68 virtual void clear(
70 virtual std::string
71 virtual int size(
72 virtual int dim(
73 virtual int naxis(
const int& axis)
76 const bool& clobber =
79 virtual int number(
90 const double&
94 int ebins(
96 std::string
const int& index)
112 void set_bin(
const int& index);
137 return (
GTime m_time
Event cube mean time.
virtual int naxis(const int &axis) const
Return number of bins in axis.
GSkyMap * diffrsp(const int &index) const
Return diffuse response map.
Abstract FITS image base class.
const int & ny(void) const
Returns number of pixels in y coordinate.
virtual void set_times(void)
Set mean event time and ontime of event cube.
virtual ~GLATEventCube(void)
Energy value class definition.
int ndiffrsp(void) const
Return number of diffuse model components.
void free_members(void)
Delete class members.
double maxrad(const GSkyDir &dir) const
Computes the maximum radius (in degrees) around a given source direction that fits spatially into the...
virtual void load(const GFilename &filename)
Load LAT event cube from FITS file.
void read_gti(const GFitsTable &hdu)
Read GTIs from HDU.
virtual std::string classname(void) const
Return class name.
Abstract event bin container class interface definition.
int nx(void) const
Return number of bins in X direction.
std::vector< GEnergy > m_ewidth
Array of energy bin widths.
virtual void read(const GFits &file)
Read LAT event cube from FITS file.
FITS file class interface definition.
Sky map class definition.
virtual int size(void) const
Return number of bins in event cube.
Abstract FITS image base class definition.
virtual void clear(void)
Clear instance.
std::vector< double > m_solidangle
Array of solid angles (sr)
void read_srcmap(const GFitsImage &hdu)
Read LAT source map from HDU.
void set_bin(const int &index)
Set event bin.
Fermi/LAT event bin class.
GNodeArray m_enodes
Energy nodes.
void init_members(void)
Initialise class members.
Node array class interface definition.
Void constructor.
virtual void save(const GFilename &filename, const bool &clobber=false) const
Save LAT event cube into FITS file.
const GTime & time(void) const
Return event cube mean time.
Fermi/LAT event bin class interface definition.
const int & nmaps(void) const
Returns number of maps.
GLATEventBin m_bin
Actual energy bin.
int npix(void) const
Return number of pixels in event cube sky map.
int ebins(void) const
Return number of energy bins in event cube.
virtual GLATEventCube & operator=(const GLATEventCube &cube)
Assignment operator.
virtual void set_energies(void)
Set log mean energies and energy widths of event cube.
Abstract interface for FITS table.
virtual void write(GFits &file) const
Write LAT event cube into FITS file.
void copy_members(const GLATEventCube &cube)
Copy class members.
double m_ontime
Event cube ontime (sec)
Fermi/LAT event cube class.
void read_ebds(const GFitsTable &hdu)
Read energy boundaries from HDU.
virtual std::string print(const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const
Print event cube information.
std::vector< GSkyMap * > m_srcmap
Pointers to source maps.
std::vector< GEnergy > m_energies
Array of log mean energies.
void set_directions(void)
Set sky directions and solid angles of events cube.
std::vector< GLATInstDir > m_dirs
Array of event directions.
Fermi/LAT instrument direction class definition.
const int & nx(void) const
Returns number of pixels in x coordinate.
virtual GLATEventBin * operator[](const int &index)
Event bin access operator.
const GSkyMap & map(void) const
Return event cube sky map.
virtual int number(void) const
Return number of events in cube.
virtual GLATEventCube * clone(void) const
Clone instance.
virtual int dim(void) const
Return dimension of event cube.
void read_cntmap(const GFitsImage &hdu)
Read Fermi/LAT counts map from HDU.
const int & npix(void) const
Returns number of pixels.
Abstract event bin container class.
Time class interface definition.
int ny(void) const
Return number of bins in Y direction.
const double & ontime(void) const
Return event cube ontime.
std::vector< std::string > m_srcmap_names
Source map names.
GSkyMap m_map
Counts map stored as sky map.
std::string diffname(const int &index) const
Return name of diffuse model.
FITS table abstract base class interface definition.
const GNodeArray & enodes(void) const
Return event cube energy nodes.