No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * GWcs.hpp - Abstract world coordinate system base class *
3 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *
4 * copyright (C) 2011-2019 by Juergen Knoedlseder *
5 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *
6 * *
7 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
8 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
9 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
10 * (at your option) any later version. *
11 * *
12 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
15 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
16 * *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
18 * along with this program. If not, see <>. *
19 * *
20 ***************************************************************************/
22 * @file GWcs.hpp
23 * @brief Abstract world coordinate system base class definition
24 * @author Juergen Knoedlseder
25 */
27#ifndef GWCS_HPP
28#define GWCS_HPP
30/* __ Includes ___________________________________________________________ */
31#include <vector>
32#include <string>
33#include <map>
34#include <iostream>
35#include "GSkyProjection.hpp"
36#include "GLog.hpp"
37#include "GFitsHDU.hpp"
38#include "GSkyDir.hpp"
39#include "GSkyPixel.hpp"
41#ifdef _OPENMP
42#include <omp.h>
47 * @class GWcs
48 *
49 * @brief Abstract world coordinate system base class
50 ***************************************************************************/
51class GWcs : public GSkyProjection {
54 // Constructors and destructors
55 GWcs(void);
56 GWcs(const std::string& coords,
57 const double& crval1, const double& crval2,
58 const double& crpix1, const double& crpix2,
59 const double& cdelt1, const double& cdelt2);
60 explicit GWcs(const GFitsHDU& hdu);
61 GWcs(const GWcs& wcs);
62 virtual ~GWcs(void);
64 // Operators
65 virtual GWcs& operator=(const GWcs& wcs);
67 // Pure virtual base class methods
68 virtual void clear(void) = 0;
69 virtual GWcs* clone(void) const = 0;
70 virtual std::string classname(void) const = 0;
71 virtual std::string code(void) const = 0;
72 virtual std::string name(void) const = 0;
73 virtual std::string print(const GChatter& chatter = NORMAL) const = 0;
75 // Implemented virtual base class methods
76 virtual int size(void) const;
77 virtual void read(const GFitsHDU& hdu);
78 virtual void write(GFitsHDU& hdu) const;
79 virtual double solidangle(const GSkyPixel& pixel) const;
80 virtual GSkyDir pix2dir(const GSkyPixel& pixel) const;
81 virtual GSkyPixel dir2pix(const GSkyDir& dir) const;
83 // Other methods
84 void set(const std::string& coords,
85 const double& crval1, const double& crval2,
86 const double& crpix1, const double& crpix2,
87 const double& cdelt1, const double& cdelt2);
88 double crval(const int& inx) const;
89 double crpix(const int& inx) const;
90 double cdelt(const int& inx) const;
93 // Static constants (set in GWcs.cpp)
94 static const int PVN = 32;
95 static const double UNDEFINED;
98 // Protected methods
99 void init_members(void);
100 void copy_members(const GWcs& wcs);
101 void free_members(void);
102 void set_members(const std::string& coords,
103 const double& crval1, const double& crval2,
104 const double& crpix1, const double& crpix2,
105 const double& cdelt1, const double& cdelt2);
106 virtual bool compare(const GSkyProjection& proj) const;
107 bool undefined(const double& value) const;
109 // Methods adapted from wcslib::wcs.c
110 void wcs_ini(int naxis);
111 void wcs_set(void) const;
112 void wcs_set_radesys(void) const;
113 void wcs_set_ctype(void) const;
114 void wcs_p2s(int ncoord, int nelem, const double* pixcrd, double* imgcrd,
115 double* phi, double* theta, double* world, int* stat) const;
116 void wcs_s2p(int ncoord, int nelem, const double* world,
117 double* phi, double* theta, double* imgcrd,
118 double* pixcrd, int* stat) const;
119 std::string wcs_print(const GChatter& chatter = NORMAL) const;
120 std::string wcs_print_value(const double& value) const;
122 // Methods adapted from wcslib::cel.c
123 void cel_ini(void) const;
124 void cel_set(void) const;
125 void cel_x2s(int nx, int ny, int sxy, int sll,
126 const double* x, const double* y,
127 double* phi, double* theta,
128 double* lng, double* lat, int* stat) const;
129 void cel_s2x(int nlng, int nlat, int sll, int sxy,
130 const double* lng, const double* lat,
131 double* phi, double* theta,
132 double* x, double* y, int* stat) const;
134 // Methods adapted from wcslib::sph.c
135 void sph_x2s(int nphi, int ntheta, int spt, int sll,
136 const double* phi, const double* theta,
137 double* lng, double* lat) const;
138 void sph_s2x(int nlng, int nlat, int sll, int spt,
