This is the complete list of members for GFitsBinTable, including all inherited members.
alloc_column(int typecode) const | GFitsTable | private |
append(const GFitsTableCol &column) | GFitsTable | inline |
append_rows(const int &nrows) | GFitsTable | |
card(const int &cardno) | GFitsHDU | inline |
card(const int &cardno) const | GFitsHDU | inline |
card(const std::string &keyname) | GFitsHDU | inline |
card(const std::string &keyname) const | GFitsHDU | inline |
card(const GFitsHeaderCard &card) | GFitsHDU | inline |
card(const std::string &keyname, const std::string &value, const std::string &comment) | GFitsHDU | inline |
card(const std::string &keyname, const double &value, const std::string &comment) | GFitsHDU | inline |
card(const std::string &keyname, const int &value, const std::string &comment) | GFitsHDU | inline |
card(const std::string &keyname, const bool &value, const std::string &comment) | GFitsHDU | inline |
card(const std::string &keyname, const char *value, const std::string &comment) | GFitsHDU | inline |
cards(void) const | GFitsHDU | inline |
classname(void) const | GFitsBinTable | inlinevirtual |
clear(void) | GFitsBinTable | virtual |
clone(void) const | GFitsBinTable | virtual |
colnum(const std::string &colname) const | GFitsTable | private |
connect(void *fptr) | GFitsHDU | protected |
contains(const std::string &colname) const | GFitsTable | |
copy_members(const GFitsBinTable &table) | GFitsBinTable | private |
GFitsTable::copy_members(const GFitsTable &table) | GFitsTable | protected |
GFitsHDU::copy_members(const GFitsHDU &hdu) | GFitsHDU | protected |
data_close(void) | GFitsTable | protectedvirtual |
data_connect(void *vptr) | GFitsTable | protectedvirtual |
data_open(void *vptr) | GFitsTable | protectedvirtual |
data_save(void) | GFitsTable | protectedvirtual |
extname(void) const | GFitsHDU | inline |
extname(const std::string &extname) | GFitsHDU | |
extno(void) const | GFitsHDU | inline |
extno(const int &extno) | GFitsHDU | inline |
exttype(void) const | GFitsBinTable | inlinevirtual |
free_columns(void) | GFitsTable | protected |
free_members(void) | GFitsBinTable | private |
get_hdu_type(void) const | GFitsHDU | protected |
get_tform(const int &colnum) const | GFitsTable | protected |
get_ttype(const int &colnum) const | GFitsTable | protected |
get_tunit(const int &colnum) const | GFitsTable | protected |
GFitsBinTable(void) | GFitsBinTable | |
GFitsBinTable(const int &nrows) | GFitsBinTable | explicit |
GFitsBinTable(const GFitsBinTable &table) | GFitsBinTable | |
GFitsHDU(void) | GFitsHDU | |
GFitsHDU(const GFitsHDU &hdu) | GFitsHDU | |
GFitsTable(void) | GFitsTable | |
GFitsTable(const int &nrows) | GFitsTable | explicit |
GFitsTable(const GFitsTable &table) | GFitsTable | |
has_card(const int &cardno) const | GFitsHDU | inline |
has_card(const std::string &keyname) const | GFitsHDU | inline |
HDUType enum name | GFitsHDU | |
header(void) const | GFitsHDU | inline |
header(const GFitsHeader &header) | GFitsHDU | inline |
HT_ASCII_TABLE enum value | GFitsHDU | |
HT_BIN_TABLE enum value | GFitsHDU | |
HT_IMAGE enum value | GFitsHDU | |
init_members(void) | GFitsBinTable | private |
init_table_header(void) | GFitsBinTable | private |
insert(int colnum, const GFitsTableCol &column) | GFitsTable | |
insert(const std::string &colname, const GFitsTableCol &column) | GFitsTable | |
insert_rows(const int &row, const int &nrows) | GFitsTable | |
integer(const std::string &keyname) const | GFitsHDU | inline |
m_cols | GFitsTable | protected |
m_columns | GFitsTable | protected |
m_fitsfile | GFitsHDU | protected |
m_hdunum | GFitsHDU | protected |
m_header | GFitsHDU | protected |
m_name | GFitsHDU | protected |
m_rows | GFitsTable | protected |
m_type | GFitsTable | protected |
move_to_hdu(void) | GFitsHDU | protected |
ncols(void) const | GFitsTable | inline |
nrows(void) const | GFitsTable | inline |
open(void *vptr, int hdunum) | GFitsHDU | protected |
operator=(const GFitsBinTable &table) | GFitsBinTable | |
GFitsTable::operator=(const GFitsTable &table) | GFitsTable | |
GFitsHDU::operator=(const GFitsHDU &hdu) | GFitsHDU | |
operator[](const int &colnum) | GFitsTable | |
operator[](const int &colnum) const | GFitsTable | |
operator[](const std::string &colname) | GFitsTable | |
operator[](const std::string &colname) const | GFitsTable | |
print(const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const | GFitsTable | virtual |
print_hdu(const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const | GFitsHDU | protected |
ptr_column(const std::string &colname) const | GFitsTable | private |
real(const std::string &keyname) const | GFitsHDU | inline |
remove(const int &colnum) | GFitsTable | |
remove(const std::string &colname) | GFitsTable | |
remove_rows(const int &row, const int &nrows) | GFitsTable | |
save(void) | GFitsHDU | protected |
set(const int &colnum, const GFitsTableCol &column) | GFitsTable | |
set(const std::string &colname, const GFitsTableCol &column) | GFitsTable | |
string(const std::string &keyname) const | GFitsHDU | inline |
typecode(int type) const | GFitsHDU | protected |
update_header(void) | GFitsTable | protected |
~GBase(void) | GBase | inlinevirtual |
~GFitsBinTable(void) | GFitsBinTable | virtual |
~GFitsHDU(void) | GFitsHDU | virtual |
~GFitsTable(void) | GFitsTable | virtual |