Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- r -
- r_max()
: GCTAPsfKing
- ra()
: GSkyDir
, GSkyRegionRectangle
, GSkyRegionCircle
- ra_deg()
: GSkyDir
- ra_obj()
: GCTAObservation
- rad_max()
: GCTAAeff2D
- radec()
: GSkyDir
- radec_deg()
: GSkyDir
- radial()
: GCTAModelRadialAcceptance
- radius()
: GModelSpatialRadialGeneralGauss
, GModelSpatialRadialRing
, GModelSpatialRadialShell
, GSkyRegionCircle
, GModelSpatialRadialDisk
, GModelSpatialRadialDisk
- random_string()
: GVOHub
- range()
: GOptimizerPar
- rate()
: GCTABackground2D
, GCTABackground3D
, GCTABackgroundPerfTable
- rate_ebin()
: GCTABackground
, GCTABackground2D
, GCTABackground3D
, GCTABackgroundPerfTable
- re
: GFits::cfloat
, GFits::cdouble
- read()
: GModelSpatialDiffuse
, GCOMBvcs
, GCOMD1Response
, GModelSpatialDiffuseConst
, GCOMD2Response
, GModelSpatialDiffuseCube
, GCOMEventCube
, GCOMEventList
, GModelSpatialDiffuseCube
, GCOMModelDRBPhibarBins
, GCOMModelDRBPhibarNodes
, GModelSpatialDiffuseMap
, GCOMOads
, GModelSpatialElliptical
, GCOMObservation
, GCOMResponse
, GModelSpatialEllipticalDisk
, GCOMSelection
, GModelSpatialEllipticalGauss
, GCTAAeff2D
, GCTAAeffArf
, GModelSpatialEllipticalGeneralGauss
, GCTABackground2D
, GCTABackground3D
, GModelSpatialPointSource
, GCTACubeBackground
, GCTACubeEdisp
, GModelSpatialRadial
, GCTACubeExposure
, GCTACubePsf
, GModelSpatialRadialDisk
, GCTAEdisp2D
, GCTAEventCube
, GModelSpatialRadialGauss
, GCTAEventList
, GCTAModelAeffBackground
, GModelSpatialRadialGeneralGauss
, GCTAModelBackground
, GCTAModelCubeBackground
, GModelSpatialRadialProfileDMBurkert
, GCTAModelIrfBackground
, GCTAModelRadial
, GModelSpatialRadialProfileDMEinasto
, GCTAModelRadialAcceptance
, GCTAModelRadialGauss
, GModelSpatialRadialProfileDMZhao
, GCTAModelRadialPolynom
, GCTAModelRadialProfile
, GModelSpatialRadialProfileGauss
, GCTAModelSkyCube
, GCTAModelSpatial
, GApplicationPars
, GModelSpatialRadialRing
, GCTAModelSpatialGaussSpectrum
, GCTAModelSpatialGradient
, GModelSpatialRadialShell
, GCTAModelSpatialLookup
, GArf
, GModelSpectral
, GCTAModelSpatialMultiplicative
, GCTAObservation
, GModelSpectralBins
, GCTAObservation
, GCTAOnOffObservation
, GArf
, GModelSpectralBrokenPlaw
, GCTAPointing
, GModelSpectralComposite
, GCTAPsfKing
, GCTAPsfTable
, GEbounds
, GModelSpectralConst
, GCTAPsfVector
, GCTAResponse
, GModelSpectralExpInvPlaw
, GCTAResponseCube
, GCTAResponseIrf
, GEbounds
, GModelSpectralExponential
, GCTAResponseTable
, GModelSpectralExpPlaw
, GLATAeff
, GLATEdisp
, GEnergies
, GModelSpectralFunc
, GLATEventCube
, GLATEventList
, GModelSpectralGauss
, GLATLtCube
, GLATLtCubeMap
, GEventCube
, GModelSpectralLogParabola
, GLATObservation
, GModelSpectralMultiplicative
, GLATPsfBase
, GEventList
, GModelSpectralNodes
, GLATResponseTable
, GModelSpectralPlaw
, GMWLObservation
, GMWLSpectrum
, GEvents
, GModelSpectralPlawEnergyFlux
, GMWLSpectrum
, GModelSpectralPlawPhotonFlux
, GSPIEventCube
, GSPIModelDataSpace
, GFitsHeaderCard
, GModelSpectralSmoothBrokenPlaw
, GSPIObservation
, GModelSpectralSuperExpPlaw
, GSPIResponse
, GFitsHeaderCard
, GModelSpectralTable
, GModelTemporal
, GGti
, GModelTemporalConst
, GModelTemporalLightCurve
, GGti
, GModelTemporalPhaseCurve
, GNodeArray
, GHealpix
, GObservation
, GObservations