139 const double* lng, const double* lat,
140 double* phi, double* theta) const;
142 // Methods adapted from wcslib::spc.c
143 void spc_ini(void);
145 // Methods adapted from wcslib::lin.c
146 void lin_ini(int naxis);
147 void lin_set(void) const;
148 void lin_p2x(int ncoord, int nelem, const double* pixcrd, double* imgcrd) const;
149 void lin_x2p(int ncoord, int nelem, const double* imgcrd, double* pixcrd) const;
150 void lin_matinv(const std::vector<double>& mat, std::vector<double>& inv) const;
152 // Methods adapted from wcslib::prj.c
153 void prj_ini(void) const;
154 void prj_off(const double& phi0, const double& theta0) const;
155 int prj_bchk(const double& tol,
156 const int& nphi,
157 const int& ntheta,
158 const int& spt,
159 double* phi,
160 double* theta,
161 int* stat) const;
162 virtual void prj_set(void) const = 0;
163 virtual void prj_x2s(int nx, int ny, int sxy, int spt,
164 const double* x, const double* y,
165 double* phi, double* theta, int* stat) const = 0;
166 virtual void prj_s2x(int nphi, int ntheta, int spt, int sxy,
167 const double* phi, const double* theta,
168 double* x, double* y, int* stat) const = 0;
170 // World Coordinate System parameters
171 mutable bool m_wcsset; //!< WCS information is set
172 int m_naxis; //!< Number of axes
173 std::vector<double> m_crval; //!< CRVALia keyvalues for each coord axis
174 std::vector<std::string> m_cunit; //!< CUNITia keyvalues for each coord axis
175 mutable std::vector<std::string> m_ctype; //!< CTYPEia keyvalues for each coord axis
176 mutable std::vector<std::string> m_ctype_c; //!< CTYPEia comments for each coord axis
177 mutable double m_lonpole; //!< LONPOLEa keyvalue
178 mutable double m_latpole; //!< LATPOLEa keyvalue
179 double m_restfrq; //!< RESTFRQa keyvalue
180 double m_restwav; //!< RESTWAVa keyvalue
181 mutable std::string m_radesys; //!< RADESYS keyvalue
182 mutable double m_equinox; //!< EQUINOX keyvalue
183 std::vector<double> m_cd; //!< CDi_ja linear transformation matrix
184 std::vector<double> m_crota; //!< CROTAia keyvalues for each coord axis
185 int m_lng; //!< Longitude axis
186 int m_lat; //!< Latitude axis
187 int m_spec; //!< Spectral axis
189 // Linear transformation parameters
190 mutable bool m_linset; //!< Linear transformation is set
191 mutable bool m_unity; //!< Signals unity PC matrix
192 std::vector<double> m_crpix; //!< CRPIXja keyvalues for each pixel axis
193 std::vector<double> m_pc; //!< PCi_ja linear transformation matrix
194 std::vector<double> m_cdelt; //!< CDELTia keyvalues for each coord axis
195 mutable std::vector<double> m_piximg; //!< Pixel to image transformation matrix
196 mutable std::vector<double> m_imgpix; //!< Image to pixel transformation matrix
198 // Celestial transformation parameters
199 mutable bool m_celset; //!< Celestial transformation is set
200 mutable bool m_offset; //!< Force (x,y) = (0,0) at (phi_0,theta_0)
201 mutable double m_phi0; //!< Native azimuth angle of fiducial point
202 mutable double m_theta0; //!< Native zenith angle of fiducial point
203 mutable double m_ref[4]; //!< Celestial coordinates of fiducial
204 // point and native coordinates of celestial
205 // pole
206 mutable double m_euler[5];//!< Euler angles and functions thereof
207 mutable int m_latpreq; //!< LATPOLEa requirement
208 mutable bool m_isolat; //!< True if |latitude| is preserved
210 // Projection parameters
211 mutable bool m_prjset; //!< Projection is set
212 mutable double m_r0; //!< Radius of the generating sphere
213 mutable double m_pv[PVN]; //!< Projection parameters
214 mutable bool m_bounds; //!< Enable strict bounds checking
215 mutable double m_x0; //!< Fiducial x offset
216 mutable double m_y0; //!< Fiducial y offset
217 mutable std::vector<double> m_w; //!< Intermediate values
219 // Spectral transformation parameters
220 //struct spcprm spc
222 // Pre-computation cache
223 mutable bool m_has_pix2dir_cache; //!< Has valid pix2dir cache value
224 mutable bool m_has_dir2pix_cache; //!< Has valid dir2pix cache value
225 mutable GSkyDir m_last_pix2dir_dir; //!< Last sky direction for pix2dir
226 mutable GSkyDir m_last_dir2pix_dir; //!< Last sky direction for dir2pix
227 mutable GSkyPixel m_last_pix2dir_pix; //!< Last pixel for pix2dir
228 mutable GSkyPixel m_last_dir2pix_pix; //!< Last pixel for dir2pix
230 // Thread locking
231 void init_lock(const int& lock_id=0) const;
232 void set_lock(const int& lock_id=0) const;
233 void unset_lock(const int& lock_id=0) const;
235 #ifdef _OPENMP
236 mutable std::map<int, omp_lock_t> m_locks;
237 #endif
242 * @brief Return dimension of projection
243 *
244 * @return Dimension of projection.
