Simulating event data¶
What you will learn
You will learn how to use the ctobssim tool from the command line to simulate event data.
ctobssim draws random events using a model of the celestial gamma-ray intensity distribution that was convolved with the instrument response function. The tool adds random events from the expected distribution of the residual background to the data.
Let’s assume that you want to generate a simulated CTA event list. You do this by using the ctobssim tool from the command line.
To invoke the tool, type ctobssim at the console prompt
(which is denoted by $
ctobssim will then query for several parameters that define the
characteristics of the simulation:
$ ctobssim
RA of pointing (degrees) (0-360) [83.63]
Dec of pointing (degrees) (-90-90) [22.51]
Radius of FOV (degrees) (0-180) [5.0]
Start time (UTC string, JD, MJD or MET in seconds) [2020-01-01T00:00:00]
Stop time (UTC string, JD, MJD or MET in seconds) [2020-01-01T00:30:00] 2020-01-01T01:00:00
Lower energy limit (TeV) [0.1] 0.03
Upper energy limit (TeV) [100.0] 150.0
Calibration database [prod2]
Instrument response function [South_0.5h]
Input model definition XML file [$CTOOLS/share/models/crab.xml]
Output event data file or observation definition XML file [events.fits]
Each line represents a query for one parameter value.
The line starts with a short description of the parameter, followed by
the default value proposed by ctobssim in squared brackets [ ]
If no parameter value is entered the default value will be used.
Otherwise, the specified value will overwrite the default value.
The round brackets ( )
indicate the range of possible parameter
values (if applicable).
In the example above the stop time and the energy range were specified, for the remaining parameters the default value was used.
Times can be entered in various formats in ctools. Times can be provided as
UTC date strings (e.g.
)Modified Julian days (e.g.
"MJD 58849.0"
)Julian days (e.g.
"JD 2458849.5"
)Mission elapsed time in seconds, counted from
Usually times are given in Terrestial Time (TT
) but may also be
specified as TAI
or UTC
(e.g. "MJD 58849.0 (TAI)"
"MJD 58849.0 (UTC)"
You may have recognised that the environment variable $CTOOLS
been used in the path name of the model. ctools will automatically expand
the environment variables in parameter values.
instrument response function (IRF)
is taken from the prod2
database. The response for the southern array
using the cuts optimised for 0.5 hours of observing time is used.
ctools comes bundled with CTA
instrument response functions for the northern and
the southern array. The IRFs are based on a prod2
analysis with cuts optimised for 0.5 hours, 5 hours and 50 hours of
observing time. Be aware that these times do not need to correspond
to the actual observing time that is simulated. IRFs optimised for
short observation times correspond to loose
cuts that keep more
photons but also more background events, while IRFs optimised for
long observation times correspond to hard
cuts that limit the
number of background events at the expense of loosing some photons.
The following IRFs are available:
, North_5h
, North_50h
, South_5h
, and South_50h
Events are simulated based on the instrument response function and based on a source and background model. Only events that fall within the specified region of interest (ROI), defined as a circle around a sky position in Right Ascension and Declination (in degrees), will be stored in the output event data file. The duration of the simulation is taken here to one hour. Events are simulated for energies between 30 GeV and 200 TeV.
The source and background model is defined by the
model definition XML file
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<source_library title="source library">
<source name="Crab" type="PointSource">
<spectrum type="PowerLaw">
<parameter name="Prefactor" scale="1e-16" value="5.7" min="1e-07" max="1000.0" free="1"/>
<parameter name="Index" scale="-1" value="2.48" min="0.0" max="+5.0" free="1"/>
<parameter name="PivotEnergy" scale="1e6" value="0.3" min="0.01" max="1000.0" free="0"/>
<spatialModel type="PointSource">
<parameter name="RA" scale="1.0" value="83.6331" min="-360" max="360" free="0"/>
<parameter name="DEC" scale="1.0" value="22.0145" min="-90" max="90" free="0"/>
<source name="CTABackgroundModel" type="CTAIrfBackground" instrument="CTA">
<spectrum type="PowerLaw">
<parameter name="Prefactor" scale="1.0" value="1.0" min="1e-3" max="1e+3" free="1"/>
<parameter name="Index" scale="1.0" value="0.0" min="-5.0" max="+5.0" free="1"/>
<parameter name="PivotEnergy" scale="1e6" value="1.0" min="0.01" max="1000.0" free="0"/>
The model consists of a source library that contains two components: the Crab nebula and an instrumental background model.
The Crab nebula is modelled by a factorized sky model that has a spectral
and a spatial component (tags <spectrum>
and <spatialModel>
respectively). The spectrum is modelled by a power law, which is defined by
three parameters: the Prefactor
, the Index
and the Scale
The spatial model has two parameters: Right Ascension in degrees (RA
), and
Declination in degrees (DEC
). Each parameter has a value and a scale factor,
the real value of the parameter being the product value * scale
. Typically,
is chosen so that value
is of the order of 1 (this is relevant for
model fitting). In addition, value
is bound by a minimum (min
) and
maximum (max
) value, and a parameter may be free (free="1"
) or fixed
). The min
, max
, and free
attributes are not
relevant here for the simulations, but they will be important for the model
fitting later.
