Sky mapping tool. More...
#include <ctskymap.hpp>
Public Member Functions | |
ctskymap (void) | |
Void constructor. More... | |
ctskymap (const GObservations &obs) | |
Observations constructor. More... | |
ctskymap (int argc, char *argv[]) | |
Command line constructor. More... | |
ctskymap (const ctskymap &app) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~ctskymap (void) |
Destructor. More... | |
ctskymap & | operator= (const ctskymap &app) |
Assignment operator. More... | |
void | clear (void) |
Clear sky mapping tool. More... | |
void | process (void) |
Process the sky mapping tool. More... | |
void | save (void) |
Save sky map. More... | |
void | publish (const std::string &name="") |
Publish sky map. More... | |
const GSkyMap & | skymap (void) const |
Return observation container. More... | |
const GFits & | fits (void) const |
Return fits container. More... | |
void | exclusion_map (const GSkyRegionMap &exclusion_map) |
Set exclusion region map. More... | |
GSkyRegionMap | exclusion_map (void) const |
Return exclusion region map. More... | |
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ctobservation (const std::string &name, const std::string &version) | |
Name constructor. More... | |
ctobservation (const std::string &name, const std::string &version, const GApplicationPars &pars) | |
Application parameters constructor. More... | |
ctobservation (const std::string &name, const std::string &version, int argc, char *argv[]) | |
Command line constructor. More... | |
ctobservation (const std::string &name, const std::string &version, const GObservations &obs) | |
Observations constructor. More... | |
ctobservation (const ctobservation &app) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~ctobservation (void) |
Destructor. More... | |
ctobservation & | operator= (const ctobservation &app) |
Assignment operator. More... | |
void | obs (const GObservations &obs) |
Set observation container. More... | |
const GObservations & | obs (void) const |
Return observation container. More... | |
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ctool (const std::string &name, const std::string &version) | |
Name constructor. More... | |
ctool (const std::string &name, const std::string &version, const GApplicationPars &pars) | |
Application parameter constructor. More... | |
ctool (const std::string &name, const std::string &version, int argc, char *argv[]) | |
Command line constructor. More... | |
ctool (const ctool &app) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~ctool (void) |
Destructor. More... | |
ctool & | operator= (const ctool &app) |
Assignment operator. More... | |
virtual void | run (void) |
Run ctool. More... | |
virtual void | execute (void) |
Execute ctool. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | init_members (void) |
Initialise class members. More... | |
void | copy_members (const ctskymap &app) |
Copy class members. More... | |
void | free_members (void) |
Delete class members. More... | |
void | get_parameters (void) |
Get application parameters. More... | |
void | setup_maps (void) |
Setup maps. More... | |
void | setup_exclusion_map (void) |
Generates map of pixel exclusions. More... | |
void | setup_exclusion_map_fits (const GFilename &filename) |
Fills exclusions map from FITS image. More... | |
void | setup_exclusion_map_region (const GFilename &filename) |
Fills exclusions map from DS9 region file. More... | |
void | adjust_exclusion_map (void) |
Verifys that exclusion map points in fov of counts. More... | |
void | fill_maps (void) |
Fill maps from observation container. More... | |
void | fill_maps_counts (GCTAObservation *obs) |
Fill events into counts map. More... | |
void | fill_maps_acceptance (GCTAObservation *obs) |
Compute background acceptance sky map based on IRF template. More... | |
void | compute_maps (void) |
Compute sky map, background map and significance map. More... | |
void | compute_maps_ring_fft (void) |
Compute the maps for RING background using a FFT. More... | |
void | compute_maps_ring_direct (void) |
Compute the pixel significance for RING background. More... | |
void | compute_ring_values (const int &ipixel, const GSkyMap &counts, const GSkyMap &background, double &non, double &noff, double &alpha) |
Computes Non, Noff and alpha for a counts map and sensitivity map. More... | |
void | construct_fits (void) |
Construct GFits object consisting of all maps. More... | |
void | ring_bounding_box (const int &ipixel, int &ix1, int &ix2, int &iy1, int &iy2) const |
Computes bounding box for RING background computation. More... | |
GSkyMap | ring_convolve (const GSkyMap &map, const double &rmin, const double &rmax) const |
Return FFT kernel for background ring. More... | |
GNdarray | ring_kernel (const double &rmin, const double &rmax) const |
