ctools  2.0.0
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1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # ==========================================================================
3 # Print info about Gammalib / ctools to the console
4 #
5 # Copyright (C) 2015-2022 Christoph Deil
6 #
7 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 # (at your option) any later version.
11 #
12 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 #
20 # ==========================================================================
21 import sys
22 import os
24 # List of available ctools. The list was copied from
25 # `doc/source/users/reference_manual/index.rst`
26 # and needs to be manually updated and kept in sync
27 CTOOL_LIST = """
28  ctbin Generates counts cube
29  ctbkgcube Generates background cube
30  ctbutterfly Compute butterfly
31  ctcubemask Filter counts cube
32  ctedispcube Generates energy dispersion cube
33  cterror Calculates likelihood profile errors
34  ctexpcube Generates exposure cube
35  ctfindvar Search for source variability
36  ctlike Performs maximum likelihood fitting
37  ctmapcube Generates a map cube
38  ctmodel Computes model counts cube
39  ctobssim Simulate CTA observations
40  ctphase Computes the phase of each event
41  ctprob Computes event probability for a given model
42  ctpsfcube Generates point spread function cube
43  ctselect Selects event data
44  ctskymap Generates sky map
45  cttsmap Generates Test Statistics map
46  ctulimit Calculates upper limit
47 """
49 # List of available cscripts. The list was copied from
50 # `doc/source/users/reference_manual/index.rst`
51 # and needs to be manually updated and kept in sync
53  csbkgmodel Generates background model for 3D analysis
54  cscaldb Lists available instrument response functions
55  csebins Generates energy boundaries for stacked analysis
56  csfootprint Generates carbon footprint report
57  cslightcrv Computes lightcurve
58  csinfo Checks ctools and GammaLib installations
59  csmodelinfo Shows model container content
60  csmodelmerge Merges several model containers into one file
61  csmodelselect Select models from model definition file
62  csmodelsois Generate map cube from subset of models
63  csobsdef Generates observation definition file
64  csobsinfo Shows observation container content
65  csobsselect Select observations from observation definition file
66  csphagen Generates PHA, ARF, RMF files based on source/background regions
67  csphasecrv Computes phase curve
68  cspull Generates pull distribution
69  csresmap Generates residual map
70  csresspec Generates residual spectrum
71  csscs Performs spectral component separation
72  cssens Computes CTA sensitivity
73  csspec Computes spectral points
74  cssrcdetect Detects sources in sky map
75  cstsdist Generates TS distribution
76  cstsmapmerge Merges slices from Test Statistic map computations
77  cstsmapsplit Creates commands to split the Test Statistic map computations
78  csviscube Computes visibility cube\n
79  csadd2caldb Adds CTA response function to calibration database
80  csobs2caldb Creates a caldb entry from an input observation
81  csroot2caldb Creates a caldb entry from a ROOT performance file
82  csiactdata Shows information about IACT data available on the user machine
83  csiactobs Generates observation definition file for IACT data from observation IDs
84  csfindobs Generates a list of IACT observation IDs
85  csiactcopy Copies IACT data from one location to another
86 """
88 # List of available comscripts. The list was copied from
89 # `doc/source/users/reference_manual/index.rst`
90 # and needs to be manually updated and kept in sync
92  comgendb Generate COMPTEL database
93  comlixfit Fit model to data using SRCLIX algorithm
94  comlixmap Create TS map using SRCLIX algorithm
95  comobsadd Combine observations
