
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *                        GEnergy.hpp - Energy class                       *
00003  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *
00004  *  copyright (C) 2010-2014 by Juergen Knoedlseder                         *
00005  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *
00006  *                                                                         *
00007  *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
00008  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by   *
00009  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or      *
00010  *  (at your option) any later version.                                    *
00011  *                                                                         *
00012  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,        *
00013  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         *
00015  *  GNU General Public License for more details.                           *
00016  *                                                                         *
00017  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      *
00018  *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.  *
00019  *                                                                         *
00020  ***************************************************************************/
00021 /**
00022  * @file GEnergy.hpp
00023  * @brief Energy value class definition.
00024  * @author Juergen Knoedlseder
00025  */
00027 #ifndef GENERGY_HPP
00028 #define GENERGY_HPP
00030 /* __ Includes ___________________________________________________________ */
00031 #include <string>
00032 #include "GBase.hpp"
00035 /***********************************************************************//**
00036  * @class GEnergy
00037  *
00038  * @brief Class that handles energies in a unit independent way.
00039  *
00040  * The GEnergy class stores an energy value in units of MeV and implements
00041  * methods that provide automatic conversion of the energy values in other
00042  * units. This makes instrument specific implementations more robust and
00043  * reduces the risk of unit errors. The method also holds on request the
00044  * log10 of the energy in MeV, which is only recomputed when the energy
00045  * value is changed. This considerably reduces the number of log10 operations
00046  * in many applications and speeds up the performance.
00047  ***************************************************************************/
00048 class GEnergy : public GBase {
00050     // Operator friends
00051     friend GEnergy operator+(const GEnergy& a, const GEnergy& b);
00052     friend GEnergy operator-(const GEnergy& a, const GEnergy& b);
00053     friend GEnergy operator*(const double& a, const GEnergy& b);
00054     friend GEnergy operator*(const GEnergy& a, const double& b);
00055     friend GEnergy operator/(const GEnergy& a, const double& b);
00056     friend double  operator/(const GEnergy& a, const GEnergy& b);
00057     friend bool    operator==(const GEnergy& a, const GEnergy& b);
00058     friend bool    operator!=(const GEnergy& a, const GEnergy& b);
00059     friend bool    operator<(const GEnergy& a, const GEnergy& b);
00060     friend bool    operator<=(const GEnergy& a, const GEnergy& b);
00061     friend bool    operator>(const GEnergy& a, const GEnergy& b);
00062     friend bool    operator>=(const GEnergy& a, const GEnergy& b);
00064 public:
00065     // Constructors and destructors
00066     GEnergy(void);
00067     GEnergy(const GEnergy& eng);
00068     GEnergy(const double& eng, const std::string& unit);
00069     virtual ~GEnergy(void);
00071     // Operators
00072     GEnergy& operator=(const GEnergy& eng);
00073     GEnergy& operator+=(const GEnergy& eng);
00074     GEnergy& operator-=(const GEnergy& eng);
00075     GEnergy& operator*=(const double& scale);
00076     GEnergy& operator/=(const double& scale);
00077     void     operator()(const double& eng, const std::string& unit);
00078     double   operator()(const std::string& unit) const;
00080     // Methods
00081     void        clear(void);
00082     GEnergy*    clone(void) const;
00083     std::string classname(void) const;
00084     double      erg(void) const;
00085     double      keV(void) const;
00086     double      MeV(void) const;
00087     double      GeV(void) const;
00088     double      TeV(void) const;
00089     double      Angstrom(void) const;
00090     double      log10erg(void) const;
00091     double      log10keV(void) const;
00092     double      log10MeV(void) const;
00093     double      log10GeV(void) const;
00094     double      log10TeV(void) const;
00095     double      log10(const std::string& unit) const;
00096     void        erg(const double& eng);
00097     void        keV(const double& eng);
00098     void        MeV(const double& eng);
00099     void        GeV(const double& eng);
00100     void        TeV(const double& eng);
00101     void        Angstrom(const double& wavelength);
00102     void        log10erg(const double& eng);
00103     void        log10keV(const double& eng);
00104     void        log10MeV(const double& eng);
00105     void        log10GeV(const double& eng);
00106     void        log10TeV(const double& eng);
00107     void        log10(const double& eng, const std::string& unit);
00108     std::string print(const GChatter& chatter = NORMAL) const;
00110 protected:
00111     // Protected methods
00112     void init_members(void);
00113     void copy_members(const GEnergy& eng);
00114     void free_members(void);
00116     // Protected data members
00117     double         m_energy;      //!< Energy in MeV
00118     mutable double m_elog10;      //!< log10 of energy in MeV
00119     mutable bool   m_has_log10;   //!< log10 of energy is valid
00120 };
00123 /***********************************************************************//**
00124  * @brief Return class name
00125  *
00126  * @return String containing the class name ("GEnergy").