245 *
246 * Returns the dimension of the projection.
247 ***************************************************************************/
249int GWcs::size(void) const
251 return 2;
256 * @brief Check if value is undefined
257 *
258 * @param[in] value Value to check
259 * @return True if @p value is undefined, false otherwise
260 ***************************************************************************/
262bool GWcs::undefined(const double& value) const
264 return (value==UNDEFINED);
269 * @brief Initializes an OpenMP lock with a specific name
270 *
271 * @param[in] lock_id Identifier of the lock that should be initialized
272 ***************************************************************************/
274void GWcs::init_lock(const int& lock_id) const
276 #ifdef _OPENMP
277 if (m_locks.count(lock_id) == 0) {
278 m_locks[lock_id] = omp_lock_t();
279 omp_init_lock(&m_locks[lock_id]);
280 }
281 #endif
286 * @brief Sets an OpenMP lock with a specific name
287 *
288 * @param[in] lock_id Identifier of the lock that should be set
289 ***************************************************************************/
291void GWcs::set_lock(const int& lock_id) const
293 #ifdef _OPENMP
294 omp_set_lock(&m_locks[lock_id]);
295 #endif
300 * @brief Releases a previously set OpenMP lock
301 *
302 * @param[in] lock_id Identifier of the lock to be released
303 ***************************************************************************/
305void GWcs::unset_lock(const int& lock_id) const
307 #ifdef _OPENMP
308 omp_unset_lock(&m_locks[lock_id]);
309 #endif
312#endif /* GWCS_HPP */
Abstract FITS extension base class definition.
Information logger class definition.
Sky direction class interface definition.
Sky map pixel class definition.
Abstract sky projection base class definition.
Definition GTypemaps.hpp:33
Definition GTypemaps.hpp:36
Abstract FITS extension base class.
Definition GFitsHDU.hpp:51
Sky direction class.
Definition GSkyDir.hpp:62
Sky map pixel class.
Definition GSkyPixel.hpp:74
Abstract sky projection base class.
Abstract world coordinate system base class.
Definition GWcs.hpp:51
void cel_set(void) const
Setup of celestial transformation.
Definition GWcs.cpp:1921
double cdelt(const int &inx) const
Return pixel size.
Definition GWcs.cpp:935
void free_members(void)
Delete class members.
Definition GWcs.cpp:1066
void wcs_ini(int naxis)
Initialise World Coordinate System.
Definition GWcs.cpp:1170
void copy_members(const GWcs &wcs)
Copy class members.
Definition GWcs.cpp:992
virtual void read(const GFitsHDU &hdu)
Read WCS definition from FITS header.
Definition GWcs.cpp:220
void sph_x2s(int nphi, int ntheta, int spt, int sll, const double *phi, const double *theta, double *lng, double *lat) const
Rotation in the pixel-to-world direction.
Definition GWcs.cpp:2310
void lin_p2x(int ncoord, int nelem, const double *pixcrd, double *imgcrd) const
Pixel-to-world linear transformation.
Definition GWcs.cpp:2899
std::string m_radesys
RADESYS keyvalue.
Definition GWcs.hpp:181
static const int PVN
Definition GWcs.hpp:94
int m_lat
Latitude axis.
Definition GWcs.hpp:186
virtual GSkyDir pix2dir(const GSkyPixel &pixel) const
Returns sky direction of sky map pixel.
Definition GWcs.cpp:692
virtual ~GWcs(void)
Definition GWcs.cpp:158
double crpix(const int &inx) const
Return reference pixel.
Definition GWcs.cpp:911
virtual void prj_set(void) const =0
double m_restfrq
RESTFRQa keyvalue.
Definition GWcs.hpp:179
virtual void prj_s2x(int nphi, int ntheta, int spt, int sxy, const double *phi, const double *theta, double *x, double *y, int *stat) const =0
std::vector< double > m_crval
CRVALia keyvalues for each coord axis.
