Off analysis. REFLECTED: background evaluated in regions with the same shape as source region reflected w.r.t. pointing direction for each observation.

(bkgregmin = 2) [integer]

Minimum number of background regions that are required for an observation in ONOFF analysis. If this number of background regions is not available the observation is skipped.

(use_model_bkg = yes) [boolean]

Specifies whether the background model should be used for the computation of the alpha parameter and the predicted background rate in the Off region that is stored in the BACKRESP column of the Off spectrum when using the ONOFF method.

If the parameter is set to no the background model is not used and the background rate is assumed identical within the On and Off regions. This is the classical IACT analysis method that is used when using reflected Off regions. In that case the alpha parameter becomes independent of energy and only reflects the ratio between the solid angles of the On and Off regions. The BACKRESP column in the Off spectrum will be filled with the solid angle of the On region. The data need to be fitted with the wstat statistic, fitting with cstat will not work.

(maxoffset = 4.0) [real]

Maximum offset in degrees of source from camera center to accept the observation for On/Off analysis.

(etruemin = 0.01) [real]

Minimum true energy to evaluate instrumental response in On/Off analysis (TeV).

(etruemax = 0.01) [real]

Maximum true energy to evaluate instrumental response in On/Off analysis (TeV).

(etruebins = 30) [integer]

Number of bins per decade for true energy bins to evaluate instrumental response in On/Off analysis.

(statistic = DEFAULT) <DEFAULT|CSTAT|WSTAT|CHI2> [string]

Optimization statistic. DEFAULT uses the default statistic for all observations, which is CSTAT or the statistic specified in the observation definition XML file. CSTAT uses the C statistic for all observations, WSTAT uses the W statistic for all On/Off observations, and CHI2 uses the Chi squared statistic for all binned or stacked observations.

(calc_ts = yes) [boolean]

Compute TS value for each time bin?

(calc_ulim = yes) [boolean]

Compute upper limit for each time bin?

(confidence = 0.95) [real]

Confidence level for upper limit computation.

(fix_srcs = yes) [boolean]

Fix other sky model parameters?

(fix_bkg = no) [boolean]

Fix background model parameters?

Standard parameters

(nthreads = 0) [integer]

Number of parallel processes (0=use all available CPUs).

(publish = no) [boolean]

Specifies whether the light curve should be published on VO Hub.

(chatter = 2) [integer]
Verbosity of the executable:

chatter = 0: no information will be logged

chatter = 1: only errors will be logged

chatter = 2: errors and actions will be logged

chatter = 3: report about the task execution

chatter = 4: detailed report about the task execution

(clobber = yes) [boolean]

Specifies whether an existing light curve output file should be overwritten.

(debug = no) [boolean]

Enables debug mode. In debug mode the executable will dump any log file output to the console.

(mode = ql) [string]

Mode of automatic parameters (default is ql, i.e. “query and learn”).

(logfile = cslightcrv.log) [filename]

Log filename.