, GModel
, GPha
, GModelAssociation
, GRmf
, GModelAssociations
, GSkyMap
, GSkyProjection
, GModelData
, GSkyRegion
, GSkyRegionCircle
, GModelPar
, GSkyRegionMap
, GSkyRegionRectangle
, GModels
, GTimeReference
, GModelSky
, GUrl
, GUrlFile
, GModelSpatial
, GUrlString
, GVOTable
, GModelSpatialComposite
, GWcs
, GXml
- read_aeff()
: GLATAeff
- read_attributes()
: GModel
, GCOMObservation
, GCTACubeExposure
, GCTAObservation
- read_axes()
: GCTAResponseTable
- read_cntmap()
: GCTAEventCube
, GLATEventCube
- read_coeffs()
: GCOMInstChars
- read_colnames()
: GCTAResponseTable
- read_detids()
: GSPIResponse
- read_ds_keys()
: GLATEventList
- read_dsp()
: GSPIEventCube
- read_dti()
: GSPIEventCube
- read_ebds()
: GCTAEventCube
, GLATEventCube
, GSPIEventCube
- read_edisp()
: GLATEdisp
- read_efficiency()
: GLATAeff
- read_energies()
: GSPIResponse
- read_events()
: GCOMEventList
, GCTAEventList
, GLATEventList
- read_fits()
: GMWLSpectrum
- read_gti()
: GCTAEventCube
, GLATEventCube
, GSPIEventCube
- read_healpix()
: GSkyMap
- read_mc_ids()
: GCTAEventList
- read_models()
: GSPIEventCube
- read_pnt()
: GSPIEventCube
- read_pos()
: GCOMInstChars
- read_scale()
: GLATPsfBase
- read_scales()
: GModel
- read_selfveto()
: GCOMInstChars
- read_srcmap()
: GLATEventCube
- read_tables()
: GCTAResponseTable
- read_wcs()
: GSkyMap
- read_xml_spatial()
: GCTAModelSkyCube
- real()
: GFitsTableCol
, GFitsTableDoubleCol
, GFitsTableFloatCol
, GFitsTableLongCol
, GFitsTableLongLongCol
, GFitsTableShortCol
, GFitsTableStringCol
, GFitsTableULongCol
, GFitsTableUShortCol
, GXmlElement
, GApplicationPar
, GCsv
, GFitsHDU
, GFitsHeader
, GFitsHeaderCard
, GFitsTableBitCol
, GFitsTableBoolCol
, GFitsTableByteCol
, GFitsTableCDoubleCol
, GFitsTableCFloatCol
- receive_string()
: GVOClient
- recover_valid_xml()
: GDaemon
- reduce()
: GGti
- reference
: GVOHub::client
, GGti
, GTime
- reflag()
: GCOMEventAtom
- reflag_max()
: GCOMSelection
- reflag_min()
: GCOMSelection
- region()
: GModelSpatial
- region_circle()
: GSkyMap
- register_to_hub()
: GVOClient
- release_data()
: GFitsImage
, GFitsImageByte
, GFitsImageDouble
, GFitsImageLong
, GFitsImageLongLong
, GFitsImageSByte
, GFitsImageShort
, GFitsImageULong
, GFitsImageUShort
, GFitsTableBitCol
, GFitsTableByteCol
, GFitsTableCDoubleCol
, GFitsTableCFloatCol
, GFitsTableDoubleCol
, GFitsTableFloatCol
, GFitsTableLongCol
, GFitsTableShortCol
, GFitsTableStringCol
, GFitsTableULongCol
, GFitsTableUShortCol
, GFitsTableCol
, GFitsTableLongLongCol
, GFitsTableBoolCol
, GFitsImageFloat
- remove()
: GApplicationPars
, GContainer
, GEbounds
, GEnergies
, GFilename
, GFits
, GFitsHeader
, GFitsTable
, GFitsTableBitCol
, GFitsTableBoolCol
, GFitsTableByteCol
, GFitsTableCDoubleCol
, GFitsTableCFloatCol
, GFitsTableCol
, GFitsTableFloatCol
, GFitsTableLongCol
, GFitsTableLongLongCol
, GFitsTableStringCol
, GFitsTableULongCol
, GFitsTableUShortCol
, GModelAssociations
, GModels
, GModelSpectralBins
, GModelSpectralFunc
, GModelSpectralNodes
, GModelSpectralTablePars
, GCTAEventList
, GNodeArray
, GXmlNode
, GXml
, GObservations
, GOptimizerPars
, GPhases
, GPhotons
, GResponseVectorCache
, GSkyDirs
, GSkyRegions
, GTestSuites
, GTimes
, GCOMEventList
, GCOMOads
, GFits
, GLATEventList
, GCOMBvcs
, GModelSpectralTablePars
, GEbounds
