40#define G_COSTHETA "GLATLtCubeMap::costheta(int&)"
41#define G_PHI "GLATLtCubeMap::phi(int&)"
201 double p =
202 for (
int itheta = 0; itheta <
m_num_ctheta; ++itheta, ++i) {
255 double p =
256 for (
int itheta = 0; itheta <
m_num_ctheta; ++itheta, ++i) {
298 const double& offset,
const GLATPsf& psf,
320 double p =
321 for (
int itheta = 0; itheta <
m_num_ctheta; ++itheta, ++i) {
455 #if defined(G_RANGE_CHECK)
493 #if defined(G_RANGE_CHECK)
516 std::string result = (
m_sqrt_bin) ?
538 result.append(
"=== GLATLtCubeMap ===");
547 result.append(
550 result.append(
Energy value class definition.
FITS binary table class definition.
Fermi LAT effective area class definition.
Fermi LAT livetime cube map class definition.
double(* _ltcube_ctheta_phi)(const double &costheta, const double &phi)
double(* _ltcube_ctheta)(const double &costheta)
Fermi LAT point spread function class definition.
Mathematical function definitions.
double sum(const GVector &vector)
Computes vector sum.
Class that handles energies in a unit independent way.
double log10MeV(void) const
Return log10 of energy in MeV.
Abstract FITS extension base class.
double real(const std::string &keyname) const
Return card value as double precision.
std::string string(const std::string &keyname) const
Return card value as string.
GFitsHeaderCard & card(const int &cardno)
Return header card.
int integer(const std::string &keyname) const
Return card value as integer.
Abstract interface for FITS table.
bool contains(const int &extno) const
Check if HDU exists in FITS file.
void remove(const int &extno)
Remove HDU from FITS file.
Interface for the Fermi/LAT effective area.
bool has_phi(void) const
Signal that effective area has Phi dependence.
Fermi LAT livetime cube map class.
int m_num_ctheta
Number of bins in cos theta.
void free_members(void)
Delete class members.
GLATLtCubeMap & operator=(const GLATLtCubeMap &cube)
Assignment operator.
void write(GFits &fits, const std::string &extname=gammalib::extname_lat_ltcubemap) const
Write livetime cube map into FITS file.
const double & costhetamin(void) const
Return minimum of cosine theta.
virtual ~GLATLtCubeMap(void)
void copy_members(const GLATLtCubeMap &cube)
Copy class members.
double m_min_ctheta
Minimum cos theta value.
GSkyMap m_map
Lifetime cube map.
double costheta(const int &index) const
Return cos theta value for an index.
Void constructor.
const int & ncostheta(void) const
Return number of cosine theta bins.
void clear(void)
Clear livetime cube map.
bool m_sqrt_bin
Square root binning?
double operator()(const GSkyDir &dir, _ltcube_ctheta fct) const
Sum function multiplied by livetime over zenith angle.
std::string costhetabin(void) const
Return cos theta binning scheme.
const int & nphi(void) const
Return number of phi bins.
GLATLtCubeMap * clone(void) const
Clone livetime cube map.
std::string print(const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const
Print livetime cube map information.
double phi(const int &index) const
Return phi value (in radians) for an index.
int m_num_phi
Number of bins in phi.
void init_members(void)
Initialise class members.
void read(const GFitsTable &table)
Load livetime cube from FITS file.
bool has_phi(void) const
Signal if livetime cube map has phi dependence.
Interface for the Fermi LAT point spread function.
void clear(void)
Clear instance.
void read(const GFitsHDU &hdu)
Read skymap from FITS HDU.
GFitsHDU * write(GFits &file, const std::string &extname="") const
Write sky map into FITS file.
GSkyPixel dir2pix(const GSkyDir &dir) const
Returns sky map pixel for a given sky direction.
std::string print(const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const
Print sky map.
std::string parformat(const std::string &s, const int &indent=0)
Convert string in parameter format.
std::string str(const unsigned short int &value)
Convert unsigned short integer value into string.
std::string strip_whitespace(const std::string &arg)
Strip leading and trailing whitespace from string.
GChatter reduce(const GChatter &chatter)
Reduce chattiness by one level.
std::string toupper(const std::string &s)
Convert string to upper case.