Combining observations

Data taking by telescope is typically split into observations (sometimes called runs for IACTs). You typically want to combine these observations so that all data available for a source are used for the analysis. There are two basic methods how the combination can be done: either by listing all observations to perform a joint analysis, or by combining all observations for a co-called stacked analysis.

Joint data analysis

To perform a joint analysis of the observations you have to list them in a so-called observation definition XML file. ctools will then compute the joint log-likelihood

\[\ln L(M) = \sum_k \ln L_k(M)\]

for the maximum likelihood estimations, where the sum is taken over the individual observations \(k\). Below you will see the first lines of an observation definition XML file that describe the first three observations of the Galactic Plane survey for the first CTA Data Challenge:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<observation_list title="observation list">
  <observation name="GPS" id="110000" instrument="CTA">
    <parameter name="EventList" file="$CTADATA/data/baseline/gps/gps_baseline_110000.fits" />
    <parameter name="Calibration" database="1dc" response="South_z40_50h" />
  <observation name="GPS" id="110001" instrument="CTA">
    <parameter name="EventList" file="$CTADATA/data/baseline/gps/gps_baseline_110001.fits" />
    <parameter name="Calibration" database="1dc" response="South_z40_50h" />
  <observation name="GPS" id="110002" instrument="CTA">
    <parameter name="EventList" file="$CTADATA/data/baseline/gps/gps_baseline_110002.fits" />
    <parameter name="Calibration" database="1dc" response="South_z40_50h" />

Each observation has an instrument and an id attribute that allow to uniquely identify the observation. For a given instrument label, the id attribute must be unique.

Also observations that were binned into counts cubes using ctbin can be analysed jointly by specifying the counts cubes for all observations in the observation definiton XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<observation_list title="observation list">
  <observation name="GPS" id="110000" instrument="CTA">
    <parameter name="CountsCube" file="cntcube_cta_110000.fits" />
    <parameter name="Calibration" database="1dc" response="South_z40_50h" />
  <observation name="GPS" id="110001" instrument="CTA">
    <parameter name="CountsCube" file="cntcube_cta_110001.fits" />
    <parameter name="Calibration" database="1dc" response="South_z40_50h" />
  <observation name="GPS" id="110002" instrument="CTA">
    <parameter name="CountsCube" file="cntcube_cta_110002.fits" />
    <parameter name="Calibration" database="1dc" response="South_z40_50h" />

Equally, observations prepared for On/Off analysis using csphagen can also be analysed jointly:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<observation_list title="observation list">
  <observation name="GPS" id="110000" instrument="CTAOnOff" statistic="wstat">
    <parameter name="Pha_on"  file="onoff_110000_pha_on.fits" />
    <parameter name="Pha_off" file="onoff_110000_pha_off.fits" />
    <parameter name="Arf"     file="onoff_110000_arf.fits" />
    <parameter name="Rmf"     file="onoff_110000_rmf.fits" />
  <observation name="GPS" id="110001" instrument="CTAOnOff" statistic="wstat">
    <parameter name="Pha_on"  file="onoff_110001_pha_on.fits" />
    <parameter name="Pha_off" file="onoff_110001_pha_off.fits" />
    <parameter name="Arf"     file="onoff_110001_arf.fits" />
    <parameter name="Rmf"     file="onoff_110001_rmf.fits" />
  <observation name="GPS" id="110002" instrument="CTAOnOff" statistic="wstat">
    <parameter name="Pha_on"  file="onoff_110002_pha_on.fits" />
    <parameter name="Pha_off" file="onoff_110002_pha_off.fits" />
    <parameter name="Arf"     file="onoff_110002_arf.fits" />
    <parameter name="Rmf"     file="onoff_110002_rmf.fits" />


For On/Off analysis the instrument label has to be suffixed by OnOff, i.e. CTA becomes CTAOnOff, HESS becomes HESSOnOff and so on.


The optional statistic attribute allows to specify for each observation which statistic should be used. Possible values for unbinned or binned analysis are poisson, cstat (equivalent to poisson), gaussian or chi2 (equivalent to gaussian). Possible values for On/Off analysis are poisson, cstat (equivalent to poisson) or wstat.

Observations of different instruments can also be combined for a joint analysis, as is illustrated in the example below:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<observation_list title="observation library">
  <observation name="Crab" id="000001" instrument="COM">
    <parameter name="DRE" file="m50439_dre.fits" />
    <parameter name="DRB" file="m34997_drg.fits" />
    <parameter name="DRG" file="m34997_drg.fits" />
    <parameter name="DRX" file="m32171_drx.fits" />
    <parameter name="IAQ" file="ENERG(1.0-3.0)MeV" />
  <observation name="Crab" id="000001" instrument="LAT">
    <parameter name="CountsMap"    file="srcmap.fits" />
    <parameter name="ExposureMap"  file="expmap.fits" />
    <parameter name="LiveTimeCube" file="ltcube.fits" />
    <parameter name="IRF"          value="P8R3_SOURCE_V2" />
  <observation name="Crab" id="000001" instrument="CTA">
    <parameter name="EventList"   file="cta_events.fits" />
    <parameter name="Calibration" database="prod2" response="South_0.5h" />

You may also combined unbinned, binned, stacked (see below) or On/Off data in a joint analysis.

