The following figure presents an overview over the C++ classes of the support module and their relations.
The support module contains a number of functions and classes that are needed to support core functionnalities of GammaLib. An overview of the functions and C++ classes present in this module is given in Support module. The GCsv class supports handling of column separated value tables. The GExceptionHandler class implements an exception handler that is used through GammaLib for exception handling. The GException class derives from this handler, and implements a number of sub-classes that are actually thrown in exceptions. The GNodeArray implements methods for linear interpolation between node values. This is the central interpolation class that is used in GammaLib. The GRan class implements a random number generator that is widely used for Monte Carlo simulations. The GTools.hpp module is not a class, but a collection of constants and functions that is widely used in GammaLib. The abstract GUrl base class represents a unified location for some information that is independent of the media. The classes GUrlFile and GUrlString are derived from GUrl and implement a file storage and a string storage, respectively. As most of the classes are unrelated, they will be described individually in the following sections.
The GBilinear class handles bilinear interpolation of values in a two-dimensional table.
The GCsv class handles comma-separated value tables. Comma-separated value tables are ASCII files representing a table, where individual table columns a separated by a specific character (for example a whitespace or a comma).
GammaLib uses C++ exceptions to handle any kind of errors or unexpected values that are encountered. Here an example of how an exception is thrown in the GModels::at() method:
#define G_AT "GModels::at(int&)"
GModel* GModels::at(const int& index)
if (index < 0 || index >= size()) {
throw GException::out_of_range(G_AT, "Model index", index, size());
return m_models[index];
Line 1 defines the name of the method that is always passed to the exception handle to track the origin of the exception. The definition should always provide the class name, the method name and the argument types (as several methods with the same name but a different set of arguments may exist). Variable names or const declarations are omitted from the definition.
The method is implemented in lines 2-8. Before accessing a model in line 7, the method checks whether the provided index is in the valid range. Note that lower and upper boundary of the index value is systematically checked in all GammaLib methods that perform index checking. If one of the boundary conditions is violated, the throw statement is used to throw an object of type GException::out_of_range. The object is constructed by passing the method name (defined by G_AT), a text string that describes the parameter that is out of the valid range, the value of the parameter, and the maximum number of elements that are expected in the range. This specific instance of the GException::out_of_range class assumes that the lower boundary of the valid range is 0, hence it does not need to be specified explicitely as an argument.
The actual GammaLib code implements a wealth of possible exceptions, yet in a future version of the code, this wealth should be reduced to a limited set of standard exceptions. The first class of exceptions are logic exceptions, which are those that the client could in principle have tested before calling the method. These comprise:
Logic exceptions | Usage |
invalid_value | An invalid value has been encountered in the method. |
invalid_argument | One of the arguments passed to the method is invalid. |
out_of_range | An index is outside the expected range. |
fits_error | An error has occured in FITS file handling. |
The second class of exceptions are runtime exceptions, which are those that are not testable by the client. Typical runtime exceptions are underflow or overflow errors. So far, only one runtime exception is implemented in GammaLib:
Runtime exceptions | Usage |
feature_not_implemented | The method has not been implemented. |
The GFilename class handles file names in GammaLib, including extensions for FITS files in the cfitsio format. The following file name formats are supported
The class decomposes the input string into the filename and the extension. The filename can be access using the GFilename::filename method, the extension name using the GFilename::extname() method, the extension number using the GFilename::extno() method and the extension version using the GFilename::extver() method. The latter three methods take an argument that specifies the default value that should be used in case that no extension information is specified. Below a usage example that extracts by default the EBOUNDS table from a FITS file:
1 2 3 4 | GFits file;
GFilename fname(filename);;
const GFitsTable& table = *file.table(fname.extname("EBOUNDS"));
Linear interpolation is implemented in GammaLib through the GNodeArray class. This class contains a collection of nodes \(x_i\) that may be used to describe a functional relation \(y_i=f(x_i)\). The following code illustrates how the GNodeArray class is used (see examples/cpp/interpolate/interpolate.cpp for the source code):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | double x_i[] = {1.0, 4.0, 6.0};
double y_i[] = {8.0, 7.0, 2.0};
GNodeArray nodes(3, x_i);
for (double x = 0; x < 10.0; x += 0.5) {
double y = y_i[nodes.inx_left()] * nodes.wgt_left() + y_i[nodes.inx_right()] * nodes.wgt_right();
std::cout << "x=" << x << " : y=" << y << std::endl;
In line 1, the nodes \(x_i\) at which the function values \(y_i\) are given are declared, the actual function values \(y_i\) are declared in line 2. In line 3, a node array is constructed from the node values. Note that the actual function values are not part of the node array, only the node values are in fact used by the GNodeArray class.
In lines 4-8, the function is interpolated at a number of values in the interval \([0,10[\). In line 5, the \(x\) value is set at which the interpolation should be done. The interpolation is then done in line 6 using the formula
where \(i_{\rm left}\) and \(i_{\rm right}\) are the node indices that encompass the \(x\) value, and \(w_{i_{\rm left}}\) and \(w_{i_{\rm right}}\) are the weights with which the function values \(y_{i_{\rm left}}\) and \(y_{i_{\rm right}}\) need to be multiplied to obtain the interpolated value \(y\). Note that
The method also works for extrapolation. For \(x < x_0\), \(i_{\rm left}=0\) and \(i_{\rm right}=1\), while for \(x > x_{i_{\rm last}}\), \(i_{\rm left}=i_{\rm last}-1\) and \(i_{\rm right}=i_{\rm last}\) (where \(i_{\rm last}\) is the index of the last node, which is \(2\) in the example above). The weights are set so that \(y\) is extrapolated linearly.