Return FFT kernel for background ring. More... | |
double | sigma_li_ma (const double &n_on, const double &n_off, const double &alpha) const |
Compute significance following Li & Ma. More... | |
void | write_map (GFits &fits, const GSkyMap &map, const std::string &extname) const |
Write sky map into FITS file. More... | |
void | write_hdu_keywords (GFitsHDU *hdu) const |
Write keywords in FITS HDU. More... | |
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GCTAObservation * | first_unbinned_observation (void) |
Return first unbinned CTA observation. More... | |
GCTAObservation * | next_unbinned_observation (void) |
Return next unbinned CTA observation. More... | |
const GCTAObservation * | first_unbinned_observation (void) const |
Return first unbinned CTA observation (const version) More... | |
const GCTAObservation * | next_unbinned_observation (void) const |
Return next unbinned CTA observation (const version) More... | |
void | read_ogip_keywords (GFitsHDU *hdu) const |
Read OGIP keywords from FITS HDU. More... | |
void | write_ogip_keywords (GFitsHDU *hdu) const |
Write OGIP keywords in FITS HDU. More... | |
void | set_obs_statistic (const std::string &statistic) |
Set fit statistic for CTA observations. More... | |
void | set_obs_bounds () |
Set observation boundaries for CTA observations. More... | |
void | save_events_fits (void) |
Save event list in FITS format. More... | |
void | save_events_xml (void) |
Save event list(s) in XML format. More... | |
void | init_members (void) |
Initialise class members. More... | |
void | copy_members (const ctobservation &app) |
Copy class members. More... | |
void | free_members (void) |
Delete class members. More... | |
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void | init_members (void) |
Initialise class members. More... | |
void | copy_members (const ctool &app) |
Copy class members. More... | |
void | free_members (void) |
Delete class members. More... | |
void | sync_pfiles (void) |
Synchronise parameter files. More... | |
const bool & | read_ahead (void) const |
Signal whether parameters should be read ahead. More... | |
void | setup_observations (GObservations &obs, const bool &response=true, const bool &list=true, const bool &cube=true) |
Setup observation container. More... | |
void | setup_models (GObservations &obs, const std::string &name="") |
Setup model container. More... | |
GEbounds | create_ebounds (void) |
Create energy boundaries from user parameters. More... | |
GEnergies | create_energies (void) |
Create energies from user parameters. More... | |
GSkyMap | create_map (const GObservations &obs) |
Create a skymap from user parameters. More... | |
GCTAEventCube | create_cube (const GObservations &obs) |
Create a CTA event cube from user parameters. More... | |
GCTAObservation | create_cta_obs (void) |
Create a CTA observation from User parameters. More... | |
void | require_inobs (const std::string &method) |
Throws exception if inobs parameter is not valid. More... | |
void | require_inobs_nolist (const std::string &method) |
void | require_inobs_nocube (const std::string &method) |
Throws exception if inobs parameter is a counts cube. More... | |
GCTARoi | get_roi (const GCTAPointing &pnt=GCTAPointing()) |
Return RoI from User parameters. More... | |
GEbounds | get_ebounds (void) |
Return energy boundaries from User parameters. More... | |
GGti | get_gti (const GTimeReference &ref) |
Return Good Time Intervals from User parameter. More... | |
GCTAPointing | get_pointing (void) |
Return CTA pointing from User parameters. More... | |
GSkyDir | get_skydir (void) |
Return sky direction from User parameters. More... | |
std::string | set_outfile_name (const std::string &filename) |
Set output file name. More... | |
bool | is_stacked (void) |
Query user parameters for stacked analysis. More... | |
bool | is_onoff (void) |
Query user parameters for On/Off analysis. More... | |
void | log_parameters (const GChatter &chatter) |
Log application parameters. More... | |
void | log_observations (const GChatter &chatter, const GObservations &obs, const std::string &what="Observation") |
Log observation container. More... | |
void | log_models (const GChatter &chatter, const GModels &models, const std::string &what="Model") |
Log model container. More... | |
void | set_response (GObservations &obs) |
Set response for all CTA observations in container. More... | |
std::vector< bool > | set_edisp (GObservations &obs, const bool &edisp) const |
Set energy dispersion to CTA observations. More... | |
void | restore_edisp (GObservations &obs, const std::vector< bool > &edisp) const |
Restore energy dispersion flags of CTA observations. More... | |
void | set_obs_response (GCTAObservation *obs) |
Set response for CTA observation. More... | |
GObservations | get_observations (const bool &get_response=true) |
