41#define G_READ "GLATEdisp::read(GFits&)"
42#define G_READ_EDISP "GLATEdisp::read_edisp(GFitsTable&)"
140 if (
this != &edisp) {
202 GFits fits(filename);
227 fits.
saveto(filename, clobber);
304 result.append(
"=== GLATEdisp ===");
Exception handler interface definition.
Filename class interface definition.
FITS binary table class definition.
FITS table float column class interface definition.
FITS table abstract base class interface definition.
FITS file class interface definition.
Fermi LAT energy dispersion class definition.
const std::string & extname(void) const
Return extension name.
Abstract interface for FITS table.
void saveto(const GFilename &filename, const bool &clobber=false)
Saves to specified FITS file.
bool contains(const int &extno) const
Check if HDU exists in FITS file.
GFitsHDU * append(const GFitsHDU &hdu)
Append HDU to FITS file.
GFitsTable * table(const int &extno)
Get pointer to table HDU.
Interface for the Fermi LAT energy dispersion.
void copy_members(const GLATEdisp &edisp)
Copy class members.
std::vector< double > m_scale
Energy dispersion scaling parameters.
void load(const GFilename &filename, const std::string &evtype)
Load energy dispersion from FITS file.
void free_members(void)
Delete class members.
GLATEdisp * clone(void) const
Clone energy dispersion response.
std::string m_evtype
Event type.
int ncostheta(void) const
Return number of cosine theta bins in energy dispersion response.
std::vector< double > m_ls1
Energy dispersion ...
void clear(void)
Clear energy dispersion response.
virtual ~GLATEdisp(void)
void write_edisp(GFits &file) const
Write energy dispersion into FITS file.
std::vector< double > m_norm
Energy dispersion normalization.
GLATResponseTable m_edisp_bins
Energy dispersion energy and cos theta binning.
void read(const GFits &file, const std::string &evtype)
Read energy dispersion from FITS file.
GLATEdisp & operator=(const GLATEdisp &edisp)
Assignment operator.
void save(const GFilename &filename, const bool &clobber=false)
Save energy dispersion into FITS file.
void read_edisp(const GFitsTable &table)
Read energy dispersion from FITS table.
std::string print(const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const
Print energy dispersion information.
int size(void) const
Return number of bins in energy dispersion response.
void write(GFits &file) const
Write energy dispersion into FITS file.
int nenergies(void) const
Return number of energies in energy dispersion response.
Void constructor.
const std::string & evtype(void) const
Return event type.
void init_members(void)
Initialise class members.
void read(const GFitsTable &hdu)
Read response table from FITS table HDU.
void write(GFitsTable &hdu) const
Write response table into FITS table.
int size(void) const
Return number of bins in response table.
void clear(void)
Clear instance.
std::string parformat(const std::string &s, const int &indent=0)
Convert string in parameter format.
std::string str(const unsigned short int &value)
Convert unsigned short integer value into string.
const std::string extname_lat_edisp