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Linear algebra



The GVector class implements a vector as a one-dimensional array of successive double precision floating point values. You may allocate an empty vector using

GVector vector;

and a vector of specific dimension using

GVector vector(10);               // Allocates a vector with 10 elements

On allocation, all elements of a vector are set to 0.

You may also allocate a vector by copying from another vector

GVector vector(10);               // Allocates a vector with 10 elements
GVector another = vector;         // Allocates vector by copying

or by using

GVector vector = GVector(10);     // Allocates a vector with 10 elements

Note that there are 3 special constructors which you can use to allocate vectors with 1, 2 or 3 elements:

GVector vector(1.0);              // Allocates vector [1.0]
GVector vector(1.0, 2.0);         // Allocates vector [1.0, 2.0]
GVector vector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);    // Allocates vector [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]

You can access vector elements using the GVector::operator[]() operator:

GVector vector(10);                      // Allocates a vector with 10 elements
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
  vector[i] = (i+1)*10.0;                // Set elements 10, 20, ..., 100
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
  std::cout << vector[i] << std::endl;   // Dump all elements, one by row

Note that the GVector::operator[]() operator does not check the validity of the element index. If index checking is needed, use the GVector::at() method:

GVector vector(10);                         // Allocates a vector with 10 elements
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { = (i+1)*10.0;                // Set elements 10, 20, ..., 100
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
  std::cout << << std::endl;   // Dump all elements, one by row

The GVector::at() method will throw an GException::out_of_range exception in case that the specified index is not valid.

You may also dump the content of a vector using

std::cout << vector << std::endl;           // Dump entire vector

which in the above example will put the sequence

(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100)

on the screen.

Vector arithmetics

You can handle vectors pretty much the same way you handle floating point variables. GVector supports various arithmetic operations:

GVector a;       // A vector
GVector b;       // Another vector
GVector c;       // Yet another vector
double  s;       // A double precision value
c = a + b;       // Vector + Vector addition
c = a + s;       // Vector + Scalar addition
c = s + b;       // Scalar + Vector addition
c = a - b;       // Vector - Vector subtraction
c = a - s;       // Vector - Scalar subtraction
c = s - b;       // Scalar - Vector subtraction
s = a * b;       // Vector * Vector multiplication (dot product)
c = a * s;       // Vector * Scalar multiplication
c = s * b;       // Scalar * Vector multiplication
c = a / s;       // Vector * Scalar division

Most of these operations operate element-wise. For example, scalar additions or subtractions add or subtract a given scalar value from every vector element. And scalar multiplications and divisions multiply or divide every vector element by a given value. The dot product implements the usual formula

\[s = \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} a_i b_i\]

(where \(N\) is the number of vector elements). It is obvious that the dot product, as well as vector addition and subtraction, require vectors of identical dimensions. If vectors are not identical, an GException::vector_mismatch exception will be thrown:

try {
  GVector a(10);
  GVector b(11);
  GVector c = a + b;                   // WRONG: Vectors have incompatible dimensions
catch (GVector::vector_mismatch &e) {
  std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;  // Dimension exception is catched here

Further vector operations are

c  = a;            // Vector assignment
c  = s;            // Assigns scalar to all vector elements
s  = c[index];     // Vector element access
c += a;            // c = c + a;
c -= a;            // c = c - a;
c += s;            // c = c + s;
c -= s;            // c = c - s;
c *= s;            // c = c * s;
c /= s;            // c = c / s;
c  = -a;           // Vector negation

Finally, you can use the comparison operators

int equal   = (a == b);     // True if all elements equal
int unequal = (a != b);     // True if at least one elements unequal

to compare all elements of a vector. If all elements are identical, the GVector::operator==() operator returns true, otherwise false. If at least one element differs, the GVector::operator!=() operator returns true, if all elements are identical it returns false.

