
Create sky map using Richardson-Lucy deconvolution algorithm.


This script generates a sky map using Richardson-Lucy deconvolution algorithm.

On entry the script takes a model definition XML file that may come from an earlier model fit. The script then replaces the spatial component of the specified source component, replacing it by an isotropic diffuse map. In an initial fit, the map is fitted together with all other model components to the data. Based on the result of this fitting, a Richardson-Lucy correction map is computed that is then fitted together with the initial map to the data. Both maps (initial map and Richardson-Lucy correction map) share the same spectral model. After model fitting, the map is updated with the fitted version of the Richardson-Lucy correction map and the procedure is repeated.

On output the script writes the initial sky map and the maps obtained after each iteration into a FITS file. The script also writes the resulting model definition file, which may be used on input for a new run of comskymap to continue the iterations.

General parameters

inobs [file]

Input observation definition XML file.

inmodel [file]

Input model definition XML file.

srcname [string]

Name of source model that will be replaced by the sky map. Specify NONE if no source model should be replaced or if the iterations should be continued from a previous run.

outmap [file]

Output sky map file. The file will contain one extension for the initial map followed by extensions holding the result maps after each iterations.

outmodel [file]

Output model definition XML file.

coordsys <CEL|GAL> [string]

Coordinate system (CEL - celestial, GAL - galactic).


Projection method.

xref [real]

First coordinate of image center in degrees (RA or galactic l).

yref [real]

Second coordinate of image center in degrees (DEC or galactic b).

nxpix [integer]

Size of the X axis in pixels.

nypix [integer]

Size of the Y axis in pixels.

binsz [real]

Image scale (in degrees/pixel).

(initial = 1.0e-6) [real]

Initial sky map intensity (in photons cm^-2 s^-1 sr^-1).

emin [real]

Minimum energy of the sky map (MeV).

emax [real]

Maximum energy of the sky map (MeV).

niter [integer]

Number of Richardson-Lucy iterations.

(max_iter = 50) [integer]

Maximum number of model fit iterations.

(like_accuracy = 0.05) [real]

Absolute accuracy of maximum likelihood value. The model fit iterations terminate if the log-likelihood improvement is below this accuracy.

(fix_spat = yes) [boolean]

Fix spatial parameters of all model components for sky map computation?

(fix_spec_shape = yes) [boolean]

Fix spectral shape parameters of sky map model for computation?

(accelerate = yes) [boolean]

Accelerate Richardson-Lucy iterations?

(max_acceleration = 1000.0) [real]

Maximum Richardson-Lucy acceleration factor.

(prefit = yes) [boolean]

Prefit initial model?

(refit = yes) [boolean]

Refit model at each iteration?

(saveotf = yes) [boolean]

Save intermediate results after each iteration?

Standard parameters

(chatter = 2) [integer]
Verbosity of the executable:

chatter = 0: no information will be logged

chatter = 1: only errors will be logged

chatter = 2: errors and actions will be logged

chatter = 3: report about the task execution

chatter = 4: detailed report about the task execution

(clobber = yes) [boolean]

Specifies whether an existing energy boundaries output file should be overwritten.

(debug = no) [boolean]

Enables debug mode. In debug mode the executable will dump any log file output to the console.

(mode = ql) [string]

Mode of automatic parameters (default is ql, i.e. “query and learn”).

(logfile = comskymap.log) [filename]

Log filename.