Get observation container. More... | |
GSkyDir | get_mean_pointing (const GObservations &obs) |
Derives mean pointing from CTA observations. More... | |
size_t | get_current_rss (void) |
Get current resident set size (physical memory use) in Bytes. More... | |
std::string | get_obs_header (const GObservation *obs) const |
Return observation header string. More... | |
GEnergies | insert_energy_boundaries (const GEnergies &energies, const GCTAObservation &obs) |
Insert observation energy boundaries into list of energies. More... | |
std::vector< bool > | cube_layer_usage (const GEbounds &cube_ebounds, const GEbounds &list_ebounds) const |
Determine the counts cube layer usage. More... | |
std::string | get_gtiname (const std::string &filename, const std::string &evtname) const |
Get Good Time Intervals extension name. More... | |
void | save_event_list (const GCTAObservation *obs, const std::string &infile, const std::string &evtname, const std::string >iname, const std::string &outfile) const |
Save event list into FITS file. More... | |
std::string | warn_too_few_energies (const GEnergies &energies) const |
Set warning string if there are too few energies. More... | |
std::string | warn_xml_suffix (const GFilename &filename) const |
Set warning string if file has no .xml suffix. More... | |
void | provide_help (void) const |
Dump help text in the console. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
GFilename | m_outmap |
Output file name. More... | |
GFilename | m_inexclusion |
Exclusion map file name. More... | |
double | m_emin |
Minimum energy (TeV) More... | |
double | m_emax |
Maximum energy (TeV) More... | |
std::string | m_bkgsubtract |
Background subtraction method. More... | |
double | m_roiradius |
Region of interest radius for RING bkg. More... | |
double | m_inradius |
Inner ring radius for RING background. More... | |
double | m_outradius |
Outer ring radius for RING background. More... | |
int | m_iterations |
Number of iterations for RING background. More... | |
double | m_threshold |
Threshold for RING background. More... | |
bool | m_usefft |
Use FFT for RING background. More... | |
bool | m_publish |
Publish sky map? More... | |
GChatter | m_chatter |
Chattiness. More... | |
bool | m_has_inmap |
Has valid input map. More... | |
GSkyMap | m_skymap |
Sky map. More... | |
GSkyMap | m_bkgmap |
Background map. More... | |
GSkyMap | m_sigmap |
Significance map. More... | |
GSkyMap | m_counts |
Counts map. More... | |
GSkyMap | m_acceptance |
Acceptance map. More... | |
GSkyMap | m_exclmap |
Exclusion map for RING background. More... | |
GFits | m_fits |
Output GFits object. More... | |
std::vector< double > | m_solidangle |
Cached pixel solid angles. More... | |
std::vector< GSkyDir > | m_dirs |
Cached pixel directions. More... | |
double | m_cos_roiradius |
Cosine of RoI radius. More... | |
double | m_cos_inradius |
Cosine of inner ring radius. More... | |
double | m_cos_outradius |
Cosine of outer ring radius. More... | |
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GObservations | m_obs |
Observation container. More... | |
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bool | m_read_ahead |
Read ahead output parameters. More... | |
bool | m_use_xml |
Use XML file instead of FITS file for observations. More... | |
Sky mapping tool.
This class creates a sky map from a CTA event list.
Definition at line 45 of file ctskymap.hpp.
ctskymap::ctskymap | ( | void | ) |
Void constructor.
Constructs an empty sky mapping tool.
Definition at line 59 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References init_members().
explicit |
Observations constructor.
param[in] obs Observation container.
Constructs sky mapping tool from an observation container.
Definition at line 76 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References init_members().
ctskymap::ctskymap | ( | int | argc, |
char * | argv[] | ||
) |
Command line constructor.
[in] | argc | Number of arguments in command line. |
[in] | argv | Array of command line arguments. |
Constructs sky mapping tool using command line arguments for user parameter setting.
Definition at line 97 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References init_members().
ctskymap::ctskymap | ( | const ctskymap & | app | ) |
Copy constructor.
[in] | app | Sky mapping tool. |
Definition at line 113 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References copy_members(), and init_members().
virtual |
protected |
Verifys that exclusion map points in fov of counts.
Adjust exclusion map. Reinitialise exclusion map via the counts object and transfer the masked areas provided by the current exclusion map to the updated fov.
Definition at line 721 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References m_counts, and m_exclmap.
