Scope of the first CTA Data ChallengeΒΆ
The first CTA Data Challenge was focused on the validation of the CTA Science Tools and had the following goals:
- enlarge the number of collaborators analysing data within CTA
- prepare for the analysis of real CTA data
- validate current data formats and see if information or specifications are missing
- validate features and completeness of science tools packages
- push the development of new algorithms
- ensure the compatibility of CTA data with multiple tools and the external scientific world
The data that were distributed in the first CTA Data Challenge were high-level data in form of event lists and instrument response functions (data level 3). The event lists were simulated from high-level instrument response functions that corresponded to an ideal CTA with good and stable atmosphere and instrument conditions. Only zenith angles of 20 degrees and 40 degrees were simulated. Data were provided for the CTA baseline arrays.
Four Key Science Projects (KSPs) were simulated using realistic pointing patterns as defined in the Science with the Cherenkov Telescope Array book:
- the Galactic Plane Scan (GPS)
- the Galactic Centre Survey (GC)
- the Extragalactic Survey (EGAL)
- an AGN monitoring program (AGN)
The source model used for the simulations was distributed together with the data to the CTA Consortium Science Working Groups, so that analysis results could be compared to the Monte Carlo truth. The same source model was used for all simulations.