This is the complete list of members for GModelSpectralGauss, including all inherited members.
at(const int &index) | GModelSpectral | |
at(const int &index) const | GModelSpectral | |
autoscale(void) | GModelSpectral | |
classname(void) const | GModelSpectralGauss | inlinevirtual |
clear(void) | GModelSpectralGauss | virtual |
clone(void) const | GModelSpectralGauss | virtual |
copy_members(const GModelSpectralGauss &model) | GModelSpectralGauss | protected |
GModelSpectral::copy_members(const GModelSpectral &model) | GModelSpectral | protected |
eflux(const GEnergy &emin, const GEnergy &emax) const | GModelSpectralGauss | virtual |
eval(const GEnergy &srcEng, const GTime &srcTime=GTime(), const bool &gradients=false) const | GModelSpectralGauss | virtual |
flux(const GEnergy &emin, const GEnergy &emax) const | GModelSpectralGauss | virtual |
free_members(void) | GModelSpectralGauss | protected |
GModelSpectral(void) | GModelSpectral | |
GModelSpectral(const GModelSpectral &model) | GModelSpectral | |
GModelSpectralGauss(void) | GModelSpectralGauss | |
GModelSpectralGauss(const GXmlElement &xml) | GModelSpectralGauss | explicit |
GModelSpectralGauss(const double &norm, const GEnergy &mean, const GEnergy &sigma) | GModelSpectralGauss | |
GModelSpectralGauss(const GModelSpectralGauss &model) | GModelSpectralGauss | |
has_par(const std::string &name) const | GModelSpectral | |
init_members(void) | GModelSpectralGauss | protected |
m_mean | GModelSpectralGauss | protected |
m_norm | GModelSpectralGauss | protected |
m_pars | GModelSpectral | protected |
m_sigma | GModelSpectralGauss | protected |
mc(const GEnergy &emin, const GEnergy &emax, const GTime &time, GRan &ran) const | GModelSpectralGauss | virtual |
mean(void) const | GModelSpectralGauss | inline |
mean(const GEnergy &mean) | GModelSpectralGauss | inline |
norm(void) const | GModelSpectralGauss | inline |
norm(const double &norm) | GModelSpectralGauss | inline |
operator=(const GModelSpectralGauss &model) | GModelSpectralGauss | virtual |
GModelSpectral::operator=(const GModelSpectral &model) | GModelSpectral | virtual |
operator[](const int &index) | GModelSpectral | inlinevirtual |
operator[](const int &index) const | GModelSpectral | inlinevirtual |
operator[](const std::string &name) | GModelSpectral | virtual |
operator[](const std::string &name) const | GModelSpectral | virtual |
print(const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const | GModelSpectralGauss | virtual |
read(const GXmlElement &xml) | GModelSpectralGauss | virtual |
sigma(void) const | GModelSpectralGauss | inline |
sigma(const GEnergy &sigma) | GModelSpectralGauss | inline |
size(void) const | GModelSpectral | inline |
type(void) const | GModelSpectralGauss | inlinevirtual |
update_eval_cache(const GEnergy &energy) const | GModelSpectralGauss | protected |
write(GXmlElement &xml) const | GModelSpectralGauss | virtual |
~GBase(void) | GBase | inlinevirtual |
~GModelSpectral(void) | GModelSpectral | virtual |
~GModelSpectralGauss(void) | GModelSpectralGauss | virtual |