2022-06-06 * Version 2.0.0 released ======================== Add support for ASTRI and FACT instrument (#4058) Allow determination of upper limits on spatial parameters in ctulimit (#4006) Add comgendb script (#3983) Store RA_PNT and DEC_PNT in ctmodel cube (#3915) Add methods to access ctlike attributes Add csadd2caldb script Add restart of bisection in case of bad convergence in ctulimit Add COMPTEL analysis scripts (#3738) Add confidence parameter to csspec and cslightcrv (#3725) Add source counts constraints to cssens (#3668) Stamp all output FITS files (#3662) Add ASCL shields to "About" page (#3630) Use file function constructor in csspec (#3626) Add BINS method to csspec (#3606) Rename virtual abstract ctool::run() method to ctool::process() and add non-abstract ctool::run() method (#3592) Add hidden "fix_spat" parameter to cttsmap (#3562) Use test source position in cssens (#3555) Add optimizer setter to ctlikelihood base class Add Sphinx tutorials test script (#3510) Add "refit_if_failed" parameter to ctlike Add models() method to ctobssim (#3441) Add ctlike results to XML file (#3431) Fix implementation of fix_spat_for_ts parameter in ctlike (#3426) Replace std::tmpnam() by gammalib::tmpnam() function in ctselect (#3324) Remove implicit conversion warnings (#3324) Add support of rectangular On/Off regions (#3248) Replace ASCII output files by FITS files (#1707) 2021-04-28 * Bug fix version 1.7.4 released ================================ Add conda activation and deactivation scripts for csh (#3628) Replace spectral model by file function in csspec (#3624) Update csinfo script (#3623) 2020-12-02 * Bug fix version 1.7.3 released ================================ Import matplotlib first in example scripts (#3423) 2020-10-15 * Bug fix version 1.7.2 released ================================ Only for compliance with GammaLib 1.7.2 2020-09-04 * Bug fix version 1.7.1 released ================================ Add Python include path in search for Python.h (#3329) Test for Big Sur in configuration step (#3326) Copy Python module into pyext/ctools folder (#3322) Add units to reference manual of response cube tools (#3321) Speed-up ctbin for stacked event binning (#3275) 2020-07-15 * Version 1.7.0 released ======================== Avoid negative squared standard deviations in cssrcdetect (#3261) Add Interface Manual to User documentation (#3163) Adapt show_pull_histogram.py to matplotlib > 3.1.0 (#3156) Add On/Off analysis to ctlike reference manual (#3154) Update user manual for latest CTA IRF (#3075) Fix log file header repetition in some cscripts (#3066) Add Moon constraints to csviscube (#3065) Improve handling of reflected regions with exclusion regions (#2976) Remove response cache before source testing in cttsmap (#2973) Add csscs script for spectral component separation (#2961) Add support for Castro plots to csspec (#2938) Enabling running of example scripts from objects in memory (#2925) Add support for power-law binning to several tools (#2881) Fix numerical glitch in residual computation (#2765) Allow using spectral models without "Prefactor" parameter in cssens and cstsdist (#1889) 2019-11-07 * Bug fix version 1.6.3 released ================================ Improve documentation and tutorials 2019-07-15 * Bug fix version 1.6.2 released ================================ Improve documentation and tutorials (#2962) Correct handling of flux for diffuse cube models in csspec (#2954) Fix OpenMP issue in ctbin when using energy bounds from file (#2912) Fix multi-instrument handling in csbkgmodel (#2862) 2019-06-05 * Bug fix version 1.6.1 released ================================ Fix initialisation script for c-shell (#2724) 2019-05-29 * Version 1.6.0 released ======================== csspec now properly propagates instrument name for On/Off observations csresspec now also works for observation specific models (#2883) Add more spatial models to csbkgmodel (#2878) Add GAUSS(E) model to csbkgmodel (#2868) Move