ctools 2.1.0.dev
No Matches
cscripts.obsutils Namespace Reference


 sim (obs, log=False, debug=False, chatter=2, edisp=False, seed=0, emin=None, emax=None, nbins=0, onsrc=None, onrad=0.2, addbounds=False, binsz=0.05, npix=200, proj='TAN', coord='GAL', nthreads=0)
 set_obs (pntdir, tstart=0.0, duration=1800.0, deadc=0.98, emin=0.1, emax=100.0, rad=5.0, instrument='CTA', irf='South_50h', caldb='prod2', obsid='000000', mjdref=51544.5)
 set_obs_list (obsdeflist, tstart=0.0, duration=1800.0, deadc=0.98, emin=0.1, emax=100.0, rad=5.0, irf='South_50h', caldb='prod2')
 set_obs_patterns (pattern, ra=83.6331, dec=22.0145, offset=1.5)
 set_observations (ra, dec, rad, tstart, duration, emin, emax, irf, caldb, deadc=0.98, pattern='single', offset=1.5)
 get_stacked_response (obs, cntcube, edisp=False, addbounds=False, log=False, debug=False, chatter=2)
 get_stacked_obs (cls, obs, nthreads=0)
 get_onoff_obs (cls, obs, nthreads=0, ra=None, dec=None, srcname='')
 residuals (cls, counts, model)
 create_counts_cube (cls, obs)

Function Documentation

◆ create_counts_cube()

cscripts.obsutils.create_counts_cube ( cls,
obs )
Create counts cube from observations

cls : `~ctools.cscript`
    cscript class
obs : `~gammalib.GObservations`
    Observation container

cntcube : `~gammalib.GCTAEventCube`
    Counts cube

Definition at line 988 of file obsutils.py.

References ctbin.cube(), and ctool.run().

◆ get_onoff_obs()

cscripts.obsutils.get_onoff_obs ( cls,
nthreads = 0,
ra = None,
dec = None,
srcname = '' )
Create On/Off observations container from given observations

cls : `~ctools.cscript`
    cscript class
obs : `~gammalib.GObservations`
    Observation container
nthreads : str, optional
    Number of parallel processes for On/Off spectra computation (0=all available CPUs)
ra : float, optional
    R.A. of source region centre
dec : float, optional
    Dec. of source region centre
srcname : str, optional
    Source name

onoff_obs : `~gammalib.GObservations`
    Observation container with On/Off observations

Definition at line 756 of file obsutils.py.

◆ get_stacked_obs()

cscripts.obsutils.get_stacked_obs ( cls,
nthreads = 0 )
Bin an observation and return an observation container with a single
binned observation

cls : `~ctools.cscript`
    cscript class
obs : `~gammalib.GObservations`
    Observation container
nthreads : str, optional
    Number of parallel processes for On/Off spectra computation (0=all available CPUs)

obs : `~gammalib.GObservations`
    Observation container where the first observation is a binned observation

Definition at line 681 of file obsutils.py.

References cscripts.obsutils.get_stacked_response().

◆ get_stacked_response()

cscripts.obsutils.get_stacked_response ( obs,
edisp = False,
addbounds = False,
log = False,
debug = False,
chatter = 2 )
Get stacked response cubes

The number of energies bins are set to at least 30 bins per decade, unless
the counts cube has more energy bins per decade.

obs : `~gammalib.GObservations`
    Observation container
cntcube : `~gammalib.GCTAEventCube`
    Counts cube
edisp : bool, optional
    Apply energy dispersion?
addbounds : bool, optional
    Add boundaries at observation energies
log : bool, optional
    Create log file(s)
debug : bool, optional
    Create console dump?
chatter : int, optional
    Chatter level

result : dict
    Dictionary of response cubes

Definition at line 526 of file obsutils.py.

Referenced by cscripts.obsutils.get_stacked_obs(), and cscripts.obsutils.sim().

◆ residuals()

cscripts.obsutils.residuals ( cls,
model )
Calculate residuals given counts and models, according to algorithm
specified by user.

Can handle GSkyMap or GNdarray objects

cls : `~ctools.cscript`
    cscript class
counts : `~gammalib.GSkyMap/~gammalib.GNdarray'
    Data counts
model : `~gammalib.GSkyMap/~gammalib.GNdarray'
    Model counts

residuals : `~gammalib.GSkyMap/~gammalib.GNdarray'

Definition at line 889 of file obsutils.py.

◆ set_obs()

cscripts.obsutils.set_obs ( pntdir,
tstart = 0.0,
duration = 1800.0,
deadc = 0.98,
emin = 0.1,
emax = 100.0,
rad = 5.0,
instrument = 'CTA',
irf = 'South_50h',
caldb = 'prod2',
obsid = '000000',
mjdref = 51544.5 )
Set a single CTA observation

The function sets a single CTA observation containing an empty CTA
event list. By looping over this function CTA observations can be
added to the observation container.

pntdir : `~gammalib.GSkyDir`
    Pointing direction
tstart : float, optional
    Start time (s)
duration : float, optional
    Duration of observation (s)
deadc : float, optional
    Deadtime correction factor
emin : float, optional
    Minimum event energy (TeV)
emax : float, optional
    Maximum event energy (TeV)
rad : float, optional
    ROI radius used for analysis (deg)
instrument : str, optional
    Name of Cherenkov Telescope
irf : str, optional
    Instrument response function
caldb : str, optional
    Calibration database path
obsid : str, optional
    Observation identifier

obs : `~gammalib.GCTAObservation`
    CTA observation

Definition at line 232 of file obsutils.py.