It is obvious that GNodeArray needs at least 2 node values to operate.
Random number generation is widely used within GammaLib for drawing event distributions from functions.
1 2 3 4 5 | GRan ran;
double uniform = ran.uniform(); // Uniform random number
double exponential = ran.exp(3.7); // Exponential random number
double poisson = ran.poisson(2.4); // Poisson random number
double chi2 = ran.chisq2(); // Chi2 random number
In line 1 a random number generator is allocated. If control over the seed value of the random number generator is needed (for example to draw different samples), you may specify the seed value upon construction:
unsigned long long int seed = 123456;
GRan ran(seed);
The GRan::uniform() method returns a random number between 0 and 1. The GRan::exp() method returns a random number of the exponential law
where \(\lambda\) is the parameter of the distribution. In line 2 above, \(\lambda=3.7\). This method may be used to simulate the occurence time of an event, where \(\lambda\) is the mean event rate. Convsersely, \(1/\lambda\) is the mean waiting time between events.
The GRan::poisson() method draws a random number from the Poisson distribution. You mya use this method to simulate the number of events in case that a given mean number \(\lambda\) of events is known. In line 3 above, \(\lambda=2.4\).
The GRan::chisq2() method draws random numbers from the propability distribution
This method can be used to simulate the random radial offset of a measured source position from the true source position, assuming an azimuthally symmetric 2D Gaussian probability distribution.
The GTools.hpp header defines a number of constants and utility functions that are widely used in GammaLib.
The following constants are available:
Constant | Value |
gammalib::MeV2erg | \(1.6021765 \times 10^{-6}\) (converts MeV to erg) |
gammalib::erg2MeV | \(624150.96\) (converts erg to MeV) |
gammalib::MeV2Angstrom | \(1.239841875e-2\) (converts MeV to Angstrom) |
gammalib::pc2cm | \(3.08568025 \times 10^{18}\) (converts pc to cm) |
gammalib::sec_in_day | \(86400.0\) (number of seconds in one day) |
gammalib::sec2day | \(1/86400\) (converts seconds to days) |
gammalib::tai2tt | \(32.184\) (converts TAI to TT system) |
The following functions are available:
Function | Description |
gammalib::strip_whitespace | Strips all leading and trailing whitespace from string. |
gammalib::strip_chars | Strips all leading and trailing characters from string. |
gammalib::expand_env | Replace any environment variables in string by its value. |
gammalib::filepath | Build path from filename and path. |
gammalib::str | Conversion of C-types to strings. |
gammalib::tochar | Conversion of string to char. |
gammalib::toshort | Conversion of string to short. |
gammalib::toushort | Conversion of string to unsigned short. |
gammalib::toint | Conversion of string to int. |
gammalib::touint | Conversion of string to unsigned int. |
gammalib::tolong | Conversion of string to long. |
gammalib::toulong | Conversion of string to unsigned long. |
gammalib::tolonglong | Conversion of string to long long. |
gammalib::toulonglong | Conversion of string to unsigned long long. |
gammalib::tofloat | Conversion of string to float. |
gammalib::todouble | Conversion of string to double. |
gammalib::toupper | Conversion of string to upper case letters. |
gammalib::tolower | Conversion of string to lower case letters. |
gammalib::split | Split string in vector of strings. |
gammalib::fill | Fill string with a number of replications of a string. |
gammalib::left | Left justify string to achieve a given length of characters. |
gammalib::right | Right justify string to achieve a given length of characters. |
gammalib::centre | Centre string to achieve a given length of characters. |
gammalib::parformat | Format string for parameter value display. |
gammalib::plaw_photon_flux | Compute photon flux under a power law. |
gammalib::plaw_energy_flux | Compute energy flux under a power law. |
gammalib::elogmean | Computes geometric mean of energy. |
gammalib::file_exists | Check whether a file exists. |
gammalib::file_exists_gzip | Check whether a file (or a gzipped version of it) exists. |
gammalib::dir_exists | Check whether a directory exists. |
gammalib::is_infinite | Check whether a double precision value is infinite. |
gammalib::is_notanumber | Check whether a double precision value is not a number. |
gammalib::is_fits | Check whether a file is a FITS file. |
gammalib::contains | Check whether a string contains a sub-string. |
gammalib::warning | Dump warning in console. |
gammalib::xml2str | Converts XML to string. |
gammalib::str2xml | Converts string to XML. |
gammalib::xml_has_par | Checks is XML file has parameter. |
gammalib::xml_need_par | Require specific parameter in XML file. |
gammalib::xml_get_par | Get parameter from XML file. |
gammalib::xml_check_par | Check parameter in XML file. |
gammalib::recv | Receive on socket with timeout. |
To handle media independent data access, the GUrl base class has been implemented that represent a media in an abstract way. The class has abstract open, read, write and close method to open a media, read from it or write to it, and to close the media.
Support is implemented so far for file and string media, but in the future, direct access to ressources over the internet may become possible. A file media is implemented by the GUrlFile class, while a string media is implemented by the GUrlString class.
An example of a class making using of GUrl is the GXml class. Look at the following code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 | GXml xml;
GUrlFile file("my_file.xml", "w");
GUrlString chain;
Line 1 declares a XML object and in line 2 we append a dummy element to it. In line 3 we now create a file named my_file.xml for which we allow write access. In line 4 we allocate a string media. We then write the XML object first into the file in line 5, and the in the string in line 6. This illustrates how the GUrl classes can be used to redirect the same information to different media. Reading from different media is analoguous.