Referenced by setup_exclusion_map_fits(), and setup_maps().
virtual |
Clear sky mapping tool.
Clears sky mapping tool.
Implements ctobservation.
Definition at line 186 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References free_members(), ctool::free_members(), ctobservation::free_members(), init_members(), ctool::init_members(), and ctobservation::init_members().
protected |
Compute sky map, background map and significance map.
Computes the sky map, background map and significance map. The following background subtraction methods are supported:
The sky map is simply the binned counts map, no background and significance maps are computed.
The background map is the acceptance map, and this background map is subtracted from the counts map and assigned to the sky map. The significance \(\sigma_i\) is computed assuming Poisson statistic in the Gaussian limit, using
\[\sigma_i = \frac{N_i - B_i}{\sqrt{N_i}}\]
where \(N_i\) is the number of observed counts and \(B_i\) is the estimated number of background counts.
For the RING
method the Li & Ma significance is computed for each pixel, using the roiradius
, inradius
and outradius
parameters to specify the radius of the On region and the Off background ring, respectively. Depending on the usefft
parameter, either an FFT is used to compute the number of events and the acceptance of the On and Off regions, or a direct computation is performed. While the former is faster it is less accurate since it assumes Euclidean distances in the sky map. The latter is slower but compute exact distance between pixels of the sky map. Use FFT if the sky map is close to a cartesian grid, and use the direct method if the sky map shows important distortions.
Definition at line 1070 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References compute_maps_ring_direct(), compute_maps_ring_fft(), m_acceptance, m_bkgmap, m_bkgsubtract, m_counts, m_exclmap, m_iterations, m_sigmap, m_skymap, m_threshold, and m_usefft.
Referenced by process().
protected |
Compute the pixel significance for RING background.
Computes the Li & Ma significance for each sky map pixel and replaces the sky and background maps by the On- and Off-count maps. The computation is done by computing the exact distances between pixels in the sky map.
Definition at line 1223 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References compute_ring_values(), m_acceptance, m_bkgmap, m_counts, m_sigmap, m_skymap, and sigma_li_ma().
Referenced by compute_maps().
protected |
Compute the maps for RING background using a FFT.
Computes the Li & Ma significance for each sky map pixel and replaces the sky and background maps by the On- and Off-count maps. The computation is done using a FFT.
Definition at line 1137 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References m_acceptance, m_bkgmap, m_counts, m_exclmap, m_inradius, m_outradius, m_roiradius, m_sigmap, m_skymap, ring_convolve(), and sigma_li_ma().
Referenced by compute_maps().
protected |
Computes Non, Noff and alpha for a counts map and sensitivity map.
[in] | ipixel | Sky map pixel to consider. |
[in] | counts | Counts map. |
[in] | background | Background map. |
[out] | non | Returned estimate of On-counts. |
[out] | noff | Returned estimate of Off-counts. |
[out] | alpha | Returned estimate of alpha. |
Computes the On- and Off-counts values at a given position from in counts map and the alpha parameter from the background map.
To speed-up the computations the method considers only the pixels within a bounding box that comprises the outer background ring radius. The method considers wrapping around of pixel indices in the Right Ascension / Galactic longitude direction.
If the alpha of the ring region is zero the values of non
, noff
, and alpha
will be set to zero.
Definition at line 1323 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References m_cos_inradius, m_cos_outradius, m_cos_roiradius, m_dirs, m_exclmap, and ring_bounding_box().
Referenced by compute_maps_ring_direct().
protected |
Construct GFits object consisting of all maps.
Assembles all of the skymaps into a GFits object. This object is saved when ctskymap::save() is called. the object can also be accessed by calling ctskymap::fits().
Definition at line 287 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References m_acceptance, m_bkgmap, m_bkgsubtract, m_counts, m_exclmap, m_fits, m_sigmap, m_skymap, and write_map().
Referenced by process().
protected |
Copy class members.
[in] | app | Application. |
Definition at line 408 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References m_acceptance, m_bkgmap, m_bkgsubtract, m_chatter, m_cos_inradius, m_cos_outradius, m_cos_roiradius, m_counts, m_dirs, m_emax, m_emin, m_exclmap, m_fits, m_has_inmap, m_inexclusion, m_inradius, m_iterations, m_outmap, m_outradius, m_publish, m_roiradius, m_sigmap, m_skymap, m_solidangle, m_threshold, and m_usefft.
Referenced by ctskymap(), and operator=().
inline |
Set exclusion region map.
