Performs spectral component separation.
This script performs a spectral component separation, that is, produces a flux
skymap of one or multiple sources by running a likelihood analysis over multiple
adjacent circular regions of interest (ROI) based on prior knowledge of the
sources’ spectra. The centre of the ROIs is displaced to coincide with the
centre of each pixel in the output flux map, while the radius is set through
the user parameter rad
The model fit per ROI is performed using ctlike, and only the normalisations
of the model components are treated as free parameters. The script provides the
possibility to fix sources other than the source(s) of interest (hidden
parameter fix_srcs
) or to fix the normalisation of the background model
component(s) (hidden parameter fix_bkg
The script computes the source flux and its uncertainty in each ROI/map pixel,
as well as the significance of the source detection (for faster execution the
significance computation can be deactivated using the hidden parameter
). Optionally, the script also computes an upper flux limit that is
particularly useful in case that the source is not significantly detected within
an ROI (hidden parameter calc_ulim
The script accepts in input event lists, binned data, or observation definition
XML files. Only data within an energy interval spanned by emin
and emax
considered. For event lists two analysis methods are proposed: unbinned or
For the On/Off method csphagen is used to prepare On/Off observations for every ROI analysed. In On/Off mode the user is required to provide an exclusion map to avoid using regions of significant gamma-ray emission in the evaluation of the background (exclusion maps can be generate using ctskymap). Furthemore, On/Off analysis including sources other than the source(s) of interest is not supported, and if more than one source of interest is present the response will be calculated based on the hypothesis that emission from the sources of interest is uniform over each ROI.
csscs generates a FITS file with empty primary extension. Additional extensions provide for every source of interest a skymap of flux, flux error, and, if requested, detection signficance and flux upper limits.
General parameters¶
inobs [file]
Input event list, counts cube or observation definition XML file.
inmodel [file]
Input model XML file.
srcnames [string]
Semicolon-separated list of names of the sources in the source model XML file which should be considered for the spectral component separation.
expcube [file]
Input exposure cube file.
psfcube [file]
Input PSF cube file.
edispcube [file]
Input energy dispersion cube file.
bkgcube [file]
Input background cube file.
caldb [string]
Calibration database.
irf [string]
Instrument response function.
inexclusion [file]
FITS file containing a WCS map that defines sky regions not to be used for background estimation (where map value != 0). If the file contains multiple extensions the user may specify which one to use. Otherwise, the extention
will be used if available, or else the primary extension will be used.(edisp = no) [boolean]
Apply energy dispersion to response computation?
outfile [file]
Output file.
nxpix [integer]
Size of the Right Ascension / Galactic longitude axis (in pixels).
nypix [integer]
Size of the Declination / Galactic latitude axis (in pixels).
binsz [real]
Pixel size (in degrees/pixel).
coordsys <CEL|GAL> [string]
Coordinate system (CEL - celestial, GAL - galactic).
Projection method.
xref [real]
Right Ascension / Galactic longitude of image centre (J2000, in degrees).
yref [real]
Declination / Galactic latitude of image centre (J2000, in degrees).
rad [real]
Radius of region of interest for component separation (deg). Sets the correlation scale between neighbour pixels in the output maps. Must be at least sqrt(2) times
for full coverage of input data.emin [real]
Minimum energy (in TeV).
emax [real]
Maximum energy (in TeV).
method <UNBINNED|ONOFF> [string]
For input event lists selects between
analysis (3D spatial/energy likelihood without binning) andONOFF
analysis (1D likelihood with background from Off regions).(statistic = DEFAULT) <DEFAULT|CSTAT|WSTAT|CHI2> [string]
Optimization statistic.
uses the default statistic for all observations, which isCSTAT
or the statistic specified in the observation definition XML file.CSTAT
uses the C statistic for all observations,WSTAT
uses the W statistic for On/Off observations, andCHI2
uses the Chi squared statistic for binned or stacked observations.(calc_ts = yes) [boolean]
Compute TS value for each map bin?
(calc_ulim = no) [boolean]
Compute upper limit for each map bin?
(fix_srcs = yes) [boolean]
Fix other sky model parameters?
(fix_bkg = no) [boolean]
Fix background model parameters?
On/Off parameters¶
enumbins [integer]
Number of energy bins.
(bkgmethod = REFLECTED) [string]
Method for background estimation.
background evaluated in regions with the same shape as source region reflected w.r.t. pointing direction for each observation.srcshape <CIRCLE|RECT> [string]
Shape of the source region.
defines a circular region around given position,RECT
defines a rectangle centred on a given position.width [real]
Width of source region rectangle for On/Off analysis (deg).
height [real]
Height of source region rectangle for On/Off analysis (deg).
posang [real]
Position angle of source region rectangle for On/Off analysis, counted counterclockwise from celestial North (deg).
(bkgregmin = 2) [integer]
Minimum number of background regions that are required for an observation. If this number of background regions is not available the observation is skipped.
(bkgregskip = 1) [integer]
Number of background regions that should be skipped next to the On regions. Typically, one region is skipped so that the Off regions are taken sufficiently distant from the On region, but in some cases it may be useful to keep the background regions next to the On region.
(use_model_bkg = yes) [boolean]
Specifies whether the background model should be used for the computation of the
parameter and the predicted background rate in the Off region that is stored in theBACKRESP
column of the Off spectrum when using theONOFF
method.If the parameter is set to
the background model is not used and the background rate is assumed identical within the On and Off regions. This is the classical IACT analysis method that is used when using reflected Off regions. In that case thealpha
parameter becomes independent of energy and only reflects the ratio between the solid angles of the On and Off regions. TheBACKRESP
column in the Off spectrum will be filled with the solid angle of the On region. The data need to be fitted with thewstat
statistic, fitting withcstat
will not work.(maxoffset = 4.0) [real]
Maximum offset in degrees of source from camera center to accept the observation for On/Off analysis.
(etruemin = 0.01) [real]
Minimum true energy to evaluate instrumental response in On/Off analysis (TeV).
(etruemax = 0.01) [real]
Maximum true energy to evaluate instrumental response in On/Off analysis (TeV).
(etruebins = 30) [integer]
Number of bins per decade for true energy bins to evaluate instrumental response in On/Off analysis.
Standard parameters¶
(nthreads = 0) [integer]
Number of parallel processes (0=use all available CPUs).
(chatter = 2) [integer]
- Verbosity of the executable:
chatter = 0
: no information will be loggedchatter = 1
: only errors will be loggedchatter = 2
: errors and actions will be loggedchatter = 3
: report about the task executionchatter = 4
: detailed report about the task execution
(clobber = yes) [boolean]
Specifies whether an existing output file should be overwritten.
(debug = no) [boolean]
Enables debug mode. In debug mode the executable will dump any log file output to the console.
(mode = ql) [string]
Mode of automatic parameters (default is
, i.e. “query and learn”).(logfile = csscs.log) [string]
Name of log file.