Matrix storage classes

A matrix is a two-dimensional array of double precision floating point values, arranged in rows and columns. Three matrix storage classes are implemented in GammaLib:

  • GMatrix which explicitly stores all elements of a matrix

  • GMatrixSymmetric which implements a symmetric matrix and only stores the lower-left triangle of matrix elements

  • GMatrixSparse which implements a sparse matrix and only stores the non-zero elements of a matrix

All matrix classes derive from the abstract GMatrixBase class.

In the most general case, the rows and columns of a matrix are stored in a continuous array of \({\tt rows} \times {\tt columns}\) memory locations. This storage type is referred to as a full matrix, and is implemented by the class GMatrix. Operations on full matrixes are in general relatively fast, but memory requirements may be important to hold all the elements. In general matrixes are stored column-wise (or in column-major format). For example, the matrix

 1  2  3  4  5
 6  7  8  9 10
11 12 13 14 15

is stored in memory as

|  1  6 11 |  2  7 12 |  3  8 13 |  4  9 14 |  5 10 15 |

Many physical or mathematical problems treat with a subclass of matrixes that is symmetric, i.e. for which the element \((row,col)\) is identical to the element \((col,row)\). In this case, the duplicated elements need not to be stored. The class GMatrixSymmetric implements such a storage type. GMatrixSymmetric stores the lower-left triangle of the matrix in column-major format. For illustration, the matrix

1  2  3  4
2  5  6  7
3  6  8  9
4  7  9 10

is stored in memory as

|  1  2  3  4 |  5  6  7 |  8  9 | 10 |

This divides the storage requirements to hold the matrix elements by almost a factor of two.

Finally, quite often one has to deal with matrixes that contain a large number of zeros. Such matrixes are called sparse matrixes. If only the non-zero elements of a sparse matrix are stored the memory requirements are considerably reduced. This goes however at the expense of matrix element access, which has become now more complex. In particular, filling efficiently a sparse matrix is a non-trivial problem. Sparse matrix storage is implemented by the GMatrixSparse class. A GMatrixSparse object contains three one-dimensional arrays to store the matrix elements: a double type array that contains in continuous column-major order all non-zero elements, an int type array that contains for each non-zero element the row number of its location, and an int type array that contains the storage location of the first non-zero element for each matrix column. To illustrate this storage format, the matrix

1  0  0  7
2  5  0  0
3  0  6  0
4  0  0  8

is stored in memory as

|  1  2  3  4 |  5 |  6 |  7  8 |  Matrix elements
|  0  1  2  3 |  1 |  2 |  0  3 |  Row indices for all elements
|  0          |  4 |  5 |  6    |  Storage location of first element of each column

This example is of course not very economic, since the total number of Bytes used to store the matrix is \(8 \times 8 + (8 + 4) \times 4 = 112\) Bytes, while a full \(4 \times 4\) matrix is stored in \((4 \times 4) \times 8 = 128\) Bytes (recall: a double type values takes 8 Bytes, an int type value takes 4 Bytes). For realistic large systems, however, the gain in memory space can be dramatical.

The usage of the GMatrix, GMatrixSymmetric and GMatrixSparse classes is analoguous in that they implement basically all functions and methods in an identical way. So from the semantics the user has not to worry about the storage class. However, matrix element access speeds are not identical for all storage types, and if performance is an issue (as it certainly always will be), the user has to consider matrix access more carefully.

You allocate a matrix using the constructors


1GMatrix          A(10,20);                 // Full 10 x 20 matrix
2GMatrixSymmetric B(10,10);                 // Symmetric 10 x 10 matrix
3GMatrixSparse    C(1000,10000);            // Sparse 1000 x 10000 matrix
5GMatrix          D(0,0);                   // WRONG: empty matrix not allowed
6GMatrixSymmetric E(20,22);                 // WRONG: symmetric matrix requested


1A = gammalib.GMatrix(10,20)                # Full 10 x 20 matrix
2B = gammalib.GMatrixSymmetric(10,10)       # Symmetric 10 x 10 matrix
3C = gammalib.GMatrixSparse(1000,10000)     # Sparse 1000 x 10000 matrix
5D = gammalib.GMatrix(0,0)                  # WRONG: empty matrix not allowed
6E = gammalib.GMatrixSymmetric(20,22)       # WRONG: symmetric matrix requested

In the constructor, the first argument specifies the number of rows, the second the number of columns: A(row,column). A symmetric matrix needs of course an equal number of rows and columns. And an empty matrix is not allowed. All matrix elements are initialised to 0 by the matrix allocation.

Storage class conversion constructors exist for all three classes to transform one storage class into another:


1GMatrix          full(10,10);
2GMatrixSymmetric symmetric(plain);
3GMatrixSparse    sparse(symmetric);


1full      = gammalib.GMatrix(10,10)
2symmetric = gammalib.GMatrixSymmetric(full)
3sparse    = gammalib.GMatrixSparse(symmetric)

Matrix elements are accessed using


1std::cout << B(5,7) << std::endl;          // Matrix access in C++ through () operator


1print(B[5,7])                              # Matrix access in Python through [] operator

Filling of sparse matrix elements using this operator is possible, although this can be time consuming due to internal memory management. In general, each fill of a new non-zero element needs to shift all elements that are located after that element in memory.

To reduce the memory management overhead in the filling of a sparse matrix, methods have been implemented that allow to fill a matrix column wise:


1GMatrixSparse sparse(10,5);
2GVector       column(10);
3column[0] = 1.0;
4column[1] = 2.0;
5column[5] = 8.0;
6sparse.column(0, column);
7sparse.add_to_column(0, column);


1sparse    = gammalib.GMatrixSparse(10,5)
2column    = gammalib.GVector(10)
3column[0] = 1.0
4column[1] = 2.0
5column[5] = 8.0
6sparse.column(0, column)
7sparse.add_to_column(0, column)

Line 1 allocates a sparse matrix with 10 rows and 5 columns, line 2 instantiates a vector with 10 elements. In lines 3-5, 3 elements of the vector are set to specific values, all other elements will default to 0. In line 6, the elements of the vector are set as the elements of the first matrix column (column 0). Line 7 differs from line 6 in that the elements are now not set but added to the existing matrix elements.

To further reduce the memory management overhead for the column-wise fill of a sparse matrix, a “fill-stack” has been implemented. The “fill-stack” is a buffer that implements a queue for columns that are to be set or added to the matrix. The columns will be stored in this “fill-stack” in the order they are provided, and only once the “fill-stack” is full, or upon request, the “fill-stack” will be flushed into memory. The “fill-stack” is used as follows:


1sparse.stack_init(size, entries);
3sparse.column(0, column);

The stack_init(size, entries) method initialises the “fill-stack”, where size is the size of the allocated memory buffer and entries is the maximum number of columns that will be held by the buffer. If size is set to 0 (the default value), a default size value of 512 is used. If entries is set to 0 (the default value), the number of matrix columns is taken as default entries value. Note that a too large number of elements will produce some overhead due to “fill-stack” management, hence entries should not exceeed a value of the order of 10-100.

The stack_flush() method flushes the stack, which is mandatory before any usage of the matrix. Note that the “fill-stack” is not inserted automatically before any matrix operation, hence manual stack flushing is needed to make all filled matrix elements available for usage. The stack_destroy() method will flush the stack and free all stack elements. This method should be called once no filling is required anymore. If stack_destroy() is called immediately after filling, no call to stack_flush() is needed as the stack_destroy() method flushes the stack before destroying it. The matrix stack is also destroyed by the sparse matrix destructor, hence manual stack destruction is not mandatory.