96  comobsback Generate background model for COMPTEL observations
97  comobsbin Bin COMPTEL observations
98  comobsmodel Generate model for binned COMPTEL observations
99  comobsres Generate residuals of COMPTEL observations
100  comobsselect Select observations from COMPTEL database
101  comobssim Simulate COMPTEL observations
102  compulbin Generate pulse profiles for pulsars
103  comsrcdetect Detect source in TS map
104 """
107 # ============================================================ #
108 # Workaround for command output on old and new Python versions #
109 # ============================================================ #
111  """
112  Utility function to get command output on old and new Python versions
114  Parameters
115  ----------
116  cmd : str
117  Command string
119  Returns
120  -------
121  output : str
122  Command output
123  """
124  # Try to import getoutput from the "subprocess" module, alternatively get
125  # it from the "commands" module
126  try:
127  from subprocess import getoutput
128  except ImportError:
129  from commands import getoutput
131  # Return command output
132  return getoutput(cmd)
135 # ====================== #
136 # Print list information #
137 # ====================== #
139  """
140  Print available ctools with one-line description to the console
141  """
142  # Print list of available ctools
143  print('\nAvailable ctools:')
144  print(CTOOL_LIST)
146  # Print list of available cscripts
147  print('Available cscripts:')
148  print(CSCRIPT_LIST)
150  # Print list of available comscripts
151  print('Available comscripts:')
152  print(COMSCRIPT_LIST)
154  # Return
155  return
158 # ======================= #
159 # Print check information #
160 # ======================= #
162  """
163  Print check information
164  """
165  # Print header
166  print('\nGammalib / ctools setup check:\n')
168  # Check if the "GAMMALIB" environment variable is set
169  sys.stdout.write(' GAMMALIB environment variable ... ')
170  gammalib_environ = 'GAMMALIB' in os.environ
171  if gammalib_environ:
172  print('ok')
173  else:
174  print('NOT OK')
176  # Check if the "CTOOLS" environment variable is set
177  sys.stdout.write(' CTOOLS environment variable ... ')
178  ctools_environ = 'CTOOLS' in os.environ
179  if ctools_environ:
180  print('ok')
181  else:
182  print('NOT OK')
184  # Check if gammalib Python module import works
185  sys.stdout.write(' gammalib Python import .......... ')
186  try:
187  import gammalib
188  print('ok')
189  gammalib_python = True
190  except:
191  print('NOT OK')
192  gammalib_python = False
194  # Check if ctools Python module import works
195  sys.stdout.write(' ctools Python import .......... ')
196  try:
197  import ctools
198  print('ok')
199  ctools_python = True
200  except:
201  print('NOT OK')
202  ctools_python = False
204  # Check if cscripts Python module import works
205  sys.stdout.write(' cscripts Python import .......... ')
206  try:
207  import cscripts
208  print('ok')
209  cscripts_python = True
210  except:
211  print('NOT OK')
212  cscripts_python = False
214  # Set flag that everything is okay
215  all_ok = gammalib_environ and ctools_environ and gammalib_python and \
216  ctools_python and cscripts_python
218  # Signal if everything is okay, or notify about the problems that have
219  # been encountered
220  if all_ok:
221  print('\n ===> Your Gammalib / ctools setup is OK.')
222  else:
223  print('\n ===> WARNING: Your Gammalib / ctools setup is NOT OK!\n')
224  if not gammalib_environ:
225  print(' - Have you set the GAMMALIB environment variable?')
226  if not ctools_environ:
227  print(' - Have you set the CTOOLS environment variable?')
228  if not gammalib_python or not ctools_python or not cscripts_python:
229  print(' - Did you source gammalib-init.sh?')
230  print(' - Did you source ctools-init.sh ?')
231  print(' - Are you using the correct Python ?')
