This module contains classes and functions that are needed for numerical computations within GammaLib. The module provides support for differentiation and integration of one-dimensional functions. The interface for the one-dimensional functions is defined by the abstract GFunction base class, integration is performed using the GIntegral class, differentiation is done using the GDerivative class. In addition, numerical constants and function that are extensively used throughout GammaLib are defined in the GMath.hpp header file. All constants and functions are declared in the gammalib namespace.
The following constants are available:
Constant | Value |
gammalib::pi | \(\pi\) |
gammalib::twopi | \(2\pi\) |
gammalib::fourpi | \(4\pi\) |
gammalib::pihalf | \(\pi/2\) |
gammalib::inv_pihalf | \((\pi/2)^{-1}\) |
gammalib::inv_sqrt4pi | \((\sqrt{4\pi})^{-1}\) |
gammalib::pi2 | \(\pi^2\) |
gammalib::deg2rad | \(\pi/180\) (multiplication converts degrees to radians) |
gammalib::rad2deg | \(180/\pi\) (multiplication converts radians to degrees) |
gammalib::ln2 | \(\log 2\) (natural logarithm of 2) |
gammalib::ln10 | \(\log 10\) (natural logarithm of 10) |
gammalib::inv_ln2 | \((\log 2)^{-1}\) |
gammalib::inv_ln10 | \((\log 10)^{-1}\) |
gammalib::onethird | \(1/3\) |
gammalib::twothird | \(2/3\) |
gammalib::fourthird | \(4/3\) |
gammalib::sqrt_onehalf | \(\sqrt{1/2}\) |
gammalib::sqrt_pihalf | \(\sqrt{\pi/2}\); |
gammalib::sqrt_two | \(\sqrt{2}\); |
The following functions are available:
Function | Description |
gammalib::acos | Arc cosine function that avoids NaN due to rounding errors |
gammalib::cosd | Cosine function for argument given in degrees |
gammalib::sind | Sine function for argument given in degrees |
gammalib::tand | Tangens function for argument given in degrees |
gammalib::asind | Arc sine function for argument given in degrees |
gammalib::acosd | Arc cosine function for argument given in degrees |
gammalib::atand | Arc tangens function for argument given in degrees |
gammalib::atan2d | Arc tangens function for argument x/y given in degrees |
gammalib::sincosd | Returns sine and cosine for argument given in degrees |
gammalib::gammln | Natural logarithm of gamma function |
gammalib::erfcc | Complementary error function |
gammalib::erfinv | Inverse error function |
gammalib::modulo | Remainder of division x/y |
The following code illustrates how integrations and derivatives are computed within GammaLib (see examples/cpp/numerics/numerics.cpp for the source code):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | class function : public GFunction {
function(const double& sigma) : m_a(1.0/(sigma*std::sqrt(gammalib::twopi))), m_sigma(sigma) {}
double eval(const double& x) { return m_a*std::exp(-0.5*x*x/(m_sigma*m_sigma)); }
double m_a;
double m_sigma;
int main(void) {
function fct(3.0);
GIntegral integral(&fct);
double result = integral.romb(-15.0, +15.0);
std::cout << "Integral: " << result << std::endl;
GDerivative derivative(&fct);
std::cout << "Derivative(0): " << derivative.value(0.0) << std::endl;
return 0;
The function that should be integrated or differentiated is defined in lines 1-8 as a class that derives from the abstract GFunction base class. The only method that needs to be implement in the derived class, here named function is the GFunction::eval() method that takes a const reference to a double precision value as argument and that returns a double precision value, which is the function value evaluated at the argument. Parameters may be passed to the function upon construction, as illustrated by the m_a and m_sigma members that are initialised by the constructor.
The function is allocated in line 10 with a sigma parameter of 3. Line 11 the prepares for the integration by allocating an integration object. The GIntegral constructor takes a reference to the function as argument. In line 12, the relative precision of the integration object is set to \(10^{-8}\) (by default the precision is set to \(10^{-6}\)). In line 13, the integration is done over the parameter interval \([-15,15]\). As this covers basically the entire area of the Gaussian function, the result will be very close to 1 (the result is printed in line 14). Note that the Romberg method is used for integration by invoking the romb method. This is the only method that is so far available in GammaLib.
Differentiating a function is similar. For this purpose, a GDerivative object is created in line 15 with takes a reference to the function as argument. Using the GDerivative::value() method, the derivative is computed in line 16 for a function argument of 0. As the Gaussian has a maximum there, the result will be 0.