73 const std::string& hduclas4);
Energy value class definition.
Single parameter function abstract base class definition.
Time class interface definition.
Abstract base class for the CTA effective area.
Abstract base class for the CTA background model.
CTA event bin container class.
CTA instrument direction class.
CTA cube-style response function class.
CTA instrument response function class.
CTA instrument response function class.
Interface for the CTA region of interest class.
Energy boundaries container class.
Abstract interface for the event classes.
Abstract FITS extension base class.
Abstract data model class.
Abstract spectral model base class.
Abstract temporal model base class.
Abstract observation base class.
Abstract instrument response base class.
const GCTAObservation & cta_obs(const std::string &origin, const GObservation &obs)
Retrieve CTA observation from generic observation.
std::string read_ds_gti_extname(const GFitsHDU &hdu)
Return Good Time Intervals extension name from data sub-space keywords.
const GCTAPointing & cta_pnt(const std::string &origin, const GObservation &obs)
Retrieve CTA pointing from generic observation.
const GCTAInstDir & cta_dir(const std::string &origin, const GEvent &event)
Retrieve CTA instrument direction from generic event.
const GCTABackground & cta_rsp_bkg(const std::string &origin, const GObservation &obs)
Retrieve CTA background response from generic observation.
GCTARoi read_ds_roi(const GFitsHDU &hdu)
Extract ROI from data sub-space keywords.
const GCTAEventList & cta_event_list(const std::string &origin, const GObservation &obs)
Retrieve CTA event list from generic observation.
int iter_phi(const double &rho, const double &resolution, const int &iter_min, const int &iter_max)
Determine number of azimuthal Romberg iterations.
double resolution(const GModelSpatial *model)
Determine resolution of spatial model.
const GCTAResponse * cta_rsp(const std::string &origin, const GResponse &rsp)
Retrieve CTA response from generic observation.
const GModelSpectral * cta_model_spectral(const GModelData &model)
Retrieve spectral component from CTA background model.
std::string gadf_hduclas4(const GFits &fits, const std::string &hduclas4)
Return extension name for GADF response table of given HDU class 4.
const GCTAResponseIrf & cta_rsp_irf(const std::string &origin, const GObservation &obs)
Retrieve CTA IRF response from generic observation.
GEbounds read_ds_ebounds(const GFitsHDU &hdu)
Read energy boundary data sub-space keywords.
const GCTAAeff & cta_rsp_aeff(const std::string &origin, const GObservation &obs)
Retrieve CTA effective area response from generic observation.
int iter_rho(const double &rho_max, const double &resolution, const int &iter_min, const int &iter_max)
Determine number of radial Romberg iterations.
GPhases read_ds_phase(const GFitsHDU &hdu)
Read phase boundary data sub-space keywords.
const GCTAEventCube & cta_event_cube(const std::string &origin, const GObservation &obs)
Retrieve CTA event cube from generic observation.
const GCTAResponseCube & cta_rsp_cube(const std::string &origin, const GObservation &obs)
Retrieve CTA cube response from generic observation.
const GModelTemporal * cta_model_temporal(const GModelData &model)
Retrieve temporal component from CTA background model.