In addition to the operators, you can apply the following mathematical functions to vectors:

acos         atan         exp          sin          tanh
acosh        atanh        abs          sinh         pow
asin         cos          log          sqrt
asinh        cosh         log10        tan

Again, these functions should be understood to be applied element-wise. They all take a vector as argument and produce a vector as result. For example

c = sin(a);

attributes the sine of each element of vector a to vector c. Additional implemented functions are

c = cross(a, b);         // Vector cross product (for 3d only)
s = norm(a);             // Vector norm |a|
s = min(a);              // Minimum element of vector
s = max(a);              // Maximum element of vector
s = sum(a);              // Sum of vector elements

Finally, the following methods exist:

int n = a.size();        // Returns number of vector elements
int n = a.non_zeros();   // Returns number of non-zero vector elements



A matrix is a two-dimensional array of double precision floating point values, arranged in rows and columns. Three matrix storage classes are implemented in GammaLib:

  • GMatrix which explicitly stores all elements of a matrix
  • GMatrixSymmetric which implements a symmetric matrix and only stores the lower-left triangle of matrix elements
  • GMatrixSparse which implements a sparse matrix and only stores the non-zero elements of a matrix

All matrix classes derive from the abstract GMatrixBase class.

Matrix storage classes

In the most general case, the rows and columns of a matrix are stored in a continuous array of \({\tt rows} \times {\tt columns}\) memory locations. This storage type is referred to as a full matrix, and is implemented by the class GMatrix. Operations on full matrixes are in general relatively fast, but memory requirements may be important to hold all the elements. In general matrixes are stored column-wise (or in column-major format). For example, the matrix

 1  2  3  4  5
 6  7  8  9 10
11 12 13 14 15

is stored in memory as

|  1  6 11 |  2  7 12 |  3  8 13 |  4  9 14 |  5 10 15 |

Many physical or mathematical problems treat with a subclass of matrixes that is symmetric, i.e. for which the element \((row,col)\) is identical to the element \((col,row)\). In this case, the duplicated elements need not to be stored. The class GMatrixSymmetric implements such a storage type. GMatrixSymmetric stores the lower-left triangle of the matrix in column-major format. For illustration, the matrix

1  2  3  4
2  5  6  7
3  6  8  9
4  7  9 10

is stored in memory as

|  1  2  3  4 |  5  6  7 |  8  9 | 10 |

This divides the storage requirements to hold the matrix elements by almost a factor of two.

Finally, quite often one has to deal with matrixes that contain a large number of zeros. Such matrixes are called sparse matrixes. If only the non-zero elements of a sparse matrix are stored the memory requirements are considerably reduced. This goes however at the expense of matrix element access, which has become now more complex. In particular, filling efficiently a sparse matrix is a non-trivial problem (see Filling sparse matrixes). Sparse matrix storage is implemented by the GMatrixSparse class. A GMatrixSparse object contains three one-dimensional arrays to store the matrix elements: a double type array that contains in continuous column-major order all non-zero elements, an int type array that contains for each non-zero element the row number of its location, and an int type array that contains the storage location of the first non-zero element for each matrix column. To illustrate this storage format, the matrix

1  0  0  7
2  5  0  0
3  0  6  0
4  0  0  8

is stored in memory as

|  1  2  3  4 |  5 |  6 |  7  8 |  Matrix elements
|  0  1  2  3 |  1 |  2 |  0  3 |  Row indices for all elements
|  0          |  4 |  5 |  6    |  Storage location of first element of each column

This example is of course not very economic, since the total number of Bytes used to store the matrix is \(8 \times 8 + (8 + 4) \times 4 = 112\) Bytes, while a full \(4 \times 4\) matrix is stored in \((4 \times 4) \times 8 = 128\) Bytes (recall: a double type values takes 8 Bytes, an int type value takes 4 Bytes). For realistic large systems, however, the gain in memory space can be dramatical.

The usage of the GMatrix, GMatrixSymmetric and GMatrixSparse classes is analoguous in that they implement basically all functions and methods in an identical way. So from the semantics the user has not to worry about the storage class. However, matrix element access speeds are not identical for all storage types, and if performance is an issue (as it certainly always will be), the user has to consider matrix access more carefully (see Filling sparse matrixes).