ctool::set_obs_bounds() to ctobservation::set_obs_bounds() Log warning if edisp=no (#2842) Fix ring background computation in ctskymap for small roiradius (#2839) Add max_iter parameter to ctbutterfly, cterror, ctlike, cttsmap, ctulimit and cstsmapsplit ctbkgcube now requires an input counts cube (#2763) CTA background rates are now per ontime (#2758) Add exclusion_map() methods to ctskymap, csphagen, cslightcrv and csphasecrv (#2725) Add show_significance_distribution.py example script (#2723) Apply event bin weighting in ctmodel for stacked computation (#2721) Enable ctbin to produce counts cubes for a joint binned analysis (#2714) Add ctfindvar tool (#2713) Add Jupyter notebooks for H.E.S.S. DR1 (#2712) csphagen now creates appropriate model for likelihood fitting (#2711) csphagen now supports any kind of background model (#2710) Add code generator (#2709) Add csbkgmodel script (#2694) Compute DETX and DETY in ctmodel if they are not available (#2694) Do no longer set missing boundaries in ctool::get_observations and ctool::setup_observations (#2686) Unnormalize background cube values in ctbkgcube (#2685) Account for varying energy thresholds in ctbin weight computation (#2685) Add ctbkgcube::cntcube() method (#2685) Avoid ctselect error in case that RoI radius is unchanged (#2682) Add "use_model_bkg" parameter to cslightcrv Add "like_accuracy" parameter to likelihood tools and scripts (#2662) Do not skip bins with zero counts in csspec (#2671) Use "ENERG" instead of "ETRUE" in energy dispersion axis names in csroot2caldb (#2670) Add hidden "use_model_bkg" parameter to csphagen (#2659) Use full RMF true energy range for On/Off analysis in csspec (#2656) Defer import of ROOT module in csroot2caldb to run method (#2652) Transparently update parameter files (#2513) Make cssrcdetect more robust (#2498) Change formula for number of true energy bins in csphagen (#2490) Remove ctools::is_valid_filename() method Handle zero model for SUBDIV method in show_response.py (#2456) Add Exponential spectral model to science verification (#2454) Fix bug when using precomputed model in csresspec (#2448) Parallelise cslightcrv, csphasecrv, csspec, cssens, csphagen, cspull and cstsdist and add nthreads parameter to ctobssim, ctbin, ctlike, cterror and ctmodel (#2421) Keep existing library path in installation script on Mac OS X (#2420) csphagen produces Xspec compliant data (#2404) Add show_rmf.py example script Change CTA 3D background "BGD" keywords to "BKG" (#2343) Add ras() and decs() methods to csobsinfo (#2313) Also compute TS in csspec for On/Off analysis using wstat statistic (#2312) Allow specifying of input sky map in ctskymap (#2311) Accelerate IRF and RING background methods in ctskymap (#2309) Add upper limit computation is csspec for NODES method (#2233) Define MET with respect to the observation time reference or "mjdref" parameter (#2054) Implement Python pickeling support (#1938) 2019-05-15 * Bug fix version 1.5.4 released ================================ Only for compliance with GammaLib 1.5.4 2019-05-11 * Bug fix version 1.5.3 released ================================ Only for compliance with GammaLib 1.5.3 2018-04-26 * Bug fix version 1.5.2 released ================================ Only for compliance with GammaLib 1.5.2 2018-03-26 * Bug fix version 1.5.1 released ================================ Fix MANPATH for Mac OS X systems (#2420) Take energy dispersion in csresspec modelling into account (#2341) Enable using csphagen for HESS, VERITAS and MAGIC observations (#2307) * Version 1.5.0 released ======================== Correct diffuse map cube upper limit computation in ctulimit (#2298) Add tmin and tmax parameters to csobsselect (#2297) Change DATE_OBS, DATE_END, TIME_OBS and TIME_END FITS keywords into DATA-OBS, DATE-END, TIME-OBS and TIME-END Add CUSTOM background method to csphagen script (#2284) Add csresspec script (#2289) Add ctools::time_reference constant and remove ctools::time_reference() method (#2295) Correctly