This is the complete list of members for GWcsAIT, including all inherited members.
cdelt(const int &inx) const | GWcs | |
cel_ini(void) const | GWcs | protected |
cel_s2x(int nlng, int nlat, int sll, int sxy, const double *lng, const double *lat, double *phi, double *theta, double *x, double *y, int *stat) const | GWcs | protected |
cel_set(void) const | GWcs | protected |
cel_x2s(int nx, int ny, int sxy, int sll, const double *x, const double *y, double *phi, double *theta, double *lng, double *lat, int *stat) const | GWcs | protected |
classname(void) const | GWcsAIT | inlinevirtual |
clear(void) | GWcsAIT | virtual |
clone(void) const | GWcsAIT | virtual |
code(void) const | GWcsAIT | inlinevirtual |
compare(const GSkyProjection &proj) const | GWcs | protectedvirtual |
coordsys(void) const | GSkyProjection | virtual |
coordsys(const std::string &coordsys) | GSkyProjection | virtual |
copy_members(const GWcsAIT &wcs) | GWcsAIT | private |
GWcs::copy_members(const GWcs &wcs) | GWcs | protected |
GSkyProjection::copy_members(const GSkyProjection &proj) | GSkyProjection | protected |
crpix(const int &inx) const | GWcs | |
crval(const int &inx) const | GWcs | |
dir2pix(const GSkyDir &dir) const | GWcs | virtual |
free_members(void) | GWcsAIT | private |
GSkyProjection(void) | GSkyProjection | |
GSkyProjection(const GSkyProjection &proj) | GSkyProjection | |
GWcs(void) | GWcs | |
GWcs(const std::string &coords, const double &crval1, const double &crval2, const double &crpix1, const double &crpix2, const double &cdelt1, const double &cdelt2) | GWcs | |
GWcs(const GFitsHDU &hdu) | GWcs | explicit |
GWcs(const GWcs &wcs) | GWcs | |
GWcsAIT(void) | GWcsAIT | |
GWcsAIT(const std::string &coords, const double &crval1, const double &crval2, const double &crpix1, const double &crpix2, const double &cdelt1, const double &cdelt2) | GWcsAIT | |
GWcsAIT(const GWcsAIT &wcs) | GWcsAIT | |
init_lock(const int &lock_id=0) const | GWcs | inlineprotected |
init_members(void) | GWcsAIT | private |
lin_ini(int naxis) | GWcs | protected |
lin_matinv(const std::vector< double > &mat, std::vector< double > &inv) const | GWcs | protected |
lin_p2x(int ncoord, int nelem, const double *pixcrd, double *imgcrd) const | GWcs | protected |
lin_set(void) const | GWcs | protected |
lin_x2p(int ncoord, int nelem, const double *imgcrd, double *pixcrd) const | GWcs | protected |
m_bounds | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_cd | GWcs | protected |
m_cdelt | GWcs | protected |
m_celset | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_coordsys | GSkyProjection | protected |
m_crota | GWcs | protected |
m_crpix | GWcs | protected |
m_crval | GWcs | protected |
m_ctype | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_ctype_c | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_cunit | GWcs | protected |
m_equinox | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_euler | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_has_dir2pix_cache | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_has_pix2dir_cache | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_imgpix | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_isolat | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_last_dir2pix_dir | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_last_dir2pix_pix | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_last_pix2dir_dir | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_last_pix2dir_pix | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_lat | GWcs | protected |
m_latpole | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_latpreq | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_linset | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_lng | GWcs | protected |
m_lonpole | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_naxis | GWcs | protected |
m_offset | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_pc | GWcs | protected |
m_phi0 | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_piximg | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_prjset | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_pv | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_r0 | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_radesys | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_ref | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_restfrq | GWcs | protected |
m_restwav | GWcs | protected |
m_spec | GWcs | protected |
m_theta0 | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_unity | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_w | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_wcsset | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_x0 | GWcs | mutableprotected |
m_y0 | GWcs | mutableprotected |
name(void) const | GWcsAIT | inlinevirtual |
operator=(const GWcsAIT &wcs) | GWcsAIT | |
GWcs::operator=(const GWcs &wcs) | GWcs | virtual |
GSkyProjection::operator=(const GSkyProjection &proj) | GSkyProjection | virtual |
pix2dir(const GSkyPixel &pixel) const | GWcs | virtual |
print(const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const | GWcsAIT | virtual |
prj_bchk(const double &tol, const int &nphi, const int &ntheta, const int &spt, double *phi, double *theta, int *stat) const | GWcs | protected |
prj_ini(void) const | GWcs | protected |
prj_off(const double &phi0, const double &theta0) const | GWcs | protected |
prj_s2x(int nphi, int ntheta, int spt, int sxy, const double *phi, const double *theta, double *x, double *y, int *stat) const | GWcsAIT | privatevirtual |
prj_set(void) const | GWcsAIT | privatevirtual |
prj_x2s(int nx, int ny, int sxy, int spt, const double *x, const double *y, double *phi, double *theta, int *stat) const | GWcsAIT | privatevirtual |
PVN | GWcs | privatestatic |
read(const GFitsHDU &hdu) | GWcs | virtual |
set(const std::string &coords, const double &crval1, const double &crval2, const double &crpix1, const double &crpix2, const double &cdelt1, const double &cdelt2) | GWcs | |
set_lock(const int &lock_id=0) const | GWcs | inlineprotected |
set_members(const std::string &coords, const double &crval1, const double &crval2, const double &crpix1, const double &crpix2, const double &cdelt1, const double &cdelt2) | GWcs | protected |
size(void) const | GWcs | inlinevirtual |
solidangle(const GSkyPixel &pixel) const | GWcs | virtual |
spc_ini(void) | GWcs | protected |
sph_s2x(int nlng, int nlat, int sll, int spt, const double *lng, const double *lat, double *phi, double *theta) const | GWcs | protected |
sph_x2s(int nphi, int ntheta, int spt, int sll, const double *phi, const double *theta, double *lng, double *lat) const | GWcs | protected |
UNDEFINED | GWcs | privatestatic |
undefined(const double &value) const | GWcs | inlineprotected |
unset_lock(const int &lock_id=0) const | GWcs | inlineprotected |
wcs_ini(int naxis) | GWcs | protected |
wcs_p2s(int ncoord, int nelem, const double *pixcrd, double *imgcrd, double *phi, double *theta, double *world, int *stat) const | GWcs | protected |
wcs_print(const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const | GWcs | protected |
wcs_print_value(const double &value) const | GWcs | protected |
wcs_s2p(int ncoord, int nelem, const double *world, double *phi, double *theta, double *imgcrd, double *pixcrd, int *stat) const | GWcs | protected |
wcs_set(void) const | GWcs | protected |
wcs_set_ctype(void) const | GWcs | protected |
wcs_set_radesys(void) const | GWcs | protected |
write(GFitsHDU &hdu) const | GWcs | virtual |
~GBase(void) | GBase | inlinevirtual |
~GSkyProjection(void) | GSkyProjection | virtual |
~GWcs(void) | GWcs | virtual |
~GWcsAIT(void) | GWcsAIT | virtual |