You allocate a matrix using the constructors:

GMatrix          A(10,20);          // Full 10 x 20 matrix
GMatrixSymmetric B(10,10);          // Symmetric 10 x 10 matrix
GMatrixSparse    C(1000,10000);     // Sparse 1000 x 10000 matrix

GMatrix          A(0,0);            // WRONG: empty matrix not allowed
GMatrixSymmetric B(20,22);          // WRONG: symmetric matrix requested

In the constructor, the first argument specifies the number of rows, the second the number of columns: A(row,column). A symmetric matrix needs of course an equal number of rows and columns. And an empty matrix is not allowed. All matrix elements are initialised to 0 by the matrix allocation.

You can access matrix elements using the () operator, with the first argument specifying the row and the second argument the column to be accessed (row and column indices run from 0 to the number of elements minus one):

for (int row = 0; row < n_rows; ++row) {
  for (int col = 0; col < n_cols; ++col) {
    A(row,col) = (row+col)/2.0;        // Set value of matrix element
double sum2 = 0.0;
for (int row = 0; row < n_rows; ++row) {
  for (int col = 0; col < n_cols; ++col) {
    sum2 *= A(row,col) * A(row,col);   // Get value of matrix element

You can dump the content of a matrix to the console using

std::cout << A << std::endl;      // Dump matrix

Matrix arithmetics

The following description of matrix arithmetics applies to all storage classes (see Matrix storage classes). The following matrix operators have been implemented:

GMatrix A;
GMatrix B;
GMatrix C;
C  = A + B;        // Matrix Matrix addition
C  = A - B;        // Matrix Matrix subtraction
C  = A * B;        // Matrix Matrix multiplication
C  = A * v;        // Matrix Vector multiplication
C  = A * s;        // Matrix Scalar multiplication
C  = s * A;        // Scalar Matrix multiplication
C  = A / s;        // Matrix Scalar division
C  = -A;           // Negation
A += B;            // Matrix inplace addition
A -= B;            // Matrix inplace subtraction
A *= B;            // Matrix inplace multiplications
A *= s;            // Matrix inplace scalar multiplication
A /= s;            // Matrix inplace scalar division

The comparison operators

int equal   = (A == B);    // True if all elements equal
int unequal = (A != B);    // True if at least one elements unequal

allow to compare all elements of a matrix. If all elements are identical, the == operator returns true, otherwise false. If at least one element differs, the != operator returns true, if all elements are identical it returns false.

General matrix methods and functions

A number of methods have been implemented to manipulate matrixes. The methods described in this section are available for all storage classes.

The methods

int rows = A.rows();      // Returns number of rows in matrix
int cols = A.columns();   // Returns number of columns in matrix
int rows = A.size();      // Returns number of elements in matrix

provide access to the matrix dimensions, the methods

double sum  = A.sum();    // Sum of all elements in matrix
double min  = A.min();    // Returns minimum element of matrix
double max  = A.max();    // Returns maximum element of matrix
double fill = A.fill();   // Returns fraction of non-zero elements

inform about some matrix properties. The methods

GVector row_vector    = A.row(row);    // Extract matrix row into vector
GVector column_vector = A.col(column); // Extract matrix column into vector

extract entire rows and columns from a matrix into a vector. Conversely, you may set entire rows or columns of a matrix using the methods

A.row(row, row_vector); // Add vector to column A.column(column, column_vector); // Puts vector in column

The methods

A.insert_col(v_col,col);               // Puts vector in column
A.add_col(v_col,col);                  // Add vector to column

inserts or adds the elements of a vector into a matrix column. Note that no row insertion routines have been implemented (so far) since they would be less efficient (recall that all matrix types are stored in column-major format).

Conversion from one storage type to another is performed using

B = A.convert_to_full();               // Converts A -> GMatrix
B = A.convert_to_sym();                // Converts A -> GMatrixSymmetric
B = A.convert_to_sparse();             // Converts A -> GMatrixSparse

Note that convert_to_sym() can only be applied to a matrix that is indeed symmetric.

The transpose of a matrix can be obtained by using one of

A.transpose();                         // Transpose method
B = transpose(A);                      // Transpose function

The absolute value of a matrix is provided by

B = fabs(A);                           // B = |A|

Specific matrix methods and functions

Some methods do only exist for specific matrix storage classes. Although these methods could in principle apply to all matrix classes, they have for practical reasons not yet been implemented for all storage classes. This may change in future versions of GammaLib.