strip .gz suffix from output filenames (#2287) Support On/Off analysis in cslightcrv and csphasecrv (#2273) ctselect informs about non-overlapping time interval (#2272) Add tutorial for classical analysis (#2267) In case of an error, test output is now written into log file (#2264) Fix chatter level handling in ctpsfcube (#2262) Handle On/Off observations by cspull (#2260) Add "statistic" parameter to all likelihood tools and scripts (#2237) Rename ctlike "stat" parameter to "statistic" (#2237) Enable handling of On/Off observations in csspec (#2231) Add csphagen script (#2208) Add RING background method to ctskymap (#2207) Add keywords to sky maps produced by ctskymap (#2194) Enhance efficiency of computations in ctmodel (#2189) cscripts::execute() no longer creates log files (#2182) Add csmodelsois script (#2180) Add "NODES" method to csspec to support non-CTA analysis (#1927) Use t-type parameters for all "tmin" and "tmax" parameters (#1864) Set OBS_ID in ctobssim (#1836) Revise cstsdist parameters (#1567) Add ctbutterfly::butterfly() method (#1512) 2017-07-28 * Version 1.4.0 released ======================== Fix ctmodel bug for stacked analysis with diffuse maps or cubes (#2171) Install ctools header files (#2145) Parallelize event binning in ctbin using OpenMP (#1970) 2017-07-07 * Bug fix version 1.3.1 released ================================ ctbkgcube creates XML files compliant with non-CTA instruments (#2140) Reduce computation time of ctmodel and parallelize using OpenMP (#2147) Fix csresmap significance computation error (#2136) Use MigMatrixNoTheta2cut_offaxis and AngularPSF2DEtrue_offaxis histograms to compute PSF and energy dispersion IRFs (#2135) Add self.logFileOpen() to cstsmapsplit.execute() method (#2127) Properly forward working log file pointer in ctobssim::set_mc_id_names() (#2123) Correct computation of standard deviations in cssrcdetect csobsselect accepts an observation container upon construction 2017-06-07 * Version 1.3.0 released ======================== Correct covariance matrix computation in ctbutterfly (#2121) Add missing *.i SWIG file into release tarball (#2114) Add "phase" parameter to ctselect (#1996) Add ctprob tool (#1991) Implement regression scheme in cssens and remove num_avg parameter (#1989) Copy cscripts into bin directory instead of creating a symbolic links (#1987) If code originates from Git, always compile the Python bindings (#1985) Raise exception instead of exiting with return code in Python tests (#1983) Add ctphase tool (#1982) Support energy boundary FITS file in ctmapcube (#1978) Add csebins script (#1976) Consider RoI in ctskymap and use numerical integration for IRF (#1975) ctlike stores covariance matrix in either CSV or FITS format (#1863) Use correct ROOT histograms in csroot2caldb Implement Gaussian error propagation in ctbutterfly (#1862) Support of map cubes lying outside RoI in ctobssim ctbkgcube throws exception if no background model is found (#1652) ctobssim adds Monte Carlo identifiers to simulated events (#1483) Set local language to english (#1370) Enhance logfile output of csroot2caldb script Set default deadc value to 0.98 (CTA has <2% deadtime) 2017-05-30 * Bug fix version 1.2.1 released ================================ Include SWIG interface files into tarball Avoid double execution to ctexpcube 2017-02-09 * Version 1.2.0 released ======================== Replace has_key() by in for Python 3.x compatibility (#1924) cslightcrv no longer accepts counts cubes on input (#1920) Set ctbin reference time to CTA reference time (#1922) Change ds9file parameter to outds9file Add cssrcdetect script (#1617) Add background subtraction to ctskymap tool (#1882) Add csobsselect script (#1881) Add csmodelselect script (#1879) Add startindex parameter to ctobssim (#1878) Fix energy boundary handline in cssens (#1873) Add outcovmat parameter to ctlike (#1863) Add publish parameter and methods to ctobssim, ctselect, cslightcrv and csspec (#1871) Add csviscube script (#1853) Add zenith and azimuth angle information to IRF caldb (#1853) Fix ctbin segfault bug for varying energy thresholds (#1850) Make csresmap enumbins parameter hidden (#1844) Rename ctskymap::map() to ctskymap::skymap() (#1828) Introduce ctobservation and ctlikelihood base classes (#1828, #1846) Remove ctselect::time_reference() method Add ctool and cscript pars() methods (#1838) Fix ctbin::save() bug for empty observation container (#1835) Fix exception when calling ctools clear() methods (#1835) Add support for new spectral models in ctulimit (#1832) Add support modules to cscripts (#1830) Fix lacking coverage measure for cscripts execution (#1827) Set "addbounds" parameters by default to "no" (#1819) 2016-07-24 * Version 1.1.0 released ======================== Adapt to new spatial (#1818) and spectral model names (#1821) Fix stacked analysis bias (#1819) Add background model science verification (#1815) Add cstsmapsplit script (#1797) Add unit tests for all example scripts Handle zero parameter errors in ctulimit (#1795) Compute counts cube weights in ctbin (#1789) Adapt to new stacked cube interface (#1788) Add ctools and cscripts unit tests Add "bgdoversample" and "bgdinfill" parameters to csroot2caldb Add csobsdef.pntdef() method (#1771) Add ctmapcube tool (#1760) Add "seed" parameter to cspull (#1755) Add ctedispcube tool (#1724) Test and import IACT scripts only for Python 2.6+ (#1715) Adapt to revise GTime operators (#1714) Add publish() methods to tools producing images (#1710) Read ahead output filename in cterror (#1700) Subdivide simulation energy range in ctobssim (#1673) Delete existing events before simulation in ctobssim (#1663) Add csiactcopy script (#1661) Add documentation for IACT analysis (#1646) ctselect allows usage of non-default events and GTI extensions (#1598) Add csworkflow workflow manager script (#1508) Support out of source builds (#1484) 2016-01-27 * Bug fix version 1.0.1 released ================================ Re-enable ctmodel computation for stacked analysis (#1609) Solve compatibility issues with Anaconda on Mac OS X (#1607) Change diffuse map for science verification 2015-12-18 * Version 1.0.0 released ======================== Update end-user documentation Rename cshessobs to csiactobs and add csiactdata (#1608) Ignore errors in El Capitan post processing (#1605) Change GException to RuntimeError in cscripts (#1604) Adapt to GammaLib interface changs (#1603) Add csobs2caldb script (#1579) Add csobsinfo, csmodelinfo, csmodelmerge, cstsmapmerge (#1578) Implement handling of stacked data in csspec (#1566) Resolve Python test problem on El Capitan (#1563) 2015-10-31 * Version 0.10.0 released ========================= Add science verification tests (#1555) Specifying --help on command line displays help text (#572) Limit power law parameters in ctbkgcube (#1547) Extend cspull to stacked analysis (#1503) Add tests for installed ctools version (#1486) Create cscripts Python module, move obsutils in that module (#1470) Add csinfo script (#1489) Removed obsutils.spectrum() function (replaced by csspec) Add cterror tool Check existence of ROI in ctbin (#1476) Allocate optimizer in ctlike upon construction (#1471) Move cscripts into the ctools Python module (#1470) 2015-05-22 * Version 0.9.0 released ======================== Adapt to GammaLib 0.10.0 interface Do not import automatically Python scripts Support INDEF/NONE/UNDEF/UNDEFINED parameters in ctselect Modify cssens parameter interface (#1426) Add csobsdef script (#1429) Add ctulimit tool (#1363) Allow ctmodel usage for stacked analysis from command line Correct rate check in ctobssim for map cubes (#1452) Handle background cubes for stacked analysis (#1371) Add csspec script (#1364) Add cslightcrv script (#1365) Correct sensitivity computation in cssens 2015-01-08 * Bug fix version 0.8.1 released ================================ Include Python wrappers in source code distribution 2014-11-08 * Version 0.8.0 released ======================== Clean-up public interface Adapt to GammaLib 0.9.0 interface Add ctexpcube tool (generates exposure cube) Add ctpsfcube tool (generates PSF cube) Add ctbkgcube tool (generates background cube) Add ctcubemask tool (masks event bins in event cube) Add cttsmap tool (generates TS map) Add ctbutterfly tool (generates butterfly diagram) Add csresmap script (generates residual map) Introduce ctool base class ctbin now always merges event lists into a single counts cube ctmodel now always creates a single model cube Support energy dispersion in ctobssim, ctlike and ctmodel Correct ctobssim for thread safety Support save and user energy thresholds in ctselect Correctly apply time references in ctselect Reduce memory usage Move obsutils to ctools namespace Add several functions to obsutils Enhance documentation 2014-02-20 * Bug fix Version 0.7.2 released ================================ Add logL and event statistics to cspull output file Properly close temporary file in ctselect (#1149) 2014-02-05 * Bug fix Version 0.7.1 released ================================ Added missing hyphens in pfiles synchronisation section (#1091) Add configuration test script (#1091) Correctly filter instrument and id attributes in ctobssim Use reworked GCaldb for calibration data access (#1116) 2014-01-18 * Version 0.7.0 released ======================== Adapt to GammaLib-00-08-00 interface ctobssim now only simulates events within ROI and supports all kinds of data space models; time slice durations are determined based on source flux ctbin now implements LIN and FILE binning algorithms ctbin, ctskymap and ctmodel now generate maps with increasing longitude to the left Update parameter files if necessary 2012-12-21 * Version 0.6.0 released ======================== Add ctmodel tool Add usepnt parameter to ctselect Adapt to GammaLib-00-07-00 interface Correct ctobssim usage of seed value 2012-10-11 * Bug fix version 0.5.2 released ================================ Correct gcc 4.2.x OpenMP dlopen() test 2012-09-18 * Bug fix version 0.5.1 released ================================ clang++ compiler precedence is only taken for Mac OS X >= 10.7 Omit Python checks if Python bindings are disabled Enhance OpenMP configuration on Darwin Export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET only for --enable-universalsdk Improve Python bindings configuration Add TEST_ENV_DIR to load library path 2012-09-14 * Version 0.5.0 released ======================== Add observation definition XML files support to ctobssim Improve logging information for ctlike Add OpenPM support 2012-03-08 * Version 0.4.0 released ======================== Add handling of observation definition XML files to ctselect Add handling of observation definition XML files to ctbin Add handling of observation definition XML files to ctlike Add deadtime correction factor to ctobssim No longer query output parameters first Remove method parameter from ctlike Replace evfile and cntmap parameters by infile parameter in ctlike Add configure options for Mac OSX universal builds Remove automake dependency tracking Improve building of Python bindings 2011-10-06 * Version 0.3.0 released ======================== Renamed to ctools 2011-10-03 * Version 0.2.5 released ======================== ctbin extracts the image centre from an observation if provided Add models directory Add examples directory Add scripts directory 2011-07-20 * Version 0.2.4 released ======================== Improve configure script Add scripts for ctatools environment setting 2011-07-09 * Version 0.2.3 released ======================== Improve configure script 2011-02-24 * Version 0.2.1 released ======================== Correct test environment Adjust Python wrapper compile option on Darwin 2011-02-21 * Version 0.2.0 released ======================== Standardize Python interface Add unit test (make check) Add html documentation 2011-02-02 * Version 0.1.0 released ======================== Initial release of the ctatools