75 virtual void clear(
77 virtual std::string
93 const std::string&
113 GMatrix* gradients = NULL)
116 GMatrix* gradients = NULL)
119 GMatrix* gradients = NULL)
122 GMatrix* gradients = NULL)
154 return (
COMPTEL Data Space class definition.
Calibration database class interface definition.
Abstract response base class definition.
Sky map class definition.
Vector class interface definition.
COMPTEL Data Space class.
Interface for the COMPTEL instrument response function.
virtual double irf(const GEvent &event, const GPhoton &photon, const GObservation &obs) const
Return value of instrument response function.
void free_members(void)
Delete class members.
void save_cache(const GFilename &filename) const
Save response cache.
virtual bool use_edisp(void) const
Signal if energy dispersion will be used.
virtual std::string print(const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const
Print COMPTEL response information.
virtual GVector irf_ptsrc(const GModelSky &model, const GObservation &obs, GMatrix *gradients=NULL) const
Return instrument response to point source.
int m_phigeo_bins
Number of Phigeo bins.
std::vector< GVector > m_faq_native
Array of native FAQ vectors.
double m_phibar_min
Phigeo value of first bin (deg)
void write(GFitsImageFloat &image) const
Write COMPTEL response into FITS image.
Void constructor.
virtual GVector irf_radial(const GModelSky &model, const GObservation &obs, GMatrix *gradients=NULL) const
Return instrument response to radial source.
int m_phibar_bins
Number of Phibar bins.
GVector m_faq_solidangle
Array of FAQ solid angles.
const std::string & rspname(void) const
Return response name.
double m_phibar_bin_size
Phigeo binsize (deg)
void copy_members(const GCOMResponse &rsp)
Copy class members.
std::vector< double > m_iaq
IAQ array.
double m_phigeo_min
Phigeo value of first bin (deg)
void backproject(const GObservation &obs, const GEvents *events, GSkyMap *map) const
Backproject events using instrument response function to sky map.
virtual ~GCOMResponse(void)
void compute_faq(void)
Compute FAQ.
void load_cache(const GFilename &filename)
Load response cache.
virtual GVector irf_elliptical(const GModelSky &model, const GObservation &obs, GMatrix *gradients=NULL) const
Return instrument response to elliptical source.
const GCaldb & caldb(void) const
Return calibration database.
double m_phibar_ref_value
Phigeo reference value (deg)
void read(const GFitsImage &hdu)
Read COMPTEL response from FITS image.
int m_faq_bins
Number of FAQ bins.
double m_phigeo_ref_value
Phigeo reference value (deg)
std::string m_rspname
Response name.
virtual GEbounds ebounds(const GEnergy &obsEnergy) const
Return true energy boundaries for a specific observed energy.
GCaldb m_caldb
Calibration database.
void init_members(void)
Initialise class members.
virtual double nroi(const GModelSky &model, const GEnergy &obsEng, const GTime &obsTime, const GObservation &obs) const
Return integral of event probability for a given sky model over ROI.
virtual void clear(void)
Clear instance.
double m_phigeo_ref_pixel
Phigeo reference pixel (starting from 1)
double m_phigeo_bin_size
Phigeo binsize (deg)
virtual GVector irf_diffuse(const GModelSky &model, const GObservation &obs, GMatrix *gradients=NULL) const
Return instrument response to diffuse source.
virtual GCOMResponse * clone(void) const
Clone instance.
double m_phibar_ref_pixel
Phigeo reference pixel (starting from 1)
virtual GCOMResponse & operator=(const GCOMResponse &rsp)
Assignment operator.
std::vector< bool > m_faq_zero
Array of zero FAQ bins.
virtual bool use_tdisp(void) const
Signal if time dispersion will be used.
virtual std::string classname(void) const
Return class name.
void load(const std::string &rspname)
Load COMPTEL response.
Calibration database class.
Energy boundaries container class.
Class that handles energies in a unit independent way.
Abstract interface for the event classes.
Abstract event container class.
Single precision FITS image class.
Abstract FITS image base class.
Generic matrix class definition.
Abstract observation base class.
Class that handles photons.
Abstract instrument response base class.
Class that handles gamma-ray sources.