
Generates an observation definition file.


This script generates an observation definition file from a pointing list. The pointing list is a comma-separated value (CSV) ASCII file with header keywords in the first row followed by a list of pointings (one pointing per row). The following header keywords are supported (case sensitive, column order irrelevant):

  • name - Observation name string

  • id - Unique observation identifier string

  • ra - Right Ascension of pointing (deg)

  • dec - Declination of pointing (deg)

  • lon - Galactic longitude of pointing (deg)

  • lat - Galactic latitude of pointing (deg)

  • duration - Duration of pointing (seconds)

  • emin - Lower energy limit (TeV)

  • emax - Upper energy limit (TeV)

  • rad - Radius of region of interest (deg)

  • deadc - Deadtime correction factor [0-1]

  • instrument - Name of Cherenkov Telescope

  • caldb - Calibration database

  • irf - Response function name

Only the pairs (ra,dec) or (lon,lat) are mandatory header keywords. All other keywords are optional and can be specified when calling csobsdef as user parameters. The only exception is the duration keyword that will automatically be queried.

Here some usage examples:


Creates minimal observation definition file.

csobsdef emin=0.1 emax=100.0

Creates observation definition file with an energy range 100 GeV - 100 TeV.

csobsdef rad=5

Creates observation definition file with a ROI radius of 5 deg.

csobsdef caldb=prod2 irf=South_50h

Creates observation definition file using the South_50h IRF in the prod2 calibration database.

General parameters

inpnt [file]

Pointing definition ASCII file in comma-separated value (CSV) format.

outobs [file]

Output Observation Definition XML file.

duration [real]

Duration of observation (in seconds).

(name = None) [string]

Observation name.

(instrument = CTA) [string]

Name of Cherenkov telescope.

(caldb = "") [string]

Calibration database.

(irf = "") [string]

Instrumental response function.

(emin = UNDEF) [real]

Lower energy limit of events (in TeV).

(emax = UNDEF) [real]

Upper energy limit of events (in TeV).

(rad = UNDEF) [real]

ROI radius (in degrees).

(deadc = 0.95) [real]

Average deadtime correction factor.

(mjdref = 51544.5) [real]

Reference Modified Julian Day (MJD) for observations.

Standard parameters

(chatter = 2) [integer]
Verbosity of the executable:

chatter = 0: no information will be logged

chatter = 1: only errors will be logged

chatter = 2: errors and actions will be logged

chatter = 3: report about the task execution

chatter = 4: detailed report about the task execution

(clobber = yes) [boolean]

Specifies whether an existing Observation Definition XML file should be overwritten.

(debug = no) [boolean]

Enables debug mode. In debug mode the executable will dump any log file output to the console.

(mode = ql) [string]

Mode of automatic parameters (default is ql, i.e. “query and learn”).

(logfile = csobsdef.log) [string]

Log filename.