63 virtual void clear(
65 virtual std::string
71 const double&
73 const double&
75 const double&
77 const double&
97 const bool&
const int& id1)
98 void use_d1(
const int& id1,
const bool& use);
99 const bool&
const int& id2)
100 void use_d2(
const int& id2,
const bool& use);
176 return (
Definition of interface for all GammaLib classes.
Temporal phase curve model class interface definition.
Phase intervals class interface definition.
Interface class for all GammaLib classes.
COMPTEL event atom class.
COMPTEL selection set class.
GPulsar m_pulsar
Pulsar information.
int m_num_d1module_off
Number of events excluded since D1 module off.
const double & e1_max(void) const
Return maximum of D1 energy selection window.
virtual GCOMSelection * clone(void) const
Clone COMPTEL selection set.
int m_num_d2module_off
Number of events excluded since D2 module off.
int m_tof_min
Minimum TOF window.
int m_num_reflag_min
Number of events below rejection flag threshold.
const int & reflag_min(void) const
Return minimum of Rejection Flag selection window.
virtual ~GCOMSelection(void)
const double & e2_max(void) const
Return maximum of D2 energy selection window.
const int & reflag_max(void) const
Return maximum of Rejection Flag selection window.
virtual std::string print(const GChatter &chatter=NORMAL) const
Print COMPTEL selection set.
const int & tof_min(void) const
Return minimum of ToF selection window.
int m_vetoflag_max
Maximum veto flag.
GCOMSelection & operator=(const GCOMSelection &select)
Assignment operator.
Void constructor.
const int & fpmtflag(void) const
Return failed PMT flag for D2 modules.
int m_num_invalid_modcom
Number of events with invalid minitelescopes.
void copy_members(const GCOMSelection &select)
Copy class members.
GModelTemporalPhaseCurve m_orbital_phase_curve
Orbital phase curve.
void read(const GFitsHDU &hdu)
Read selection set from FITS HDU keywords.
int m_num_vetoflag_max
Number of events above veto flag threshold.
const double & e1_min(void) const
Return minimum of D1 energy selection window.
double m_e2_max
Maximum D2 energy deposit (MeV)
int m_reflag_max
Maximum rejection flag.
bool m_use_d2[14]
D2 module usage.
bool m_use_d1[7]
D1 module usage.
void write(GFitsHDU &hdu) const
Write selection set keywords into FITS HDU.
bool has_pulsar(void) const
Signals that pulsar selection should be performed.
bool use_event(const GCOMEventAtom &event) const
Check if event should be used.
double orbital_phase(const GTime &time) const
Return orbital phase for a given time.
GPhases m_orbital_phases
Phases for orbital phase selection.
void init_statistics(void) const
Initialise selection statistics.
double m_e1_min
Minimum D1 energy deposit (MeV)
void free_members(void)
Delete class members.
const int & tof_max(void) const
Return maximum of ToF selection window.
int m_num_reflag_max
Number of events above rejection flag threshold.
int m_vetoflag_min
Minimum veto flag.
const GPhases & pulsar_phases(void) const
Return pulsar phases.
int m_num_e1_max
Number of events above E1 threshold.
int m_num_e2_max
Number of events above E2 threshold.
int m_num_e1_min
Number of events below E1 threshold.
const double & e2_min(void) const
Return minimum of D2 energy selection window.
virtual std::string classname(void) const
Return class name.
int m_num_psd_max
Number of events above PSD threshold.
int m_num_d2[14]
Number of events per D2 module.
int m_num_no_scatter
Number of events without scatter angle.
const bool & use_d1(const int &id1) const
Return D1 module usage flag.
const int & psd_max(void) const
Return maximum of PSD selection window.
const int & vetoflag_min(void) const
Return minimum of Veto Flag selection window.
const bool & use_d2(const int &id2) const
Return D2 module usage flag.
void orbital_period(const double &period, const GTime &time)
Set orbital period.
int m_psd_max
Maximum PSD window.
const int & psd_min(void) const
Return minimum of PSD selection window.
virtual void clear(void)
Clear COMPTEL selection set.
int m_num_events_used
Number of used events.
int m_num_e2_min
Number of events below E2 threshold.
GPhases m_pulsar_phases
Phases for pulse phase selection.
const GPhases & orbital_phases(void) const
Return orbital phases.
const int & vetoflag_max(void) const
Return maximum of Veto Flag selection window.
void init_members(void)
Initialise class members.
int m_reflag_min
Minimum rejection flag.
int m_num_events_checked
Number of checked events.
double m_e2_min
Minimum D2 energy deposit (MeV)
int m_num_vetoflag_min
Number of events below veto flag threshold.
int m_tof_max
Maximum TOF window.
int m_num_tof_max
Number of events above TOF threshold.
int m_num_tof_min
Number of events below TOF threshold.
double m_e1_max
Maximum D1 energy deposit (MeV)
const GPulsar & pulsar(void) const
Return pulsar.
int m_num_d1[7]
Number of events per D1 module.
int m_num_events_rejected
Number of rejected events.
int m_psd_min
Minimum PSD window.
int m_num_fpmt
Number of events excluded due to failed PMT.
int m_num_psd_min
Number of events below PSD threshold.
Abstract FITS extension base class.
Temporal phase curve model class.
double phase(void) const
Return phase at reference Modified Julian Day.