GMatrix methods

GMatrixSymmetric methods

GMatrixSparse methods

Other methods

You can extract the lower or upper triangle of a matrix into another matrix using

GMatrix B = A.extract_lower_triangle();   // B holds lower triangle
GMatrix B = A.extract_upper_triangle();   // B holds upper triangle

This method is implemented for storage classes GMatrix and GMatrixSymmetric.

Matrix factorisations

A general tool of numeric matrix calculs is factorisation.

Solve linear equation Ax = b. Inverse a matrix (by solving successively Ax = e, where e are the unit vectors for all dimensions).

For symmetric and positive definite matrices the most efficient factorisation is the Cholesky decomposition. The following code fragment illustrates the usage:

GMatrix A(n_rows, n_cols};
GVector x(n_rows};
GVector b(n_rows};
A.cholesky_decompose();                // Perform Cholesky factorisation
x = A.cholesky_solver(b);              // Solve Ax=b for x

Note that once the function A.cholesky_decompose() has been applied, the original matrix content has been replaced by its Cholesky decomposition. Since the Cholesky decomposition can be performed inplace (i.e. without the allocation of additional memory to hold the result), the matrix replacement is most memory economic. In case that the original matrix should be kept, one may either copy it before into another GMatrix object or use the function

GMatrix L = cholesky_decompose(A);
x = L.cholesky_solver(b);

A symmetric and positive definite matrix can be inverted using the Cholesky decomposition using

A.cholesky_invert();                   // Inverse matrix using Cholesky fact.

Alternatively, the function

GMatrix A_inv = cholesky_invert(A);

may be used.

The Cholesky decomposition, solver and inversion routines may also be applied to matrices that contain rows or columns that are filled by zeros. In this case the functions provide the option to (logically) compress the matrices by skipping the zero rows and columns during the calculation.

For compressed matrix Cholesky factorisation, only the non-zero rows and columns have to be symmetric and positive definite. In particular, the full matrix may even be non-symmetric.

Sparse matrixes

The only exception that does not work is

GMatrixSparse A(10,10);
A(0,0) = A(1,1) = A(2,2) = 1.0;        // WRONG: Cannot assign multiple at once

In this case the value 1.0 is only assigned to the last element, i.e. A(2,2), the other elements will remain 0. This feature has to do with the way how the compiler translates the code and how  implements sparse matrix filling. GMatrixSparse provides a pointer for a new element to be filled. Since there is only one such fill pointer, only one element can be filled at once in a statement. So it is strongly advised to avoid multiple matrix element assignment in a single row. Better write the above code like

GMatrixSparse A;
A(0,0) = 1.0;
A(1,1) = 1.0;
A(2,2) = 1.0;

This way, element assignment works fine.

Inverting a sparse matrix produces in general a full matrix, so the inversion function should be used with caution. Note that a full matrix that is stored in sparse format takes roughly twice the memory than a normal GMatrix object. If nevertheless the inverse of a sparse matrix should be examined, it is recommended to perform the analysis column-wise

GMatrixSparse A(rows,cols);            // Allocate sparse matrix
GVector       unit(rows);              // Allocate vector
A.cholesky_decompose();                // Factorise matrix

// Column-wise solving the matrix equation
for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col) {
  unit(col) = 1.0;                     // Set unit vector
  GVector x = cholesky_solver(unit);   // Get column x of inverse
  unit(col) = 0.0;                     // Clear unit vector for next round

Filling sparse matrixes

The filling of a sparse matrix is a tricky issue since the storage of the elements depends on their distribution in the matrix. If one would know beforehand this distribution, sparse matrix filling would be easy and fast. In general, however, the distribution is not known a priori, and matrix filling may become a quite time consuming task.

If a matrix has to be filled element by element, the access through the operator

m(row,col) = value;

may be mandatory. In principle, if a new element is inserted into a matrix a new memory cell has to be allocated for this element, and other elements may be moved. Memory allocation is quite time consuming, and to reduce the overhead, GMatrixSparse can be configured to allocate memory in bunches. By default, each time more matrix memory is needed, GMatrixSparse allocates 512 cells at once (or 6144 Bytes since each element requires a double and a int storage location). If this amount of memory is not adequat one may change this value by using


where size is the number of matrix elements that should be allocated at once (corresponding to a total memory of \(12 \times {\tt size}\) Bytes).

