Incrementing the development versionΒΆ

As last step you have to increment the version number to the next development release number. Before doing that you should make sure that you have merged the released software version into the devel branch. You do this by typing:

$ git checkout devel
$ git merge master

Now you launch again the release manager to update the version number:

$ dev/
GammaLib release manager

[1] Make a new release
[2] Set the package version in current branch
[3] Set the libtool version in current branch
[4] Commit changes in current branch
[5] Create tarball from current branch
[6] Check tarball
[q] Quit
Enter your choice:

Select 2 and enter the new version number:

Current GammaLib version is '1.2.0'. Please enter new GammaLib version:
Change version to ''? (y/n): y
GammaLib version changed to ''

[1] Make a new release
[2] Set the package version in current branch
[3] Set the libtool version in current branch
[4] Commit changes in current branch
[5] Create tarball from current branch
[6] Check tarball
[q] Quit
Enter your choice:

Now commit the changes by chosing 4:

The following files have been changed:
 M doc/Doxyfile
 M doc/source/
Commit all changes? (y/n): y
Please enter a commit message: Update to release version
[devel d44a7d6] Update to release version
 6 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

[1] Make a new release
[2] Set the package version in current branch
[3] Set the libtool version in current branch
[4] Commit changes in current branch
[5] Create tarball from current branch
[6] Check tarball
[q] Quit
Enter your choice:

Quit the release manager by chosing q and push the modifications into the repository:

$ git push origin

Congratulations, you are done!