Constants and utility functions¶
The GTools.hpp header defines a number of constants and utility functions that are widely used in GammaLib.
The following constants are available:
Constant | Value | Purpose |
gammalib::MeV2erg |
\(1.6021765 \times 10^{-6}\) | Converts MeV to erg |
gammalib::erg2MeV |
\(624150.96\) | Converts erg to MeV |
gammalib::MeV2Angstrom |
\(1.239841875\times 10^{-2}\) | Converts MeV to Angstrom |
gammalib::pc2cm |
\(3.08568025 \times 10^{18}\) | Converts pc to cm |
gammalib::sec_in_day |
\(86400.0\) | Number of seconds in one day |
gammalib::sec2day |
\(1/86400\) | Converts seconds to days |
gammalib::tai2tt |
\(32.184\) | Converts TAI to TT system |
gammalib::mec2 |
\(0.5109989461\) | Electron rest mass in MeV |
gammalib::speed_of_light |
\(299792458.0\) | Vacuum speed of light in m/s |
The following functions are available:
Function | Description |
gammalib::strip_whitespace |
Strips all leading and trailing whitespace from string. |
gammalib::strip_chars |
Strips all leading and trailing characters from string. |
gammalib::rstrip_chars |
Strips all trailing characters from string. |
gammalib::replace_segment |
Replace string segment by another segment. |
gammalib::expand_env |
Replace any environment variables in string by its value. |
gammalib::filepath |
Build path from filename and path. |
gammalib::tmpnam |
Returns temporary file name. |
gammalib::str |
Conversion of C-types to strings. |
gammalib::strdate |
Returns current date string. |
gammalib::tochar |
Conversion of string to char . |
gammalib::toshort |
Conversion of string to short . |
gammalib::toushort |
Conversion of string to unsigned short . |
gammalib::toint |
Conversion of string to int . |
gammalib::touint |
Conversion of string to unsigned int . |
gammalib::tolong |
Conversion of string to long . |
gammalib::toulong |
Conversion of string to unsigned long . |
gammalib::tolonglong |
Conversion of string to long long . |
gammalib::toulonglong |
Conversion of string to unsigned long long . |
gammalib::tofloat |
Conversion of string to float . |
gammalib::todouble |
Conversion of string to double . |
gammalib::toupper |
Conversion of string to upper case letters. |
gammalib::tolower |
Conversion of string to lower case letters. |
gammalib::split |
Split string in vector of strings. |
gammalib::fill |
Fill string with a number of replications of a string. |
gammalib::left |
Left justify string to achieve a given length of characters. |
gammalib::right |
Right justify string to achieve a given length of characters. |
gammalib::centre |
Centre string to achieve a given length of characters. |
gammalib::parformat |
Format string for parameter value display. |
gammalib::number |
Append a s to a noun if the number is larger than one. |
gammalib::plaw_photon_flux |
Compute photon flux under a power law. |
gammalib::plaw_energy_flux |
Compute energy flux under a power law. |
gammalib::elogmean |
Computes geometric mean of energy. |
gammalib::dir_exists |
Check whether a directory exists. |
gammalib::is_infinite |
Check whether a double precision value is infinite. |
gammalib::is_notanumber |
Check whether a double precision value is not a number. |
gammalib::contains |
Check whether a string contains a sub-string. |
gammalib::warning |
Dump warning in console. |
gammalib::xml2str |
Converts XML to string. |
gammalib::str2xml |
Converts string to XML. |
gammalib::xml_has_par |
Checks is XML file has parameter. |
gammalib::xml_need_par |
Require specific parameter in XML file. |
gammalib::xml_get_par |
Get parameter from XML file. |
gammalib::xml_get_attr |
Get attribute from XML file. |
gammalib::xml_check_par |
Check parameter in XML file. |
gammalib::xml_file_expand |
Expand file name in XML file. |
gammalib::xml_file_reduce |
Reduce file name in XML file. |
gammalib::xml_get_name_value_pair |
Get name/value pair from XML node. |
gammalib::recv |
Receive on socket with timeout. |
gammalib::roi_arclength |
Compute arc length of intersection with Region of Interest. |
gammalib::compare |
Compares two floating point value with a specific tolerance. |
gammalib::http_query |
Returns result of HTTP query. |
gammalib::host_country |
Returns host country two-digit string. |
gammalib::gamma_filename |
Returns filename in $HOME/.gamma directory. |