00127  ***************************************************************************/
00128 inline
00129 std::string GEnergy::classname(void) const
00130 {
00131     return ("GEnergy");
00132 }
00135 /***********************************************************************//**
00136  * @brief Energy unary addition operator
00137  *
00138  * @param[in] eng Energy.
00139  * @return Sum of energies.
00140  ***************************************************************************/
00141 inline
00142 GEnergy& GEnergy::operator+=(const GEnergy& eng)
00143 {
00144     m_energy    += eng.m_energy;
00145     m_has_log10  = false;
00146     return *this;
00147 }
00150 /***********************************************************************//**
00151  * @brief Energy unary differnce operator
00152  *
00153  * @param[in] eng Energy.
00154  * @return Difference of energies.
00155  ***************************************************************************/
00156 inline
00157 GEnergy& GEnergy::operator-=(const GEnergy& eng)
00158 {
00159     m_energy    -= eng.m_energy;
00160     m_has_log10  = false;
00161     return *this;
00162 }
00165 /***********************************************************************//**
00166  * @brief Energy unary multiplication operator
00167  *
00168  * @param[in] scale Scale.
00169  * @return Energy multiplied with scale.
00170  ***************************************************************************/
00171 inline
00172 GEnergy& GEnergy::operator*=(const double& scale)
00173 {
00174     m_energy    *= scale;
00175     m_has_log10  = false;
00176     return *this;
00177 }
00180 /***********************************************************************//**
00181  * @brief Energy unary division operator
00182  *
00183  * @param[in] scale Scale.
00184  * @return Energy divided by scale.
00185  ***************************************************************************/
00186 inline
00187 GEnergy& GEnergy::operator/=(const double& scale)
00188 {
00189     m_energy    /= scale;
00190     m_has_log10  = false;
00191     return *this;
00192 }
00195 /***********************************************************************//**
00196  * @brief Energy addition operator friend
00197  *
00198  * @param[in] a First energy.
00199  * @param[in] b Second energy.
00200  * @return Sum of energies.
00201  ***************************************************************************/
00202 inline
00203 GEnergy operator+(const GEnergy& a, const GEnergy& b)
00204 {
00205     GEnergy result;
00206     result.m_energy = a.m_energy + b.m_energy;
00207     return result;
00208 }
00211 /***********************************************************************//**
00212  * @brief Energy subtraction operator friend
00213  *
00214  * @param[in] a First energy.
00215  * @param[in] b Second energy.
00216  * @return Difference of energies.
00217  ***************************************************************************/
00218 inline
00219 GEnergy operator-(const GEnergy& a, const GEnergy& b)
00220 {
00221     GEnergy result;
00222     result.m_energy = a.m_energy - b.m_energy;
00223     return result;
00224 }
00227 /***********************************************************************//**
00228  * @brief Energy multiplication operator friend
00229  *
00230  * @param[in] a Scale.
00231  * @param[in] b Energy.
00232  * @return Energy multiplied by scale.