Alternatively, a matrix may be filled column-wise using the functions

m.insert_col(vector,col);              // Insert a vector in column
m.add_col(vector,col);                 // Add content of a vector to column

While insert_col sets the values of column col (deleting thus any previously existing entries), add_col adds the content of vector to all elements of column col. Using these functions is considerably more rapid than filling individual values.

Still, if the matrix is big (i.e. several thousands of rows and columns), filling individual columns may still be slow. To speed-up dynamical matrix filling, an internal fill-stack has been implemented in GMatrixSparse. Instead of inserting values column-by-column, the columns are stored in a stack and filled into the matrix once the stack is full. This reduces the number of dynamic memory allocations to let the matrix grow as it is built. By default, the internal stack is disabled. The stack can be enabled and used as follows:

m.stack_init(size, entries);           // Initialise stack
m.add_col(vector,col);                 // Add columns
m.stack_destroy();                     // Flush and destory stack

The method stack_init initialises a stack with a number of size elements and a maximum of entries columns. The larger the values size and entries are chosen, the more efficient the stack works. The total amount of memory of the stack can be estimated as \(12 \times {\tt size} + 8 \times {\tt entries}\) Bytes. If a rough estimate of the total number of non-zero elements is available it is recommended to set size to this value. As a rule of thumb, size should be at least of the dimension of either the number of rows or the number of columns of the matrix (take the maximum of both). entries is best set to the number of columns of the matrix. If memory limits are an issue smaller values may be set, but if the values are too small, the speed increase may become negligible (or stack-filling may even become slower than normal filling).

Stack-filling only works with the method add_col. Note also that filling sub-sequently the same column leads to stack flushing. In the code

for (int col = 0; col < 100; ++col) {
  column      = 0.0;                   // Reset column
  column(col) = col;                   // Set column
  m.add_col(column,col);               // Add column

stack flushing occurs in each loop, and consequently, the stack-filling approach will be not very efficient (it would probably be even slover than normal filling). If successive operations are to be performed on columns, it is better to perform them before adding. The code

column = 0.0;                          // Reset column
for (int col = 0; col < 100; ++col)
  column(col) = col;                   // Set column
m.add_col(column,col);                 // Add column

would be far more efficient.

A avoidable overhead occurs for the case that the column to be added is sparse. The vector may contain many zeros, and GMatrixSparse has to filter them out. If the sparsity of the column is known, this overhead can be avoided by directly passing a compressed array to add_col:

int     number = 5;                    // 5 elements in array
double* values = new double[number];   // Allocate values
int*    rows   = new int[number];      // Allocate row index
m.stack_init(size, entries);           // Initialise stack
for (int i = 0; i < number; ++i) {     // Initialise array
  values[i] = ...                      // ... set values
  rows[i]   = ...                      // ... set row indices
m.add_col(values,rows,number,col);     // Add array
m.stack_destroy();                     // Flush and destory stack
delete [] values;                      // Free array
delete [] rows;

The method add_col calls the method stack_push_column for stack filling. add_col is more general than stack_push_column in that it decides which of stack- or direct filling is more adequate. In particular, stack_push_column may refuse pushing a column onto the stack if there is not enough space. In that case, stack_push_column returns a non-zero value that corresponds to the number of non-zero elements in the vector that should be added. However, it is recommended to not use stack_push_column and call instead add_col.

The method stack_destroy is used to flush and destroy the stack. After this call the stack memory is liberated. If the stack should be flushed without destroying it, the method stack_flush may be used:

m.stack_init(size, entries);           // Initialise stack
m.add_col(vector,col);                 // Add columns
m.stack_flush();                       // Simply flush stack

Once flushed, the stack can be filled anew.

Note that stack flushing is not automatic! This means, if one trys to use a matrix for calculs without flushing, the calculs may be wrong. If a stack is used for filling, always flush the stack before using the matrix.