Reference Manual¶
This manual provides reference information for all ctools and csripts. General information on ctools usage can be found here. The description of user parameters in the reference manual is documented here.
Below you find links to the command line reference for all available tools and scripts.
Generic analysis tools and scripts¶
- ctbutterfly --- Compute butterfly
- cterror --- Calculates likelihood profile errors
- ctlike --- Performs maximum likelihood fitting
- ctmapcube --- Generates a map cube
- cttsmap --- Generates Test Statistic map
- ctulimit --- Calculates upper limit
- cscaldb --- Lists available instrument response functions
- csfootprint --- Generates carbon footprint report
- cslightcrv --- Computes light curve
- csmodelinfo --- Shows model container content
- csmodelmerge --- Merges several model containers into one file
- csmodelselect --- Select models from model definition file
- csmodelsois --- Generate map cube from subset of models
- csobsinfo --- Shows observation container content
- csspec --- Computes spectral points
- cstsdist --- Generates Test Statistic distribution
- cstsmapmerge --- Merges slices from Test Statistic map computations
- cstsmapsplit --- Creates commands to split the Test Statistic map computations
CTA and IACT analysis tools and scripts¶
- ctbin --- Generates counts cube
- ctcubemask --- Filter counts cube
- ctexpcube --- Generates exposure cube
- ctpsfcube --- Generates point spread function cube
- ctedispcube --- Generates energy dispersion cube
- ctbkgcube --- Generates background cube
- ctfindvar --- Search for source variability
- ctmodel --- Computes model counts cube
- ctobssim --- Simulate observations
- ctphase --- Computes the phase of each event
- ctprob --- Computes event probability for a given model
- ctselect --- Selects event data
- ctskymap --- Generates sky map
- csbkgmodel --- Generates background model for 3D analysis
- csebins --- Generates energy boundaries for stacked analysis
- csobsdef --- Generates observation definition file
- csobsselect --- Select observations from observation definition file
- csphagen --- Generates PHA, ARF, RMF files based on source/background regions
- csphasecrv --- Computes phase curve
- cspull --- Generates pull distribution
- csresmap --- Generates residual map
- csresspec --- Generates residual spectrum
- csadd2caldb --- Adds CTA response function to calibration database
- csroot2caldb --- Creates a caldb entry from a ROOT file
- csscs --- Performs spectral component separation
- cssens --- Computes CTA sensitivity
- cssrcdetect --- Detects sources in sky map
- csviscube --- Computes visibility cube
IACT database management scripts¶
The csiactdata
, csiactobs
, csfindobs
and csiactcopy
rely on the json
Python module which is only available in Python 2.6
or higher. These scripts will not work on older Python versions.
- csobs2caldb --- Creates a caldb entry from an input observation
- csiactdata --- Shows information about IACT data available on the user machine
- csiactobs --- Generates observation definition file for IACT data from observation IDs
- csfindobs --- Generates a list of IACT observation IDs
- csiactcopy --- Copies IACT data from one location to another
COMPTEL analysis scripts¶
- comgendb --- Generate COMPTEL database
- comlixfit --- Fit model to data using SRCLIX algorithm
- comlixmap --- Create TS map using SRCLIX algorithm
- comobsadd --- Combine observations
- comobsback --- Generate background model for COMPTEL observations
- comobsbin --- Bin COMPTEL observations
- comobsconv --- Convolve models with COMPTEL response
- comobsmodel --- Generate model for binned COMPTEL observations
- comobsres --- Generate residuals of COMPTEL observations
- comobsselect --- Select observations from COMPTEL database
- comobssim --- Simulate COMPTEL observations
- compulbin --- Generate pulse profiles for pulsars
- comskymap --- Richardson-Lucy sky map deconvolution
- comsrcdetect --- Detect source in TS map