Exception handlingΒΆ

GammaLib uses C++ exceptions to handle any kind of errors or unexpected values that are encountered. Here an example of how an exception is thrown in the GModels::at() method:


1 #define G_AT "GModels::at(int&)"
2 GModel* GModels::at(const int& index)
3 {
4     if (index < 0 || index >= size()) {
5         throw GException::out_of_range(G_AT, "Model index", index, size());
6     }
7     return m_models[index];
8 }

Line 1 defines the name of the method that is always passed to the exception handle to track the origin of the exception. The definition should always provide the class name, the method name and the argument types (as several methods with the same name but a different set of arguments may exist). Variable names or const declarations are omitted from the definition.

The method is implemented in lines 2-8. Before accessing a model in line 7, the method checks whether the provided index is in the valid range. Note that lower and upper boundary of the index value is systematically checked in all GammaLib methods that perform index checking. If one of the boundary conditions is violated, the throw statement is used to throw an object of type GException::out_of_range. The object is constructed by passing the method name (defined by G_AT), a text string that describes the parameter that is out of the valid range, the value of the parameter, and the maximum number of elements that are expected in the range. This specific instance of the GException::out_of_range class assumes that the lower boundary of the valid range is 0, hence it does not need to be specified explicitely as an argument.

The actual GammaLib code implements a wealth of possible exceptions, yet in a future version of the code, this wealth should be reduced to a limited set of standard exceptions. The first class of exceptions are logic exceptions, which are those that the client could in principle have tested before calling the method. These comprise:

Logic exceptions



An invalid value has been encountered in the method.


One of the arguments passed to the method is invalid.


An index is outside the expected range.


An error has occured in FITS file handling.

The second class of exceptions are runtime exceptions, which are those that are not testable by the client. Typical runtime exceptions are underflow or overflow errors. So far, only one runtime exception is implemented in GammaLib:

Runtime exceptions



The method has not been implemented.