Fermi/LAT response functions¶
The instrument response functions for Fermi/LAT are factorised into the effective area \(A_{\rm eff}(p,\theta)\) (units \(cm^2\)), the point spread function \(PSF(\delta|E,\theta)\), and the energy dispersion \(E_{\rm disp}(E'|E,\theta)\) following
where \(\theta\) is the inclination angle with respect to the LAT z-axis, and \(\delta\) is the angular separation between the true and measured photon directions \(p\) and \(p'\), respectively,
The instrument response function is independent of time.
Two functional forms are available for the point spread function which are both composed of a superposition of two King functions:
The parameters \(n_\mathrm{c}\), \(n_\mathrm{t}\), \(s_\mathrm{c}\), \(s_\mathrm{t}\), \(\sigma\), \(\gamma_\mathrm{c}\), \(\gamma_\mathrm{t}\) depend on energy \(E\) and off-axis angle \(\theta\). Energy dispersion is so far not implemented.
Event types¶
The LAT events are partitioned into exclusive event types that for Pass 6 and Pass 7 data correspond to pair conversions located in either the front or the back section of the tracker. For Pass 8 the event partitioning has been generalised to other event types. For each event type, a specific response function exists that will be designated in the following with the superscript \(\alpha\).
Livetime cube¶
The livetime cube is a means to speed up the exposure calculations in a Fermi/LAT analysis and contains the integrated livetime as a function of sky position and inclination angle with respect to the LAT z-axis. This livetime, denoted by \(\tau(p,\theta)\), is the time that the LAT observed a given position on the sky at a given inclination angle, and includes the history of the LAT’s orientation during the entire observation period. A Fermi/LAT livetime cube includes also a version of the livetime information that is weighted by the livetime fraction (i.e. the ratio between livetime and ontime) and that allows correction of inefficiencies introduced by so-called ghost events, and that we denote here by \(\tau_\mathrm{wgt}(p,\theta)\).
Mean point-source PSF¶
GammaLib, the library that is underlying ctools, natively implements the computation of the mean PSF for point sources. The exposure for a given sky direction \(p\), photon energy \(E\) and event type \(\alpha\) is computed using
The exposure weighted point spread function is computed using
where \(f_1^\alpha(E)\) and \(f_2^\alpha(E)\) are energy and event type dependent efficiency factors.
The mean point spread function for a point source is computed using
where the sum is taken over all event types \(\alpha\).