, GResponseCache
, GOptimizerPars
, GFitsTableShortCol
, GGti
, GFitsTable
, GFitsTableDoubleCol
- remove_attribute()
: GXmlElement
- remove_cards()
- remove_factor_max()
: GOptimizerPar
- remove_factor_min()
: GOptimizerPar
- remove_max()
: GOptimizerPar
- remove_min()
: GOptimizerPar
- remove_range()
: GOptimizerPar
- remove_response_cache()
: GResponse
, GObservation
, GObservations
- remove_rows()
: GFitsTable
- remove_thetacut()
: GCTAAeffArf
- remove_zero_row_col()
: GMatrixSparse
- repeat()
: GFitsTableCol
- request_declare_metadata()
: GVOHub
- request_declare_subscriptions()
: GVOHub
- request_get_metadata()
: GVOHub
- request_get_registered_clients()
: GVOHub
- request_get_subscribed_clients()
: GVOHub
- request_get_subscriptions()
: GVOHub
- request_notify_all()
: GVOHub
- request_ping()
: GVOHub
- request_register()
: GVOHub
- request_set_xml_rpc_callback()
: GVOHub
- request_shutdown()
: GVOHub
- request_unregister()
: GVOHub
- require_hub()
: GVOClient
- require_same_shape()
: GNdarray
, GFft
- rescale_error()
: GIntegral
- reserve()
: GTimes
, GModelSpectralFunc
, GCOMEventList
, GEbounds
, GLATEventList
, GApplicationPars
, GFitsHeader
, GModelSpectralTablePars
, GSkyRegions
, GModels
, GFits
, GContainer
, GPhotons
, GEnergies
, GNodeArray
, GGti
, GModelAssociations
, GCOMOads
, GObservations
, GTestSuites
, GCOMBvcs
, GModelSpectralBins
, GSkyDirs
, GOptimizerPars
, GPhases
, GModelSpectralNodes
, GXml
, GXmlNode
, GCTAEventList
- resize_data()
: GFitsTableLongCol
, GFitsTableStringCol
, GFitsTableShortCol
, GFitsTableFloatCol
, GFitsTableLongLongCol
, GFitsTableCDoubleCol
, GFitsTableUShortCol
, GFitsTableULongCol
, GFitsTableCFloatCol
, GFitsTableBitCol
, GFitsTableDoubleCol
, GFitsTableByteCol
, GFitsTableBoolCol
, GFitsTableCol
- respfile()
: GPha
- response()
: GMWLObservation
, GSPIObservation
, GCTAObservation
, GLATObservation
, GSPIObservation
, GCTAObservation
, GLATObservation
, GCTAOnOffObservation
, GLATObservation
, GCTAObservation
, GObservation
, GCOMObservation
, GCTAObservation
, GObservation
, GCTAOnOffObservation
, GCOMObservation
- response_error_code()
: GVOClient
- response_error_message()
: GVOClient
- response_is_valid()
: GVOClient
- response_kernel()
: GCOMIaq::response_kernel
- rewind()
: GUrlString
- ridder()
: GDerivative
- ridx()
: GModelSpatialRadialGeneralGauss
, GModelSpatialEllipticalGeneralGauss
- right_difference()
: GDerivative
- ring2nest()
: GHealpix
- ring2xyf()
: GHealpix
- ring_above()
: GHealpix
- rmf()
: GCTAOnOffObservation
, GCTAEdispRmf
- rmf_stacked()
: GCTAOnOffObservation
- roi()
: GCOMEventList
, GEventList
, GCTAEventList
, GCOMEventList
, GCTAObservation
, GCTAEventList
, GLATEventList
, GEventList
, GLATEventList
- roi_kern()
: GCTAModelRadialAcceptance::roi_kern
- romberg()
: GIntegral
, GIntegrals
, GIntegral
- root()
: GXml
- rootdir()
: GCaldb
- rot()
: GCTAPointing
- rotate()
: GSkyDir
- rotate_deg()
: GSkyDir
, GHorizDir
- row()
: GMatrixSparse
, GMatrixBase
, GMatrix
, GMatrixSymmetric
, GMatrixSparse
, GMatrix
, GMatrixBase
, GMatrixSymmetric
- rows()
: GMatrixBase
- rspname()
: GCOMResponse
, GSPIResponse
, GLATResponse
, GCTAResponseIrf
, GSPIResponse
- run()
: GTestSuite
, GTestSuites
- running()
: GApplication
- runtime_error()
: GException::runtime_error