232  print('')
233  print(' Gammalib: http://cta.irap.omp.eu/gammalib/')
234  print(' ctools: http://cta.irap.omp.eu/ctools/')
235  print('')
237  # Return
238  return
241 # ======================= #
242 # Print setup information #
243 # ======================= #
245  """
246  Print setup information
247  """
248  # Try importing GammaLib, and flag if this was unsuccessful
249  try:
250  import gammalib
251  gammalib_path = gammalib.__path__[0]
252  gammalib_version = gammalib.__version__
253  except ImportError:
254  gammalib_path = 'Not found'
255  gammalib_version = 'Unknown'
257  # Try importing ctools, and flag if this was unsuccessful
258  try:
259  import ctools
260  ctools_path = ctools.__path__[0]
261  ctools_version = ctools.__version__
262  except ImportError:
263  ctools_path = 'Not found'
264  ctools_version = 'Unknown'
266  # Try importing cscripts, and flag if this was unsuccessful
267  try:
268  import cscripts
269  cscripts_path = cscripts.__path__[0]
270  cscripts_version = cscripts.__version__
271  except ImportError:
272  cscripts_path = 'Not found'
273  cscripts_version = 'Unknown'
275  # Get GAMMALIB and CTOOLS environment variables
276  gammalib_env = os.environ.get('GAMMALIB', 'Not found')
277  ctools_env = os.environ.get('CTOOLS', 'Not found')
279  # Print setup information
280  print('\nGammalib / ctools setup info:\n')
281  print(' Gammalib version ................ %s' % gammalib_version)
282  print(' ctools version ................ %s' % ctools_version)
283  print(' cscripts version ................ %s' % cscripts_version)
284  print(' $GAMMALIB environment variable ... %s' % gammalib_env)
285  print(' $CTOOLS environment variable ... %s' % ctools_env)
286  print(' Python executable ................ %s' % sys.executable)
287  print(' gammalib Python module .......... %s' % gammalib_path)
288  print(' ctools Python module .......... %s' % ctools_path)
289  print(' cscripts Python module .......... %s' % cscripts_path)
290  print(' GAMMALIB CFLAGS ................. %s' % get_pkg_config_info('cflags', 'gammalib'))
291  print(' CTOOLS CFLAGS ................. %s' % get_pkg_config_info('cflags', 'ctools'))
292  print(' GAMMALIB LIBS ................. %s' % get_pkg_config_info('libs', 'gammalib'))
293  print(' CTOOLS LIBS ................. %s' % get_pkg_config_info('libs', 'ctools'))
294  print('')
296  # Return
297  return
300 # =============================== #
301 # Get information from pkg-config #
302 # =============================== #
303 def get_pkg_config_info(info, library):
304  """
305  Get information from pkg-config
307  Parameters
308  ----------
309  info : str
310  Information to extract
311  library : str
312  Library name for which information is to be extracted
314  Returns
315  -------
316  out : str
317  Information string, 'Not available' if pkg-config is not installed
318  """
319  # Set pkg-config command
320  cmd = 'pkg-config --%s %s' % (info, library)
322  # Execute command
323  out = get_command_output(cmd)
325  # If the command returns "not found" then pkg-config is not available
326  if 'not found' in out:
327  out = 'Not available'
329  # Return output
330  return out
333 # ============================ #
334 # Print help text into console #
335 # ============================ #
337  """
338  Print help text into console
339  """
340  # Print help text
341  print('\nPrint info about Gammalib and ctools to the console.\n')
342  print('Available commands:')
343  print(' csinfo list List available ctools and cscripts')
344  print(' csinfo check Check Gammalib / ctools setup')
345  print(' csinfo info Print Gammalib / ctools setup info')
346  print('')
348  # Return
349  return
352 # ============================ #
353 # Print information to console #
354 # ============================ #
355 def csinfo(argv):
356  """
357  Print information about Gammalib and ctools to the console
358  """
359  # If there are no command line arguments then print help text and exit
360  # with success
361  if len(argv) <= 1:
363  sys.exit(0)
365  # Dispatch according to the command line argument
366  cmd = argv[1]
367  if cmd == 'list':
369  elif cmd == 'check':
371  elif cmd == 'info':
373  else:
374  print('\nERROR: invalid command: "%s"' % cmd)
376  sys.exit(-1)
378  # Return
379  return
382 # ======================== #
383 # Main routine entry point #
384 # ======================== #
385 if __name__ == '__main__':
387  # Run the script
388  csinfo(sys.argv)
def get_command_output
Definition: csinfo.py:110
def csinfo_setup_check
Definition: csinfo.py:161
def csinfo_print_help
Definition: csinfo.py:336
def csinfo_list_tools
Definition: csinfo.py:138
def csinfo_setup_info
Definition: csinfo.py:244
def get_pkg_config_info
Definition: csinfo.py:303