[in] | exclusion_map | Exclusion region map. |
Definition at line 169 of file ctskymap.hpp.
References m_exclmap.
inline |
Return exclusion region map.
Definition at line 185 of file ctskymap.hpp.
References m_exclmap.
protected |
Fill maps from observation container.
Fill counts and optionally acceptance maps from data in the observation container.
Definition at line 759 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References fill_maps_acceptance(), fill_maps_counts(), ctobservation::first_unbinned_observation(), ctool::log_observations(), m_bkgsubtract, ctobservation::m_obs, ctobservation::next_unbinned_observation(), and ctobservation::obs().
Referenced by process().
protected |
Compute background acceptance sky map based on IRF template.
[in] | obs | CTA observation. |
GException::invalid_value | No response information available for observation. No background template available in instrument response function. |
Computes a background acceptance sky map for a given observation and adds the estimate to the acceptance sky map.
If the response contains a background template, that template is used to compute the background acceptance map.
If no background template is available, the outcome depends on the background subtraction method. If IRF
background subtraction is requested, an exception is thrown. For RING
background subtraction, a constant background rate is assumed.
Definition at line 930 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References G_FILL_MAPS_ACCEPTANCE, ctool::get_obs_header(), m_acceptance, m_bkgsubtract, m_dirs, m_emax, m_emin, and m_solidangle.
Referenced by fill_maps().
protected |
Fill events into counts map.
[in] | obs | CTA observation. |
GException::invalid_value | Observation does not contain an event list. |
Fills the events found in a CTA events list into a sky map. The method adds the events to the m_counts member.
Definition at line 822 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References G_FILL_MAPS_COUNTS, ctool::get_obs_header(), m_chatter, m_counts, m_emax, and m_emin.
Referenced by fill_maps().
inline |
Return fits container.
Definition at line 157 of file ctskymap.hpp.
References m_fits.
Referenced by get_parameters().
protected |
Delete class members.
Definition at line 450 of file ctskymap.cpp.
Referenced by clear(), operator=(), and ~ctskymap().
protected |
Get application parameters.
Get all task parameters from parameter file or (if required) by querying the user. Most parameters are only required if no observation exists so far in the observation container. In this case, a single CTA observation will be added to the container, using the definition provided in the parameter file.
Definition at line 466 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References ctool::create_map(), fits(), G_GET_PARAMETERS, ctool::log_parameters(), m_acceptance, m_bkgsubtract, m_chatter, m_counts, m_emax, m_emin, m_has_inmap, m_inradius, m_iterations, ctobservation::m_obs, m_outradius, m_publish, m_roiradius, m_threshold, m_usefft, ctool::read_ahead(), ctobservation::read_ogip_keywords(), ctool::set_response(), and ctool::setup_observations().
Referenced by process().
protected |
Initialise class members.
Definition at line 364 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References m_acceptance, m_bkgmap, m_bkgsubtract, m_chatter, m_cos_inradius, m_cos_outradius, m_cos_roiradius, m_counts, m_dirs, m_emax, m_emin, m_exclmap, m_fits, m_has_inmap, m_inexclusion, m_inradius, m_iterations, m_outmap, m_outradius, m_publish, m_roiradius, m_sigmap, m_skymap, m_solidangle, m_threshold, and m_usefft.
Referenced by clear(), ctskymap(), and operator=().
Assignment operator.
[in] | app | Sky mapping tool. |
Definition at line 151 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References copy_members(), free_members(), init_members(), and ctobservation::operator=().
virtual |
Process the sky mapping tool.
Generates a sky map from event list by looping over all unbinned CTA observation in the observation container and filling all events into a sky map.
Implements ctobservation.
Definition at line 216 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References compute_maps(), construct_fits(), fill_maps(), get_parameters(), m_has_inmap, m_publish, publish(), and setup_maps().
void ctskymap::publish | ( | const std::string & | name = "" | ) |
Publish sky map.
[in] | name | Sky map name. |
Definition at line 333 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References CTSKYMAP_NAME, and m_skymap.
Referenced by process().
protected |
Computes bounding box for RING background computation.
[in] | ipixel | Sky map pixel to consider. |
[out] | ix1 | Index of first pixel in x. |
[out] | ix2 | Index after last pixel in x. |
[out] | iy1 | Index of first pixel in y. |
[out] | iy2 | Index after last pixel in y. |
Computes the bounding box that contained the background ring for a specific pixel for the RING background method.
