39 #define G_MODEL "GSPIEventBin::model(int&)"
211 #if defined(G_RANGE_CHECK)
GEnergy * m_energy
Pointer to energy of bin.
GSPIInstDir * m_dir
Pointer to direction of bin.
virtual double counts(void) const
Return number of counts.
virtual ~GSPIEventBin(void)
Energy value class definition.
double * m_livetime
Pointer to livetime of bin.
Abstract interface for the event bin class.
virtual double error(void) const
Return error in number of counts.
virtual std::string print(const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const
Print event information.
virtual void clear(void)
Clear INTEGRAL/SPI instrument direction.
void clear(void)
Clear time.
int m_idir
Direction index.
virtual void clear(void)
Clear INTEGRAL/SPI event bin.
int m_index
Dataspace index.
virtual GSPIEventBin & operator=(const GSPIEventBin &bin)
Assignment operator.
INTEGRAL/SPI instrument direction class.
bool m_alloc
Signals proper memory allocation.
void free_members(void)
Delete class members.
GVector sqrt(const GVector &vector)
Computes square root of vector elements.
double * m_ontime
Pointer to ontime of bin.
void init_members(void)
Initialise class members.
virtual GSPIEventBin * clone(void) const
Clone event bin.
double * m_size
Pointer to size of bin.
void init_members(void)
Initialise class members.
void free_members(void)
Delete class members.
double * m_models
Pointer to models of bin.
void free_members(void)
Delete class members.
GTime * m_time
Pointer to time of bin.
double * m_counts
Pointer to number of counts.
int m_iebin
Energy bin index.
INTEGRAL/SPI event bin class.
virtual GEventBin & operator=(const GEventBin &bin)
Assignment operator.
void copy_members(const GSPIEventBin &bin)
Copy class members.
const double & model(const int &index) const
Return model value.
INTEGRAL/SPI event bin class definition.
void init_members(void)
Initialise class members.
Time class interface definition.
Void constructor.
void clear(void)
Clear instance.
int m_num_models
Number of models in bin.
Class that handles energies in a unit independent way.
std::string str(const unsigned short int &value)
Convert unsigned short integer value into string.