Definition GWcs.hpp:173
double m_euler[5]
Euler angles and functions thereof.
Definition GWcs.hpp:206
void spc_ini(void)
Initialise spectral transformation parameters.
Definition GWcs.cpp:2761
GSkyDir m_last_dir2pix_dir
Last sky direction for dir2pix.
Definition GWcs.hpp:226
void sph_s2x(int nlng, int nlat, int sll, int spt, const double *lng, const double *lat, double *phi, double *theta) const
Rotation in the pixel-to-world direction.
Definition GWcs.cpp:2551
void set(const std::string &coords, const double &crval1, const double &crval2, const double &crpix1, const double &crpix2, const double &cdelt1, const double &cdelt2)
Set World Coordinate System parameters.
Definition GWcs.cpp:859
virtual void prj_x2s(int nx, int ny, int sxy, int spt, const double *x, const double *y, double *phi, double *theta, int *stat) const =0
bool m_unity
Signals unity PC matrix.
Definition GWcs.hpp:191
virtual std::string classname(void) const =0
Return class name.
void lin_ini(int naxis)
Initialise linear transformation parameters.
Definition GWcs.cpp:2779
void lin_x2p(int ncoord, int nelem, const double *imgcrd, double *pixcrd) const
World-to-pixel linear transformation.
Definition GWcs.cpp:2978
bool m_has_pix2dir_cache
Has valid pix2dir cache value.
Definition GWcs.hpp:223
virtual void write(GFitsHDU &hdu) const
Write WCS definition into FITS HDU header.
Definition GWcs.cpp:342
std::vector< double > m_piximg
Pixel to image transformation matrix.
Definition GWcs.hpp:195
int prj_bchk(const double &tol, const int &nphi, const int &ntheta, const int &spt, double *phi, double *theta, int *stat) const
Performs bounds checking on native spherical coordinates.
Definition GWcs.cpp:3281
virtual std::string code(void) const =0
bool m_has_dir2pix_cache
Has valid dir2pix cache value.
Definition GWcs.hpp:224
void prj_off(const double &phi0, const double &theta0) const
Compute fiducial offset to force (x,y) = (0,0) at (phi0,theta0)
Definition GWcs.cpp:3232
bool m_wcsset
WCS information is set.
Definition GWcs.hpp:171
std::string wcs_print_value(const double &value) const
Helper function for value printing.
Definition GWcs.cpp:1837
static const double UNDEFINED
Definition GWcs.hpp:95
virtual bool compare(const GSkyProjection &proj) const
Compares sky projection.
Definition GWcs.cpp:1129
bool m_linset
Linear transformation is set.
Definition GWcs.hpp:190
virtual GWcs * clone(void) const =0
Clones object.
std::vector< double > m_imgpix
Image to pixel transformation matrix.
Definition GWcs.hpp:196
void wcs_set_ctype(void) const
Set CTYPEa keywords.
Definition GWcs.cpp:1391
void prj_ini(void) const
Initialise projection parameters.
Definition GWcs.cpp:3202
void cel_x2s(int nx, int ny, int sxy, int sll, const double *x, const double *y, double *phi, double *theta, double *lng, double *lat, int *stat) const
Pixel-to-world celestial transformation.
Definition GWcs.cpp:2194
virtual double solidangle(const GSkyPixel &pixel) const
Returns solid angle of pixel in units of steradians.
Definition GWcs.cpp:487
int m_naxis
Number of axes.
Definition GWcs.hpp:172
virtual GWcs & operator=(const GWcs &wcs)
Assignment operator.
Definition GWcs.cpp:180
int m_lng
Longitude axis.
Definition GWcs.hpp:185
double m_latpole
LATPOLEa keyvalue.
Definition GWcs.hpp:178
double m_lonpole
LONPOLEa keyvalue.
Definition GWcs.hpp:177
std::string wcs_print(const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const
Print WCS information.
Definition GWcs.cpp:1642
void wcs_s2p(int ncoord, int nelem, const double *world, double *phi, double *theta, double *imgcrd, double *pixcrd, int *stat) const
World-to-pixel transformation.
Definition GWcs.cpp:1589
void init_members(void)
Initialise class members.
Definition GWcs.cpp:962
void lin_set(void) const
Initialise linear transformation parameters.
Definition GWcs.cpp:2829
virtual std::string print(const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const =0
Print content of object.
std::vector< double > m_crpix
CRPIXja keyvalues for each pixel axis.
Definition GWcs.hpp:192
double m_pv[PVN]
Projection parameters.