Referenced by cscripts.obsutils.set_obs_list().

◆ set_obs_list()

cscripts.obsutils.set_obs_list ( obsdeflist,
tstart = 0.0,
duration = 1800.0,
deadc = 0.98,
emin = 0.1,
emax = 100.0,
rad = 5.0,
irf = 'South_50h',
caldb = 'prod2' )
Returns an observation container filled with a list of CTA observations

The list is defined by the obsdeflist parameter which is a dictionnary
containing the mandatory keywords 'ra' and 'dec' that specify the
pointing direction for a given observation. Optional keyword give control
over other observation proposerties, such as duration, deadtime correction,
energy range, etc. If an optional keyword is not specified, the function
keyword is used instead.

obsdeflist : list of dict
    Observation definition list
tstart : float, optional
    Start time (s)
duration : float, optional
    Duration of observation (s)
deadc : float, optional
    Deadtime correction factor
emin : float, optional
    Minimum event energy (TeV)
emax : float, optional
    Maximum event energy (TeV)
rad : float, optional
    ROI radius used for analysis (deg)
irf : str, optional
    Instrument response function
caldb : str, optional
    Calibration database path

obs : `~gammalib.GObservations`
    Observation container filled with CTA observation

Definition at line 336 of file obsutils.py.

References cscripts.obsutils.set_obs().

Referenced by cscripts.obsutils.set_observations().

◆ set_obs_patterns()

cscripts.obsutils.set_obs_patterns ( pattern,
ra = 83.6331,
dec = 22.0145,
offset = 1.5 )
Sets a number of standard patterns

pattern : str
    Observation pattern ("single", "four")
ra : float, optional
    Right Ascension of pattern centre (deg)
dec : float, optional
    Declination of pattern centre (deg)
offset : float, optional
    Offset from pattern centre (deg)

obsdeflist : list
    Observation definition list

Definition at line 418 of file obsutils.py.

Referenced by cscripts.obsutils.set_observations().

◆ set_observations()

cscripts.obsutils.set_observations ( ra,
deadc = 0.98,
pattern = 'single',
offset = 1.5 )
Set an observation container filled with CTA observations

ra : float
    Right Ascension of pattern centre (deg)
dec : float
    Declination of pattern centre (deg)
rad : float
    ROI radius used for analysis (deg)
tstart : float
    Start time of observation (s)
duration : float
    Duration of each observation (s)
emin : float, optional
    Minimum event energy (TeV)
emax : float, optional
    Maximum event energy (TeV)
irf : str
    Instrument response function
caldb : str
    Calibration database path
deadc : float, optional
    Deadtime correction factor
pattern : str, optional
    Observation pattern ("single", "four")
offset : float, optional
    Offset from pattern centre (deg)

obs : `~gammalib.GObservations()
    Observation container

Definition at line 474 of file obsutils.py.

References cscripts.obsutils.set_obs_list(), and cscripts.obsutils.set_obs_patterns().

◆ sim()

cscripts.obsutils.sim ( obs,
log = False,
debug = False,
chatter = 2,
edisp = False,
seed = 0,
emin = None,
emax = None,
nbins = 0,
onsrc = None,
onrad = 0.2,
addbounds = False,
binsz = 0.05,
npix = 200,
proj = 'TAN',
coord = 'GAL',
nthreads = 0 )
Simulate events for all observations in the container

Simulate events for all observations using ctobssim. If the number of
energy bins is positive, the events are binned into a counts cube using
ctbin. If multiple observations are simulated, the counts cube is a
stacked cube and the corresponding response cubes are computed using
ctexpcube, ctpsfcube, ctbkgcube and optionally ctedispcube. The response
cubes are attached to the first observation in the container, which
normally is the observation with the counts cube.

obs : `~gammalib.GObservations`
    Observation container without events
log : bool, optional
    Create log file(s)
debug : bool, optional
    Create console dump?
chatter : int, optional
    Chatter level
edisp : bool, optional
    Apply energy dispersion?
seed : int, optional
    Seed value for simulations
emin : float, optional
    Minimum energy of counts cube for binned (TeV)
emax : float, optional
    Maximum energy of counts cube for binned (TeV)
nbins : int, optional
    Number of energy bins (0=unbinned)
onsrc : str, optional
    Name of source for On region (None if no On/Off obs. is used)
onrad : float, optional
    Radius for On region (deg)
addbounds : bool, optional
    Add boundaries at observation energies
binsz : float, optional
    Pixel size for binned simulation (deg/pixel)
npix : int, optional
    Number of pixels in X and Y for binned simulation
proj : str, optional
    Projection for binned simulation
coord : str, optional
    Coordinate system for binned simulation
nthreads : str, optional
    Number of parallel processes for On/Off spectra computation (0=all available CPUs)

obs : `~gammalib.GObservations`
    Observation container filled with simulated events

Definition at line 29 of file obsutils.py.

References cscripts.obsutils.get_stacked_response().