
Computes differential or integrated CTA sensitivity.


This script computes the differential or integrated CTA sensitivity using maximum likelihood fitting of a test source. The differential sensitivity is determined for a number of energy bins, the integral sensitivity is determined for a number of energy thresholds. The test source is fitted to simulated data using ctlike to determine its detection significance as a function of source flux. The source flux is then varied until the source significance achieves a given level, specified by the (hidden) significance parameter sigma. As test source, any source in the input model definition XML file specified by inmodel can be used; the test source name is specified by the srcname parameter.

The detection significance is estimated using the Test Statistic value, defined as twice the log-likelihood difference that is obtained when fitting the simulated data with and without the test source. The simplified assumption is made that the significance (in Gaussian sigma) is the square root of the Test Statistic.

By default the script simulates a single pointing with an exposure time specified by the duration parameter. The pointing direction will be set to the position of the test source, offset by the value specified by the offset parameter. If the test source has no position (which is for example the case for a test source comprised of a map or map cube), a pointing direction of (0,0) will be assumed in Right Ascension and Declination.

Alternatively, an observation definition XML file can be specified using the hidden inobs parameter. In that way the user has full control over the pointing sequence that should be simulated for the sensitivity estimation.

cssens supports multiprocessing. By default the analysis for each energy bin/threshold will be performed in parallel over as many processes as the number of CPUs available on your machine. The maximum number of parallel processes can be set by the user through the nthreads hidden parameter.

cssens will generate a FITS file with a single extension that contains a binary table with the sensitivity as function of energy.

The sensitivity FITS file can be displayed using the show_sensitivity.py script in the example folder. Matplotlib is required to execute the script.

General parameters

(inobs = NONE) [file]

Input event list, counts cube or observation definition XML file.

inmodel [file]

Input model definition XML file.

srcname [string]

Name of the source in the source model XML file which should be used for sensitivity computation.

(instrument = CTA) [string]

Name of Cherenkov telescope.

caldb [string]

Calibration database.

irf [string]

Instrumental response function.

(edisp = no) [boolean]

Apply energy dispersion to response computation?

(deadc = 0.98) [real]

Average deadtime correction factor.

outfile [file]

Output sensitivity FITS file.

(offset = 0.0) [real]

Offset angle of source in field of view (in degrees).

duration [real]

Effective exposure time (in seconds).

rad [real]

Radius of Region of Interest (RoI) (in degrees).

emin [real]

Lower energy limit for sensitivity computation (in TeV).

emax [real]

Upper energy limit for sensitivity computation (in TeV).

bins [integer]

Number of energy bins for sensitivity computation.

(enumbins = 0) [integer]

Number of energy bins for binned analysis (0 = unbinned analysis).

(npix = 200) [integer]

Number of pixels for binned analysis.

(binsz = 0.05) [real]

Pixel size for binned analysis.

(type = Differential) <Differential|Integral> [string]

Sensitivity type.

(sigma = 5.0) [real]

Significance threshold.

(max_iter = 50) [integer]

Maximum number of iterations.

(statistic = DEFAULT) <DEFAULT|CSTAT|WSTAT|CHI2> [string]

Optimization statistic. DEFAULT uses the default statistic for all observations, which is CSTAT or the statistic specified in the observation definition XML file. CSTAT uses the C statistic for all observations, WSTAT uses the W statistic for all On/Off observations, and CHI2 uses the Chi squared statistic for all binned or stacked observations.

(mincounts = 10) [integer]

Constraint on the minimum number of required source counts. Conventionally, a constraint for a minimum number of 10 source counts is applied for CTA sensitivity estimates. If 0 is specified then no source counts limit will be applied.

(bkgexcess = 0.0) [real]

Constraint on the minimum number of required source counts with respect to the number of background counts. This value is a fraction that is conventionally set to 0.05 (or 5%) which means that the number of source counts needs to exceed 5% of the number of background counts. If 0.0 is specified then no constraint will be applied.

(bkgrad = 0.33) [real]

Radius in degrees used to estimate the number of background counts underlying the source. This radius is only used if bkgexcess > 0.0.

Standard parameters

(nthreads = 0) [integer]

Number of parallel processes (0=use all available CPUs).

(chatter = 2) [integer]
Verbosity of the executable:

chatter = 0: no information will be logged

chatter = 1: only errors will be logged

chatter = 2: errors and actions will be logged

chatter = 3: report about the task execution

chatter = 4: detailed report about the task execution

(clobber = yes) [boolean]

Specifies whether an existing output file should be overwritten.

(debug = no) [boolean]

Enables debug mode. In debug mode the executable will dump any log file output to the console.

(mode = ql) [string]

Mode of automatic parameters (default is ql, i.e. “query and learn”).

(logfile = cssens.log) [filename]

Log filename.