00233  ***************************************************************************/
00234 inline
00235 GEnergy operator*(const double& a, const GEnergy& b)
00236 {
00237     GEnergy result;
00238     result.m_energy = a * b.m_energy;
00239     return result;
00240 }
00243 /***********************************************************************//**
00244  * @brief Energy multiplication operator friend
00245  *
00246  * @param[in] a Energy.
00247  * @param[in] b Scale.
00248  * @return Energy multiplied by scale.
00249  ***************************************************************************/
00250 inline
00251 GEnergy operator*(const GEnergy& a, const double& b)
00252 {
00253     GEnergy result;
00254     result.m_energy = b * a.m_energy;
00255     return result;
00256 }
00259 /***********************************************************************//**
00260  * @brief Energy division operator friend
00261  *
00262  * @param[in] a Energy.
00263  * @param[in] b Scale.
00264  * @return Energy divided by scale.
00265  ***************************************************************************/
00266 inline
00267 GEnergy operator/(const GEnergy& a, const double& b)
00268 {
00269     GEnergy result;
00270     result.m_energy = a.m_energy / b;
00271     return result;
00272 }
00275 /***********************************************************************//**
00276  * @brief Energy division operator friend
00277  *
00278  * @param[in] a Energy.
00279  * @param[in] b Energy.
00280  * @return Fraction of energies.
00281  ***************************************************************************/
00282 inline
00283 double operator/(const GEnergy& a, const GEnergy& b)
00284 {
00285     return (a.m_energy / b.m_energy);
00286 }
00289 /***********************************************************************//**
00290  * @brief Energy equality operator friend
00291  *
00292  * @param[in] a First energy.
00293  * @param[in] b Second energy.
00294  * @return True if both energies are equal.
00295  ***************************************************************************/
00296 inline
00297 bool operator==(const GEnergy &a, const GEnergy &b)
00298 {
00299     return (a.m_energy == b.m_energy);
00300 }
00303 /***********************************************************************//**
00304  * @brief Energy non-equality operator friend
00305  *
00306  * @param[in] a First energy.
00307  * @param[in] b Second energy.
00308  * @return True if both energies are not equal.
00309  ***************************************************************************/
00310 inline
00311 bool operator!=(const GEnergy &a, const GEnergy &b)
00312 {
00313     return (a.m_energy != b.m_energy);
00314 }
00317 /***********************************************************************//**
00318  * @brief Energy smaller than operator friend
00319  *
00320  * @param[in] a First energy.
00321  * @param[in] b Second energy.
00322  * @return True if first energy is smaller than second energy.
00323  ***************************************************************************/
00324 inline
00325 bool operator<(const GEnergy &a, const GEnergy &b)
00326 {
00327     return (a.m_energy < b.m_energy);
00328 }
00331 /***********************************************************************//**
00332  * @brief Energy smaller than or equal to operator friend
00333  *
00334  * @param[in] a First energy.
00335  * @param[in] b Second energy.
00336  * @return True if first energy is smaller than or equal to second energy.
00337  ***************************************************************************/
00338 inline
00339 bool operator<=(const GEnergy &a, const GEnergy &b)
00340 {
00341     return (a.m_energy <= b.m_energy);
00342 }
00345 /***********************************************************************//**
00346  * @brief Energy larger than operator friend
00347  *
00348  * @param[in] a First energy.
00349  * @param[in] b Second energy.
00350  * @return True if first energy is larger than second energy.
00351  ***************************************************************************/
00352 inline
00353 bool operator>(const GEnergy &a, const GEnergy &b)
00354 {
00355     return (a.m_energy > b.m_energy);
00356 }
00359 /***********************************************************************//**
00360  * @brief Energy larger than or equal to operator friend
00361  *
00362  * @param[in] a First energy.
00363  * @param[in] b Second energy.
00364  * @return True if first energy is larger than or equal to second energy.
00365  ***************************************************************************/
00366 inline
00367 bool operator>=(const GEnergy &a, const GEnergy &b)
00368 {
00369     return (a.m_energy >= b.m_energy);
00370 }
00372 #endif /* GENERGY_HPP */

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