The spectral intensity I(E) (in units of \({\rm photons} \, {\rm cm}^{-2} \, {\rm s}^{-1} \, {\rm MeV}^{-1}\)) of the power law is given by
where the parameters in the XML definition have the following mappings:
\(N_0\) =
\(\gamma\) =
\(E_0\) =
Energies are given in the XML file in MeV units. This is a GammaLib convention that can not be modified. So make sure you always use MeV as energy unit in an XML file.
As customary for IACT observations, the pointing direction was slightly offset from the source of interest, i.e., the Crab. This makes it possible to better handle systematics due to the limited knowledge of the instrumental background.
The instrumental background of CTA is modelled using the background
information provided in the
instrument response function
), where the energy dependence of the background
model is multipled by a power law. As it is defined here, the power law
represents a constant of 1, hence the background IRF will be used without any
modification. The power law will become active when fitting the data
later and allows a spectral adjustment of the background model that
may account for uncertainties in the background information provided
in the IRF.
ctobssim has a couple of hidden parameters, the most important one being
certainly seed
. seed
is an integer that specifies the seed value
for the random number generator, and changing this parameter will allow to
generate statistically independent Monte Carlo samples of CTA event data.
To use for example a seed value of 41 you should type:
$ ctobssim seed=41
Hidden parameters are parameters that are not queried by a tool since in general their values is not expected to change frequently. To change hidden parameters they have to be given as arguments on the command line. Multiple hidden parameters need to be separated by a white space.
ctobssim will write two files in the working directory: events.fits
and ctobssim.log
. The first file contains the simulated events in FITS
format and can be inspected using fv
or ds9
. The FITS file will
contain three extensions: an empty primary image, a binary table named
that holds the events (one row per event), and a binary table
named GTI
holding the Good Time Intervals (for the moment a single row
with two columns providing the start and the stop time of the simulated time
The second file produced by ctobssim is a human readable log file that contains information about the job execution. As example, the last lines from this file are shown here:
2019-04-02T12:47:42: === CTA observation ===
2019-04-02T12:47:42: Simulation cone ...........: RA=83.63 deg, Dec=22.51 deg, radius=5.5 deg
2019-04-02T12:47:42: Time interval .............: 6.31109e+08 - 6.31112e+08 s
2019-04-02T12:47:42: Photon energy range .......: 30 GeV - 70.310187347763 GeV
2019-04-02T12:47:42: Event energy range ........: 30 GeV - 70.310187347763 GeV
2019-04-02T12:47:42: Simulation area ..........: 1.90195e+09 cm2
2019-04-02T12:47:42: Use model ................: Crab
2019-04-02T12:47:42: Normalization ............: 1 [Crab]
2019-04-02T12:47:42: Flux .....................: 2.50006e-09 [Crab] photons/cm2/s
2019-04-02T12:47:42: Normalized flux ..........: 2.50006e-09 [Crab] photons/cm2/s
2019-04-02T12:47:42: Photon rate ..............: 4.75499 photons/s [Crab]
2019-04-02T12:47:42: MC source photons ........: 17169 [Crab]
2019-04-02T12:47:42: MC source events .........: 3870 [Crab]
2019-04-02T12:47:42: MC source events .........: 3870 (all source models)
2019-04-02T12:47:42: Photon energy range .......: 70.310187347763 GeV - 164.784081495918 GeV
2019-04-02T12:47:42: MC source photons .........: 46368 [Crab]
2019-04-02T12:47:42: MC source events ..........: 12749 [Crab]
2019-04-02T12:47:50: MC events outside ROI .....: 0
2019-04-02T12:47:50: MC background events ......: 193299
2019-04-02T12:47:50: MC identifier 1 ...........: Crab
2019-04-02T12:47:50: MC identifier 2 ...........: CTABackgroundModel
2019-04-02T12:47:50: MC events .................: 206048 (all models)
Each line starts with the UTC time at which the line has been written. In this run, 46368 Crab photons have been thrown. 12749 of these photons have been registered by CTA as events. In the same time interval, 193299 background events have been registred by CTA.
ctobssim will split the simulated energy range into a number of
slices, controlled via the hidden eslices
parameter (ten energy slices
are used by default). For each energy slice, the simulation area
will be adapted to the effective area of the array in that energy slice,
which helps to keep the computing time low. The log file will provide
information about the simulation in each slice. In the example above, the
simulation results for the first energy slice are shown, followed by a
summary of the results for all slices.
You may change the name of the log file using the hidden parameter
$ ctobssim logfile=my-private-log-file
Furthermore, you may decide on the amount of information provided in the
log file (the chattiness of the executable) using the hidden parameter
$ ctobssim chatter=4
can vary between 0 and 4, 0 providing no information while 4
provides the most detailed information.
By default, all ctools have a chatter level of 2.
You may also duplicate the log file information into the console by setting
the hidden debug
parameter to yes:
$ ctobssim debug=yes
All tools have the hidden parameters logfile
, chatter
, and
and you can use these parameters to control the log file
output. In addition, all tools have the hidden parameter clobber
that allows to overwrite existing files (set to yes
by default)
and mode
that defines the mode of automatic parameters (set to
for query and learn by default).