Under the hood¶
Registry classes¶
Registry classes statically hold instances of derived classes, and can be used to allocate a derived class dependent on some text string. The code thread below illustrates how the GModels::read() method extracts models from an XML file, allocates the requested model through the GModelRegistry::alloc() method, and appends the model to the model container.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | int n = lib->elements("source"); // Get number of sources
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { // Loop over sources
const GXmlElement* src = lib->element("source", i); // Get pointer on source
std::string type = src->attribute("type"); // Get source model type
GModelRegistry registry; // Get model registry
GModel* ptr = registry.alloc(type); // Allocate model of specific type
if (ptr != NULL) { // If model is valid:
ptr->read(*src); // - read model
append(*ptr); // - append it to container
delete ptr; // - free model
To access the registry information it is sufficient to create an instance of
the registry. To illustrate how the registry is filled the
file can be examined:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | const GModelSky g_pointsource_seed("PointSource");
const GModelSky g_extendedsource_seed("ExtendedSource");
const GModelSky g_diffusesource_seed("DiffuseSource");
const GModelSky g_compositesource_seed("CompositeSource");
const GModelRegistry g_pointsource_registry(&g_pointsource_seed);
const GModelRegistry g_extendedsource_registry(&g_extendedsource_seed);
const GModelRegistry g_diffusesource_registry(&g_diffusesource_seed);
const GModelRegistry g_compositesource_registry(&g_compositesource_seed);
Here four instances of GModelSky are created as global variables which are appended to the GModelRegistry registry by creating an instance of the registry which takes the address of the GModelSky instance as argument.
Registries are widely used throughout GammaLib for the handling of models and its components, and the handling of the observations of the different supported instruments.