The method determines the local pixel scale for the requested pixel and draws a bounding box with 1.5 times the outer background ring radius around the pixel. In the x direction the pixel indices are unconstrained, and the client has to assure that the pixel value is comprised within the validity range (this is required to handle the longitude wrap around). In the y direction the pixel indices are constrained to [0,ny], where ny is the number of y pixels in the sky map.
Definition at line 1444 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References G_RING_BOUNDING_BOX, m_counts, m_dirs, and m_outradius.
Referenced by compute_ring_values().
protected |
Return FFT kernel for background ring.
[in] | map | Sky map to be convolved with a background ring. |
[in] | rmin | Minimum ring radius (degrees). |
[in] | rmax | Maximum ring radius (degrees). |
Computes the FFT kernel for a backgrund ring.
Definition at line 1535 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References ring_kernel().
Referenced by compute_maps_ring_fft().
protected |
Return FFT kernel for background ring.
[in] | rmin | Minimum ring radius (degrees). |
[in] | rmax | Maximum ring radius (degrees). |
GException::invalid_value | Sky map is not a WCS projection. |
Computes the FFT kernel for a background ring. The computation is done assuming that the sky map represents a cartesian grid, and distances are computed in that grid using Euclidean distances. The rmin
and rmax
arguments refer to a ring radius in these Euclidean distances.
Definition at line 1586 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References G_RING_KERNEL, and m_counts.
Referenced by ring_convolve().
virtual |
Save sky map.
Saves the sky map into a FITS file. The FITS file name is specified by the outname
Implements ctobservation.
Definition at line 252 of file ctskymap.cpp.
protected |
Generates map of pixel exclusions.
Generates a sky map of the pixels that are to be excluded from the background estimation. Pixels with values different from 0 will be excluded.
Definition at line 633 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References m_counts, m_exclmap, m_inexclusion, setup_exclusion_map_fits(), and setup_exclusion_map_region().
Referenced by setup_maps().
protected |
Fills exclusions map from FITS image.
[in] | filename | FITS image file name. |
Sets all exclusion map pixels to 1 that correspond to non-zero pixels in the exclusion sky map FITS file.
Definition at line 670 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References adjust_exclusion_map(), and m_exclmap.
Referenced by setup_exclusion_map().
protected |
Fills exclusions map from DS9 region file.
[in] | filename | DS9 region file name. |
Sets all exclusion map pixels to 1 that are contained in any of the DS9 regions.
Definition at line 691 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References m_exclmap.
Referenced by setup_exclusion_map().
protected |
Setup maps.
Setup maps for sky map generation.
Definition at line 586 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References adjust_exclusion_map(), m_bkgsubtract, m_cos_inradius, m_cos_outradius, m_cos_roiradius, m_counts, m_dirs, m_exclmap, m_inradius, m_outradius, m_roiradius, m_solidangle, and setup_exclusion_map().
Referenced by process().
protected |
Compute significance following Li & Ma.
[in] | n_on | Number of On-counts. |
[in] | n_off | Number of Off-counts. |
[in] | alpha | Alpha parameters. |
Computes the significance following Li & Ma, Equation (17).
Definition at line 1640 of file ctskymap.cpp.
Referenced by compute_maps_ring_direct(), and compute_maps_ring_fft().
inline |
Return observation container.
Definition at line 145 of file ctskymap.hpp.
References m_skymap.
protected |
Write keywords in FITS HDU.
[in,out] | hdu | Pointer to FITS HDU. |
Writes keywords in FITS HDU.
Definition at line 1704 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References m_bkgsubtract, m_emax, m_emin, m_inexclusion, m_inradius, m_iterations, m_outradius, m_roiradius, m_threshold, and m_usefft.
Referenced by write_map().
protected |
Write sky map into FITS file.
[in,out] | fits | FITS file. |
[in] | map | Sky map. |
[in] | extname | Extension name. |
Write one sky map with the extension name and keywords into the FITS file.
Definition at line 1678 of file ctskymap.cpp.
References write_hdu_keywords(), and ctobservation::write_ogip_keywords().
Referenced by construct_fits().
protected |
Acceptance map.
Definition at line 126 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by compute_maps(), compute_maps_ring_direct(), compute_maps_ring_fft(), construct_fits(), copy_members(), fill_maps_acceptance(), get_parameters(), and init_members().
protected |
Background map.
