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Known issuesΒΆ

Below you will find a list of known issues.

Many (but not all) unit tests fail

Occasionally it may happen that the cfitsio library is not found when configuring GammaLib. The library will compile successfully without cfitsio, but in that case FITS I/O will not be supported. Consequently, many unit tests will fail. If you are sure that cfitsio is installed, but the path where the library and the path where the fitsio.h header reside are non-standard, you may add the paths explicitly during configuration using:

$ ./configure LDFLAGS='-L/path/to/cftsio/library' CPPFLAGS='-I/path/to/fitsio.h/header'

The same logic applies for finding the readline and ncurses libraries, although these libraries are not manadatory for getting the full GammaLib functionalities.

Alternatively, cfitsio can be found when compiling GammaLib but not when using the shared library. To solve the issue, locate the directory where the shared libcfitsio library resides and then type

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/directory/to/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

on Unix based systems or

$ export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/directory/to/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH

on Mac OS X (/directory/to/lib should be replaced by the correct library path on your system).

Python module does not work

GammaLib includes a Python module that is built from so called wrapper files that are autogenerated using the swig tool. These wrapper files are shipped with a GammaLib release, but if you use the code from git you need swig to generate the wrapper files during the build step. In any case, to compile the Python module GammaLib needs the Python.h header file which may not necessarily be installed on your system. Check the output of ./configure to examine the configuration that GammaLib has detected. You may see the following:

* Python                       (yes)
* Python.h                     (yes)
* Python wrappers              (yes)
* swig                         (yes)

Recall, if the wrappers exist you do not need swig, but if the wrappers don’t exist you need swig. If the Python.h header file does not exist then install the Python development package.

Mac OS X

Dependent on the Mac OS X version you are using, not everything that is needed to install GammaLib may be available (e.g. automake, libtool, etc...). The easiest way to get the needed software is using a package management system such as MacPorts or Homebrew. On a fresh El Capitan install you need for example the following from Homebrew:

$ brew install automake
$ brew install libtool
$ brew install cfitsio
$ brew install swig

swig is only necessary if you installed the code from git. Dependening on your system, you also may need to install the Python development package.


Although GammaLib builds on Solaris using the Sun compiler, there are problems with global symbols in shared libraries and exception catching, which prevents the FITS interface to work correctly. GammaLib has however been built and tested successfully using the GNU compiler, and this is the only build method that is currently supported. Problems have also been encountered when compiling cfitsio versions more recent than 3.250. The problems have been reported to the cfitsio developer team, and are likely to be solved in the future. For the time being, it is recommended to use cfitsio version 3.250 on Solaris.


On OpenSolaris, the same problems concerning the SunStudio compiler occur as for Solaris, and also here, the GNU compiler is the recommended tool to build GammaLib. Also here, cfitsio version 3.250 is the recommended library as more recent version feature relocation problems. GammaLib has been tested using gcc 4.3.2 on OpenSolaris 2009.06. Make sure to create the following symbolic links if they do not yet exist on your system:

$ ln -s /usr/bin/gcc4.3.2 /usr/bin/gcc
$ ln -s /usr/bin/g++4.3.2 /usr/bin/g++

They avoid excess warnings during compilation.