Definition GWcs.hpp:213
Void constructor.
Definition GWcs.cpp:80
std::vector< std::string > m_ctype_c
CTYPEia comments for each coord axis.
Definition GWcs.hpp:176
double m_phi0
Native azimuth angle of fiducial point.
Definition GWcs.hpp:201
std::vector< std::string > m_cunit
CUNITia keyvalues for each coord axis.
Definition GWcs.hpp:174
void cel_s2x(int nlng, int nlat, int sll, int sxy, const double *lng, const double *lat, double *phi, double *theta, double *x, double *y, int *stat) const
World-to-pixel celestial transformation.
Definition GWcs.cpp:2247
void unset_lock(const int &lock_id=0) const
Releases a previously set OpenMP lock.
Definition GWcs.hpp:305
std::vector< double > m_cdelt
CDELTia keyvalues for each coord axis.
Definition GWcs.hpp:194
void set_members(const std::string &coords, const double &crval1, const double &crval2, const double &crpix1, const double &crpix2, const double &cdelt1, const double &cdelt2)
Set World Coordinate System parameters.
Definition GWcs.cpp:1090
void wcs_set(void) const
Setup of World Coordinate System.
Definition GWcs.cpp:1262
std::vector< double > m_crota
CROTAia keyvalues for each coord axis.
Definition GWcs.hpp:184
void cel_ini(void) const
Initialise celestial transformation parameters.
Definition GWcs.cpp:1866
void lin_matinv(const std::vector< double > &mat, std::vector< double > &inv) const
Invert linear transformation matrix.
Definition GWcs.cpp:3052
double crval(const int &inx) const
Return value of reference pixel.
Definition GWcs.cpp:887
int m_latpreq
LATPOLEa requirement.
Definition GWcs.hpp:207
bool m_bounds
Enable strict bounds checking.
Definition GWcs.hpp:214
double m_ref[4]
Celestial coordinates of fiducial.
Definition GWcs.hpp:203
bool m_isolat
True if |latitude| is preserved.
Definition GWcs.hpp:208
virtual void clear(void)=0
Clear object.
bool m_celset
Celestial transformation is set.
Definition GWcs.hpp:199
std::vector< std::string > m_ctype
CTYPEia keyvalues for each coord axis.
Definition GWcs.hpp:175
GSkyDir m_last_pix2dir_dir
Last sky direction for pix2dir.
Definition GWcs.hpp:225
virtual int size(void) const
Return dimension of projection.
Definition GWcs.hpp:249
double m_theta0
Native zenith angle of fiducial point.
Definition GWcs.hpp:202
double m_restwav
RESTWAVa keyvalue.
Definition GWcs.hpp:180
double m_equinox
EQUINOX keyvalue.
Definition GWcs.hpp:182
void wcs_p2s(int ncoord, int nelem, const double *pixcrd, double *imgcrd, double *phi, double *theta, double *world, int *stat) const
Pixel-to-world transformation.
Definition GWcs.cpp:1514
virtual std::string name(void) const =0
void init_lock(const int &lock_id=0) const
Initializes an OpenMP lock with a specific name.
Definition GWcs.hpp:274
std::vector< double > m_pc
PCi_ja linear transformation matrix.
Definition GWcs.hpp:193
GSkyPixel m_last_dir2pix_pix
Last pixel for dir2pix.
Definition GWcs.hpp:228
int m_spec
Spectral axis.
Definition GWcs.hpp:187
bool m_prjset
Projection is set.
Definition GWcs.hpp:211
std::vector< double > m_w
Intermediate values.
Definition GWcs.hpp:217
bool m_offset
Force (x,y) = (0,0) at (phi_0,theta_0)
Definition GWcs.hpp:200
virtual GSkyPixel dir2pix(const GSkyDir &dir) const
Returns sky map pixel of sky direction.
Definition GWcs.cpp:776
void set_lock(const int &lock_id=0) const
Sets an OpenMP lock with a specific name.
Definition GWcs.hpp:291
void wcs_set_radesys(void) const
Set radesys and equinox members.
Definition GWcs.cpp:1328
double m_y0
Fiducial y offset.
Definition GWcs.hpp:216
GSkyPixel m_last_pix2dir_pix
Last pixel for pix2dir.
Definition GWcs.hpp:227
double m_x0
Fiducial x offset.
Definition GWcs.hpp:215
double m_r0
Radius of the generating sphere.
Definition GWcs.hpp:212
std::vector< double > m_cd
CDi_ja linear transformation matrix.
Definition GWcs.hpp:183
bool undefined(const double &value) const
Check if value is undefined.
Definition GWcs.hpp:262