Definition at line 123 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by compute_maps(), compute_maps_ring_direct(), compute_maps_ring_fft(), construct_fits(), copy_members(), and init_members().
protected |
Background subtraction method.
Definition at line 110 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by compute_maps(), construct_fits(), copy_members(), fill_maps(), fill_maps_acceptance(), get_parameters(), init_members(), setup_maps(), and write_hdu_keywords().
protected |
Definition at line 118 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by copy_members(), fill_maps_counts(), get_parameters(), and init_members().
protected |
Cosine of inner ring radius.
Definition at line 134 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by compute_ring_values(), copy_members(), init_members(), and setup_maps().
protected |
Cosine of outer ring radius.
Definition at line 135 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by compute_ring_values(), copy_members(), init_members(), and setup_maps().
protected |
Cosine of RoI radius.
Definition at line 133 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by compute_ring_values(), copy_members(), init_members(), and setup_maps().
protected |
Counts map.
Definition at line 125 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by adjust_exclusion_map(), compute_maps(), compute_maps_ring_direct(), compute_maps_ring_fft(), construct_fits(), copy_members(), fill_maps_counts(), get_parameters(), init_members(), ring_bounding_box(), ring_kernel(), setup_exclusion_map(), and setup_maps().
protected |
Cached pixel directions.
Definition at line 132 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by compute_ring_values(), copy_members(), fill_maps_acceptance(), init_members(), ring_bounding_box(), and setup_maps().
protected |
Maximum energy (TeV)
Definition at line 109 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by copy_members(), fill_maps_acceptance(), fill_maps_counts(), get_parameters(), init_members(), and write_hdu_keywords().
protected |
Minimum energy (TeV)
Definition at line 108 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by copy_members(), fill_maps_acceptance(), fill_maps_counts(), get_parameters(), init_members(), and write_hdu_keywords().
protected |
Exclusion map for RING background.
Definition at line 127 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by adjust_exclusion_map(), compute_maps(), compute_maps_ring_fft(), compute_ring_values(), construct_fits(), copy_members(), exclusion_map(), init_members(), setup_exclusion_map(), setup_exclusion_map_fits(), setup_exclusion_map_region(), and setup_maps().
protected |
Output GFits object.
Definition at line 128 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by construct_fits(), copy_members(), fits(), init_members(), and save().
protected |
Has valid input map.
Definition at line 121 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by copy_members(), get_parameters(), init_members(), and process().
protected |
Exclusion map file name.
Definition at line 107 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by copy_members(), init_members(), setup_exclusion_map(), and write_hdu_keywords().
protected |
Inner ring radius for RING background.
Definition at line 112 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by compute_maps_ring_fft(), copy_members(), get_parameters(), init_members(), setup_maps(), and write_hdu_keywords().
protected |
Number of iterations for RING background.
Definition at line 114 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by compute_maps(), copy_members(), get_parameters(), init_members(), and write_hdu_keywords().
protected |
Output file name.
Definition at line 106 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by copy_members(), init_members(), and save().
protected |
Outer ring radius for RING background.
Definition at line 113 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by compute_maps_ring_fft(), copy_members(), get_parameters(), init_members(), ring_bounding_box(), setup_maps(), and write_hdu_keywords().
protected |
Publish sky map?
Definition at line 117 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by copy_members(), get_parameters(), init_members(), and process().
protected |
Region of interest radius for RING bkg.
Definition at line 111 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by compute_maps_ring_fft(), copy_members(), get_parameters(), init_members(), setup_maps(), and write_hdu_keywords().
protected |
Significance map.
Definition at line 124 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by compute_maps(), compute_maps_ring_direct(), compute_maps_ring_fft(), construct_fits(), copy_members(), and init_members().
protected |
Sky map.
Definition at line 122 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by compute_maps(), compute_maps_ring_direct(), compute_maps_ring_fft(), construct_fits(), copy_members(), init_members(), publish(), save(), and skymap().
protected |
Cached pixel solid angles.
Definition at line 131 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by copy_members(), fill_maps_acceptance(), init_members(), and setup_maps().
protected |
Threshold for RING background.
Definition at line 115 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by compute_maps(), copy_members(), get_parameters(), init_members(), and write_hdu_keywords().
protected |
Use FFT for RING background.
Definition at line 116 of file ctskymap.hpp.
Referenced by compute_maps(), copy_members(), get_parameters(), init_members(), and write_hdu_keywords().