Stacked data analysis

To speed-up the computations, binned observations can be stacked together, requiring the computation of average response functions that properly weight the individual instrument response functions for each observation. For IACT analysis, stacking of observations is possible for binned counts cubes and On/Off spectra. For COMPTEL data analysis, stacking is performed using the comobsadd script.

Stacked IACT counts cubes

By default, ctbin stacks the events from multiple observations into a single counts cube (to produce counts cubes for each individual observation, ctbin must be executed with stack=no option). The response for a stacked analysis is composed of an exposure cube, a point spread function cube, an energy dispersion cube and a background cube.

The exposure cube is computed by ctexpcube using

\[X_\mathrm{cube}(p,E) = \sum_k A_{\mathrm{eff},k}(p,E,t) \times \tau_k\]

where \(A_{\mathrm{eff},k}(p,E,t)\) is the effective area and \(\tau_k\) the live time of observation \(k\). The point spread function cube is computed by ctpsfcube using

\[\mathrm{\it PSF}_\mathrm{cube}(p,E,\delta) = \frac{\sum_k \mathrm{\it PSF}_k(p'|p,E,t) \times A_{\mathrm{eff},k}(p,E,t) \times \tau_k} {\sum_k A_{\mathrm{eff},k}(p,E,t) \times \tau_k}\]

where \(\mathrm{\it PSF}_k(p'|p,E,t)\) is the point spread function of observation \(k\). The energy dispersion cube is computed by ctedispcube using

\[\mathrm{\it D}_\mathrm{cube}(E'|p,E) = \frac{\sum_k E_{\mathrm{disp},k}(E'|p,E,t) \times A_{\mathrm{eff},k}(p,E,t) \times \tau_k} {\sum_k A_{\mathrm{eff},k}(p,E,t) \times \tau_k},\]

where \(E_{\mathrm{disp},k}(E'|p,E,t)\) is the energy dispersion of observation \(k\). The background cube is computed by ctbkgcube using

\[B_\mathrm{cube}(p', E') = \frac{\sum_k B_k(p',E',t') \times \tau_k} {\sum_k \tau_k}\]

where \(B_k(p',E',t')\) is the background model of observation \(k\). The sum is taken over all observations \(k\).

The files for a stacked binned observation are specified as follows in an observation definition XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<observation_list title="observation list">
  <observation name="Crab" id="000001" instrument="CTA">
    <parameter name="CountsCube"   file="cntcube.fits" />
    <parameter name="ExposureCube" file="expcube.fits" />
    <parameter name="PsfCube"      file="psfcube.fits" />
    <parameter name="EdispCube"    file="edispcube.fits" />
    <parameter name="BkgCube"      file="bkgcube.fits" />

(the EdispCube parameter is optional).

Stacked IACT On/Off spectra

By default, csphagen creates On/Off spectra and response information for each individual observation, but executing csphagen with the stack=yes option will lead to the generation of stacked On/Off spectra. This leads to the combination of events from all observations \(k\) into a single On and Off PHA spectrum

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}n^\mathrm{on}_i = \sum_k n^\mathrm{on}_{k,i}\\n^\mathrm{off}_i = \sum_k n^\mathrm{off}_{k,i}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

where \(i\) is the energy bin and \(k\) is the observation. The effective ARF is computed using

\[ARF(E) = \frac{\sum_k ARF_k(E) \times \tau_k}{\sum_k \tau_k}\]

the effective RMF using

\[RMF_{i}(E) = \frac{\sum_k RMF_{k,i}(E) \times ARF_k(E) \times \tau_k} {\sum_k ARF_k(E) \times \tau_k}\]

the effective background scaling factors using

\[\alpha_i = \frac{\sum_k \alpha_{k,i} \times b_{k,i} \times \tau_k} {\sum_k b_{k,i} \times \tau_k}\]

and the effective background response vectors using

\[b_i = \frac{\sum_k b_{k,i} \times \tau_k}{\sum_k \tau_k}\]

where \(\tau_k\) is the live time (or exposure) of observation \(k\).

The observation definition XML file for a stacked On/Off observation has the same format as for a single On/Off observation:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<observation_list title="observation list">
  <observation name="GPS" id="000001" instrument="CTAOnOff" statistic="wstat">
    <parameter name="Pha_on"  file="onoff_stacked_pha_on.fits" />
    <parameter name="Pha_off" file="onoff_stacked_pha_off.fits" />
    <parameter name="Arf"     file="onoff_stacked_arf.fits" />
    <parameter name="Rmf"     file="onoff_stacked_rmf.fits" />

Stacked COMPTEL data space

You can stack binned COMPTEL observations using the comobsadd script. Binned event data are stacked using

\[{\tt DRE}(\chi, \psi, \bar{\varphi}|\{E\}) = \sum_i {\tt DRE}_i(\chi, \psi, \bar{\varphi}|\{E\})\]

the background models are stacked using

\[{\tt DRB}(\chi, \psi, \bar{\varphi}|\{E\}) = \sum_i {\tt DRB}_i(\chi, \psi, \bar{\varphi}|\{E\})\]

the exposures are stacked by determining the maximum of the sum of all exposures using

\[{\tt DRX}(\alpha, \delta) = \sum_i \max_{\alpha',\delta'} {\tt DRX}_i(\alpha', \delta')\]

and the geometries are stacked by weighting with the respective exposure time for individual observations using

\[{\tt DRG}(\chi, \psi, \bar{\varphi}) = \frac{1}{T} \sum_i T_i \, {\tt DRG}_i(\chi, \psi, \bar{\varphi})\]