100 return (
Energy value class definition.
Abstract event atom base class definition.
Fermi/LAT instrument direction class definition.
Time class interface definition.
Class that handles energies in a unit independent way.
Abstract interface for the event atom class.
Fermi/LAT event atom class.
void clear(void)
Clear event atom.
const GEnergy & energy(void) const
Return event energy.
GLATEventAtom & operator=(const GLATEventAtom &atom)
Assignment operator.
float m_phi
Azimuth angle in instrument system.
long m_event_id
ID number of original event.
short m_calib_version[3]
Version of calibration tables for ACD, CAL.
GLATEventAtom * clone(void) const
Clone event atom.
GLATInstDir m_dir
Event direction.
Void constructor.
double m_livetime
Accumulated livetime since mission start.
float m_theta
Zenith angle in instrument system.
double * m_difrsp
Diffuse response components.
float m_zenith_angle
Zenith angle in Earth system.
short m_conversion_type
Type of conversion: 0=Front, 1=Back.
std::string classname(void) const
Return class name.
virtual ~GLATEventAtom(void)
short m_recon_version
Version of event reconstruction software.
const GLATInstDir & dir(void) const
Return event instrument direction.
GEnergy m_energy
Event energy.
void copy_members(const GLATEventAtom &atom)
Copy class members.
void init_members(void)
Initialise class members.
long m_run_id
Run number of original event.
float m_earth_azimuth_angle
Azimuth angle in Earth system.
short m_event_class
Event class: 0, 1, 2, ...
int m_num_difrsp
Number of diffuse model components.
const GTime & time(void) const
Return event time.
std::string print(const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const
Print event information.
void free_members(void)
Delete class members.
Fermi/LAT event list class.
Fermi/LAT instrument direction class.