Fit model to data using SRCLIX algorithm.
This script fits a model to COMPTEL data using the SRCLIX algorithm.
General parameters¶
inobs [file]
Observation definition XML file.
inmodel [file]
Input model definition XML file.
(suffix = srclix) [string]
Suffix for DRB files. This suffix will be appended to each DRB file so that distinctive file names can be created in the same outfolder.
(outfolder = dri) [string]
Output folder for DRB files.
outobs [file]
Output observation definition XML file.
outmodel [file]
Output model definition XML file.
(outcovmat = NONE) [string]
Output FITS or CSV file to store covariance matrix.
(max_iter = 50) [integer]
Maximum number of SRCLIX iterations.
(like_accuracy = 0.05) [real]
Absolute accuracy of maximum likelihood value. The SRCLIX iterations terminate if the log-likelihood improvement is below this accuracy.
(accept_dec = 0.0) [real]
Maximum accepted log-likelihood decrease. Setting this parameter to a positive value with allow some decrease of the log-likelihood. This may help to get the algorithm out of a local minimum. Use this parameter with case since it may lead to a solution that is not the maximum likelihood solution.
(fix_spat_for_ts = no) [boolean]
Fix spatial parameters for TS computation?
(nrunav = 3) [integer]
Number of Chi/Psi bins used for running average (relevant for
method).(navgr = 9) [integer]
Number of Chi/Psi bins used for averaging (relevant for
methods).(nincl = 5) [integer]
Number of Phibar layers to include (relevant for
methods).(nexcl = 0) [integer]
Number of Phibar layers to exclude (relevant for
methods).(phi_first = -1) [integer]
First Phibar layer for likelihood fitting, starting from 0. If -1 is specified there is no first Phibar layer selection.
(phi_last = -1) [integer]
Last Phibar layer for likelihood fitting, starting from 0. If -1 is specified there is no last Phibar layer selection.
Standard parameters¶
(chatter = 2) [integer]
- Verbosity of the executable:
chatter = 0
: no information will be loggedchatter = 1
: only errors will be loggedchatter = 2
: errors and actions will be loggedchatter = 3
: report about the task executionchatter = 4
: detailed report about the task execution
(clobber = yes) [boolean]
Specifies whether an existing energy boundaries output file should be overwritten.
(debug = no) [boolean]
Enables debug mode. In debug mode the executable will dump any log file output to the console.
(mode = ql) [string]
Mode of automatic parameters (default is
, i.e. “query and learn”).(logfile = comlixfit.log) [filename]
Log filename.